Villach - St. Martin

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St. Martin ist eine Kastralgemeinde in Villach.
St. Martin is a Quarter in Villach.

Bridges | Brücken


Parish church Saint Martin | Pfarrkirche hl. Martin

  This media shows the protected monument with the number 63628 in Austria. (Commons, de, Wikidata)

Michael`s chapel | Michaelskapelle


War memorial | Kriegerdenkmal

  This media shows the protected monument with the number 98990 in Austria. (Commons, de, Wikidata)

Castle Moertenegg | Schloss Mörtenegg (Dinzlschloss)




#3: Official residential building | Nr. 3: Beamtenwohnhaus


Tiroler Straße


No. 6: Residential building | Nr. 6: Bürgerhaus, Beamtenwohnhaus


Wayside shrines/Bildstock


Cemeteries | Friedhöfe




Miscellaneous | Verschiedenes


War memorial by Josef Dobner | Kriegerdenkmal von Josef Dobner

  This media shows the protected monument with the number 98992 in Austria. (Commons, de, Wikidata)

Friedhof Sankt Martin
