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[edit]- Risk (en:Category:Risk), en:risk governance
- en:Dietrich Dörner (1996 book) The Logic of Failure[1]
- en:Peter L. Bernstein (1996 book) Against The Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk[2]
- en:Extinction risk from global warming, en:climate risk management[3][4]
- en:Risks to civilization, humans, and planet Earth backdrop[5][6]
- en:Munich Re (see "Trends" image at bottom)[7][8][9][10]
- en:Seth Godin (2008 book) Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us
- en:Tom Rath (2007 book) StrengthsFinder 2.0
- Broadview
- en:Global change[11] / en:global warming[12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] / en:environmental degradation[23] (example en:category:environmental issues with fossil fuels) / en:human impact on the environment[24][25][26][27][28] / en:Earth system science[29][30] (en:category:systems ecology)
- en:Greenhouse effect experimentally observed by en:John Tyndall in 1859, and more fully quantified by Svante Arrhenius in 1896[31][32]
- en:Gilbert Plass en:Scientific American July 1959 article[33][34], also see 1956 en:Mikhail Budyko's Heat Balance of the Earth's Surface[35]
- Bill McKibben's [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53] 1989 book en:The End of Nature
- en:Ross Gelbspan's 1997 en:The Heat is On[54]
- en:The Discovery of Global Warming 2003 book, en:history of climate change science[55]
- en:Elizabeth Kolbert (2006 book) Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change[56][57]
- en:johPlanetary boundaries[58][59], see en:Johan Rockström is executive director of the en:Stockholm Resilience Centre[60]
- Daily, Gretchen (2010), “Boundaries for a Healthy Planet”, in en:Scientific American[22]
- en:Holocene extinction[61][62][63] conditions continuing into 2013, a federal judge ordered Texas officials to allocate some water supplies to what is believed to be the world's last wild flock of endangered en:whooping cranes.</ref>[64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73], Loss of en:Biodiversity (see en:Planetary boundaries)[74] (en:ape extinction example)
- see recent en:The Economist article
- en:Extinction debt[75], en:Ecosystem services[76] (en:natural capital = Wealth[77][78], en:ecological goods and services, en:resource depletion), en:Ecological deficit, [79][80][81][82][83] example
- en:Earth's energy budget[84], en:Radiative forcing, en:carbon diet, en:environmental impact of aviation[85][86], deforestation[87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94] (en:palm oil[95][96] example), en:glossary of climate change
- Sulfur stalls surface temperature rise; Findings explain decade without warming July 30th, 2011; Vol.180 #3 (p. 17) en:Science News [97][98]
- Small volcanoes add up to cooler climate; Airborne particles help explain why temperatures rose less last decade August 13th, 2011; Vol.180 #4 (p. 5) en:Science News (see image "Short-term variations..." at bottom)
- Global warming hiatus tied to cooler temps in Pacific; Average air temperatures' rise has paused, but not stopped, because of normal variation in ocean temperatures en:Science News print magazine issue October 5, 2013; page 14
- en:Pacific decadal oscillation with en:El Niño[99] (increases with warming), en:Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and en:Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) moving north
- en:Effects of global warming (en:category:Effects of global warming)[100]
- en:Ocean acidification[101][102][103][104] (en:blue carbon[105]), also see en:nitrogen cycle (en:human impact on the nitrogen cycle of en:biogeochemical cycles and "planetary boundaries" above)
- en:Sea level rise[106][107][108][109][110], see (Sept. 2013) current National Geographic coverstory Rising Seas[111]
- en:Desertification[112][113][114][115], en:megadrought (en:Palmer Drought Index, en:Southwestern United States), en:evapotranspiration (potential/actual) with en:Great Plains stressed (en:C. W. Thornthwaite model)
- en:Extreme weather[133][134]
- en:Effects of climate change on humans[135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142] impacted/en:Effects of global warming on human health, en:climate change, industry and society
- en:Effects of global warming on oceans[143][144][145], en:environmental issues with coral reefs[146][147], en:Ocean thermal energy conversion[148], en:Ocean heat content[149] (see "Where is the global warming going" image at bottom)[150][151], en:physical impacts of climate change, ...
- en:Biosphere; (en:mutualism (biology)/symbiosis[152] / en:biological interaction and en:coevolution, en:Lynn Margulis) en:effect of climate change on plant biodiversity[153][154][155], en:Climate change and agriculture (first; impact of agriculture on climate change[156] [23] such as en:nitrous oxide (a GHG which is 310 times more impact per unit weight as CO2)[157][158] (en:category:climate change and agriculture[159])/en:food web[160] (eat jellyfish[161] and en:Pterois lion-fish, not coffee or chocolate [162][163][164] (examples)), en:food security[165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175], ...
- (en:animal cognition[176][177][178][179][180], en:emotion in animals[181][182][183][184], see en:Frans de Waal /en:Dale Peterson but en:non-humans don't vote) en:effects of climate change on marine mammals (en:marine pollution[185][186][187][188]), en:effects of climate change on terrestrial animals[189][190][191][192] , etc ...
- en:Paul Collier (2010 book) The Plundered Planet
- en:I = PAT; also see en:Surviving Progress 2011 documentary with en:Ronald Wright, Jane Goodall, en:Michael Hudson (economist), en:Marina Silva[193] (of Brazil[194]), en:Craig Venter, en:Margaret Atwood among others[195]
- en:The 11th Hour (film) with[24]; Stephen Hawking, en:Oren Lyons, [:en:Kenny Ausubel]] of en:Bioneers, en:Andrew Revkin, Wangari Maathai (en:Green Belt Movement), en:Sandra Postel, en:Paul Stamets (2005 book en:Mycelium Running, with "tinder mushroom" en:Fomes fomentarius and en:Agarikon (en:Pedanius Dioscorides 90 CE), en:Project Bioshield Act, en:butterfly effect/en:Edward Norton Lorenz), en:David Orr, en:Paolo Soleri, en:Sylvia Earle, en:James Hillman (quotes en:Eric Hoffer, see 1951 book en:The True Believer on en:fanaticism and en:true-believer syndrome, quote "you can never get enough of what you don't really need"), en:James Parks Morton (quotes en:The Sheep and the Goats), en:Feisal Abdul Rauf, en:Nathan Gardels, en:Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran, Peter de Menocal of the en:Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory, en:Ray Anderson (entrepreneur), Omar Freilla of en:Green Worker Cooperatives, en:Diane Wilson, en:Andrew Weil, en:Theo Colborn, en:Jeremy Jackson (scientist) of the en:Scripps Institution of Oceanography, en:Tzeporah Berman, Mikhail Gorbachev, en:Lester Brown (en:Earth Policy Institute), en:Herman Daly "en:opportunity cost", Betsy Taylor of the en:Center for a New American Dream, en:Wade Davis, en:Jerry Mander, en:William McDonough, en:Bruce Mau, en:John Todd (biologist), Wallace J. Nichols (Sr. Scientist) at The en:Ocean Conservancy, Rick Fedrizzi of the en:U.S. Green Building Council, en:Leo Gerard, Mathew Petersen of en:Global Green USA, en:Peter Warshall (en:Whole Earth Catalog), Andy Lipkis of en:TreePeople, Thomas Linzey of the Community Environment Legal Defense Fund, Gloria Flora of the Sustainable Obtainable Solutions, Michel Gelobter of Redefining Progress, Bill Gallegos of Communities for a Better Environment (en:environmental justice), Pierre André Senizergues of en:Sole Technology, en:Byron Katie, en:Carolyn Raffensperger of the en:Science & Environmental Health Network, en:Michael Lerner (rabbi) of en:Tikkun (magazine), Arnold Schwarzenegger & en:David Attenborough & en:Jean-Michel Cousteau & en:Code Pink (en:green jobs) & en:Sunderlal Bahuguna & (footage), others ... ; en:Ecological footprint/en:Carbon footprint, en:greenhouse debt
- en:Politics of global warming[196][197][198][199] [200] [201] [202][203][204]; [205][206][207][208] [209][210][211],[212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241], en:United Nations Security Council[242][243], for UK en:The Hartwell Paper[244][245][246][247]
- en:Economics of global warming[248][249][250][251][252][253], en:economic impacts of climate change
- en:William Nordhaus President of the en:American Economic Association[254][255], see en:deniaTalk:William Nordhaus
- Why the Global Warming Skeptics Are Wrong March 22, 2012 (Part 1 of 2) by Nordhaus regarding en:climate change denial and Nordhaus' follow-up reply (see [256])
- The Climate Contrarians August 16, 2012 by S. en:Fred Singer[257], reply by William D. Nordhaus In the Climate Casino: An Exchange; by Roger W. Cohen (ex-en:ExxonMobil[258][259][260] manager of Strategic Planning & Programs), en:William Happer, and en:Richard Lindzen in April 26, 2012 New York Review of Books
- Climate science: Vast costs of Arctic change Gail Whiteman, Chris Hope, & en:Peter Wadhams in en:Nature (journal) 499, 401–403 (25 July 2013) doi:10.1038/499401a = $460 trillion cost so far.[261][262][263]
- en:Arctic methane release[264] ... en:drunken trees (en:climate change in Russia), en:methane chimney
- Methane plumes (in 2010 wider than one kilometer off the East Siberian coast directly into the en:atmosphere of Earth.[271][272][273]
- See July 24, 2013 View History en:Portal:Current events
- btls; Beyond the Light Switch 2010 en:Need to Know (PBS) en:Detroit Public Television with David Biello of Scientific American, including en:Ernest Moniz and en:Steven Chu[274]
- Life After Oil: The New Energy Alternatives 2007 documentary
- YERT - Your Environmental Road Trip 2012 documentary with website
- en:William Nordhaus President of the en:American Economic Association[254][255], see en:deniaTalk:William Nordhaus
- en:Ecological debt, example book ? Amy Larkin 2013 book Environmental Debt: The Hidden Costs of a Changing Global Economy ?, ? en:Debt: The First 5000 Years 2011 en:David Graeber book ?
- en:Adaptation to global warming[275][276][277][278][279][280][281]
- 2013 Hansen, James; et al. (September 2013). "Climate sensitivity, sea level and atmospheric carbon dioxide". en:Royal Society Publishing 371. DOI:10.1098/rsta.2012.0294.[282], see en:Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere
- en:Climate sensitivity (increased in AR5 (IPCC Fifth Assessment Report), back to 1.5°C (as in "TAR" en:IPCC Third Assessment Report 2001)[283][284]
- en:Sustainable retreat[285][286], en:sustainable living[287], en:sustainable city]/en:sustainable energy, en:sustainable agriculture (en:Wendell Berry[25], en:Vandana Shiva, en:Wes Jackson)
- 2013 Hansen, James; et al. (September 2013). "Climate sensitivity, sea level and atmospheric carbon dioxide". en:Royal Society Publishing 371. DOI:10.1098/rsta.2012.0294.[282], see en:Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere
- en:Global change[11] / en:global warming[12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] / en:environmental degradation[23] (example en:category:environmental issues with fossil fuels) / en:human impact on the environment[24][25][26][27][28] / en:Earth system science[29][30] (en:category:systems ecology)
- en:Climate change mitigation scenarios[288] (mostly about carbon dioxide below 350ppm as example en:greenhouse gas (GHG), also see en:atmospheric methane)[289][290][291][292][293][294][295][296]
- Why Black Carbon and Ozone Also Matter, in September/October 2009 en:Foreign Affairs with en:Veerabhadran Ramanathan, see en:black carbon
- Climate Proposal Puts Practicality Ahead of Sacrifice by John Tierney published January 16, 2012 NYT
- The Climate Threat We Can Beat, in May/June 2012 Foreign Affairs with en:David G. Victor, en:Veerabhadran Ramanathan, and en:Charles Kennel
-[297][298][299][300] with messengers[301] and international multilingual partners, such as en:Avaaz
- Why Black Carbon and Ozone Also Matter, in September/October 2009 en:Foreign Affairs with en:Veerabhadran Ramanathan, see en:black carbon
- Historical background
- en:Iain Stewart (geologist) How the Earth Changed History 2010 film[302]
- en:Ian Morris (historian)[303] (2010 book) Why the West Rules - For Now[304][305] for technology proxy[306]
- 1992 en:Earth Summit and follow-ons
- en:Chasing Ice 2012 documentary, see en:Extreme Ice Survey; also see en:James Balog[307]
- en:The End of the Free Market: Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations (2010 example en:Ian Bremmer book)[308]
- Jared Diamond[309]
- (1997 book) en:Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies[310]
- (2005 book) en:Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, see en:ecological collapse and en:carrying capacity, example en:Ancient Pueblo Peoples
- en:Vaclav Smil examples
- (2010 book) Why America is Not a New Rome en:MIT Press[311] (see en:Terry Jones' Barbarians 2006 too)
- (2013 book) Harvesting the Biosphere; What We Have Taken from Nature
- en:Joseph J. Romm (2006 book) Hell and High Water: Global Warming — the Solution and the Politics — and What We Should Do
- en:Annalee Newitz (2013 book) Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction[312]
- en:Retreat of glaciers since 1850[313][314][315][316], en:Moulin (geology)
- en:Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)[317]
- Psychology
- en:Biophilia hypothesis[318], en:Nature deficit disorder[319], "en:Think globally, act locally"[320]
- en:Wicked problem (en:polytely and en:systems thinking)[321], en:How to Boil a Frog (en:season creep), en:cognitive dissonance[322], en:selection bias, en:Inattentional blindness, (en:category:cognitive biases en:bias blind spot), en:false dilemma, en:splitting (psychology)
- Kari Marie Norgaard (2011 book) Living In Denial; Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life
- en:Douglas Rushkoff (2013 book) Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now, see Tea Party movement[323] references specifically
- en:Ajit Varki with Danny Brower (2013 book) Denial: Self-Deception, False Beliefs, and the Origins of the Human Mind
- "en:Freedom" meaning "free from England's law" (dom[324]), not from en:physical law[325]; en:James Gustave Speth[326]
- en:envy[327][328], en:precautionary principle, en:herd mentality, also Milgram experiment and en:social influence with en:Stanford prison experiment (see en:Social psychology and en:liminality from Anthropology)[329][330] and en:greed and fear[331], en:Narcissism (American "Individualism"[332] overdone)[333][334][335]
- en:Public opinion on climate change[336][337][338][339][340][341][342][343][344][345] / en:culture war[346][347][348] with en:identity politics[349][350][351][352][353][354]
- Gillis, Justin (17 April 2012). "Americans Link Global Warming to Extreme Weather, Poll Says". New York Times.
- Human Identity: A Missing Link in Environmental Campaigning Environment (journal) on climate change denial en:Tim Kasser
- Climate Science as Culture War: The public debate around climate change is no longer about science—it’s about values, culture, and ideology Fall 2012 en:Stanford Social Innovation Review
- en:Frank Luntz#Global warming/en:climate change[355]
- en:Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work 2006 en:Robert D. Hare book,
- The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry 2011 en:Jon Ronson book, ... en:Mirror neuron[356], also see en:Sociological and cultural aspects of autism#Asperger syndrome and interpersonal relationships? In a study published in early 2013, en:genetics links were shown between five major psychiatric disorders: autism, en:ADHD, en:bipolar disorder, en:major depressive disorder (a en:mood disorder) Note: en:Depression (mood) associated with shortening of en:telomeres thus "en:programmed cell death" and en:ageing[357], and schizophrenia[358], per [26] [27] [28] doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(08)61345-8, see en:Simon Baron-Cohen on lack of emotional recognition, (en:Wrong Planet) en:Asperger syndrome (en:Autism spectrum)[359]
- Ronald Schouten and James Silver (2012) Almost a Psychopath: Do I (or Does Someone I Know) Have a Problem with Manipulation and Lack of Empathy? Hazelden Publishing, ISBN 9781616491024; see en:empathy
- en:Ferdinand Ward, en:Pyramid scheme (en:Ponzi scheme)
- Kevin Dutton (2012 book) The Wisdom of Psychopaths[360]
- What Psychopaths Teach Us about How to Succeed en:Scientific American, October 2012
- Joshua Greene's 2013 book Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them
- Elizabeth Svoboda (2013 book) What Makes a Hero?: The Surprising Science of Selflessness
- Joshua Greene's (Oct. 2013) en:Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism 2009 book, see en:Animal spirits (Keynes) (en:emotions) with en:Nicholas Wapshott's 2011 Keynes Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern Economics book
- en:Daniel Kahneman (2011 book) en:Thinking, Fast and Slow[361]
- en:Neuroeconomics?
- ? en:Uri Gneezy & en:John A. List 2013 book The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life
- en:The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better (2009 book) en:Richard G. Wilkinson and en:Kate Pickett (example)
- en:Chris Mooney (journalist) (2012 book) en:The Republican Brain[362]
- en:Jonathan Haidt (2012 book) The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion[363]
- en:Why We Disagree About Climate Change 2009 book[364][365][366]
- en:Clive Hamilton (2010 book) Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change (example)[367]
- en:Daniel Gilbert (psychologist)[368]
- Positive movement / awareness[369]
- en:Carbon Nation[370][371] 2010 documentary; with en:R. James Woolsey, en:Lester R. Brown, Thomas Friedman, en:Amory B. Lovins[372] (en:Rocky Mountain Institute, ex-wife en:Hunter Lovins's 2011 book en:Climate Capitalism), en:Major general (United States) en:Dana J.H. Pittard previously Commanding General of en:Fort Irwin National Training Center, en:Arthur H. Rosenfeld, Richard Branson, en:Denis Hayes, President & CEO, en:Recycled Energy Development Sean Casten, en:Governor of California[373] (at the time) Arnold Schwarzenegger, en:Ralph Cavanagh, en:Robert F. Fox, Jr., Thomas Friedman, en:Eban Goodstein, en:Gary Hirshberg, en:Sadhu Aufochs Johnston, en:Joel Makower, en:Edward Mazria, en:John Rowe (CEO) Exelon, (and more)
- en:Energy Action Coalition with en:Power Shift and more current, en:Youth Climate Movement, en:List of environmental organizations[374] (category:Environmental organizations and en:category:Environmental organizations based in the United States)[375]
- "Saying “there’s no sign humans have caused climate change” is not stating an opinion, it’s asserting a factual inaccuracy." per On letters from climate-change deniers October 8, 2013 en:L.A. Times[376][377][378][379][380], with the en:Sydney Morning Herald[381], and en:Popular Science ended its "comments section" due to en:denialism[382]
- en:C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, including Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Mexico City, New York City, Philadelphia, Toronto, Washington, DC; Austin, New Orleans, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver[383]
- en:Benjamin Barber's Octotober 2013 If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Cities[384]
- en:Climate Action Plan, en:Chicago Climate Action Plan, en:San Francisco Climate Action Plan; FACT SHEET: President Obama’s Climate Action Plan June 25, 2013
- en:Individual and political action on climate change, en:Individual action on climate change[385], en:Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research[386], en:Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Your Environmental Road Trip film (ASIN: B0098N559G)
- en:Thin Ice (2013 film), en:Switch Energy Project (film) 2012, en:Energy hierarchy (en:carbon neutrality and en:low-carbon economy[387], en:category:Low-carbon economy)
- en:Dirt! The Movie 2009 with en:Fritjof Capra, en:Gary Vaynerchuk of Wine Library TV, en:Pierre Rabhi, en:David W. Orr, en:Jeannette Armstrong, en:Sebastião Salgado, en:Majora Carter, en:Alice Waters, and many more [388][389] and more, en:Elemental (film) 2012
- en:Planet Earth: The Future 2006 BBC documentary (with en:Ahmed Djoghlaf, en:Tony Juniper, en:Robert May, Baron May of Oxford, en:Russell Mittermeier, en:Roger Payne, en:Jonathon Porritt, en:Clare Short. en:Robert Watson (scientist), en:Dr. Rowan_Williams, etc...), en:Planet Ocean 2012 film [390][391]
- en:InsideClimate News[29] on en:Kalamazoo River oil spill from en:Talmadge Creek (see en:list of oil spills and en:Big Oil[392][393][394][395][396]), more ...
