User:Zde/Cambridge Museum, Oxford

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Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology

 Page in statu nascendi

Mostly collections of plaster casts of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture in the world. Several originals of ancient Greek pottery.

Museum of Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DA,_Cambridge

I have only a small sample of the whole exposure, but I offer photos of the originals, to the right of casts.





Greek late archaic pottery


Plaster casts of ancient sculpture


Archaic art

General views

Naxian Kore


Gorgo of Corcyra


Samian Kouros


Rampin rider


Peplos Kore


Classical art

General views of a part

Eleusinian relief


Hermes, Eurydice and Orpheus


Harmodios and Aristogeiton


Harmodios and Aristogeiton. Plaster cast of Roman copy, the original Greek statue of Athens has not been preserved.



Hellenistic and Roman Age art

General views of a parts

Aphrodite of Milos


So-called Venus de Milo, by sculptor Alexandros of Antioch, 130-120 BC

Statuette of Socrates
