< User:Zde
Typical forms instantly
[edit]Birth of Hermes
[edit]See Homeric Hymn to Hermes
[edit]Cave of Kyllini
A stalagmite as Maia
See Cave of Hermes (Cave of Kyllini)
Hermes in ancient art
Hermes and Io
Hermes and woman
Oedipus, Sphinx, Hermes
Artemis and Hermes
Hermes in form
Hermes and Pan, 330-310 BC
Hermes agoraios and the Charites
Hermes leads the procession of gods
Kryoforos (Criophorus), but rather Apollon
510-500 BC
425 BC
27 BC–14 AD after Lysippos
[edit]Functions and roles
[edit]Hermes Kryoforos
[edit]alias Criophorus
Good shepherd
Hermés in the Underworld
Herakles, Theseus and Pirithoos in Hades, with Hermes
Hermes, Orpheus and Euridice
Hermes Psychopompos
Hypnos, Hermes, Thanatos
Myrrhine is taken by hand Hermes psychopompos
Hermes Psychopompos and dead man
Hermes Psychopompos
Charon and Hermes
Zeus sending forth Hermes and Iris
Ephebe or athlete of Marathon, maybe as Hermes
Hermes Propylaios
[edit]Hermes Logios
Young Orator or Hermes near a herm
[edit]Hermes Ithyphallicus
520 BC
490 BC
Musican and young man offering at an altar, to the right a herm, 480 BC
Young man praying in front of phallic herm, 470 BC
470-460 BC
460 BC
460 BC
475-450 BC
450 BC
The Young gods
[edit]Apollo, Hermes and Dionysos
Hermes with Maia, Apollo, Dionysos with maenad
Apollo, Dionysos, Hermes
Hermes and Apollo
Hermes, Apollo, Artemis
Hermes and Dionysos
Satyr, Dionysos, Hermes
Hermes, Dionysos and Ariadne
Hermes with child Dionysos
Hermes as Dionysos
[edit]Hermes and the others
Birth of Aphrodite
Hermes and Satyr
Achilleus, Hermes, Phoenix, Odysseus
Herrmes, Ajax, dead Achilleus, Athena
Artemis Bendis, Apollo, Hermes, young warrior
Heracles, Athena, Hermes
wth Eros and Aphrodite
Hermes and Herse
Hermes pursuing Herse
Hermes and Herse
Hermes and Argos
[edit]Hermes and Theseus
[edit]Hermes and Paris
Hermes (left) asking Paris to arbitrate, 380 BC
Paris and hermes
215-211 BC
40-80 AD
54-68 AD
Votive plaque, 200 AD
3rd century AD
3rd century AD
3rd century AD
Analogies and echoes
Gallo-Roman civilization
To main page: Greek goddesses and gods, heroes and mythical beings