- en:Fossil-fuel phase-out[397][398][399][400][401], en:Space-based solar power[402] (US military[403], Japan[404][405], and en:PG&E[406][407][408][409][410][411][412][413][414][415]), en:Climate One, en:California Proposition 23 (2010) failed to defeat en:Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006[416][417], en:artificial photosynthesis, fuel cell (en:Bloom Energy Server example), en:Earth System Governance Project (en:International Human Dimensions Programme), en:Right Livelihood Award,
- en:RealClimate, en:Climate Central, en:Skeptical Science[418], en:DeSmogBlog, en:Skeptical Inquirer[419], en:Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies[420]/en:Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy,
- en:PBS NewsHour, en:Moyers & Company[421] example with en:GreenPeace[422][423]
- en:NPR with en:Science Friday
- free en:MHz WorldView (en:WGVU-TV) broadcasts with en:France 24, en:DW-TV (example Global 3000), en:BBC News, en:Euronews
- en:Vice (TV series)[424], May 31, 2013 episode The World is Sinking: the rising tide of climate change, en:Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, en:Media Matters for America, en:Jules Boykoff, en:Media coverage of climate change <---weak, and bought in USA, see en:false balance, en:Television in the United States, 1987 abolition of the "en:Fairness Doctrine" giving rise to en:Extremism
- en:List of Frontline (PBS) episodes; 2008 Heat, Climate of Doubt with en:Bob Inglis, en:Andrew Dessler, en:Steve Coll ...
- en:Tim DeChristopher in 2012 documentary Bidder 70
- en:Paul Hawken (2008 book) Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World
- en:Mary Pipher (2013 book) The Green Boat: Reviving Ourselves in our Capsized Culture
- ? en:Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee (2013 book) Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth, see en:spiritual ecology
- en:Conservation (ethic)[425], en:rewilding (conservation biology)[426], increase in bicycle culture[427][428][429][430][431][432][433][434], en:Car-Free Days/en:carsharing, en:Solar power in the United States[435][436][437][438] (en:Solar power in Michigan), en:Zero-energy building[439][440], en:cradle-to-cradle design[441] (en:Michael Braungart), 2007 en:The Story of Stuff, en:Pumped-storage hydroelectricity ("battery" example en:Ludington Pumped Storage Power Plant[442], also en:molten salt battery), en:Wind power in the United States[443][444][445] (en:Wind power in Michigan[446][447][448][449][450][451][452][453][454][455] en:smart grid flexibility, see en:eGRID, and en:plug-in hybrid versatility (see en:Coulomb Technologies example[456][457])
- "fecal sludge-fed biodiesel plant" [458]
- en:Derek Bok (2010 book) The Politics of Happiness: What Government can Learn from the New Research on Well-Being en:Princeton University Press
- en:Sissela Bok (2010 book) Exploring Happiness: From Aristotle to Brain Science[459][460]
- en:Michael J. Sandel's What Money Can't buy: The Moral Limits of Markets (2012) and en:Baron Skidelsky How Much Is Enough? Money and the Good Life[461]
- What's the Economy For, Anyway?: Why It's Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness David K. Batker and John de Graaf 2011 book (ISBN 978-1608195107)[462]
- Stephen S. Hall (2010 book) Wisdom: From Philosophy to Neuroscience[463]
- In the November 2012 issue of en:Foreign Policy magazine, en:Warren Buffett was picked with his Administrative assistant Debbie Bosanek en:FP Top 100 Global Thinkers "For demanding that a secretary not pay more than her billionaire boss."[464], see en:Noblesse oblige
- en:Stéphane Hessel (2010 book) en:Time for Outrage! (see en:2011–12 Spanish protests, and the en:French Resistance and the creation of the 1948 en:Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
- en:The Daily Show[465] and en:The Colbert Report[466] with Stephen Colbert (see Thomas Jefferson[467]) and 2009 en:Bill McKibben[468][469]
- Choose en:Life[470][471] (en:biocentrism (ethics))[472][473], en:Permaculture (en:tree bog example), en:Transition Towns (en:Rob Hopkins)
- en:Save Our Selves
- en:Jon Huntsman, Jr. stance, en:World Resources Institute, en:State of the World (book series) by en:Worldwatch Institute such as State of the World 2009: Into a Warming World[474]
- ? en:Green libertarianism[475]? [476], en:Ecological modernization, en:Green politics (category:Green politics)]
- en:Executive Order 13514 example, en:The Climate Registry
- en:Regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act (EPA)[477][478][479][480][481][482][483][484]
- en:The Limits to Growth 1972[485][486] book with periodic updates, still commented (en:Foreign Affairs 2012)
- Is Growth Good? Resources, Development, and the Future of the Planet by en:Frances Beinecke; en:Dennis Meadows; en:Jørgen Randers; John Harte (of UC Berkley Energy and Resources Group and the Ecosystem Sciences Division of the College of Natural Resources) and Mary Ellen Harte; with reply by en:Bjørn Lomborg in en:Foreign Affairs September/October 2012.
- Growth, Interrupted. Why the Planet Needs More Than Just Economic Development by en:John Sulston August 30, 2012 Foreign Affairs.
- en:Michael A. Levi, en:Joseph Nye, en:Stewart Brand (Whole Earth Discipline, see past[487]), 2008 book Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness by en:Richard H. Thaler and en:Cass R. Sunstein[488][489]
- Twenty Nobel Laureates signed the "Stockholm Memorandum," at Symposium on Global Sustainability on 18 May, 2011, for example including en:Mario J. Molina, en:Muhammad Yunus, en:Elinor Ostrom, en:Peter C. Doherty, en:Walter Kohn, en:Douglas Osheroff, en:Werner Arber, en:Carlo Rubbia, en:Peter Agre, en:John Sulston, en:Douglass North, en:David Gross, en:Murray Gell-Mann, en:Nadine Gordimer, en:Yuan T. Lee, Amartya Sen, or see list
- en:Fee and dividend (en:sin tax, en:Pigovian tax, en:Jevons paradox)[490][491], en:carbon pricing[492]
- en:Sustainability (see "three pillars" image at bottom) (Category:Sustainability)[493], en:sustainability and environmental management, en:environmental governance (en:planetary management), (en:Category:Environmental economics) en:Environmental economics/en:Ecological economics[494] (en:Category:Ecological economics)
- en:Religion and environmentalism[497][498][499][500][501][502][503] / en:Spirituality[504][505][506][507][508] (en:category:Environmentalism and religion/en:category:Environment and religion)
- Adam ("mankind") of en:Adamah ("earth") from Book of Genesis[509] of en:Abrahamic religions[510][511][512], en:Noahic Covenant is circumscribed and doesn't include en:anthropogenic hazard (scared straight?)
- en:Renewal (film) 2008 documentary
- en:Christianity and environmentalism[513][514] (en:Category:Christianity and environmentalism)
- en:Stewardship (theology), en:environmental stewardship/en:stewardship
- en:Sojourners[515][516], en:Faith in Place with Interfaith Power & Light Campaign
- Jonathan Merritt {Baptist} (2010 book) Green Like God: Unlocking the Divine Plan for Our Planet
- Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril chapter author 2010 book (editors: Kathleen Dean Moore and en:Michael P. Nelson) Trinity University Press (ISBN 9781595340665), en:Bartholomew I chapter author[517][518] with Pope John Paul II:
Quotation|“Traditionally in Christianity, sin was what you did to other humans, but Bartholomew insisted that what you do to the animals, the air, the water, the land can be en:sinful, not just folly, and that was quite a change.”[519]}}
- en:Evangelical environmentalism[520], Katharine K. Wilkinson (2012 book) Between God & Green: How Evangelicals Are Cultivating a Middle Ground on Climate Change en:Oxford University Press
- en:Tikkun olam "repairing the world'[521]
- en:Hima (environmental protection) (en:pre-Islamic Arabia origins)[522]
- en:Kaitiaki[523]
- en:Regional effects of global warming[524][525] (en:Category:Climate by continent)
- en:Climate change in the Arctic[526][527][528][529], en:arctic sea ice decline[530][531][532][533][534] (en:sea ice and en:measurement of sea ice)
- example from the Americas, 2004 en:Cyclone Catarina the first hurricane-intensity tropical cyclone ever recorded in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, followed by en:Cyclone Anita 2010[535][536][537][538][539]
- en:Climate change in the European Union[540][541][542][543]
- en:Climate change in Australia[544][545][546]
- en:Climate change in China, en:debate over China's economic responsibilities for climate change mitigation[547][548] (en:energy intensity)[549], en:environmental issues in China[550]/en:pollution in China[551][552][553][554][555][556][557][558]
- en:Climate of Antarctica#Climate change (en:category:Environment of Antarctica)[559][560][561][562]
- en:West Antarctic Ice Sheet is one of the fastest-warming places on Earth, see en:West Antarctica.[563][564][565][566]
- en:Larsen Ice Shelf[567] of the en:Antarctic Peninsula in en:West Antarctica
- en:List of Antarctic ice shelves, en:Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf[568][569]
- en:Pine Island Glacier[570][571][572][573][574][575] and en:Thwaites Glacier
- North America[576][577]
- en:Climate change in Canada[578][579][580][581][582][583][584][585][586] /en:Arctic policy of Canada[587][588][589] (en:Arctic cooperation and politics)/en:energy policy of Canada, en:Greenland ice sheet (semi-Denmark)[590][591][592][593][594][595][596]
- en:Climate change in the United States[597][598][599][600][601][602][603][604][605][606]
- "February 2013, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service proposed giving en:Endangered Species Act protections to the wolverine largely because climate change is whittling away its wintry habitat in the northern Rockies."[607]
- [608][609][610][611][612] Ten models project an overall increase in potential severe-weather days in the spring and autumn after about 2040. A 2013 study by climate scientists from Stanford and Purdue universities concludes the eastern and central United States likely will see a greater risk of severe weather by the middle of this century as rising temperatures trigger atmospheric changes that favor storms.[613][614][615][616][617][618]
- en:Partnership for a Secure America, 2009 Climate Change Threatens All Americans; We Must Work Together on an American Strategy
- James Hansen (August 2012). "Perception of climate change". en:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (37): E2415. en:National Academy of Sciences. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1205276109. Retrieved on August 10, 2012. "Some extreme weather has increase significantly over the past few decades in comparison to the pre-1980's years", "Heat waves have increased generally in recent decades"... warming already started, increasing threat from extreme weather.
- (Climate change) Bell weather; A statistical analysis shows how things really are heating up Aug 11th 2012 en:The Economist
- Scientists attribute extreme weather to man-made climate change. Researchers have for the first time attributed recent floods, droughts and heatwaves, to human-induced climate change. 10 July 2012 en:The Guardian
- (2000). "Global warming in the twenty-first century: an alternative scenario". en:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97 (18): 9875–80. DOI:10.1073/pnas.170278997. PMID 10944197. PMC: 27611.
- Extremely Bad Weather: Studies start linking climate change to current events November 17, 2012; Vol.182 #10 en:Science News
- Climate change goes to extremes: Some recent weird weather tied to warming December 13, 2012 Science News
- Study Indicates a Greater Threat of Extreme Weather April 26, 2012 The New York Times
- en:ARkStorm[619], en:Rasberry crazy ant spread into en:Southeastern United States[620]
- en:Climate change policy of the United States[621] / en:energy policy of the United States[622][623][624][625], en:Arctic policy of the United States ( en:Knife Fight / en:The Ides of March (film), en:No (2012 film), en:The Paranoid Style in American Politics 1964 book, en:FiveThirtyEight with en:Nate Silver stats)
- Eric Pooley deputy, previously editor of en:Bloomberg Businessweek (2010 book) The Climate War: True Believers, Power Brokers, and the Fight to Save the Earth (see en:Fred Upton [626][627] [628][629][630][631][632][633][634] reference)
- en:League of Conservation Voters,
- en:U.S. Global Change Research Program
- en:State of the Climate with the en:National Climatic Data Center
- Admiral en:Samuel J. Locklear comment (example of US military[635][636], climate change called "threat multiplier")[637][638][639][640][641][642]
- en:National Academy of Sciences, NOAA[643][644] (en:Arctic Research Office), NASA with CIA
- en:Rex Tillerson CEO of Exxon 2012 comment at en:Council on Foreign Relations[645][646][647][648][649][650][651][652]
- en:The Dust Bowl (film) 2012[653] (see image 1935 Texas at bottom), see en:Drought in the United States
- en:2013 extreme weather events
- en:2013 Colorado floods[654] (example)
- en:2013 Colorado wildfires and Arizona en:Yarnell Hill Fire and en:Rim Fire (examples[655])[656][657], also more examples on Wildfire[658]
- en:2010–13 Southern United States drought[659][660] (example)[661][662][663][664]
- en:2012–13 North American drought[665][666][667]
- 2012 en:Hurricane Sandy#Relation to global warming[668][669][670][671][672][673][674] (example, moving further north, en:storm surge[675][676] [677][678] [679][680])[681]
- en:December 25–28, 2012 North American blizzard (example)
- en:Summer 2012 North American heat wave[684][685], en:Summer of 2012 derecho series
- en:March 2012 North American heat wave[686][687] (example)
- en:2012 Oklahoma wildfires[688] (example[689])
- en:2012 Colorado wildfires
- Scientists say ongoing weather extremes offer proof of climate change; Record-shattering heatwaves, wildfires and freak storms are a sampling of what is to come in 2012 and a window to the future 3 July 2012 en:The Guardian
- en:2011 North American heat wave[690]
- en:2011 Texas wildfires[691]
- Warming indicted for extreme weather; Climate change can explain some 2011 departures from the norm 11.August.2012; Vol.182 #3 (p. 14) en:Science News
- en:2010 Northern Hemisphere summer[692][693], etc ...
- Hurricane Katrina 2005[694]
- en:1995 Chicago heat wave (increasingly common event across N.Am)
- Yellowstone fires of 1988 and James Hansen[695] testifies before U.S. Senate (during en:Presidency of Ronald Reagan which ended January 20, 1989 and started en:Presidency of George H. W. Bush)
- diseases moving north, example en:Dengue fever outbreaks
- Intense concern / extremism
- en:Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet (en:celsius) 2007 book and film en:Mark Lynas[696][697]
- en:The Age of Stupid 2009 film with examples George Monbiot[698], en:Rajendra K. Pachauri, en:Richard Heinberg (en:Post Carbon Institute), en:Ed Miliband, en:Mohamed Nasheed with 2 DVD set with Radiohead's en:Reckoner
- Lowest Ten published in November 14 & 28, 2011 en:The New York Times Upfront[699] see
- One en:Marshall islands[700][701], ... see en:Alliance of Small Island States/en:Small Island Developing States/en:Islands First
- Two Bahrain (en:Mountain of Smoke highest point)[702],
- Three Maldives,
- Four Kiribati,
- Five The Bahamas (en:Mount Alvernia highest point)
- Six Tuvalu
- Seven Nauru
- Eight Cape Verde
- Nine Seychelles
- Ten Trinidad and Tobago
- Lowest Ten published in November 14 & 28, 2011 en:The New York Times Upfront[699] see
- en:Backpacker (magazine) current issue en:Survivalism
- en:Doomsday Preppers (first season was the National Geographic network's most-watched series)
- en:Homer Goes to Prep School (the Simpsons, aired January 6, 2013), en:culture jamming (example en:Adbusters en:subvertising, en:Czech Dream 2004 film, Banksy, en:Solidarity (Polish trade union)/en:Orange Alternative)
- en:The Colony (U.S. TV series), en:Dual Survival, en:Make (magazine) and Ben Franklin history en:Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge[703], en:A More Perfect Constitution 2007 book and It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism 2012 book (en:Norman Ornstein and en:Thomas E. Mann)
- en:Colin Beavan (2009 film) en:No Impact Man, book useful for references, audiobook disappointing
- en:The Yes Men (en:tactical frivolity[704]), en:Peter Gleick, en:Anonymous (group) (see en:timeline of events associated with Anonymous and en:Guy Fawkes mask from 2006 en:V for Vendetta (film) staring Natalie Portman), en:Chaos Computer Club/en:Hacktivism/en:Daniel Domscheit-Berg (en:FP Top 100 Global Thinkers)[705][706][707] , en:Collapse (film) 2009 with en:Michael Ruppert, en:Occupy movement [708] and related events, en:James Howard Kunstler with The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-first Century 2005 book, en:Jerry Mander example en:Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television 1977 book, en:William R. Catton, Jr. 1980 book Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change, en:Cleo Paskal
- en:If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front 2011 documentary
- en:What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire 2007 documentary film
- en:Thom Hartmann's[709] 2004 book Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
- en:Waste Land (film)[710][711], 2011 film en:The Island President (see YouTube for United Nations plea by Mohamed Nasheed for mitigation, Ban Ki-moon)
- en:Svalbard Global Seed Vault, en:shutdown of thermohaline circulation
- Against/contrarian / en:Antisocial personality disorder
- en:Global warming controversy#Funding[712][713][714][715][716] (en:Fear, uncertainty and doubt tactic; see en:Talk:Doubt#Science News (SN) resource and en:Talk:Optimism#Science News resource[717][718][719][720]); en:The Corporation (film), en:International Chamber of Commerce (en:Uneconomic growth), en:United States Chamber of Commerce, en:American Legislative Exchange Council[721], en:List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming, en:Anti-environmentalism
- Censoring Science: Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming (2008 book) en:Mark Bowen (writer)[722][723]
- en:Stephen H. Schneider of the en:Center for Environmental Science and Policy (2009 book) with en:Tim Flannery introduction Science as a Contact Sport: Inside the Battle to Save the Earth's Climate. en:National Geographic Society
- en:The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars (2012 en:Michael E. Mann book)[724], see en:Hockey stick controversy and en:Wegman Report
- en:Tragedy of the commons[725][726] / en:Tragedy of the anticommons[727]
- en:The Republican War on Science (2005 book by en:Chris Mooney (journalist)), 2004 film en:The Day After Tomorrow, en:Roy Spencer (scientist) at en:University of Alabama in Huntsville with en:John Christy (en:American Association of State Climatologists questionability) and en:Michael D. Griffin#Global warming controversy
- When legislators stick their heads in the sand, they might just drown. Poor North Carolina. June 8, 2012 en:Skeptic (U.S. magazine), US state sea level rise legislation; in contrast with the en:Coastal States Organization[728]
- en:Fossil fuels lobby[729][730][731][732][733][734]/ en:Climate change denial[735] [736][737][738][739][740][741][742][743][744][745][746]
- en:Merchants of Doubt (2010 book by en:Naomi Oreskes[747] and en:Erik M. Conway)[748][749][750], en:tobacco smoking</ref>[751][752]
- en:Political activities of the Koch brothers[753][754][755][756][757][758][759] (example), Koch Carbon en:petroleum coke piles in Detroit (en:Koch Industries)[760][761][762][763]
- en:Fred C. Koch, worked for Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union, admired Benito Mussolini's en:Italian Fascism
- en:Heartland Institute[768][769][770][771], en:The Heritage Foundation (en:Heritage Action), en:Americans for Prosperity, en:Competitive Enterprise Institute, en:Cato Institute[772], ...
