User:RussBot/Broken Commons links/afwiki

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Broken links to Commons on //

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  1. w:af:Oder-Spree links to Category:Oder-Spree [Search]
  2. w:af:Vlae van deelstate van Oostenryk links to Category:Coats of arms of the Austrian states [Search]
  3. w:af:Meteoroïde links to Category:Meteoroid [Search]
  4. w:af:Oud-Italiese alfabette links to Category:Etruscan alphabet [Search]
  5. w:af:West-toring links to Category:West Tower, Liverpool) [Search]
  6. w:af:Blou dwaalster links to Category:Blue stragglers [Search]
  7. w:af:Nizjni Nowgorod-oblast links to Category:Nizhni Novgorod Oblast [Search]
  8. w:af:Indiër (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Indus (constellation [Search]
  9. w:af:Roman (Roemenië) links to Category:Biserici din Roman, România [Search]
  10. w:af:Bosvaderlandswilg links to Category:Bosvaderlandswilg [Search]
  11. w:af:Ram (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Aries [Search]
    • 2 log entries found:
      1. page was deleted at 2011-12-19T14:01:49Z; comment: Improperly named
      2. page was deleted at 2011-03-28T13:54:32Z; comment: Empty category: No such ship anymore
    • note: Aries exists
  12. w:af:Konstantyn V van Bisantium links to Category:Constantine V [Search]
  13. w:af:Kongorivier links to Category:Kongorivier [Search]
  14. w:af:Beeldhouer (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Sculptor [Search]
    • 1 log entries found:
      1. page was deleted at 2009-12-09T14:58:44Z; comment: Category:Sculptor moved to Category:Sculptors
    • note: Sculptor exists
  15. w:af:Tethys (maan) links to Category:Tethys (moon) [Search]
  16. w:af:Virgo-sterrestelselswerm links to Category:Virgo Cluster [Search]
  17. w:af:Adrastea (maan) links to Category:Adrastea (moon) [Search]
  18. w:af:Philippikos Bardanes links to Category:Philippikos [Search]
  19. w:af:Ou Cyrilliese alfabet links to Category:Early Cyrillic [Search]
  20. w:af:Thebe (maan) links to Category:Thebe (moon) [Search]
  21. w:af:Eiland links to Category:Island [Search]
    • 1 log entries found:
      1. page was deleted at 2008-08-25T22:40:48Z; comment: content was: '{{Category redirect|Islands}}' (and the only contributor was 'Mircea')
    • note: Island exists
  22. w:af:Morija links to Category:Morija [Search]
  23. w:af:Iapetus (maan) links to Category:Iapetus (moon) [Search]
  24. w:af:Bruinmossel links to Category:Bruinmossel [Search]
  25. w:af:Hedwig van Pole links to Category:Jadwiga Andegaweńska [Search]
  26. w:af:Chetia links to Category:Chetia [Search]
  27. w:af:40 Bank Street links to Category:40 Bank Street [Search]
  28. w:af:Enceladus (maan) links to Category:Enceladus (moon) [Search]
  29. w:af:Laguna Beach links to Category:Laguna Beach [Search]
  30. w:af:Mimas (maan) links to Category:Mimas (moon) [Search]
  31. w:af:Vlag van die Comore-eilande links to Category:Flags ofComoros [Search]
  32. w:af:Konstantyn VII van Bisantium links to Category:Constantine VII [Search]
  33. w:af:Aya Irene links to Category:Hagia Eirene [Search]
    • 1 log entries found:
      1. page was deleted at 2012-01-14T18:36:42Z; comment: (incorrectly named) duplicate of Category:Hagia Irene
  34. w:af:Abessiniese kat links to Category:Abyssinian [Search]
  35. w:af:Tiberius III Apsimar links to Category:Tiberius III [Search]
  36. w:af:Potsdam-Mittelmark links to Category:Potsdam-Mittelmark [Search]
  37. w:af:Cassiopeia (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Cassiopeia [Search]
  38. w:af:Akwaduk links to Category:Aqueduct [Search]
    • 1 log entries found:
      1. page was deleted at 2011-03-16T08:27:15Z; comment: (incorrectly named) duplicate of Category:Aqueducts
    • note: Aqueduct exists
  39. w:af:Seile (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Vela [Search]
  40. w:af:Romanos II van Bisantium links to Category:Romanus II [Search]
  41. w:af:Weegskaal (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Libra [Search]
  42. w:af:Queen's House links to Category:Queen’s House [Search]
  43. w:af:Universiteit van Rennes 1 links to Category:Université de Rennes 1 [Search]
  44. w:af:Vlag van Navassa-eiland links to Category:Flags of Navassa [Search]
  45. w:af:Vickers-masjiengeweer links to Category:Vickers machine gun [Search]
  46. w:af:Teltow-Fläming links to Category:Teltow-Fläming [Search]
