User:Sasha Kopf

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Sasha Niobe Oakling Woodsia Kopf has mostly contributed to articles and images to English Wikipedia. Her user page can be found here, and her personal website can be found here.

Images uploaded by Sasha Kopf

Adult male Malayan tapir at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, Washington

Adult female Malayan tapir at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, Washington

Adult female Malayan tapir at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, Washington

Adult female Malayan tapir at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, Washington
Adult female Malayan tapir at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, Washington

Current and historic range of the Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) as of 2003. Map created using data from Medici, E.P., A. Lynam, R. Boonratana, K. Kawanishi, S. Hawa Yatim, C. Traeholt, B. Holst, and P.S. Miller (eds.). 2003. Malay Tapir Conservation Workshop. Final Report. IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, Page 4.

Distribution of Malayan tapirs in the wild circa 1997, from data and figure in report by Mohd Khan bin Momin Khan, "Status and Action Plan of the Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus)" Tapirs: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan published by IUCN Tapir Specialist Group, 1997

Milton, the 16-year-old male Baird's tapir at the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston, Massachusetts

Milton again