- en:DonorsTrust[773], en:Freedom Partners, etc ...
- en:Tea Party movement[774][775][776][777]
- en:The New Hate: A History of Fear and Loathing on the Populist Right, en:Évocateur: The Morton Downey Jr. Movie[778], en:John Birch Society[779]
- en:Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story with Karl Rove and more
- en:Climatic Research Unit email controversy (hacking)
- en:Hacking Democracy 2006 film (example en:Greg Palast)[780], en:Orwell Rolls in His Grave (2003 doc.), 1985 en:Amusing Ourselves to Death, en:unethical human experimentation in the United States and en:COINTELPRO behavior[781], en:Kivalina v. ExxonMobil Corporation, en:Plutocracy[782][783] / en:Oligarchy en:Overclass[784][785] (en:The Power Elite 1956 book, [786]), en:Wealth inequality in the United States[787][788][789][790][791][792][793], en:Peter George Peterson and en:Lewis F. Powell, Jr.#Powell Memorandum (decades history)[794], en:Carried interest, "en:Growth in a Time of Debt", lack of en:Volker Rule[795], en:Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission[796] (en:McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission too?), en:Inside Job (film) 2010 and more such as en:Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?, en:Glass–Steagall Legislation[797], en:Volcker Rule, en:Swiss referendum "against rip-off salaries" March 2013 then later in Novemeber 2013 ill|de:Eidgenössische Volksinitiative «1:12 – Für gerechte Löhne» failure[798], en:Libor scandal, en:United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
- How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing 'Terrorists' (en:Brecksville-Northfield High Level Bridge) en:Rolling Stone
- In December 2011, the five largest banks’ assets were equal to 56 percent of the U.S. economy, compared with 43 percent five years earlier.
- Big Banks: Now Even Too Bigger to Fail April 19, 2012 en:BusinessWeek
- en:The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine (2010 book) en:Michael Lewis, many others ... example en:Gillian Tett
- Robert Greenwald's 2013 film War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State ... similar behavior?[799]
- en:Anthony Watts (blogger) of en:Watts Up With That?, en:Climate Audit website by former mineral prospector en:Stephen McIntyre, en:Marc Morano's en:Climate Depot, 2007 en:Scorcher: The Dirty Politics of Climate Change
- en:Fred Singer, en:Soon and Baliunas controversy, Jim Inhofe, "en:Club for Growth" (Club (weapon)?)[800], en:Sagebrush rebels</ref>
- "the greatest example of en:market failure we have ever seen."[30] (en:Talk:Criticism of capitalism) and en:externality[801]
- en:Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
- Naomi Klein November 9, 2011 en:The Nation, Capitalism vs. the Climate; What the right gets - and the left doesn't - about the revolutionary power of climate change.
- en:Wall Street Journal January 25, 2012 Capitalism on Trial
- en:Paul Krugman[802] and Robin Wells (2006). Economics, New York, Worth Publishers
- en:The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism 2007 book
- en:Why We Fight (2005 film) by en:Eugene Jarecki (see en:Military Keynesianism[803] and en:Social Darwinism, legacy of the en:Effects of the Cold War with en:Fred Pearce's 2012 book The Land Grabbers: The New Fight over Who Owns the Earth[804] and en:Domestic containment in 1960-1970 America, en:Good Night, and Good Luck 2005 film), and Steven Pinker's 2011 book en:The Better Angels of Our Nature[805][806][807]; also see Wake Up, Freak Out – then Get a Grip by the en:Royal College of Art (en:Bellflower (film), en:Children of Men <mood> en:Dredd)
- en:Global warming controversy#Funding[712][713][714][715][716] (en:Fear, uncertainty and doubt tactic; see en:Talk:Doubt#Science News (SN) resource and en:Talk:Optimism#Science News resource[717][718][719][720]); en:The Corporation (film), en:International Chamber of Commerce (en:Uneconomic growth), en:United States Chamber of Commerce, en:American Legislative Exchange Council[721], en:List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming, en:Anti-environmentalism
- Creativity[808]
- en:Idiocracy 2006 dark comedy film, en:WALL-E 2008 film
- Al Gore (2013 book) The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change, en:The Climate Reality Project[809]
- "en:Front Deutscher Äpfel"[810]
- Live Earth (2007 concert), by en:Save Our Selves; also en:Go Further 2003 documentary. en:I Am (2010 American documentary film) (en:Liar Liar, en:Bruce Almighty); en:Fuel (film) 2008; Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie (2010); en:Dr. Seuss's 1971 en:The Lorax
- en:Robinson Jeffers poet example or en:Billy Collins (funny), en:Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley on humility and hubris[811],
- en:Hillel the Elder "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am 'I'? And if not now, when?"; en:To be, or not to be and "To thine own self be true" William Shakespeare;
- Geek cred.
- en:Tosh.0, for self-destructive behavior/desperation
- en:The Circle (2013 novel) by en:Dave Eggers[812]
- en:Battle Royale (film) 2000 (mood)[813][814]
- en:Contagion (film) 2011[815][816][817][818][819][820][821]
- en:The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 film) "Your planet?!"
- 2001 film en:A.I. Artificial Intelligence[822], risen sea levels, en:I, Robot (film) 2004 with dryed-up Lake Michigan[823][824]
- en:The Matrix (franchise) with The Matrix 1999- (humans destroy the sky to stop the "machines" use of solar power, in en:The Matrix Revolutions Trinity dies after seeing the "beautiful" Sun for the first time), uses en:White Rabbit (hidden satire#legal status meaning[825]) reference
- en:Blade Runner 1982 film with humid rainy climate change (see 2011 en:The Story of Film: An Odyssey on history of film)
- en:Logan's Run (film) 1975, ecosystem collapse and retreat; en:Rollerball (1975 film) A.I. technology fails with environmental destruction/en:conspicuous consumption
- en:Soylent Green 1973 film; pollution, en:human overpopulation, depleted resources, poverty, dying oceans, and a hot climate due to the greenhouse effect, processed cannibalism[826][827][828]
- en:THX 1138 1971 film, en:underground living due to global warming?, en:A Boy and His Dog underground perils fiction 1975[829]
- en:Silent Running 1972 film, ecological collapse
- 1968[830] Star Trek's en:The Omega Glory Dr. McCoy says, "Spock, I've found that en:evil usually triumphs unless good is very, very careful."[831]
- T. S. Eliot 1925 en:The Hollow Men
- (German) en:The Tin Drum (film) 1979 alarmism, en:The White Ribbon 2009 film on roots of evil and rise of Fascism, also illde:Paradies: Glaube (en:Paradise: Faith film)
- German word (en:Glück[832]) for "en:Luck" while Glück translates to "Happiness"[833]/"en:Success", en:German Future Prize, en:World Future Council
- "de:Benutzer:Dudenfreund/Dudenfreund’s Law" from 3 regarding Wikipedia:Not every IP is a vandal[31]others and more, [834][835][836][837][838][839][840]
- en:Never Miss a Beat 2008 song, "It's cool to know nothing" from en:Off with Their Heads (album)
- en:Closer to the Edge 2010 song, see youth in music video, from en:This Is War album
- One World (Not Three), from 1981 en:Ghost in the Machine (The Police album) in contrast with en:Synchronicity (The Police album) Walking in Your Footsteps
- en:In the Year 2525 1969 song (too optimistic?)
- en:Long Now Foundation
- Visuals
- 'additional references
- ↑ en:David Weinberger's 2012 book en:Too Big to Know
- ↑ The Retirement Gamble 2013-April-23 Reform and common pitfalls in regards to en:retirement, IRA's and en:401k, and less risky and less costly en:index funds, per and en:fiduciary; quote from 1976 en:The Bad News Bears, "never assume because if you assume you will make an ass out of u and me"
- ↑ Panel Says Global Warming Carries Risk of Deep Changes December 3, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ An Update on Risks of Abrupt Jolts from Global Warming December 3, 2013 New York Times Andrew Revkin
- ↑ The Survival of Humanity Lawrence Rifkin en:SciAm September 13, 2013
- ↑ September 2010 Issue on the end. SciAm
- ↑ Munich Re (August 5, 2010) "Extreme weather events - Signs of climate change?"
- ↑ Munich Re (January 3, 2011) "Overall picture of natural catastrophes in 2010 - several earthquakes and many severe weather events"
- ↑ For Insurers, No Doubts on Climate Change May 14, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ Cost of Flood Insurance Rises, Along With Worries October 12, 2013 NYT
- ↑ en:Behavioral ecology
- ↑ Loarie, S. R.; Duffy, P. B.; Hamilton, H.; Asner, G. P.; Field, C. B.; Ackerly, D. D. (2009). The velocity of climate change. Nature 462 (7276): 1052–1055. doi:10.1038/nature08649. PMID 20033047
- ↑ Template:Cite doi (see en:Template:Doi-inline?)
- ↑ Earth May Be Warming Even Faster Than Expected. Three feedback loops are amplifying how rapidly the planet is heating up. a [Slide Show] by Mark Fischetti
- ↑ The new climate normal: coming soon to a city near you October 9, 2013 en:PBS NewsHour, citing by 2047 all previously known weather different, per The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability Nature 502, 183–187 (10 October 2013) doi:10.1038/nature12540
- ↑ Global Warming Is Real IPCC Repeats--Now Can We Do Something about It?; The IPCC notes again that climate change is unequivocal so the question becomes what will be done to restrain its impacts September 27, 2013 en:SciAm
- ↑ IPCC: Despite hiatus, climate change here to stay; Global warming will be irreversible for centuries, latest report warns. 27 September 2013 doi:10.1038/nature.2013.13832
- ↑ Study: Global temperatures could rise 5 degrees by 2050 Mar 25, 2012 en:USA Today
- ↑ Climate change puts ecosystems on the run 23 December 2009
- ↑ Velocity of Climate Change Varies from Mountain to Marsh; As global temperatures change, not all shifts will be equal. A new global analysis pinpoints the fast pace some species may have to move to remain in a suitable climate December 23, 2009 en:Scientific American
- ↑ Climate Change: How Fast Is the Earth Shifting? Dec. 24, 2009 en:Michael Lemonick en:Time (magazine)
- ↑ Global Temperatures Highest in 4,000 Years March 7, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ en:Earth Days 2009 history of the en:environmental movement documentary, also see A Fierce Green Fire 2012[1] (with Robert Redford, Ashley Judd, Isabel Allende, Meryl Streep narration, see en:The Film Collaborative)
- ↑ en:Environmental issue and en:Umwelt en:World view (also see en:environment (biophysical)), note: "world" (en:subjectivity) ≠ "planet' (with implied humility of possible disconnection, such as 2008 en:Life After People (suddenly, implies "The Reckoning"; see reckoning sorting-out, Book of Revelation and Apocalypse); mixed meaning in 2007 en:The World Without Us
- ↑ The Garden of Our Neglect: How Humans Shape the Evolution of Other Species July 5, 2012 en:Scientific American
- ↑ The ocean's shifting baseline en:Daniel Pauly's April 2010 en:TED Talk regarding Mission Blue
- ↑ en:Global dimming
- ↑ en:Dead zone (ecology)
- ↑ en:Gaia hypothesis with en:James Lovelock, also en:Tim Lenton
- ↑ en:InterAcademy Panel
- ↑ en:Idealized greenhouse model
- ↑ en:Global-warming potential
- ↑ en:Crimes of the Hot from 2006 en:An Inconvenient Truth
- ↑ 1959 is the same year en:Erwin Leiser's documentary ill|de|Mein Kampf (Dokumentarfilm)}} based on Nazi footage from secret archives and depicting Nazi atrocities released; for context. Also see 2012 en:Lore (film)
- ↑ en:Green Cross International
- ↑ McKibben's blog in the New York Review of Books
- ↑ Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future (2007) ISBN 0-8050-7626-3; reviewed in en:Tim Flannery, "We're Living on Corn!" en:The New York Review of Books 54/11 (28 June 2007) : 26-28
- ↑ Fight Global Warming Now: The Handbook for Taking Action in Your Community (2007) ISBN 9780805087048
- ↑ example The Bill McKibben Reader: Pieces from an Active Life (2008) ISBN 9780805076271
- ↑ Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet (2010), listen to audio disc; see Climate: What You Need to Know June 24, 2010 by Nicholas Stern review
- ↑ Breaking the Growth Habit in en:Scientific American April 2010 Bill McKibben
- ↑ Charlie Rose view|11016}}
- ↑ Some Like It Hot! en:Bill McKibben May 9, 2013 en:New York Review of Books review of Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4ºC Warmer World Must Be Avoided a report for the en:World Bank by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics; November 2012, 58 pp; aside see en:Daniel Kammen
- ↑ Time for Some Angry Work 06-24-2010 en:Sojourners
- ↑ testimony by en:James Hansen before the Senate in June, 1988.
- ↑ cite news |title= Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate |author= en:Philip Shabecoff, Special to the New York Times |url= |newspaper= New York Times |date= June 24, 1988 |accessdate= August 1, 2012 | quote = ...Dr. James E. Hansen of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration told a Congressional committee that it was 99 percent certain that the warming trend was not a natural variation but was caused by a buildup of carbon dioxide and other artificial gases in the atmosphere. }}
- ↑ Global Warming's Terrifying New Math July 19, 2012 en:Rolling Stone Bill McKibben
- ↑ The Climate Change Crisis Needs a Movement November/December 2012 en:Utne Reader
- ↑ Which Side Are You On? To show our true colors on climate change, we've got to divest November/December 2012 Orion
- ↑ Bill McKibben's Battle Against the Keystone XL Pipeline February 28, 2013 en:BusinessWeek
- ↑ McKibben's Twitter
- ↑
- ↑ en:Talk:Bill McKibben
- ↑ Extreme hot spells rising; Temperature records reveal inexorable warming and increasing episodes of extreme heat 5.August.2012 en:Science News
- ↑ en:Paul J. Crutzen#Anthropocene, see How Did Humans First Alter Global Climate? 2005 en:Scientific American
- ↑ THE SIXTH EXTINCTION? There have been five great die-offs in history. This time, the cataclysm is us. May 25, 2009 en:The New Yorker; in February 2014 Kolbert's new book will be The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History (ISBN 978-0805092998)
- ↑ same year 2006
- ↑ en:Talk:Planetary boundaries/Archive 1 and more and more
- ↑ en:Phosphorus cycle
- ↑ en:Resilience (ecology)
- ↑ en:Talk:Holocene extinction/Archive 2
- ↑ During drought
- ↑ en:Palmer Drought Index
- ↑ Milkweed for Monarchs April 10, 2013 en:SciFri
- ↑ Monarch Migration Plunges to Lowest Level in Decades March 13, 2013 en:NYT
- ↑ Per a lab study published February 21 2013, in en:Current Biology, the Monarch's migratory behavior is connected to environmental temperature changes.
- ↑ Chill turns monarchs north; Cold weather flips butterflies’ migratory path March 23, 2013; Vol.183 #6 en:Science News
- ↑ cite web |title=Monarch Butterfy Population Falls To Record Low, Mexican Scientists Say |author=Scott Neumann |date=2013-03-14 |publisher=en:NPR |url= |accessdate=2013-03-16 }}
- ↑ The Winter of the Monarch March 15, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ Medieval Remains, Dwindling Butterflies and Chatterboxes March 18, 2013 New York Tiimes
- ↑ Texas Is Ordered to Supply Water to Crane Habitat March 12, 2013 en:WSJ
- ↑ Changing the distribution of predators and prey in an ecosystem can turn things upside down. March 1, 2013 en:Scientific American
- ↑ Conservationists Use Triage to Determine which Species to Save and Not; Like battlefield medics, conservationists are being forced to explicitly apply triage to determine which creatures to save and which to let go July 23, 2012 en:Scientific American; see en:Conservation biology
- ↑ en:Georgina Mace
- ↑ en:David Graeber's 2011 book en:Debt: The First 5000 Years
- ↑ en:Climate change and ecosystems
- ↑ en:Natural environment#Effects of global warming, in contrast the en:built environment we know how to repair and rebuild
- ↑
- ↑ en:colony collapse disorder (example en:Imidacloprid, en:Neonicotinoid en:Coumaphos and Bees & Pesticides: Commission goes ahead with plan to better protect bees 30 May 2013)
- ↑ Return of the Natives: How Wild Bees Will Save Our Agricultural System; Reviving native bee species could save honeybees—and our agricultural system—from collapse September 4, 2013 SciAm
- ↑ The Mind-Boggling Math of Migratory Beekeeping; 31 billion honeybees plus 810,000 acres of almond trees equals 700 billion almonds—and one looming agricultural crisis September 11, 2013 SciAm
- ↑ en:Vanishing of the Bees 2009 documentary
- ↑ en:Pollinator Partnership
- ↑ "Chaotic" heat would go out into the en:Exosphere per the en:Second law of thermodynamics it weren't for the increasing greenhouse effect
- ↑ The "China Air Transport Association" advises that Chinese airlines will not pay the carbon costs under the European Union's en:Emissions Trading Scheme. (Climate Spectator) (New York Times) (Reuters) ( (ABC Online)
- ↑ also see Europe Zeroes In on Shipping Emissions January 30, 2012, page B4 in-print NYT
- ↑ en:Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), example en:Peat swamp forest
- ↑ en:Land use, en:Land use, land-use change and forestry
- ↑ cite web|url= Data Shows Deforestation Affects Climate}} NASA
- ↑ cite web|url= deforestation threatens food security}}
- ↑ Deforestation, en:Science Daily
- ↑ Confirmed: Deforestation Plays Critical Climate Change Role, ScienceDaily, May 11, 2007
- ↑ Clearing Forests May Transform Local—and Global—Climate; Researchers are finding that massive deforestation may have a profound, and possibly catastrophic, impact on local weather March 4, 2013 en:Scientific American
- ↑ en:in vitro meat and en:meat analogues; "51% amount of GHGs that come from meat", per The Meat Lab - Can Engineered Beef, Chicken, and Pork Save the World? in en:Popular Science issue November 2013 page 56-63,78.