  47. w:af:Fornax-dwergsterrestelsel links to Category:Fornax Dwarf [Search]
  48. w:af:Michael III van Bisantium links to Category:Michael III [Search]
  49. w:af:Kraanvoël (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Grus (constellation [Search]
  50. w:af:Euston-toring links to Category:Euston Tower) [Search]
  51. w:af:Konstantyn III Herakleios links to Category:Heraclius Constantine [Search]
  52. w:af:Tweede Vryheidsoorlog links to Category:Memorials of the Boer Wars [Search]
  53. w:af:Basilius I die Masedoniër links to Category:Basil I [Search]
  54. w:af:Leo III die Isauriër links to Category:Leo III the Isaurian [Search]
  55. w:af:Fenisiese alfabet links to Category:Phoenician alphabet [Search]
  56. w:af:Doctor Zhivago links to Category:Doctor Zhivago [Search]
  57. w:af:Die Laaste Avondmaal (Leonardo) links to Category:Last supper by Leonardo da Vinci [Search]
  58. w:af:Republiek van Weimar links to Category:Weimarer Republik [Search]
  59. w:af:Wolf-Rayetster links to Category:Wolf–Rayet stars [Search]
  60. w:af:Royan links to Category:Rochefort, Charente-Maritime [Search]
    • 1 log entries found:
      1. page was deleted at 2010-09-06T19:24:22Z; comment: Empty category: content was: '{{speedy|Mauvaise typographie du département, nouvelle catégorie créé}}'
    • note: Rochefort, Charente-Maritime exists
  61. w:af:Bridgewater Place links to Category:Bridgwater Place) [Search]
  62. w:af:Osmaterium links to Category:Osmaterium [Search]
  63. w:af:Beetham-toring links to Category:Beetham Tower) [Search]
  64. w:af:Molekulêre wolk links to Category:Molecular clouds [Search]
  65. w:af:Ladysmith links to Category:Ladysmith [Search]
  66. w:af:Amazonas (Brasilië) links to Category:Amazonas (Brazil) [Search]
  67. w:af:Elbe-Elster links to Category:Elbe-Elster [Search]
  68. w:af:Leo I van Bisantium links to Category:Leo I [Search]
  69. w:af:Standard Bank links to Category:Standard Bank [Search]
  70. w:af:Maagd (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Virgo [Search]
  71. w:af:Franse oorsese gebiede links to Category:Overseas territories of France [Search]
  72. w:af:Visse (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Pisces [Search]
  73. w:af:Maikop links to Category:Maykop [Search]
  74. w:af:Opper-Oostenryk links to Category:Oberösterreich [Search]
  75. w:af:Boris Jeltsin links to Category:Борис Николаевич Ельцин [Search]
  76. w:af:Vlag van Burundi links to Category:Flags of Burindi [Search]
  77. w:af:10 Upper Bank Street links to Category:10 Upper Bank Street [Search]
  78. w:af:Huis van Normandië links to Category:House of Normandy [Search]
  79. w:af:Indonesiese Wikipedia links to Category:Indonesian Wikipedia [Search]
  80. w:af:Vlag van Bonaire links to Category:Flags of Bonaire [Search]
  81. w:af:Europese korthaarkat links to Category:European [Search]
  82. w:af:Lugpomp (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Antlia [Search]
  83. w:af:Joeri Loezjkof links to Category:Yury Luzhkov [Search]
  84. w:af:Justinianus II van Bisantium links to Category:Justinian II [Search]
  85. w:af:Wolf (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Lupus [Search]
    • 1 log entries found:
      1. page was deleted at 2011-07-23T18:45:25Z; comment: Empty category
    • note: Lupus exists
  86. w:af:Fedora links to Category:Fedora (Operating System) [Search]
    • 1 log entries found:
      1. page was deleted at 2012-01-09T13:11:56Z; comment: Renamed category: content was: "{{bad name|Fedora (operating system)|proper caps|2011-12-12}}"
  87. w:af:Beker (sterrebeeld) links to Category:Crater [Search]
  88. w:af:Wenera-ruimteprogram links to Category:Venus Missions [Search]
  89. w:af:Superswerm links to Category:Supercluster [Search]
  90. w:af:Havelland (distrik) links to Category:Havelland (distrik) [Search]
  91. w:af:Toelsidas links to Category:Gosvami Tulsidas [Search]
    • 1 log entries found:
      1. page was deleted at 2012-01-24T13:59:38Z; comment: (incorrectly named) duplicate of Category:Tulsidas
  92. w:af:Marcianus van Bisantium links to Category:Marcian [Search]
  93. w:af:Dakar-tydren links to Category:Dakar Rally [Search]
  94. w:af:Nikephoros II Phokas links to Category:Nicephorus II [Search]
  95. w:af:Universiteit Niccolò Cusano links to Category:Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Roma [Search]
  96. w:af:Romanos I van Bisantium links to Category:Romanus I [Search]

Last updated: 2013-04-04 16:53:41 UTC