User talk:Cœur
PRENN (talk) 15:18, 24 January 2012 (UTC)
- Hello, and wish you all the best. :) PRENN (talk) 15:30, 24 January 2012 (UTC)
[edit]…pour toutes les typos et corrections sur les traductions de modèles. C’est chouette. :-) Jean-Fred (talk)
Évolution du christianisme
[edit]Voilà, c'est fait !
Cordialement, --Spiridon Ion Cepleanu (talk) 13:47, 8 March 2012 (UTC)
- Merci. Cœur (talk) 14:03, 8 March 2012 (UTC)
Sinus colouring
[edit]Cześć, zauważyłem że około czterech miesięcy temu zmieniłeś barwy wykresów w File:Sintay.svg. Wskutek tej zmiany na wielu stronach Wikipedii (zob. File:Sintay.svg#globalusage) kolory opisów pod wykresem nie pasują do treści obrazka. Czy nie zechciałbyś poprawić tych opisów, albo umieścić na odpowiednich stronach dyskusji uwagi o konieczności uzgodnienia opisu z obrazkiem?
Hi, I found you have modified graphs' colours in File:Sintay.svg chart about four months ago. Due to the change colours of descriptions on many Wikipedia pages (see File:Sintay.svg#globalusage) do not match the picture contents. Would you mind to correct those descriptions or to place a notification on appropriate talk pages that a colour legend needs updating? --CiaPan (talk) 05:43, 19 October 2012 (UTC)
- done . Cœur (talk) 21:50, 27 January 2013 (UTC)
- Merci. Dziękuję. Thank you. CiaPan (talk) 10:56, 7 March 2013 (UTC)