- ↑ Stop Burning Rain Forests for Palm Oil; The world's growing appetite for cheap palm oil is destroying rain forests and amplifying climate change December 6, 2012 en:Scientific American
- ↑ Cameroon example Report Assails Palm Oil Project in Cameroon September 5, 2012 New York Times
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ en:Talk:El Niño#potential resource
- ↑ en:Fryscraper examples Walt Disney Concert Hall and en:Vdara
- ↑ Oceans Turn More Acidic Than Last 800,000 Years; The question is not whether acidification is happening, but how bad it will get February 22, 2010 Scientific American
- ↑ Life in the Sea Found Its Fate in a Paroxysm of Extinction April 30, 2012 NYT
- ↑ Acidification alters fish behavior: higher carbon dioxide in oceans may affect brain chemistry by Janet Raloff Feb 25, 2012
- ↑ en:Zooplankton shell formation (or not depend on en:pH; en:phytoplankton also center to en:ecological pyramid
- ↑ Blue Carbon: Coastal Ecosystems, Their Carbon Storage, and Potential for Reducing Emissions November-December 2013 en:Environment (magazine)
- ↑ Sea level rise overflowing estimates; Feedback mechanisms are speeding up ice melt November 8, 2012 en:Science News
- ↑ National Geographic Photo Gallery: Sea Level Rise
- ↑ Modern-day sea level rise skyrocketing Increase began with the en:Industrial Revolution; July 2011 en:Science News
- ↑ East Coast faces faster sea level rise; Cities from North Carolina to Massachusetts see waters rising more rapidly July 28th, 2012; Vol.182 #2 (p. 17) en:Science News
- ↑
- ↑ RISING SEAS; Uneven impacts en:National Geographic (magazine) text
- ↑ en:Drought tolerance
- ↑
- ↑ en:Great Green Wall
- ↑ en:Three-North Shelter Forest Program
- ↑ Environmental Security, Military Planning, and Civilian Research: The Case of Water September/October 2013 Environment magazine
- ↑ en:California Water Wars, en:Water wars in Florida and more
- ↑ en:drainage basin
- ↑ Global groundwater use outpaces supply; Measure reveals unsustainable use of world's aquifers August 8th, 2012 en:Science News
- ↑ August 2008 Issue SciAm
- ↑ Climate change may make civil wars much more common 7 August 2013 en:New Scientist
- ↑ doi: 10.1126/science.1235367
- ↑ en:Prehistoric North Africa, en:Green Sahara, Graves Found From Sahara’s Green Period August 14, 2008 New York Times
- ↑ , also see en:Christian Parenti
- ↑ en:Water Research Foundation
- ↑ en:Water politics in the Middle East and en:water politics
- ↑ en:Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
- ↑ Ozone loss warmed southern Africa; Antarctic ozone hole's effects may have spread much wider than thought. 13 October 2013 doi:10.1038/nature.2013.13938
- ↑ UV Dosage Levels in Summer: Increased Risk of Ozone Loss from Convectively Injected Water Vapor July 26 2012 doi:10.1126/science.1222978
- ↑ en:Drew Shindell
- ↑ "Contrasting the concerns over climate and en:ozone loss; Why phasing out en:chlorofluorocarbons proved a much easier sell than have been moves to cut back on greenhouse gases" by Janet Raloff Web edition en:Science News November 8th, 2011
- ↑ Storms Threaten Ozone Layer Over U.S., Study Says July 26, 2012 New York Times
- ↑ Lubber, M.S. (June 6, 2012) "Extreme weather is the new climate reality"
- ↑ Extreme weather events forecast storm over en:climate change denial; The US media and meteorologists will be on the wrong side of history if they keep refusing to make the weather-warming link en:Amy Goodman 5 July 2012 en:The Guardian
- ↑ en:Environmental migrant, example en:Bangladesh–India border, see en:Effects of global warming on South Asia
- ↑ In the April 8, 2013 Nature Climate Change Paul Williams of the en:University of Reading and Manoj Joshi of the en:University of East Anglia reported moderate to severe turbulence would be 40 to 170 percent more frequent in a world that had twice as much en:atmospheric carbon dioxide as pre-industrial times did.
- ↑ doi:10.1038/nclimate1866
- ↑ Rising carbon dioxide means more air turbulence April 8, 2013 Vol.183 #9 en:Science News
- ↑ Climate Change Could Equal Teeth-Rattling Flights April 08, 2013 en:NPR
- ↑ Warming Planet Means Bumpier Flights; "Climate models and turbulence algorithms forecast that, by mid-century, clear-air turbulence will be more violent and transatlantic flights will hit it twice as often" April 8, 2013 en:Scientific American
- ↑ Transatlantic flights 'to get more turbulent 8 April 2013 BBC
- ↑ en:Consumption (economics) and en:Consumerism
- ↑ Where's the heat? In the oceans! April 11, 2013 en:USA Today
- ↑ doi:10.1038/nature09043 Robust warming of the global upper ocean en:Nature (journal) 465, 334–337 (20 May 2010)
- ↑ en:Fisheries and climate change
- ↑ Reef-Building Corals Lose Out to Softer Cousins Due To Global Warming March 24, 2013 en:Scientific American
- ↑ Sea wolves; Sharks, it seems, are necessary for the ecological health of coral reefs The Economist page 76-77 September 28 2013
- ↑ en:Effects of global warming#Ocean temperature_rise: "From 1961 to 2003, the global ocean temperature has risen by 0.10 °C from the surface to a depth of 700 m." per Warming Ocean Threatens Sea Life; Warming down to 700 meters could also affect currents, weather March 30, 2013 en:Scientific American
- ↑ Talk:Global warming 26.March.2013
- ↑ Map Shows Vast Regions of Ocean Are Warmer March 30, 2013 en:Scientific American; Warming has reach down to 700 meters, per Warming Ocean Threatens Sea Life; Warming down to 700 meters could also affect currents, weather March 30, 2013 en:Scientific American, and deeper (per a study which finds that 30% of the ocean warming over the past decade has occurred in the deeper oceans below 700 meters), per New Research Confirms Global Warming Has Accelerated March 25, 2013 en:Skeptical Science
- ↑ doi:10.1002/grl.50382
- ↑ Clownfish help their anemones breathe March 2, 2013 en:The Economist, see Sea anemone, Clownfish and 2003 en:Finding Nemo
- ↑ After the birds vanish, the plants are next to go 2011 en:New Scientist; see Why Birds Matter March/April 2013 Audubon magazine
- ↑ en:Stuart Pimm stated "the current rate of species extinction is about 100 times the natural rate" for plants, per Has Plant Life Reached Its Limits? September 20, 2012
- ↑ en:Global Crop Diversity Trust (en:Cary Fowler) partnership of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the en:Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) acting through en:Bioversity International.
- ↑ en:Haber process and en:Ammonia production#Sustainable ammonia production (see en:Nitrogen cycle and en:Planetary boundaries)
- ↑ Siebert, Charles. 2011. “Food Ark.” National Geographic. Volume 220 (1), July 2011. Pages 122-126; see "Today there are some 1,400 seed banks around the world." and en:Seedbank; some listed in the "Food Ark" are en:Taihu pig, en:Holstein Friesian cattle, en:Large White (pig), en:Rhode Island Red, en:Fayoumi, en:Zebu (withstand severe heat), en:Ankole-Watusi (heat tolerant), en:Pineywoods (cattle), en:American Milking Devon, Swietenia mahagoni, en:Ravenala, en:Xylomelum, Ceiba pentandra, en:Pterocarpus angolensis, Cerbera manghas, Casuarina, Heritiera littoralis, Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia auriculiformis, en:Prosopis strombulifera, Pterocarpus indicus,,,
- ↑ en:Aquaponics and en:vertical farming, en:Will Allen (urban farmer)
- ↑ en:Effects of climate change on wine production
- ↑ Melting Arctic may make algae flourish; More sunlight penetrates thinning sea ice, enabling algal growth March 23, 2013; Vol.183 #6 en:Science News
- ↑ en:Nomura's jellyfish
- ↑ Climate change pushing coffee to extinction? October 17, 2011 en:CBS News; also see en:Hemileia vastatrix "coffee rust"
- ↑ Climate Change Could Melt Chocolate Production; A new study shows that cocoa will suffer under climate change, October 3, 2011 en:SciAm
- ↑ Climate change: Will chocolate become a costly luxury? If temperatures continue to rise, a new report suggests, West Africa, source of half the world's chocolate, will be unfit to grow the coveted beans, September 30, 2011 en:The Week
- ↑ en:Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
- ↑ see en:Arab Spring#causes, en:2010–11 China drought, en:2007–08 world food price crisis
- ↑ Clemens Breisinger, Olivier Ecker and Perrihan Al-Riffai. 2011. Economics of the Arab awakening Washington, DC: en:International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ The Other Arab Spring 7 April 2012 Thomas L. Friedman New York Times Op-Ed
- ↑ en:Diet for a Small Planet
- ↑ en:Ug99
- ↑ Little fish are most valuable when left in the sea 2012-April-1, regarding en:forage fish and en:overfishing
- ↑ Climate Change Seen Posing Risk to Food Supplies November 1, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ A Jolt to Complacency on Food Supply November 11, 2013 NYT
- ↑ en:Blackfish (film)
- ↑ Carnivores Make Low Estimates of Animal Minds: Meat eaters selectively deny mental abilities in the animals they consume April 14, 2012 en:Scientific American Mind
- ↑ en:Marc Bekoff
- ↑ Monkeys Are Adept at Picking Up Social Cues, Research Shows April 25, 2013 New York Times; see en:animal culture
- ↑ Baboons show their word skills; Reading may stem from a visual aptitude shared by all primates May 5th, 2012
- ↑ en:Laughter in animals and en:Jaak Panksepp
- ↑ en:Pain in animals
- ↑ Cite book|title=The Moral Animal : Evolutionary Psychology and Everyday Life | author=Robert Wright | authorlink=Robert Wright (journalist) | publisher=en:Random House of Canada | year=1994|page=266|isbn=0-679-40773-1|url= }}, see en:The Moral Animal
- ↑ en:Sarah Blaffer Hrdy#Mother Nature 1999 en:evolutionary anthropology book on Mothers and en:infants regarding the en:origins of society and en:maternal bonding
- ↑ Antianxiety drugs affect fish, too; Perch swim more and eat faster when exposed to concentrations similar to those in rivers March 23, 2013; Vol.183 #6 en:Science News
- ↑ The Devolution of the Seas; The Consequences of Oceanic Destruction November/December 2013 (Volume 92, Number 6) Foreign Affair
- ↑ en:Great Pacific garbage patch
- ↑ en:Bag It (film) 2010
- ↑ Animals on the Move; A warming climate means shifting ranges and mixed-up relationships for a lot of species June 30th, 2012; Vol.181 #13 (p. 16) en:Science News
- ↑ Yellowstone grizzly bears: New cause célèbre for effects of global warming? "For the first time, a US appellate court has ruled that the federal government must continue to protect an animal – in this case, Yellowstone en:grizzly bears – in part because of consequences of global warming." by Todd Wilkinson, en:The Christian Science Monitor December 6, 2011
- ↑ Moose per Warmer winters bedevil moose in Minnesota March 1, 2013 en:USA Today
- ↑ shark? 100 Million Sharks Killed Every Year, Study Shows On Eve of International Conference on Shark Protection March 1, 2013 National Geographic, see en:CITES
- ↑ In 2010, she along with Monica Frassoni, Cécile Duflot, and Renate Künast were named by en:Foreign Policy magazine to its list of top global thinkers[>,30], for taking Green mainstream.
- ↑ en:TIBÁ, en:Miguel Nicolelis, 2007 film en:Elite Squad and 2010 en:Elite Squad: The Enemy Within for social context
- ↑ similarly see Qatsi trilogy and en:Hopi language; along with en:Baraka (film) and en:Samsara (2011 film)
- ↑ en:Harry Frankfurt's 1986 book en:On Bullshit
- ↑ en:Moral hazard
- ↑ en:List of ministers of climate change
- ↑ en:Chicken (game) and en:brinkmanship
- ↑ Nations Change Too Slowly to Combat Climate Change; A conference at the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences notes that the incremental steps taken to address global warming are not enough March 21, 2013 en:ClimateWire ( ) via Scientific American, per en:Global Environment Facility, see en:International Energy Agency (IEA)
- ↑ en:Post–Kyoto Protocol negotiations on greenhouse gas emissions and November en:2013 United Nations Climate Change Conference; also various distractions, see en:Millennium Development Goals (#8)
- ↑ en:category:Geopolitics
- ↑ en:Political economy of climate change
- ↑ en:climate justice with example Growing Clamor About Inequities of Climate Crisis November 16, 2013 NYT; see en:List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions per capita and 2010 CDIAC data
- ↑ en:Father of All Bombs and MoAB, Tsar Bomba, en:EMP bomb (see en:Dark Angel (TV series) fictional world), en:Neutron bomb (see 1984 en:Repo Man (film) "DVD extras" interview with inventor en:Samuel T. Cohen), etc ... en:Mutual assured destruction
- ↑ en:You've Got to Be Carefully Taught
- ↑ In the 2012 Presidential campaigns the two major Parties made little to no reference to climate change mitigation or global warming, per Both Romney and Obama Avoid Talk of Climate Change October 25, 2012 New York Times
- ↑ As of April 2013, overall little progress was made over the past 20 years in reducing the carbon content of its energy supplies, per the en:International Energy Agency, per Scant Gains Made on CO2 Emissions, Energy Agency Says April 18, 2013 en:Wall Street Journal
- ↑ (en:category:Politics of climate change, en:category:climate change policy), en:carbon leakage, en:G-Zero world
- ↑ en:America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It and starting January 2001 en:Presidency of George W. Bush till January 20, 2009 (Note: "en:Addicted to oil" and en:substance dependence)
- ↑ en:Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, see (now redirected) en:extractive industry
- ↑ en:U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
- ↑ en:Sino-American relations
- ↑ en:Group of Two
- ↑ en:Guanxi
- ↑ China's name comes from its first emperor en:Qin Shi Huang (259BC – 210BC), see his Terracotta Army (still en:mercury poisoning from its "rivers")
- ↑ Chinese character-based thinking; can't pronounce ("sound-out") by appearance (for example the en:Written Chinese is not necessarily connected to spoken dialects, such as the en:Beijing dialect of en:Mandarin Chinese), see en:Ruby character and example Chinese TV's Latest Hit Features a Character-Driven Plot; Show Aimed at Reviving the Country's Written Language Explodes Oct. 20, 2013 WSJ; (see Unlocking Dyslexia in Japanese regarding en:Talk:Dyslexia#Add Unlocking Dyslexia in Japanese from 5.July.2011 WSJ); 40,000 standard characters; language usage effects brain development
- ↑ en:East Asia Summit
- ↑ en:Concerning the Situation in the Ideological Sphere
- ↑ en:The Art of War by Sun Tzu (b.544 BC d.496 BCE) and (b.1371) en:Zheng He's en:soft power "en:treasure voyages" and en:polymaths (born 1020) en:Su Song and en:Shen Kuo (b.1031) examples
- ↑ The EU has urged the Denmark protectorate Greenland to restrict Chinese development of rare-earth projects there (see en:natural resources of the Arctic), as China accounts for 95 percent of the world’s current supply. As of early 2013, the en:government of Greenland has said that it has no plans to impose such restrictions, per Chinese Workers—in Greenland? February 10, 2013 BusinessWeek
- ↑ en:Development-induced displacement
- ↑ en:Huawei and en:ZTE examples, per U.S. panel cites risks in Chinese Equipment October 9, 2012 NYT and "Huawei probed for security, espionage risk", en:60 Minutes, Sunday, 7 October 2012 by en:Steve Kroft.
- ↑ Wen Jiabao per [2] en:Al Jazeera English and [3] the New York Times examples; despite this see that Prime Minister Wen warned in his final address of the nation's growing divisions between rich and poor, the hazards of unchecked environmental degradation and the risks posed by unbalanced economic growth., per Chinese Premier’s Parting Words Include Warning March 5, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ As of 2013 in the en:Pacific Northwest of the United States a number of coal terminals such as the Gateway Pacific Terminal in Bellingham, Washington were proposed for export of coal from the en:Powder River Basin to China, per Dirty war; A rancorous scrap over plans to send American coal to Asia Coal would move from strip mines in Wyoming and Montana by rail Apr 20th 2013 The Economist
- ↑ en:Occupy Central (2014)? in Hong Kong
- ↑ en:PLA Unit 61398 (en:cyberwarfare in China) example, (training) with en:2013 South Korea cyberattack
- ↑ The US and China have a complicated relationship in Western Asia with China's rise in energy imports from the area, but with the United States military and foreign policy along with its NATO allies with en:Enlargement of NATO predominating in the region, see Middle East Oil Fuels Fresh China-U.S. Tensions; Beijing Depends on U.S. Military to Secure Middle East Imports October 10, 2013 en:WSJ; also notice "en:Frenchelon" and "en:Staatstrojaner" examples with en:UKUSA Agreement and en:English language in Europe (en:Anglosphere is exaggerated); furthermore see en:Major non-NATO ally such as Japan, Australia, South Korea, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt (see en:5 Broken Cameras, en:The Band's Visit 2007 Israeli film with en:The Law in These Parts 2011 film (includes Jordan), en:The Flat (2011 film), 2012 en:The Gatekeepers (film), 2012 Room 514 (ill|he|חדר 514}}), and en:John Ware (TV journalist) BBC documentary Israel: Facing the Future), Kuwait (of en:Gulf Cooperation Council and Arab League), Thailand (en:2011 Thailand floods), and the Philippines (of en:Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), see Typhoon in Philippines Casts Long Shadow Over U.N. Talks on Climate Treaty November 11, 2013 regarding en:Typhoon Haiyan and en:2013 United Nations Climate Change Conference); see en:Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific).
- ↑ en:Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and see category:Trade blocs, with PRC en:geostrategy in Central Asia (Qing Dynasty till 1912 decline from greatest at 1820) and en:Central Asia–China gas pipeline/en:Kazakhstan–China oil pipeline examples of en:energy policy of China/en:energy security of the People's Republic of China
- ↑ In first quarter of 2013 natural gas was seen as cheap (see en:Pickens Plan), with China's export of photovoltaic solar panels price drop, per Natural Gas Is Cheap; Green Power Isn't March 07, 2013 BusinessWeek
- ↑ 1987 biopic en:The Last Emperor (en:Puyi) for entertaining background post-Empress Dowager Cixi
- ↑ en:Blue Shirts Society fascism in China
- ↑ en:Rong people are literally "Western Barbarians" in the history of China
- ↑ en:Ian Buruma's 2010 book Taming the Gods: Religion and Democracy on Three Continents (ISBN 978-0-691-13489-5), with some historical examples of the value the separation of religion and en:national en:governance with the en:separation of church and state as one example. He has many other excellent works.
