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fillerwords!A picture's worth a thousand words, and when you have 108,834,353 pictures, that's saying something.
A Summer Bonfire. Photo credit: Fir0002
Edit Count
@ Wikipedia
Favorite Photos I Took

Photo Philosophy
If an Image carries encyclopedic content or particularly looks beautiful or iconic, it belongs here at the Commons. As long as it looks presentable at a thumbnail-size, I say upload it! No articles are going to use a 800x600 image! However, the bigger you can get the image the better, because when shrunk it will look clearer. However, if it gets grainy after magnifying it to the highest level it's ok because I assure you no one will use an image that big anywhere unless you sell professional prints.
Welcome to my page!
Thanks for stopping by my page! I'm Scrumshus and you have the lucky opportunity of checking out my photographic contributions to the Wikimedia Commons. All of my uploaded pictures are below in my gallery. All photos are taken with my Canon PowerShot S2 IS, so my photos aren't of proffesional quality, but they get the job done. I am also skilled at making image-based titles for webpages in Adobe Fireworks, so if you need a decorative title, I'd be glad to take up any such task. Hopefully someday Ill get a featured picture, but not quite yet. And if possible (under the GDFL license), I may upload some sounds of songs I composed in Apple's GarageBand software, which would be really neat. :)

Most of my photos revolve around a theme of nature or animals because when you're 14 and living in the suburbs, there's not much "wow" things to take pictures of, so the nature preserve is my best bet, and most of my photos come from there. Someday I hope to get one of those Canon EOS 20Ds so I can really rank up some superior images like many contributors here in the Commons. Untill then, i snap a photo load it up, possibly nominate it for QI, and wait for my gallery to rank up enough to persuade my parents to buy m a better camera. :)

Today is
01:40 UTC
Rainforest walk in the National Botanical Gardens. Photo credit: Fir0002
Now I know as a teen with a nice quality-gets-you-what-you-need camera I'm not likely to be recognized with any Featured Pictures, or even Quality Images, but I would like to list the photographers here that first got me inspirted to actually get a camera and contribute. This guys are the best of the best, so let's give a round of applause to:

Makro Freak · Fir0002 · Alvesgaspar · Ram-Man
These users have set the bar and created some truly iconic images, so I thank you all.

Picture of the Day
Cuban tree frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) on Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands
Commons:Picture of the day
This user's goal is to upload at least 65 images.
This user is 14 years old.