User:Zde/Cyc Deities
Deities of Cyclades
Early Cycladic deities
[edit]Early Bronze Age
Great Goddess
[edit]See also Early Cycladic figurines
Divine child?
[edit]We do not know
Sacred island
[edit]Keros and islet Daktylion near Keros, see also Keros
Minoan religion
[edit]Influence in Middle Bronze Age
Mycenaean religion
[edit]Late Bronze Age in the Cyclades
Greek deities
[edit]Vládce světa, Kyklad a naxijské svaté hory Zás - v jeskyni v jejím úbočí se také narodil
Ruler of the world, of the Cyclades and of the Naxian holy mountain Zas - in the Cave in side of the mountain was also born
See Mt Zas and Cave of Zas on Naxos
See also Kynthion on Delos
[edit]See also Heraion on Delos
[edit]Vládce moří. Nepodařilo se mu však získat Naxos ani většinu Kyklad, neboť proti němu pomohl Dionýsovi Hermés. Je ctěn na Ténu (Tinos).
The ruler of the seas. But it has failed to gain Naxos even a majority of Cyclades because against him Hermes helped Dionysus. He is honored on Tinos.
[edit]Démétér na Kykladách převzala (spolu s Artemidou) roli dávné Velké bohyně. Dává plodnost polím, zvířatům i ženám. Zvláštní úctu požívá na Naxu, skoro jako v Eleúsině.
Demeter took on Cyclades (together with Artemide) the role of the Great Goddess. She gives fertility of fields, animals and of women. She has special veneration on Naxos, almost like in Elefsina.
See also Demetrion at Gyroulas near Sangri on Naxos
[edit]Matka "Krásných dětí", tedy Apollóna a Artemidy. Má chrám na Délu, kde je porodila.
Mother of the "Beautiful Children", Apollo and Artemis. It has a temple on Delos, where she gave birth.
[edit]Nástupkyně Velké bohyně, dává život a taky jej bere. Narodila se na Délu, kde je velmi ctěna. Kromě toho také na Paru a vlastně na celých Kykladách. Je také Paní zvířat (Potnia therón).
Successor of the Great Goddess, gives life and he takes it. She was born on Delos and there is very honored. Also on Paros and on the complete Cyclades. Artemis is also Lady of animals (Potnia theropn).
See Temple of Artemis on Delos
See also Delion on Paros
[edit]See also Apollo Temple on Palatia islet on Naxos
See also Delion on Paros
See also Anafi
[edit]See also Temple at Yria on Naxos