- ↑ en:Frank H. Wu of the en:Committee of 100 (United States) per As Hacking Continues, Concerns Grow That Chinese-Americans May Suffer March 21, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ Benjamin Pierce Bishop, a civilian defense contractor who works in intelligence, was charged with giving US national security secrets his Chinese girlfriend, per (New York Post via AP) 2013 March 19
- ↑ en:Censorship of Wikipedia and en:Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China
- ↑ en:Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China
- ↑ Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945 2013 book by Rana Mitter; reviewed
- ↑ China: Politics as Warfare June 21, 2012 review by Jonathan Mirsky of book edited by en:Elizabeth J. Perry and Sebastian Heilmann; see Carl von Clausewitz "War is the continuation of Politik by other means" --- think "politics is economics by other means"
- ↑ en:Air Defense Identification Zone (East China Sea) with en:Taiwan independence and en:Taiwan–United States relations
- ↑ Five to Rule Them All: The UN Security Council and the Making of the Modern World, David L. Bosco (ISBN-13: 978-0195328769) en:Oxford University Press, 2009
- ↑ en:World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and (UNEP) United Nations Environment Programme jointly created the en:Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), WMO and en:International Council for Science sponsor the en:World Climate Research Programme
- ↑ en:United Kingdom Climate Change Programme and en:Department of Energy and Climate Change with en:David J. C. MacKay
- ↑ en:Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs with its en:Environment Agency
- ↑ for less-than-flattering 2009 British satirical black comedy en:In the Loop (film)
- ↑ en:Met Office and en:David King (chemist)
- ↑ The Ethics of Climate Change: Pay Now or Pay More Later? May 19, 2008 SciAm
- ↑ The Economic Impact of Climate Change Policy June 11, 2013 en:The Diane Rehm Show transcript"
- ↑ The Price of Everything: Solving the Mystery of Why We Pay What We Do by Eduardo Porter ISBN 978-1591843627. See Chapter Nine - The Price of the Future.
- ↑ en:Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics
- ↑ en:Opium Wars similarity?
- ↑ As of April 2013, Martin O'Malley imposed a storm management fee, per (en:Metro (British newspaper)) and but en:Fox news#Misrepresentation of facts... not to be confused with en:Dannel Malloy
- ↑ Nordhaus's 2013 book is The Climate Casino; Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World.[4]
- ↑ Gambling with Civilization Paul Krugman November 7, 2013 issue review
- ↑ An opinion piece in the January 27, 2012 Wall Street Journal, with en:Claude Allègre et al., “No Need to Panic About Global Warming,” The en:Wall Street Journal, January 27, 2012; and follow-up February 21, 2012 “Concerned Scientists Reply on Global Warming”, see en:Talk:List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming/Archive 26#WSJ Opinion, if useful.
- ↑ en:American Thinker denial
- ↑ Out of Balance Video, ExxonMobil's en:climate change impact
- ↑ Exxon wins delay again; convinces Supreme Court to review Exxon Valdez damages
- ↑ ExxonSecrets a campaign directed against the company by Greenpeace
- ↑ Arctic Methane Credibility Bomb July 25, 2013 Andrew Revkin NYT
- ↑ What about bubbling Arctic methane? December 2, 2013 NYT
- ↑ Arctic and American Methane in Context en:David Archer (scientist) 24 November 2013 en:Real Climate
- ↑ Connor, Steve, Methane meltdown: The Arctic timebomb that could cost us $60trn, The Independent, Wednesday, July 24, 2013; "potential of an extra sixty trillion en:US dollar impact on the en:world economy, beyond the US$400 trillion from the effects of global warming ... and altered ocean and en:atmospheric circulation, would be much greater per the study's cost estimate for methane release alone. [5][6]
- ↑ en:Abrupt climate change, see Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change: Anticipating Surprises (2013) book en:National Academies Press
- ↑ Quick-Change Planet: Do Global Climate Tipping Points Exist? March 25, 2013 en:Scientific American
- ↑ Is Global Warming Happening Faster Than Expected? October 29, 2012 Scientific American
- ↑ ‘Tipping Points’ and the Climate Challenge 28.March.2013 Andrew Revkin NYT
- ↑ Soil Microbes Accelerate Global Warming July 14, 2011 en:ScienceDaily
- ↑ Rice Agriculture Accelerates Global Warming: More Greenhouse Gas Per Grain of Rice Oct. 19, 2012 en:ScienceDaily; regarding rice ... also see significant en:burping of methane by cattle (en:ruminant)
- ↑
- ↑ Is Global Warming Happening Faster Than Expected? Loss of ice, melting of permafrost and other climate effects are occurring at an alarming pace., see "not-so-perma" en:permafrost and Siberia example
- ↑ Ebullition and storm-induced methane release from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf 24 November 2013 Nature Geoscience (see en:International Arctic Research Centerand ill|ru|Семилетов, Игорь Петрович}}) doi:10.1038/ngeo2007
- ↑
- ↑ Adaptation Clearinghouse of the Georgetown Climate Center
- ↑
- ↑ Overshoot, adapt and recover in en:Nature (journal) 2009
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Collaboratory for Adaptation to Climate Change from University of Notre Dame
- ↑ en:Psychological resilience
- ↑ Quotation|Burning all en:fossil fuels, we conclude, would make most of the planet uninhabitable by humans, thus calling into question strategies that emphasize adaptation to climate change.}}
- ↑ IPCC Revises Climate Sensitivity; What do changes to the temperature increase ranges mean? September 27, 2013 en:ClimateWire ( )/ SciAm
- ↑
- ↑ en:ICLEI
- ↑ en:Degrowth
- ↑ November 2009 Issue on "A Plan for a Sustainable Future" en:Scientific American; see en:Mark Z. Jacobson and Mark A. Delucchi example
- ↑ "Climate crunch: A burden beyond bearing" The climate situation may be even worse than you think. In the first of three features, Richard Monastersky looks at evidence that keeping carbon dioxide beneath dangerous levels is tougher than previously thought. and more
- ↑ Powell, Devin (24 March 2012). "Natural gas wells leakier than believed. Measurements at Colorado site show methane release higher than previous estimates". en:Science News Magazine for the Society of Science and the Public 181(6): 16.
- ↑ "Last year, Howarth found higher-than-expected levels of methane being released from wells that extract gas from shale — a process called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. His estimates, reported in 2011 in Climatic Change, suggested that extracting shale gas is substantially worse for climate change than mining coal."[7]
- ↑ New EPA Rules Could Prevent 'Fracking' Backlash April 2012 en:BusinessWeek excerpt ... Quotation|Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which conducts much of the government’s climate science, then surprised nearly everyone in February when they revealed that air samples from an area of Colorado with a lot of fracking wells contained twice the amount of methane the en:United States Environmental Protection Agency estimated came from that production method. NOAA’s finding was closer to Cornell’s numbers.}}
- ↑ "Operations Suspended at Hazardous Fluid Wells after 11 Quakes. Ohio has suspended operations at five deep-well en:hazardous fluid disposal sites after a series of 11 en:earthquakes in the Youngstown, Ohio, in the past year, including one on Saturday with a magnitude of 4.0, officials said." by Richard Van Noorden en:Scientific American January 3, 2012
- ↑ Small efforts to reduce methane, soot could have big effect; Simple measures could slow global warming, reduce premature deaths, February 11, 2012; Vol.181 #3 (p. 12) en:Science News
- ↑ Cool Idea; While nations concede a pressing need for attacking carbon dioxide emissions, other pollutants offer quicker paybacks September 20, 2013 en:Science News (page 26-29 in print issue 5.Oct.2013
- ↑ Anthropogenic emissions of methane in the United States en:PNAS November 25, 2013 doi:10.1073/pnas.1314392110
- ↑ New Study Finds U.S. Has Greatly Underestimated Methane Emissions November 25, 2013 Andrew Revkin NYT
- ↑ en:1Sky and en:Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno
- ↑ en:United we stand, divided we fall; see example July 2012 Issue on "The Evolution of Cooperation" en:SciAm
- ↑ 4#Resource, other supports of 350 ppm
- ↑ en:Foreign Policy called 2009 event "the largest ever global coordinated rally of any kind," with 5,200 simultaneous demonstrations in 181 countries, and named McKibben to its inaugural en:FP Top 100 Global Thinkers; per Foreign Policy's First Annual List of the 100 Top Global Thinkers. Foreign Policy. Retrieved on 2011-05-09.
- ↑ 350 Messengers are: Bill McKibben, Rajendra Pachauri, Vandana Shiva, Abp. en:Desmond Tutu, Dr. James Hansen, Liz Thomson of the en:Small Island Developing States, Pres. en:Mohamed Nasheed, David Suzuki (ecosystem services provided by Nature is "35 trillion USD per year while world economy is only $18 trillion", en:Robert Costanza study), en:Van Jones, en:Lester R. Brown, George Monbiot, en:Sheila Watt-Cloutier (en:Inuit Circumpolar Council), en:Will Steger, en:Barbara Kingsolver, en:Hermann Scheer, en:Alex Steffen, en:Mathis Wackernagel, Colin Beavan, Dr. en:Karl-Henrik Robèrt, en:Homero Aridjis, en:Paul Rogat Loeb, Deepa Gupta of en:Indian Youth Climate Network (coast of en:Indian ocean and "Arc of Instability" , en:Ross Gelbspan, Keibo Oiwa of the en:Slow Movement ( see en:Downshifting, Claudio Angelo of the en:Folha de S. Paulo (, Bulu Imam, en:Thomas Homer-Dixon, en:José María Figueres, and Bo Ekman of the Tällberg Foundation (supporters of the en:Tällberg Forum), en:Fiona Stanley"
- ↑ en:Garamantes (en:Germa) and see Svalbard Global Seed Vault
- ↑ en:List of largest cities throughout history
- ↑ en:Fear and en:Laziness and A map of sloth; Counting the world's couch potatoes July 18th 2012, regarding July 18th en:Lancet (journal) paper
- ↑ , see en:Foreign Policy (magazine) for recommendations (see 2009 en:Transcendent Man documentary; and en:Colin McGinn, who is best known for his work on en:philosophy of mind, called Kurzweil's book How to Create a Mind, "interesting in places, fairly readable, moderately informative, but wildly overstated.", per Homunculism March 21, 2013 en:The New York Review of Books; also see en:Humanity+
- ↑ Our Final Invention: Is AI the Defining Issue for Humanity? Seth Baum October 11, 2013 James Barrat book review)
- ↑ Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss 2009 en:TED (conference)
- ↑ en:State capitalism
- ↑ en:Jared Diamond bibliography
- ↑ en:The Open Society and Its Enemies 1945 Karl Popper
- ↑ "en:Energy Slave" per Buckminster Fuller
- ↑ en:Toba catastrophe theory (about 70,000 years ago en:population bottleneck only a thousands of homo sapiens survived, previous to then see related en:Talk:Blombos Cave#resource and en:Talk:Neanderthal/Archive 4#resource) and pre-human en:Permian–Triassic extinction event (252.28 million years ago) example
- ↑ en:Holocene glacial retreat and en:Lake Agassiz and en:glacial lake outburst flood
- ↑ en:Jakobshavn Glacier and en:Russell Glacier (Greenland)
- ↑ Glacial Meltdown October 2013 National Geographic "Photo issue"
- ↑ Himalaya Rush; Scientists scurry to figure out the status of glaciers on the roof of the world 25.August.2012; Vol.182 #4 (p. 18) en:Science News
- ↑ The Last Great Global Warming June 29, 2011 en:Scientific American Quotation|Back then, around 56 million years ago, I would have been drenched with sweat rather than fighting off a chill. Research had indicated that in the course of a few thousand years—a mere instant in geologic time—global temperatures rose five degrees Celsius, marking a planetary fever known to scientists as the en:Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, or PETM. Climate zones shifted toward the poles, on land and at sea, forcing plants and animals to migrate, adapt or die. Some of the deepest realms of the ocean became acidified and oxygen-starved, killing off many of the organisms living there. It took nearly 200,000 years for the earth’s natural buffers to bring the fever down.}} see
- ↑ en:Implicit cognition and en:Talk:Perception#Science News resource
- ↑ en:therapeutic garden and en:Victory garden, et cetera ...
- ↑ en:Joseph Altman's en:neurogenesis (and later in 1999 en:Elizabeth Gould (psychologist)) and en:epiphany (feeling) (Epiphany); for en:wetware (brain) en:neuroscience intro, see en:Terry Sejnowski and S.R. Quartz's 2003 book Liars, Lovers, and Heroes: What the New Brain Science Reveals About How We Become Who We Are for example
- ↑ for example en:Soar (cognitive architecture) used in earlier attempts to address issues
- ↑ en:Magical thinking and en:wish fulfillment
- ↑ en:Kate Zernike's book Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party America and rift(s)
- ↑ dōm, the Anglo-Saxon word meaning "judgment", "law"
- ↑ en:Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass from en:It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- ↑ en:Conspiracy (crime) and en:disgorgement (law), "en:Justice delayed is justice denied" (deny and delay tactic, see en:tobacco politics), see category:Environmental law of category:Law
- ↑ Thou can’t not covet; Wanting what others have may be hardwired in the brain June 30th, 2012; Vol.181 #13 (p. 12) en:Science News
- ↑ "Self-disclosure is extra rewarding," per Harvard en:neuroscientists who published in the en:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, per Science Reveals Why We Brag So Much May 7, 2012; regarding en:boasting
- ↑ en:The Wörld Is Yours 2010 song "Get Back in Line"
- ↑ en:Placebo
- ↑ en:List of American Greed episodes example
- ↑ June 2012 Issue on "Your inner ecosystem" en:SciAm
- ↑ example 1981 en:Alice Miller (psychologist) book The Drama of the Gifted Child
- ↑ en:Narcissistic personality disorder
- ↑ en:Me generation
- ↑ en:Climate change in popular culture ... see some delay & deny obscuring
- ↑ Popular Opinion on Climate Change Traced to Political Elites February 07, 2012 en:LiveScience
- ↑ 2006 en:Purdue University Sociology
- ↑ Weather may be changing public opinion on global warming July 15, 2012
- ↑ Blowing hot and cold on climate change July 21, 2012 en:The Irish Times
- ↑ We’re All Climate-Change Idiots July 21, 2012 en:NYT
- ↑ Record Heat Wave Pushes U.S. Belief in Climate Change to 70% July 18, 2012
- ↑
- ↑ People Don’t Fear Climate Change Enough August 28, 2013 en:Washington Monthly
- ↑ Crampton, Thomas (4 January 2007). More in Europe worry about climate than in U.S., poll shows. en:International Herald Tribune. Retrieved on 2007-04-14.
- ↑ neo-en:generation gap, see en:When Worlds Collide (1951 film)s Sidney Stanton lottery losers
- ↑ The Battle Over Climate Science; Climate scientists routinely face death threats, hate mail, nuisance lawsuits and political attacks. How much worse can it get? by Tom Clynes, en:Popular Science June.21.2012
- ↑ Taking The Politics Out Of Climate Science February 04, 2011 en:NPR
- ↑ The polarizing impact of science literacy and numeracy on perceived climate change risks. en:Nature (journal) (2012). Retrieved on 10 June 2012.
- ↑ en:Identity (social science)
- ↑ en:Theory of change
- ↑ Little Consensus on Global Warming – Partisanship Drives Opinion – Summary of Findings. en:Pew Research Center for the People and the Press (12 July 2006). Retrieved on 2007-04-14.
- ↑ en:Psychosocial, for "creativity" see en:Psychosocial (song)
- ↑ Americans back greenhouse gas cuts from power plants Wendy Koch, en:USA TODAY November 13, 2013
- ↑ University of Michigan
- ↑ en:Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
- ↑ en:Talk:Depression (mood)/Archive 2#SciAm resource
- ↑ en:Allen Frances's Saving Normal: An Insider's Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life and Gary Greenberg's 2013 books The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry criticism of en:Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- ↑ en:Communication disorder and en:Temple Grandin quote of "extreme politics" (see en:Rudy Simone and en:Oliver Sacks's 1995 en:An Anthropologist on Mars)
- ↑ en:Trolley problem
- ↑ How to Dispel Your Illusions December 22, 2011 by Freeman Dyson#Global warming (disappointing, but age 89) en:The New York Review of Books regarding Thinking, Fast and Slow
- ↑ en:Drew Westen
- ↑ Political Polarization 'Dangerous,' Psychologist Says May 27, 2012 en:LiveScience
- ↑ The Psychology of Climate Change Denial 2009
- ↑ Will Conservatives Come to Grips with Climate Change? May 11, 2013 en:Washington Monthly
- ↑ The Coming GOP Civil War Over Climate Change; Science, storms, and demographics are starting to change minds among the rank and file. May 9, 2013 en:National Journal
- ↑ "Doubt is our Product" featuring interview with Clive Hamilton
- ↑ Video of Gilbert's presentation at Pop!Tech conference in 2007 Why haven’t we rallied our collective power to solve global warming?
- ↑
- ↑ en:Talk:Carbon Nation
- ↑ en:Talk:Fossil fuel/Archive 1#Economics of global warming related resource or en:Talk:Coal/Archive 2#Resource
- ↑ en:Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution 1999 book
- ↑ 1970 en:California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) California wants to lead America to a greener future March 16th 2013 en:The Economist
- ↑ en:Heroes of the Environment and en:category:Sustainability advocates?
- ↑ en:The Earth Institute
- ↑ L.A. Times Won't Publish Letters From Climate-Change Deniers October 9, 2013 en:National Journal
- ↑ LA Times won’t print letters denying humans cause global warming Oct/09/13 en:The Hill (newspaper)
- ↑ L.A. Times cuts off climate-change deniers October 10, 2013 en:CBS News
- ↑ (2009). "A Plan to Power 100 Percent of the Planet with Renewables" (originally published as "A Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030")". en:Scientific American 301 (5): 58–65. DOI:10.1038/scientificamerican1109-58. PMID 19873905.
- ↑ Why the Media Is Right to Toss Climate Deniers' Opinions 2013-10-21 DeSmogBlog
- ↑ Miracles not much help in a disaster Oct 19, 2013 (see Postscript)
- ↑ Why We're Shutting Off Our Comments Sept.24.2013
- ↑ September 2011 Issue of "Cities" en:SciAm
- ↑
- ↑ en:Micro-sustainability
- ↑ The Hard Math on Fossil Fuels by March 21, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ Renewable Energy's Hidden Costs; Low-carbon power depends on climate-unfriendly metals October 1, 2013 SciAm, page 100; see en:Low-carbon power
- ↑ Dust Up; Biologist Jayne Belnap warns of the consequences for the American West if we don't preserve a home for the minute organisms that live in desert topsoil by Brendan Borrell en:Scientific American January 5, 2012 (page 80 to 83, January 2012 issue) Jayne Belnap is a Research Ecologist at the U.S. Geological Survey with a research focus of the biological crusts that hold in place desert dust and their ecological impact on human activities. Excerpt “We just need to start putting dust into the equation.”
