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Weather-related phenomena I have taken photos of

Sun halo


Optical phenomena which is caused by the ice crystals in a cirrus or cirrostratus cloud

Supralateral arc


Rare type of arc that forms as a result of sun light entering horizontally oriented, rod-shaped hexagonal ice crystals through a hexagonal base and exits through one of the prism sides

Circumzenithal arc


Arc that looks like a smiling face, often found accompanying sun dogs

Sun dogs


Optical phenomena that forms when the sun is either rising or setting



Optical phenomena that forms as a result of diffraction of moonlight or sunlight caused by small individual water particles or small ice crystals in a cloud, this phenomenon also occurs in foggy glass surfaces

Cloud iridescence


Optical phenomena caused by sunlight or moonlight diffracting on water particles or ice crystals on a cloud that are all the exact same size

Cloud coloration


(not to be confused with cloud iridescence) Optical phenomena caused by sunlight during sunrises and sunsets



Air pollution particles trapped in dry air, which then minimize the amount of air visibility

Crepuscular rays


Sunlight passing off clouds



Light being interrupted by an obstacle, for example, a cloud



Falling rain or snow which is caused by a downdraft in a cumulonimbus cloud or a nimbostratus cloud



Water droplets that condense on surfaces like plants as a result of cold temperatures, high humidity and light wind

Dust devil


Type of whirlwind which forms as a result of cool air in the atmosphere interacting with warmer air near the ground



Brown or yellowish haze near the ground that is visible as a result of sunlight reacting with nitrogen oxides and at least one volatile organic compound



Ice that forms as a result of dripping water that was still dripping before a below-freezing temperature, this then freezes the water and makes the ice have a spike shape



Fires that form in a nature setting, they may or may not be caused by human activity. they normally form in hot and dry condition



Water particles that condense in a nature setting



Airflow that is caused by high-pressure and low-pressure interacting with each other; the air in the high pressure area wants to move into the low pressure, and as a result it makes airflow, the stronger the wind is, the closer the low and high pressure are

Static electricity


eft over static electricity from thunderstorms that remains in the air