Lavalian league (10 teams)
Description of league:
Created:June 14 2005
Type:6 on 6 soccer
subs allowed 6
Total of matches a year:75 matches all year
First star of the league:
Reystevens record:
Born:July 20 1990
Position:Right wing,Center,Middlefielder(mostly Right wing)
Matches played:128
1-Vimont june 7 2005 to july 14 2005 (14 goals)(12 matches) 2-The invinvibles July 20 2005 to July 13 2006 (52 goals)(56 matches) 3-The Kings July 20 2006 to (73 goals)(60 matches)
Second star Iron made record: Name:Jack Terrier Born:August 14 1987 goals:97 assists:31 matches:115 1-Les Durs June 22 2005 to July 11 2007 (97 goals)(115 matches) 2-The Invincibles July 11 2007-
3rd star
Nitro's record: Name:Juliano Franelli Born:October 21 1989 Goals:72 Assists:59 matches:102 1-Forza November 2006 to (72 goals) (102 matches)