- ↑
- ↑ The ocean's shifting baseline en:Daniel Paul's April 2010 en:TED Talk regarding Mission Blue , en:Home (2009 film)
- ↑ en:Environmental issues in film and television#List of non-fiction films
- ↑ en:2013 Mayflower oil spill
- ↑ en:Nationalization of oil supplies
- ↑ Oil Company Execs Defend Profits to Senate Associated Press via Washington Post November 10, 2005
- ↑ Oil Executives, Defending Tax Breaks, Say They’d Cede Them if Everyone Did May 12, 2011 NYT
- ↑ 2005 en:Hirsch report with "Peak" in 2015
- ↑ en:Divestment from en:Carbon bubble with and The Coming Carbon Asset Bubble October 29, 2013 Al Gore and David Blood en:WSJ
- ↑ In December 2012, Mayor en:Michael McGinn called for for Seattle's two main pension funds to divest from en:fossil fuels, per and
- ↑ en:Unity College (Maine) and en:Hampshire College have taken action to divested their endowments from fossil fuels, per and
- ↑ en:Phase-out of incandescent light bulbs#source Politics of the United States, States' rights and en:Talk:Phase-out of incandescent light bulbs regarding "Tea party" (Republican activists) and the en:Commerce Clause
- ↑ en:Making Sweden an Oil-Free Society
- ↑ en:militarisation of space a concern?
- ↑ Patent Watch - Airborne power station by Adam Piore en:Scientific American January 5, 2012 (1.2012 issue, page 23)
- ↑ Japan and Russia Move Closer as Both Eye China April 26, 2013 Wall Street Journal, for some background see en:The Third World War: August 1985 a General's novel, and actual en:2007 cyberattacks on Estonia
- ↑ en:PRC 2011 en:The Flowers of War film, 2012 en:Emperor (film) and 2005 en:The Sun (film) with 2005 en:Little Boy: The Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture where Takashi Murakami calls for increase military assertiveness; en:Michael Zielenziger's 2006 en:Hikikomori book Shutting out the Sun: How Japan Created its Own Lost Generation; past example en:Nitobe Inazō and future en:Cool Earth 50 and en:Cool Japan soft power,
- ↑ In 2009, several companies announce future SBSP partnerships and commitments, including en:Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) & en:Solaren,
- ↑ Sweet, Cassandra (April 13, 2009,). "UPDATE: PG&E Looks To Outer Space For Solar Power (broken link)". en:The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved on 2009-04-14. [dead link]
- ↑ Marshall, Jonathan (April 13, 2009). Space Solar Power: The Next Frontier?. Next 100. en:Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). Retrieved on 2009-04-14.
- ↑ (April 13, 2009). "Utility to buy orbit-generated electricity from Solaren in 2016, at no risk". msn. en:MSNBC. Retrieved on 2009-04-15.
- ↑ en:Mitsubishi Electric Corp. & en:IHI Corporation,
- ↑ (August 31, 2009). "Mitsubishi, IHI to Join $21 Bln Space Solar Project (Update1)". Bloomberg.
- ↑
- ↑ Space Energy, Inc.,
- ↑
- ↑ and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Japan to Beam Solar Power from Space on Lasers[8], en:Fox News, November 9, 2009
- ↑ Climate Pact Is Signed by 3 States and a Partner October 29, 2013 New York Times, see en:Jay Inslee (Washington (state)) and en:John Kitzhaber (Oregon)
- ↑ en:Climate change litigation and the California Environmental Quality Act
- ↑ en:Climate Science Rapid Response Team
- ↑ en:John Mashey Suzanne Goldenberg (14 February 2013). "Secret funding helped build vast network of climate denial thinktanks". en:The Guardian. Retrieved on 14 February 2013.
- ↑ en:Yale Project on Climate Change Communication see
- ↑ "Ending the Silence on Climate Change" Jan. 2013
- ↑ Celebrities back Greenpeace campaign to protect Arctic June 21, 2012 en:Scientific American
- ↑ and Marty Kaplan on the Weapons of Mass Distraction with en:Marty Kaplan
- ↑ en:David Carr (journalist)
- ↑ en:Green Belt Movement and Wangari Maathai
- ↑ en:Roadless area conservation
- ↑ Quotation|It has been estimated bicyclers get 912 en:miles per gallon gasoline equivalent, per}}
- ↑ Making the Bike as Logical a Choice for Commuters as the Car, Bus, Train or Metro November 12, 2012
- ↑ en:Human-powered transport
- ↑ Developers Cater to Two-Wheeled Traffic in Portland, Ore. by Linda Baker September 20, 2011
- ↑ en:United Bicycle Institute
- ↑ en:List of bicycle sharing systems
- ↑ Cameras Are Cyclists’ ‘Black Boxes’ in Accidents July 20, 2012 en:NYT
- ↑ Max Glaskin, Cycling Science: How Rider and Machine Work Together University of Chicago Press, January 2013, ISBN 9780226921877
- ↑ en:Frank Shuman born 1862
- ↑
- ↑ en:SolarCity ?
- ↑ en:Category:Solar energy companies of the United States
- ↑ en:Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
- ↑ en:Bjarke Ingels
- ↑ en:Circular economy
- ↑ example of continued en:hydroelectric power in the United States is en:Muskegon River en:Croton Dam (Michigan) with Michigan currently mainly coal-based per en:List of power stations in Michigan
- ↑ en:American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), examples February 21, 2013 ... quotation|en:DTE Energy: The company's ECHO Wind project, slated for 2013, will have a combined levelized cost of approximately $52.50 per megawatt-hour (MWh), down substantially from power purchase prices several years earlier, according to the en:Michigan Public Service Commission. DTE says its investment in that and two other recent wind parks will contribute $150 million in economic benefits to Michigan.}}Quotation|Consumers Electric Power estimates that Macon County and the state of Michigan received an economic boost of nearly $10 million from the development of the company's first wind farm, the Lake Winds Energy Park. The Michigan Public Service Commission said Feb. 15, 2013, in releasing its "Report on the Implementation of the P.A. 295 Renewable Energy Standard and the Cost-Effectiveness of the Energy Standards," that: "Compared to building a new, conventional coal facility, renewable energy contracts are significantly lower in price…less than any newly built generation including new natural gas combined cycle plants. Based on contract pricing trends and the January 2013 announcement that federal legislation extended the eligibility of the Production Tax Credit for projects that begin construction by December 31, 2013, Commission Staff anticipates that the cost of renewable energy will continue to decline, while the benefits from energy optimization savings and emission reductions from offset generation will continue to increase."}}
- ↑ 4 U.S. Makers of Towers for Wind Turbines File Complaint Over China’s Steel Subsidies by Matthew L. Wald (Washington, D.C.) and Keith Bradsher (Singapore) published New York Times December 29, 2011; excerpt ... Quotation| Four domestic companies that make most of the steel towers for wind turbines in the United States filed a trade complaint against China and Vietnam on Thursday, seeking en:tariffs in the range of 60 percent. The action is a significant new skirmish in an emerging en:green energy en:trade war. ... The case was filed by the Wind Tower Trade Coalition — comprising Trinity Structural Towers, DMI Industries, Katana Summit and Broadwind Energy — at the en:Commerce Department, which has 20 days to decide whether to initiate an investigation. In addition, another government agency, the en:International Trade Commission, will hold a hearing in about three weeks ... }}
- ↑ examples en:GE Wind Energy and en:community wind energy
- ↑ en:offshore wind power USA wind potential "excellent" map, continued efforts per Great Lakes ice shouldn't stop wind turbines but will increase costs, engineering professor says October 22, 2013 MLive; see en:Marine engineering
- ↑ en:Gratiot County, Michigan 2012 largest in state
- ↑ DTE Energy seeks nearly $90 million in rate reductions June 04, 2013 en:Mlive
- ↑ DTE Gets Nod to Buy Wind Power - Analyst Blog September 11, 2013 en:NASDAQ
- ↑ DTE Energy files amended renewable energy plan; surcharge to lower; All customers to benefit from nearly $90-million rate reduction June 4, 2013 en:PR Newswire
- ↑ Is it logical to build fossil-fueled generating plants when renewables could be as reliable and cheaper? Jackson Citizen Patriot opinion] October 07, 2013
- ↑ Huron County at tip of Thumb doubling wind power Oct. 13, 2013 Daily Tribune
- ↑ en:Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center (Muskegeon and en:GVSU), en:North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
- ↑ en:The Carbon Principles
- ↑ Interconnections and Reliability Councils cross state boundaries such as in Michgian (Upper & en:Lower Peninsula of Michigan) are en:Midwest Reliability Organization and en:ReliabilityFirst Corp. (RFC)
- ↑ en:category:Electric vehicle infrastructure developers
- ↑ In 2012 Indianapolis announced its plans to become first major city to replace its entire fleet with electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles in a move the mayor said is aimed at reducing the nation's reliance on foreign oil, per Indy to replace entire fleet with electric, hybrid December 12, 2012 and Indianapolis plans to replace entire city fleet with electric, plug-in hybrids by 2025 Associated Press, December 12, 2012
- ↑ Ghana's best shot at going green: sewage power October 3, 2012
- ↑ en:Laughter and Rats Laugh, but Not Like Humans. Do animals other than humans have a sense of humor? Maybe so. June 22, 2012 en:Scientific American
- ↑ en:Mata Amritanandamayi the "hugging Saint" and en:Oxytocin
- ↑ Two new books probe the limits of capitalism July 21st 2012 en:The Economist
- ↑ en:Talk:Happiness/Archive 2#Further Reading resource
- ↑ en:Closer to Truth
- ↑,32
- ↑ en:Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear
- ↑ "en:Truthiness"
- ↑ Quotation|If you’re injecting fear into other people, then you’re trying to kill their minds. You’re trying to get them to stop thinking. That’s antithetical to the founding of this country. It’s on the Jefferson Memorial. I’m stealing this from Jefferson, but I’m also stealing it from the movie Born Yesterday. Bill Holden takes Judy Holliday to the Jefferson Memorial, and they read the inscription together. ‘I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.’ Fear is an attempt to impose tyranny over someone’s mind. It’s an act of oppression.[9]}}
- ↑ The Prophet; Oil and Honey: The Education of an Unlikely Activist en:Verlyn Klinkenborg October 24, 2013 review in en:The New York Review of Books of new McKibben book
- ↑ en:Serious game "en:global warming game"
- ↑ en:Choose life
- ↑ Of en:Largest organisms Armillaria is a en:fungus; en:smallest organisms are debated
- ↑ en:Hawaiian gold coral 5,000 years old, per
- ↑ en:Deep ecology
- ↑
- ↑ en:Joel Salatin on en:Inner Compass
- ↑ en:Left-libertarianism in contrast with en:Right-libertarianism (en:Libertarian Party (United States) and en:left–right politics)
- ↑
- ↑ Would EPA air-pollution rules lead to massive blackouts? Feds weigh in. "Energy-industry groups said that new EPA air-pollution rules could threaten the reliability of the American power grid. The Energy Department countered that claim with its own report Thursday." by Mark Clayton December 1, 2011
- ↑ Court Backs E.P.A. Over Emissions Limits Intended to Reduce Global Warming June 26, 2012
- ↑ “This is how science works” on global warming, court rules June 26, 2012 en:Skeptic (U.S. magazine)
- ↑ "Do environmental regulations kill jobs?" per A Debate Arises on Job Creation and Environment by Motoko Rich and John Broder, published: September 4, 2011 in en:NYT, also generally
- ↑ A Coal-Fired Plant That Is Eager for U.S. Rules by Matthew L. Wald published New York Times January 5, 2012; excerpt ... Quotation|The company, en:Constellation Energy, says it is an issue of fairness. A little more than two years ago, it completed an $885 million installation that has vastly reduced emissions from two giant coal-burning units at its Brandon Shores plant here, within view of the city’s downtown office towers.}}
- ↑ "Utility Air Regulatory Group, (Petitioner) v. Environmental Protection Agency" Supreme Court of the United States No. 12-1146 example "Set for Argument on Monday, February 24, 2014" ..., see en:Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency
- ↑ en:Gina McCarthy
- ↑ en:The Blue Marble same year 1972
- ↑ en:Our Common Future 1987
- ↑ Mayak was a target of en:Gary Powers' U-2 surveillance flight in May 1960, of the en:Kyshtym disaster.Oleg A. Bukharin. "The Cold War Atomic Intelligence Game, 1945-70". Studies in Intelligence 48. Central Intelligence Agency.; for context en:Silent Spring was Rachel Carson's 1962 book
- ↑ en:Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
- ↑ It’s in Your Own Best Interest October 24, 2013 review of new Sunstein book in NY Review of Books
- ↑ en:Cap and dividend and "en:Cap and Share"
- ↑ How to Measure the True Cost of Fossil Fuels March 30, 2013 en:Scientific American
- ↑ In Canada, British Columbia is one the provinces that already has a regional carbon tax, per Canada's Oil Industry Begs to Be Taxed March 07, 2013 BusinessWeek
- ↑ en:Sustainability science
- ↑ en:Robert Costanza
- ↑ en:E. F. Schumacher's 1973 Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered
- ↑ en:Promession, en:Sky burial, "en:mushroom death suit", en:Alkaline hydrolysis (death custom)?
- ↑ en:Golden Rule
- ↑ more and more
- ↑ “Be still, and know that I am ..." en:Psalm 46:10 bibleref2-nb|Psa|46:10}}
- ↑ en:Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
- ↑ en:Fear of God and also en:Dogma
- ↑ en:Mathmatics as Religion; See en:Theory of Forms from (b.428-d.347) Plato's en:Allegory of the Cave (en:The Republic (Plato)) and en:Timaeus (dialogue) en:dualism the en:Philo (not as en:Yin and yang en:Taijitu; see 1946 en:Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature); en:Formal language with the en:Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with the en:Axiom of choice the basis of math; also en:Mathematical beauty per A Mathematical Romance Jim Holt December 5, 2013 issue of en:The New York Review of Books review of Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality by en:Edward Frenkel; possibly in contrast see Does Math Really Exist? on en:PBS
- ↑ Dharmaic faiths (such as en:Indian religions and Buddhism, see en:Pillars of Ashoka) in contrast with en:Abrahamic religions (side comment: Abraham's father from (en:Ur Kaśdim) Ur of Sumer with travels across en:Hilly Flanks en:Fertile Crescent en:Mesopotamia into en:Canaan with Abraham possibly born near en:Şanlıurfa); see a couple history examples en:Göbekli Tepe (north of present day Syria, dated at least 10th millennium BC or before; pre-agriculture hunter-gatherers; see en:historical impacts of climate change and en:Black Sea deluge hypothesis circa 5600 BC with en:flood myth), en:Ka'ba-ye Zartosht "Cube of en:Zoroaster" from 5th century BCE (predating "The Cube" Kaaba?), en:Manichaeism; en:Azadi Tower (symbolizing en:Zoroastrianism and en:Islam in Iran ... 1979 en:Grand Mosque Seizure)
- ↑ en:Awareness and en:Enlightenment (spiritual); en:Map–territory relation; for example en:Talk:Posterior cingulate and en:Talk:Adolescence/Archive 5#Science News resource and en:Talk:Human voice#potential Science News resource and en:Talk:Hypnosis#resource and en:Talk:Neurogenetics#Science News resource and en:Talk:Experience#Resource (en:Talk:Mental disorder#Resource /en:Talk:Addiction#SciAm resource/en:Talk:Epigenetics/Archive 2 and en:regulation of gene expression with en:Talk:Food/Archive 1#SciAm resource)
- ↑ en:Kumaré 2011 documentary, and 2008 en:Religulous dramedy
- ↑ "The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates
- ↑ en:Alliance of Religions and Conservation
- ↑ en:Robert Wright (journalist)'s 2009 book en:The Evolution of God?
- ↑ Hendel, Ronald (2012) The Book of "Genesis": A Biography (Lives of Great Religious Books), en:Princeton University Press ISBN: 9780691140124.
- ↑ en:Š-L-M
- ↑ en:Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC)
- ↑ en:Gog and Magog
- ↑ more and much more
- ↑ en:Serenity Prayer and en:Reinhold Niebuhr
- ↑ see "July 2011 Sojourners... "
- ↑ 2.Feb.2012 deletion by group of deniers
- ↑ Orthodox Leader Deepens Progressive Stance on Environment December 3, 2012 New York Times regarding an Encyclical
- ↑ Greening the Orthodox Parish: A Handbook for Christian Ecological Practice. Frederick Krueger, American editor. 2012.
- ↑
- ↑ en:Tanya Luhrmann's 2012 book when God talks back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God on NPR; see Global Ethics Forum of the en:Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs [10][11][12]
- ↑ en:Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist 2008 film, with a reference to a "white rabbit" Fluffy
- ↑ historical connection example en:Ottoman–German Alliance thus to en:Ummah, see Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1923 and en:Atatürk's Reforms) and Turkey of en:Turkic Council, also see 2004 en:Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, en:Union for the Mediterranean; and en:Operation Enduring Freedom; some background on Turkey: en:Cem Özdemir (en:gastarbeiter as is en:Bahar Kızıl), en:Istanbul Technical University
- ↑ [13] en:PBS "en:Richard Bangs Adventures with Purpose" such as "New Zealand: Quest for Kaitiakitanga"
- ↑ All Climate Is Local: How Mayors Fight Global Warming; Mayors are often better equipped than presidents to cut greenhouse gases by Cynthia Rosenzweig en:Scientific American August 23, 2011; from en:Talk:Adaptation to global warming/Archive 1 (more)
- ↑ Ranking Port Cities with High Exposure and Vulnerability to Climate Extremes; Exposure Estimates 19 Nov 2008 OECD Quotation|For present-day conditions (2005), the top ten cities in terms of exposed population are estimated to be Mumbai, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Miami, Ho Chi Minh City, Kolkata, en:Greater New York, en:Osaka-Kobe, Alexandria and New Orleans ...}}
- ↑ en:Talk:Climate change in the Arctic#Add With warming, Arctic is losing ground Scientists anticipate big ecosystem changes from erosion
- ↑ en:Climate of the Arctic and en:Polar ice packs
- ↑ en:Subhankar Banerjee's book, Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point en:Seven Stories Press, Summer 2012 Book page for Arctic Voices.
- ↑ en:Polar amplification and en:global distillation
- ↑ Arctic Ice Caps May Be More Prone to Melt; A new core pulled from Siberia reveals a 2.8-million-year history of warming and cooling June 22, 2012 en:Scientific American
- ↑ A study published in 2013 shows simply extending summertime ice melting trends into the future in a straight line predicts an ice-free summertime Arctic as early as by 2020.
- ↑ doi:10.1002/grl.50316
- ↑ Arctic summers may be ice free sooner than predicted April 12, 2013 en:USA Today
- ↑ Arctic Ocean
- ↑ but distrust, examples Brazil President Blasts Canada's Alleged Spying October 7, 2013 WSJ' regarding en:Communications Security Establishment Canada and en:Ministry of Mines and Energy (Brazil); see en:BRICS, en:Brazilian Forest Code and en:Canada in the Cold War; further en:2013 global surveillance disclosures with en:Flame (malware) example
- ↑ en:Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas
- ↑ also see en:Roberto Azevêdo en:Director-General of the World Trade Organization with 7.Dec.2013 en:Bali Package
- ↑ en:Union of South American Nations
- ↑ A massive “simulated war” involving ships, aircraft and submarines off the west coast of Scotland ...Turkey along with the Brazilian frigate BNS Defensora. Helicopters will be deployed from the UK, Canada, Brazil,..." 3.October.2009 en:Centre for Research on Globalization example
- ↑ en:Enlargement of the European Union and en:Enlargement of the eurozone, plus en:Third-country economic relationships with the European Union
- ↑ en:Climate change in Europe
- ↑ en:World Sustainable Energy Days
- ↑ en:Climate change in Finland (not NATO, not EU), and en:Climate change in Norway (NATO & Nine Eyes, but not EU)
- ↑ en:Carbon pricing in Australia
- ↑ en:Australia–China Free Trade Agreement
- ↑ en:Angry Summer, see Report Blames Climate Change for Extremes in Australia March 4, 2013 The New York Times
- ↑ China: ‘Capitulate or Things Will Get Worse’] reviews by en:Perry Link October 24 New York Review of Book, en:Ai Weiwei related
- ↑ en:Grímsstaðir Teeing Off at Edge of the Arctic? A Chinese Plan Baffles Iceland March 22, 2013 New York Times; for other golf-courses see 2011 en:You've Been Trumped documentary
- ↑ China is now the world’s largest oil importer – in one graph October 10, 2013 SciAm blog, en:Energy Information Administration (EIA) data
- ↑ en:Ma Jun (environmentalist) of FP Top 100 Global Thinkers
- ↑ example en:2013 Huangpu River dead pigs incident
- ↑ Can China Go Green? No other country is investing so heavily in clean energy. But no other country burns as much coal to fuel its economy June 2011 National Geographic Bill McKibben
- ↑ Falling Out of Love With China op-ed in March 18, 2013 en:David Shambaugh New York Times
- ↑ Asia's Environmental Activists Spread Their Roots June 11, 2013 en:Wall Street Journal
- ↑ en:Nine-dotted line: en:Territorial disputes in the South China Sea, en:Paracel Islands, en:Mischief Reef, en:Spratly Islands dispute, en:Scarborough Shoal standoff
- ↑ Water Demands of Coal-Fired Power Drying Up Northern China March 25, 2013 en:Scientific American; also en:fossil-fuel power station
- ↑ On China's Electricity Grid, East Needs West—for Coal March 21, 2013 en:BusinessWeek
- ↑ Chinese Utilities Face $20 Billion Costs Due to Water, BNEF Says March 24, 2013 BusinessWeek
- ↑ Government Shutdown Freezes Climate Science; Researchers are barred from Antarctica at present, with a potentially big impact on Antarctic monitoring October 11, 2013
- ↑ en:category:outposts of Antarctica proliferates
- ↑ en:British Antarctic Survey
- ↑ en:category:United States Antarctic Program
- ↑ Western Antarctica warming confirmed December 23, 2012 en:USA Today
- ↑ West Antarctica warming fast; Temperature record from high-altitude station shows unexpectedly rapid rise December 21, 2012 en:Science News
- ↑ Figure 1: Map of Antarctica and annual spatial footprint of the Byrd temperature record.
- ↑ doi:10.1038/ngeo1671
- ↑ Scientists Trek to Collapsing Glaciers to Assess Antarctica’s Meltdown and Sea-Level Rise July 16, 2012 en:Scientific American
- ↑ Big Antarctic ice sheet appears doomed; Warming climate predicted to trigger collapse of Filchner-Ronne shelf by 2100 June 2nd, 2012; Vol.181 #11 (p. 5) en:Science News
- ↑ 2012 en:Nature (journal) (May10 & April 26) and en:Nature Geoscience (May 9)
- ↑ photo
- ↑ U.K. Scientists Track Iceberg the Size of Chicago; Mariners Don't Face Immediate Threat, but Trajectory Could Be Difficult to Predict November 18, 2013 Wall Street Journal
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Vast Antarctic iceberg 'could threaten shipping' 12 November 2013 BBC
- ↑ en:North American Collegiate Sustainability Programs
- ↑ en:Talk:Culture of the United States/Archive 2#potential resource (en:Colin Woodard) and en:Joel Garreau's 1981 book en:The Nine Nations of North America
- ↑ The en:Canadian Arctic Archipelago per Canada’s ice shrinking rapidly; Melt from Arctic Archipelago will raise sea levels by 35 millimeters March 11, 2013 en:Science News
- ↑ Nunavut is warming about twice as fast as the global average according to the IPCC.
- ↑ As the Arctic Opens for Oil, the Coast Guard Scrambles by Carol Wolf and Kasia Klimasinska on July 26, 2012 en:BusinessWeek; see en:Northwest Passage#Effects of climate change, also see en:Northern Sea Route
- ↑ en:Talk:Weather extremes in Canada
- ↑ In Internal Canadian Documents, a Warning on Oil Sands by Ian Austen December 22, 2011
- ↑ ‘Secret’ Environment Canada study warns of oil sands’ impact on habitat, en:Postmedia News Dec 22, 2011
- ↑ 'powerpoint presentation'
- ↑ en:Drought in Canada
- ↑ Pre-historic perspective ... Canada’s North, Home to Bears, and Once, en:Camels March 5, 2013 New York Times (; interaction with camels calms Asperger's?)
- ↑ en:Carbon tax#Canada
- ↑ also see en:Arctic policy of European Union, en:Arctic policy of Norway, en:Inuit Circumpolar Council, en:Saami Council,
- ↑ Is Canada Retreating From Climate Action? November 27, 2012 New York Times
- ↑ Greenland enters melt mode; Island-wide thaw is one for the record books August 25, 2012; Vol.182 #4 (p. 8) en:Science News
- ↑ Skeptical Science: A visual depiction of how much ice Greenland is losing
- ↑ Sermeq Kujalleq broke up, losing 36 square miles (93 km2) and raised awareness worldwide of glacial response to global climate change. Images Show Breakup of Two of Greenland's Largest Glaciers, Predict Disintegration in Near Future. en:NASA Earth Observatory (August 20, 2008). Retrieved on 2008-08-31.
- ↑ Foster, Joanna M. (2012-02-08). "From 2 Satellites, the Big Picture on Ice Melt". The New York Times.
- ↑ Rare Burst of Melting Seen in Greenland’s Ice Sheet July 24, 2012 New York Times
- ↑ Greenland ice sheet melted at unprecedented rate during July; Scientists at Nasa admitted they thought satellite readings were a mistake after images showed 97% surface melt over four days 24 July 2012 en:The Guardian
- ↑ en:Philip Wheeler Conkling
- ↑ en:category:Climate change in the United States
- ↑ With Rising Temperatures, Infrastructure Falters July 05, 2013 en:Science Friday
- ↑ en:Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System
- ↑ en:United States National Research Council, en:National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR),
- ↑ en:ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA
- ↑ Report: Climate change behind rise in weather disasters October 10. 2012 USA Today
- ↑ next en:National Climate Assessment delivered to the President and Congress in 2013 and will be available to the public in spring 2014, see and New Reports Explore How A Shifting Climate May Impact Eight U.S. Regions July 30, 2013
- ↑ en:Central U.S. hardwood forests zone (example en:Loblolly Pine, good at en:carbon sequestration) moves north to where en:Great Lakes region is/was by late-21st century; by previous estimates Michigan climate becomes similar to West Virginia's previous weather; Note: Michigan used to have 12 foot diameter Pinus strobus (white pine)s, now only en:White Pine Trail State Park
- ↑ en:National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- ↑ en:Environmental issues in the United States and en:pollution in the United States, for example algae blooms continued in early 2013 but new farming techniques, climate change and even a change in en:Lake Erie’s ecosystem make phosphorus pollution more intractable, per Spring Rain, Then Foul Algae in Ailing Lake Erie March 14, 2013 New York Times; from 1977 see 1977 commissioned en:The Global 2000 Report to the President
- ↑ U.S. Proposes to Protect Wolverines February 1, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ As Alaska Glaciers Melt, It’s Land That’s Rising May 17, 2009 New York Times; see en:Post-glacial rebound with increased earthquakes?
- ↑ With Warming, Peril Underlies Road to Alaska July 23, 2012
- ↑ Collapsing Coastlines July 16th, 2011; Vol.180 #2 en:Science News
- ↑ Per a 2013 en:Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society study extreme en:heat waves, such as the 2012 one in Texas, are 20 times more likely today than they were in the 1960s.
- ↑ Climate Change Ups Odds of Heat Waves, Drought July 13, 2012 en:Science Friday
- ↑ Study Sees a Higher Risk of Storms on the Horizon September 23, 2013 New York Times
- ↑ With Rising Temperatures, Infrastructure Falters July 5, 2013 en:SciFri
- ↑ Cost of Storm Damage Will Rise Sharply, Even Without Climate Change; Damage from storms will rise sharply, even without climate change August 1, 2013 en:Scientific American
- ↑ The United States Coast Guard officials expect to expand activities as global warming melts these once ice-locked waters.
- ↑ For Coast Guard Patrol North of Alaska, Much to Learn in a Remote New Place July 21, 2012
- ↑ United States Geological Survey
- ↑ Megastorms Could Drown Massive Portions of California January 5, 2012 en:Scientific American, see en:atmospheric river
- ↑ ‘Crazy Ants’ Spreading in the Southeastern US May 24, 2013 en:SciFri
- ↑ en:John Holdren
- ↑ en:Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) of the en:United States Department of Energy with 2013 Secretary Ernest Moniz; see en:Joint BioEnergy Institute? and en:Talk:Indirect land use change impacts of biofuels#Include global warming wikilink and Portal:global warming plus 2007 en:King Corn (film)
- ↑ en:Energy returned on energy invested
- ↑ Climate change causes nuclear, coal plant shutdowns June 04, 2012 en:USA Today; since too warm to cool; and
- ↑ see en:Climate change in California
- ↑ Court Backs E.P.A. Over Emissions Limits Intended to Reduce Global Warming June 26, 2012; excerpt ... "But Representative Fred Upton, the Michigan Republican who is chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said that Congress’s refusal to approve en:greenhouse gas limits constituted a decision and that lawmakers should act now to reverse the en:E.P.A. emissions rules. Carbon regulation “threatens to drive energy prices higher, destroy jobs and hamstring our economic recovery,” he said. Industry is divided on regulating climate-changing gases, with the oil, gas, coal; also see en:Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions of energy sources
- ↑ Fossil Fuel Power Plants Still Not Capturing CO2 Emissions; A survey finds little movement—and even some decline—in adopting technologies that can capture the primary greenhouse gas responsible for global warming October 10, 2013 ClimateWire/SciAm
- ↑ and most of the electricity sectors opposing emissions limits and automakers supporting them. In a statement, the en:Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers noted that car companies had made huge investments to improve fuel economy and thus reduce en:carbon dioxide emissions and that a unified emissions standard was among its “top national priorities.”
- ↑ Upton favors the en:Keystone XL extension (along with the Koch brothers) stating it will lower gasoline prices, while others disagree stating the environmental risks are too high.
- ↑ U.S. Rep. Fred Upton: Keystone pipeline will bring jobs, greater energy independence May 10, 2012; NOTE en:North American energy independence already achieved as the US is an exporter and the Keystone pipeline is the the Texas coast to sell outside the nation.
- ↑ Gas-price savings with Keystone pipeline are illusionary, but risk of oil spills are real May 10, 2012 en:Sierra Club Michigan
- ↑ Congressman Fred Upton says building Keystone XL oil pipeline would help gas prices in the long-term March 15, 2012
- ↑
- ↑ en:United States House of Representatives elections in Michigan, 2014#District 6 contested by en:Paul Clements
- ↑ en:AeroVironment
- ↑ en:Prompt Global Strike potential
- ↑ en:Sherri W. Goodman
- ↑ en:National security and en:elements of national security
- ↑ Chief of US Pacific forces calls climate biggest worry March 9, 2013 en:Boston Globe
- ↑ Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear says the biggest security threat in the Pacific region is climate change. March 12, 2013 en:Wall Street Journal
- ↑ en:Sherri W. Goodman
- ↑ en:Energy usage of the United States military
- ↑ en:National Integrated Drought Information System
- ↑ en:National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate and Societal Interactions Program
- ↑ en:ExxonMobil CEO labels McKibben a “purveyer of fear.” McKibben says he is a “professional bummer-outer”, per Bill McKibben's Battle Against the Keystone XL Pipeline February 28, 2013 en:BusinessWeek
- ↑ Tillerson has called for an engineering resolution for the en:effects of global warming per
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Exxon on climate change impacts: “Don’t worry, engineering will fix it” June 29, 2012 en:Skeptic (U.S. magazine)
- ↑ Oil chief: World will adapt to climate change June 28, 2012
- ↑ en:Council on Foreign Relations speech The New North American Energy Paradigm: Reshaping the Future June 27, 2012 en:The Tennessean, see Let them eat ... climate adaptation (refering to "en:Let them eat cake") July/18/2012
- ↑ A New Climate-Change Consensus. It's time for conservatives to compete with liberals to devise the best, most cost-effective climate solutions, Tillerson's comments in the en:WSJ opinion piece by en:Fred Krupp
- ↑ Rising Temperatures and Drought Create Fears of a New Dust Bowl July 5, 2012
- ↑ US wildfires are what global warming really looks like, scientists warn; The Colorado fires are being driven by extreme temperatures, which are consistent with IPCC projections 29 June 2012 The Guardian
- ↑ en:category:2013 wildfires
- ↑ Mega Wildfires Blamed on Changing Climate and Landscape July 8th, 2013 en:PBS NewsHour
- ↑ en:List of wildfires in Arizona
- ↑ Study: Climate change leaves American West especially vulnerable to wildfires; Colorado snowpack only 2 percent of normal June 12, 2012 en:The Colorado Independent
- ↑ Severe Weather More Likely Thanks to Climate Change; Scientists caution that climate change has increased the chances for high impact events like the Texas drought. February 15, 2013 en:National Geographic (magazine)
- ↑ With drought-starved river levels near historic lows, the Mississipi low water threatened river traffic, per Bins Bulge With Grain as Low Water Threatens Mississippi Traffic, December 7, 2012
- ↑ Drought Stalks the Global Food Supply, en:Business Week July 05, 2012
- ↑ Severe Drought Seen as Driving Cost of Food Up July 25, 2012 New York Times
- ↑ Record Texas Drought Burns Cotton Farmers as White Gold Withers by Elizabeth Campbell Sep 15, 2011
- ↑ Even After Rain, Texas Drought Persists February 6, 2012 en:Wall Street Journal
- ↑ en:category:2013 natural disasters in the United States
- ↑ The Great Drying Strikes Again; The drought gripping much of the U.S. may be a reprise of even worse ones the continent has suffered before July 31, 2012 by Bryan Walsh en:Time (magazine)
- ↑ Drying times; The 2012 drought will dent farm profits and push up food prices July 21st 2012 en:The Economist
- ↑ en:Political impact of Hurricane Sandy; also see en:extratropical cyclone
- ↑ It's Global Warming, Stupid November 1, 2012 en:BusinessWeek
- ↑ en:List of Nova episodes include Inside the Megastorm and 2013 Megastorm Aftermath]
- ↑ Sandy revives debate over sea-level rise November 28, 2012 en:USA Today
- ↑ Extremely Bad Weather; Studies start linking climate change to current events November 17, 2012; Vol.182 #10 en:Science News
- ↑ Arctic Melting Stacked Weather Deck in Favor of Superstorm Sandy "The record-setting melt of en:Arctic sea ice helped set the stage for Hurricane Sandy according to scientists." ... March 15, 2013 en:ClimateWire via en:Scientific American
- ↑ No more Superstorm Sandys expected for a long time; Future conditions less likely to steer hurricanes directly into the East Coast September 3, 2013 Science News issue: October 5, 2013, page 14)
- ↑ Extreme storm surges are expected to occur more often due to the en:effects of global warming.
- ↑ Extreme storm surges may occur more often; Global temperature increases could boost hurricane-caused flooding March 18, 2013 en:Science News
- ↑ For example, the Marshall Islands are threatened by the potential effects of storm surges as well as en:sea level rise.
- ↑ Storm Surges, Rising Seas Could Doom Pacific Islands This Century April 12, 2013 en:ClimateWire and en:Scientific American
- ↑ A U.S. Geological Survey study found that the Midway Atoll, en:Laysan, and en:Pacific islands like them could become inundated and unfit to live on during this century.
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ mood en:Louie (TV series)
- ↑ Quotation|en:New York Governor en:Andrew Cuomo went into territory mostly avoided by U.S. politicians these days. To quote: "There has been a series of extreme weather incidents. That is not a political statement, that is a factual statement ... Anyone who says there's not a dramatic change in weather patterns, I think is denying reality." per Hurricane Sandy and the Climate Change Debate 30.OCT.2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology}}
- ↑ Weather Extremes Leave Parts of U.S. Grid Buckling July 25, 2012 en:NYT
- ↑ en:2012 Sahel drought
- ↑ Warming Marches in; March 2012 was the balmiest on record for the continental United States, setting a mountain of new records April 10th, 2012; with public attention of record-breaking warm winter in 2011-2012
- ↑ increasing association of en:extreme weather with global warming
- ↑ Climate Change Plays a Role in Wildfires—But Not the Only One July 9, 2012
- ↑ en:List of fires
- ↑ en:2011 East Africa drought
- ↑ Quotation|"Since the 1960s, the likelihood of Texas seeing extremely hot, dry weather in a La Niña year has mushroomed 20-fold due to human-induced en:global warming, David Rupp of Oregon State University in Corvallis and his colleagues calculate." per Warming indicted for extreme weather: en:Climate change can explain some 2011 departures from the norm July 11, 2012 en:Science News}}
- ↑ No wildfires where recorded at Chernobyl during the heatwave, per Emergencies Ministry: No wildfires during heatwave in Chornobyl zone, en:Kyiv Post (August 13, 2010), but fires reached the en:Bryansk region, east of Chernobyl, per Russia counts environmental cost of wildfires cite doi|10.1038/news.2010.404}} (see en:Template:Doi-inline?) see en:Climate change in Russia
- ↑ en:2010 Sahel famine
- ↑ 2012 movie en:Beasts of the Southern Wild, extinction as Aurochs nightmare
- ↑ en:Scientific opinion on climate change
- ↑ I Was Wrong:' How One Activist's Apology Changes the GMO Debate Jan. 17, 2013
- ↑ en:Roger Nygard's 2011 film The Nature of Existence, en:The Razor's Edge (1984 film), and en:Viktor Frankl's 1946 en:Man's Search for Meaning, en:Jim Holt (philosopher)'s en:Why Does the World Exist?: An Existential Detective Story
- ↑ How en:Ayn Rand became the new right's version of Marx: "Her en:psychopathic ideas made en:billionaires feel like victims and turned millions of followers into their doormats" March 2012 en:The Guardian
- ↑ en:University of Southampton in the UK ranked the top ten nations endangered to to flooding from global warming and climate change. Ranking reflects percent of population at risk. Six is Tuvalu, Seven Nauru, Eight Cape Verde, Nine Seychelles, and Ten Trinidad and Tobago
- ↑ en:Climate Vulnerable Forum
- ↑ en:Radio Bikini 1988 documentary
- ↑ see 2004 en:Istanbul Cooperation Initiative and en:United States Fifth Fleet
- ↑ en:category:Hacking includes en:biohacking, potentially see Hacking the President’s DNA "... the basis for the creation of personalized en:bioweapons ..." en:The Atlantic November 2012
- ↑ en:This Is the End 2013 comedy, en:It's a Disaster 2012 dramady, en:Rapture-Palooza 2013 fantasy-comedy
- ↑ en:Christopher Soghoian
- ↑ en:Charlie Miller (security researcher) and "en:security through obscurity" (in contrast with Open source and en:radical transparency
- ↑ en:Vulnerability (computing), en:2600: The Hacker Quarterly, en:Black Hat Briefings, en:DEF CON, en:Exploit (computer security), en:Honeypot (computing), en:CERT Coordination Center, en:Carnivore (software), en:Magic Lantern (software), en:DDOS, en:category:Computer security exploits
- ↑ en:Thomas Piketty and en:Emmanuel Saez were named two of the 2012 en:FP Top 100 Global Thinkers "for making the graph that occupied Wall Street", per The FP Top 100 Global Thinkers. en:Foreign Policy (26 November 2012). Archived from the original on 28 November 2012. Retrieved on 28 November 2012.
- ↑ and
- ↑ en:Waste hierarchy
- ↑ en:Trashed (film) 2012 documentary
- ↑ Attack of the climate-denial books; Conservative think tanks fuel publishing boom that spreads misinformation March 12, 2013 en:Columbia Journalism Review
- ↑ en:American Enterprise Institute#Global warming
- ↑ Break Through: From the Death of Environmentalism to the Politics of Possibility 2007 en:Ted Nordhaus and en:Michael Shellenberger book
- ↑ en:Judith Curry#Climate change controversy
- ↑ CNN's Climate Change Denial Darkens a Dimming Media Picture 8.Jan.2009 en:IEEE Spectrum
- ↑ en:William Nordhaus quotes stated aim of fostering confusion “Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the mind of the general public.”
- ↑ en:Bjørn Lomborg
- ↑ en:David Michaels (epidemiologist) (2008 book) Doubt is Their Product: How Industry's Assault on Science Threatens Your Health and 2010 book Bending Science: How Special Interests Corrupt Public Health Research
- ↑ en:Frozen Planet BBC 2011 limits global warming coverage, per
- ↑ A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute August 8, 2013 en:Center for Media and Democracy
- ↑ Why I must speak out about climate change 2012 en:TED (conference) with en:James Hansen
- ↑ en:Politicization of science
- ↑ Something Is Rotten at the New York Times (Op-Ed) Michael E. Mann en:LiveScience November 22, 2013
- ↑ en:Global commons and
- ↑ Commons and en:social contract
- ↑ en:Public nuisance laws
- ↑ Senate Panel OKs Sea-Level Rise Bill June 8, 2012 en:North Carolina Coastal Federation, US state sea level rise legislation
- ↑ en:Crony capitalism
- ↑ en:Trevor Rees-Jones CEO of en:Chief Oil & Gas
- ↑ en:Philip Cooney of the en:American Petroleum Institute versus 2005 en:Rick S. Piltz of outdated en:Climate Change Science Program
- ↑ Fossil Fuel Industry Ads Dominate TV Campaign September 13, 2012
- ↑ New York Times en:Bracewell & Giuliani example
- ↑ Climate Change Denial and the Media - Banishment of Science Reality 12 January 2012 en:Skeptical Science
- ↑ en:Greedy Lying Bastards 2012 documentaryfp
- ↑ Attacks on climate science by former NASA staff shouldn't be taken seriously referenced in en:Skeptic (U.S. magazine) April 12, 2012 Denialists don the authority of NASA. Fail. writes about the 31-January-2012 The Latest Denialist Plea for Climate Change Inaction regarding the Wall Street Journal of January 27, 2012 (see other reference)
- ↑ en:Global Warming Policy Foundation with en:Ian Plimer#Climate change scepticism, Freeman Dyson, en:Richard Tol#climate change and others
- ↑ en:Ellen Goodman compares Global Warming Denial with en:Holocaust denial in "No Change in Political Climate", en:The Boston Globe, February 9, 2007; also in en:The Age July 9, 2007 Climate change is another grim tale to be treated with respect (opinion page) (from en:Talk:Climate change denial/Archive 26#Proposal); see 1985 documentary en:Shoah (film), en:Theresienstadt concentration camp with Defiant Requiem: Voices of Resistance broadcast on PBS, April 2013
- ↑ "en:Elephant in the room"
- ↑ How GOP became party of denial on global warming April 28, 2013 en:SFGate
- ↑ Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming book,
- ↑ We Are All Climate Change Deniers; Almost all of us minimize or normalize our enormous global problems July 15, 2013 en:Time (magazine)
- ↑ Pathetic Cherry pick by the Global Warming denialists December 14, 2012 en:ScienceBlogs (en:Seed (magazine))
- ↑ en:Rick S. Piltz regarding en:Philip Cooney of the en:American Petroleum Institute
- ↑ example 2004 book en:State of Fear, en:Michael Crichton received the en:American Association of Petroleum Geologists 2006 Journalism Award for a fictional non-scientifically-based novel
- ↑ en:State Policy Network and more
- ↑ en:Talk:Climate change denial/Archive_29#SciAm resource
- ↑ How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused in current Volume 17 Number 2 en:Skeptic (U.S. magazine)
- ↑ Mike Steketee. Some sceptics make it a habit to be wrong en:The Australian, 20 November 2010; also see en:Fred Seitz, en:acid rain, en:ozone hole
- ↑ en:Talk:Subtropics#+ Ozone loss made tropics rainier: Hole over Antarctica changes weather patterns all the way to the equator
- ↑ The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future Winter 2013 issue of Daedalus
- ↑ Climate deniers meet Joe Camel: Column October 10, 2013 en:USA Today, but note USA TODAY "Balances" Hundreds Of Scientists With Fossil-Fuel Backed Group; Latest Paper To Mainstream Noxious Heartland Institute's Lies 15.October.2013 en:Media Matters for America
- ↑ en:New Media Strategies NS
- ↑ en:Koch Brothers Exposed 2012 documentary [14]
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ In 1980 when en:David H. Koch ran for vice president on the en:Libertarian Party (United States) ticket, en:William F. Buckley, Jr. called their platform "Anarcho-Totalitarianism."
- ↑ Money Well Spent; The ultra-conservative funders the Koch brothers don't directly fund media—and they don't have to. Instead, they've successfully funded the politicians September 9, 2010 en:The Nation
- ↑ Profile: William F. Buckley en:History Commons
- ↑ New Conditions For The Keystone XL Pipeline July 3, 2013 - 10:06 a.m en:The Diane Rehm Show transcript, relation to en:Manuel Moroun's en:Ambassador Bridge
- ↑ Koch Carbon is controlled by Charles and David H. Koch, per A Black Mound of Canadian Oil Waste Is Rising Over Detroit May 17, 2013 New York Times and
- ↑ en:Thurston Howell, III
- ↑ en:Gordon Gekko
- ↑ en:Talk:Political activities of the Koch brothers/Archive 3#New York Times resource, regarding Richard A. Muller / Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature, see en:Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (now redirects to "en:Berkeley Earth"
- ↑ Richard Muller: Ex-sceptic says climate change is down to humans 30.July.2012 BBC
- ↑ Berkeley scientists' climate data review puts them at center of national debate: The head of the study, a longtime critic of the global warming consensus, will testify before a House panel. Leading climate scientists worry that the project, funded in part by an petroleum billionaire's foundation (en:Koch family), March 31, 2011.
- ↑ How Climate Science Became Politicized August 02, 2012 en:LiveScience
- ↑ You can’t get any more desperate than the Heartland Institute (Updated) May 4, 2012 en:Skeptic (U.S. magazine)
- ↑ The Battle Over Climate Science; Climate scientists routinely face death threats, hate mail, nuisance lawsuits and political attacks. How much worse can it get? June 2012 en:Popular Science
- ↑ A Move Is Afoot to Keep Climate Science Out of Classrooms; Evolution is not the only scientific idea being kept out of the curriculum September 26, 2013; SciAm October 2013 issue page 14
- ↑ Man-Made Climate Change Debate Hits the Classroom January 16, 2012 en:Yahoo! News
- ↑ The Cato Institute published the misleading ADDENDUM: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States, per Cato publishes deceptive government climate report "addendum." October 2012 en:The Atlantic
- ↑ Laurie Bennett (31 March 2013). "Tracking Koch Money and Americans for Prosperity". en:Forbes. Retrieved on 26 February 2013.
- ↑ en:ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA, Activists Fight Green Projects, Seeing U.N. Plot, "belief that man-made global warming is a hoax." ... en:Agenda 21
- ↑ The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism, (en:Theda Skocpol with Vanessa Williamson) en:Oxford University Press, 2011; per The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism
- ↑ Geoffrey M. Kabaservice Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party, From Eisenhower to the Tea Party (Studies in Postwar American Political Development) ISBN-13: 978-0199768400 Jan.2012
- ↑ en:Reihan Salam in March/April en:Foreign Affairs The Missing Middle in American Politics; How Moderate Republicans Became Extinct
- ↑ How sure is sure? Why scientists can’t be 100% certain about global warming; Scientists say they are about as certain that global warming is a real, man-made threat as they are that cigarettes kill. Sep 24 2013, The en:Associated Press
- ↑ Conner, Claire (2013) Wrapped in the Flag: A Personal History of America's Radical Right ISBN: 9780807077504.
- ↑ Amid concerns of en:voting fraud, U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign is linked to a firm providing the voting machines to be used to tally the ballots in the crucial state of Ohio, per [15] en:Belfast Telegraph and; see en:Hart InterCivic and "en:True the Vote"
- ↑ 1962 en:One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (novel) and en:Project MKUltra, plus en:A Clockwork Orange (disambiguation)
- ↑ en:Chrystia Freeland 2012 book Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else
- ↑ en:We are the 99%
- ↑ en:Paul Starr (August 24, 2012)America on the Brink of Oligarchy en:The New Republic
- ↑ example Elizabeth Báthory and en:Absolute power corrupts absolutely
- ↑ Nero's intentional burn of Rome to create the Domus Aurea
- ↑ en:2010 United States Census shows 1 in 2 people are classified as low-income or poor, per
- ↑ see 2012 en:Sidney Verba book The Unheavenly Chorus: Unequal Political Voice and the Broken Promise of American Democracy by Kay Lehman Schlozman, Sidney Verba, and Henry E. Brady; per America on the Brink of Oligarchy August 24, 2012 en:The New Republic
- ↑ Poverty may tax thinking abilities; But sudden windfalls improve poor people's mental fortunes August 29, 2013 Science News magazine issue: October 5, 2013 page 10
- ↑ en:Richard N. Haass Foreign Policy Begins at Home: The Case for Putting America's House in Order August 21, 2013 en:Foreign Affairs
- ↑ Richard Haass: "Foreign Policy Begins At Home: The Case For Putting America's House In Order" June 5, 2013 en:The Diane Rehm Show
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Money, Power and Wall Street four one hour en:Frontline (U.S. TV series) episodes, 4 May 2012 premier concluded
- ↑ en:Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act watered-down by Conflicts of Interest (banking industry etc... Note for en:banking in the United States: Big Banks: Now Even Too Bigger to Fail in 2012 The five largest banks by assets in 2011 were en:JPMorgan Chase, en:Bank of America, en:Citigroup, en:Wells Fargo, and en:Goldman Sachs. Per the Federal Reserve these top five banks held more than $8.5 trillion in assets at the end of 2011, which was 56 percent of the U.S. economy by gross domestic product (GDP). In 2006 the top five held $6 trillion, which was 43% of the economy that year. The top five in 2012 were about twice as large as they were in 2002 relative to the economy.), as was the en:Consumer Financial Protection Bureau attacked
- ↑ Money Unlimited; How Chief Justice John Roberts orchestrated the Citizens United decision (May 21, 2012) en:New Yorker, regarding John Roberts and en:Anthony Kennedy en:judicial activism; and en:John Paul Stevens dissent The Court & the Right to Vote: A Dissent August 15, 2013 en:New York Review of Books
- ↑ en:Nomi Prins
- ↑ Limiting en:CEO pay and outlawing "en:golden parachute" in en:Swiss referendum, 2013, per ; also see en:Business Roundtable
- ↑ Koch Brothers Exposed (2012 film)per [16][17] and Rolling Stone and The Nation
- ↑ Are the Republicans Beyond Saving? by en:Elizabeth Drew in 21.March.2013 en:The New York Review of Books
- ↑ en:Evangelical Climate Initiative promoted "market-based" (i.e. anarchy?), not enough
- ↑ Loading the Climate Dice July 22, 2012
- ↑ en:Talk:War/Archive 4
- ↑ en:Daniel Goldhagen's 2009 book Worse Than War on en:category:Genocide
- ↑ A Cheerful View of Mass Violence January 12, 2012 en:The New York Review of Books by en:Jeremy Waldron
- ↑ Thanksgiving News Flash: Things Are Getting Better! by John Horgan en:Scientific American November 22, 2011
- ↑ en:Nonkilling, en:Nonviolent resistance (example en:Otpor!) and en:Gene Sharp
- ↑ The Roots of Human Genius Are Deeper Than Expected March 10, 2013 Scientific American
- ↑ Dirty Weather Report launched per [18] en:Voice of America, [19] en:WBUR/NPR, [20] en:Reuters
- ↑ en:First Earth Battalion and curious 2009 en:The Men Who Stare at Goats (film) from 2004 book en:The Men Who Stare at Goats
- ↑ more so, see previous en:Gobero site and en:Tenerian culture with Skeletons of the Sahara premiered September 25, 2013 on en:PBS and Stone Age Graveyard Unearthed In Sahara August 14, 2008 en:NPR
- ↑ Book Review: 'The Circle,' by Dave Eggers. A tech giant gains a monopoly over the Internet and seeks to indoctrinate the population into its cult of transparency. en:WSJ
- ↑ ‘The Hunger Games’: your kids are angrier than you think. A frightening story about kids killing other kids for the amusement of adults has become a blockbuster. April 2, 2012 en:Maclean's; regarding en:The Hunger Games trilogy; see example Teens Are Still Developing Empathy Skills; Vital Social Skill Ebbs and Flows in Adolescent Boys; How to Cultivate Sensitivity Oct. 15, 2013 Wall Street Journal
- ↑ similar despair with en:The Walking Dead (TV series), en:The Road (2009 film), and en:The Book of Eli 2010
- ↑ en:Cryptococcus gattii spread increased from the effects of global warming, see Strange Fungi Now Stalk Healthy People December 2, 2013 en:SciAm
- ↑ examples of concern en:Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and en:Influenza A virus subtype H7N9, also MRSA en:Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- ↑ many many more such as en:Influenza A virus subtype H3N8 (en:category:Subtypes of Influenza A virus), example en:category:Influenza pandemics)... cite news |title=New flu virus found in seals concerns scientists |first=Matt |last=McGrath |publisher=BBC|journal=BBC News|date=31 July 2012 |url= |accessdate=2012-07-31}} and Flu That Leapt From Birds to Seals Is Studied for Human Threat July 31, 2012 New York Times; see people such as en:John Oxford and en:Nathan Wolfe and en:Talk:Vector (epidemiology)
- ↑ more examples; en:Beta-lactamase#KPC (K. pneumoniae carbapenemase) (Class A) (a en:gram-negative bacteria) and en:New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1 (an en:enzyme) per Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria October 2013 Frontline
- ↑ en:Barley yellow dwarf, en:Stem rust
- ↑ en:Pseudogymnoascus destructans on bats en:White nose syndrome
- ↑ en:How to Survive a Plague 2012 documentary
- ↑ en:Neats vs. scruffies
- ↑ Lake Michigan and en:Lake Huron hit all-time record low levels in 2013, per Lakes Michigan, Huron hit record low water level Feb. 5, 2013
- ↑ Business, tourism take a hit as Great Lakes evaporate June 18, 2013 en:NBC News
- ↑ The Art of Controversy: Political Cartoons and Their Enduring Power 2013 en:Victor Saul Navasky book
- ↑
- ↑ (see en:2012 in China and en:Portal:Current events/2012 May 7)
- ↑ Ted Turner on future en:cannibalism from
- ↑ 1992 film en:A Few Good Men quote "you can't handle the truth", see en:authenticity
- ↑ en:Earthrise same year 1968, from Apollo 8
- ↑ The Omega Glory. Retrieved on July 31, 2012.
- ↑ de:Glück#Zufallsglück und Glücksbringer)
- ↑ en:Happy life expectancy and en:Happy Planet Index with en:Happiness economics and en:Gross national happiness (en:Broad measures of economic progress, en:World Database of Happiness)
- ↑ Simonite, Tom (October 22, 2013). "The Decline of Wikipedia". en:MIT Technology Review. Retrieved on November 07, 2013. regarding the en:History of Wikipedia falling short of en:Encyclopedia Galactica status; also see semi-humorous Wikipedia:Why not create an account? essay, en:Wikipediocracy, [21]
- ↑ en:History of Wikipedia, see en:Wikipedia:WikiSpeak
- ↑ example Andrew Lih's 2009 book en:The Wikipedia Revolution
- ↑ en:Deletionism and inclusionism in Wikipedia
- ↑ Wikipedia:Tendentious editing and Wikipedia:Don't take the bait and Wikipedia:No angry mastodons ...
- ↑ en:Deletionpedia
- ↑ en:WikiScanner
- ↑ Scott Cato, M. (2009). Green Economics. London: en:Earthscan, pp. 36–37. ISBN 978-1-84407-571-3.
- ↑ Bindoff, N.L., et al. "Ch. 5: Observations: Oceanic Climate Change and Sea Level" , in IPCC AR4 WG1 2007, referred to by: "Climate Graphics by Skeptical Science: Global Warming Components:". Skeptical Science. en:Skeptical Science.
- ↑ No, CFCs are Almost Certainly Not Causing All of Global Warming June 01, 2013 en:Washington Monthly
- ↑ Profits on Carbon Credits Drive Output of a Harmful Gas August 8, 2012 New York Times
- ↑ Subsidies for a Global Warming Gas 9.August.2012; see en:Fluoroform