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Name changes
[edit]- File:American Medicinal Plants-1-0007.png File:American Medicinal Plants-title-iii.png
- File:American Medicinal Plants-1-0019.png File:American Medicinal Plants-001-0025.png
- File:American Medicinal Plants-1-0025.png File:American Medicinal Plants-002-0031.png
- File:American Medicinal Plants-1-0029.png File:American Medicinal Plants-003-0035.png
- File:American Medicinal Plants-004-0041.png File:Ranunculus Repens-American Medicinal Plants-1-0035-4.png
- File:American Medicinal Plants-1-0037.png File:American Medicinal Plants-005-0043.png
- File:Anemone Patens-American Medicinal Plants-1-0019-1.png File:AMP-Plate 001-pg 0025-Anemone patens.png
- File:Anemone Hepatica-American Medicinal Plants-1-0025-2.png File:AMP-Plate 002-pg 0031-Anemone hepatica.png
- File:Ranunculus Sceleratus-American Medicinal Plants-1-0029-3.png File:AMP-Plate 003-pg 0035-Ranunculus scelleratus.png
- File:American Medicinal Plants-1-0035.png File:AMP-Plate 004-pg 0041-Ranunculus repens.png
- File:Ranunculus Bulbosus-American Medicinal Plants-1-0037-5.png File:AMP-Plate-005-pg 0043-Ranunculus bulbosus.png
- American Medicinal Plants
- Template:AmMedPlants {{AmMedPlants|[plate]|[page]|synonym}}
- {{AmMedPlants|||}}
- 1 March 1887 {{date|year=1887|month=3|day=1}}
- author Category:Charles Frederick Millspaugh Charles Frederick Millspaugh {{Creator:Charles Frederick Millspaugh}}
- notes. This book was split by the Botanical Gardens which scanned it. The scan being used for these plates is a whole version that has a stamp on it from North Carolina State University. Also, I have made some plates that use the same scrolly signature blob in the corner, while the original was different.
- Images that startled me:
When I was looking at this image, into the botanics version and the processed jp2 version, the red parts on the flower stem looked like my software's quickmask.
- File:Arnica montana-Illustrations of Medical Botany-0107-1.png File:Arnica montana-Illustrations of Medical Botany-1-0107-50.png
- Illustrations of Medical Botany, Volume 1
- Illustrations of medical botany; consisting of coloured figures of the plants affording the important articles of the materia medica, and descriptive letterpress
- Template:IllMedBot {{IllMedBot|[volume]|[plate]|[synonym]}}
- {{IllMedBot|||}}
- author Category:Joseph Carson Joseph Carson {{creator:Joseph Carson}}
- The Internet Archive
- Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Missouri Botanical Garden
- Library of Congress Record
- File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0102.png File:Favorite Flowers Plate 031 0102.png
- File:Mignonette-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0102-31.png File:FFGG 031-pg 0102-Reseda odorata.png
- File:FFGG 031-pg 0102-Reseda odorata (cropped).png File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0102-31-crop.png
- File:Ranunculus asiaticus-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0030-6.png File:FFGG-006-0030-Ranunculus asiaticus.png
- File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0030.png File:Favorite Flowers-Plate 006-0030.png
- Tree Peony-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0003-1.png File:FFGG-001-pg 0003-Paeonia moutan.png
- Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0003.png File:Favorite Flowers Plate 001 0003.png
- File:Nigella hispanica-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0036-8.png File:FFGG-008-0036-Nigella hispanica.png
- File:Nigella hispanica-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0036-8-crop.png File:FFGG-008-0036-Nigella hispanica (cropped).png
- File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0036.png File:Favorite Flowers-Plate 008-0036.png
- File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0036-crop.png File:Favorite Flowers-Plate 008-0036 (cropped).png
- File:FFGG-002-pg 0015-Clematis.png File:Clematis _-_ Garden varieties-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0015-1.png
- File:Favorite Flowers Plate 002 0015.png File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0015.png
- File:FFGG-005-0027-Anemone hepatica.png File:Common Hepatica-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0027-5.png, color (needs bluer flowers)
- File:Favorite Flowers-Plate 005-0027.png File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0027.png
- File:FFGG-004-pg 0024.png File:Flame Anenmone-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0024-4.png
- File:Favorite Flowers-Plate 004-0024.png File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0024.png
- File:FFGG-003-pg 0021-Anemone coronaria.png File:Poppy Anemone-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0021-3.png
- File:Favorite Flowers Plate 003 0021.png File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0021.png
- File:FFGG-002-pg 0018-Thalictrum aquilegiifolium.png File:Thalictrum Aquilegifolium-Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0018-2.png
- File:Favorite Flowers Plate 002 0018.png File:Favourite Flowers Garden Greenhouse-1-0018.png
- Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse
- author Category:Edward Step Edward Step {{Creator:Edward Step}}
- Template:FFGG taxon link {{FFGG taxon link|[plate]|[synonym]|[volume]}}
- {{FFGG taxon link|||}}
- The Internet Archive
- Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Missouri Botanical Garden
- User:RaboKarbakian/FFGG
- File:Atropa Belladonna-Medicinal Herbs Poisonous-80 136.png File:Deadly Nightshade-Medicinal Herbs Poisonous Plants-136-80.png
- File:Medicinal Herbs Poisonous 136.png File:Medicinal Herbs Poisonous Plants-136.png
- File:Medicinal Herbs Poisonous-80 136.png File:Medicinal Herbs Poisonous Plants-136-80.png
- File:American Medical Botany-3 057.png File:American Medical Botany-3-0057.png
- File:Menyanthes trifoliata-American Medical Botany-3 046 057.png File:Menyanthes trifoliata-American Medical Botany-3-0057-46.png
- File:American Medical Botany-3 046 057.png File:American Medical Botany-3-0057-46.png
- American Medical Botany, being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United States, containing their botanical history and chemical analysis, and properties and uses in medicine, diet and the arts, with coloured engravings
- Template:Ammedbot {{Ammedbot|[volume]|[plate]|[synonym]}}
- {{Ammedbot|||}}
- author Category:Jacob Bigelow
Ye Sundial Booke Lang's Fairy Books
[edit]- Birdcraft: A Field Book of Two Hundred Song, Game, and Water Birds
- {{tg-birdcraft|}}
- s:Index:Birdcraft-1897.djvu
- author Mabel Osgood Wright Mabel Osgood Wright {{Creator:Mary Osgood Wright}}
- illustrator Louis Agassiz Fuertes Louis Agassiz Fuertes {{Creator:Louis Agassiz Fuertes}}
- Medical botany by William Woodville. London, James Phillips, 1790
- Template:Medbot1790 {{Medbot|[volume]|[plate]|synonym}}
- {{Medbot|volume=|plate=|synonym=}}
- {{Medbot|||}}
- Biodiversity Heritage Library
- The Internet Archive
- Volumes 1 - 3 of MBG Linnean Record
- Volume "4" of MBG Linnean Record
- Flora Homoeopathica, or Illustrations and descriptions of the plants used in homœopathic remedies.
- Template:FloraHom {{FloraHom|volume|plate|synonym}}
- {{FloraHom|||}}
- author Edward Hamilton (1824 – 1899)
- Botanicus
- The Internet Archive
- notes. I think I found where the plate imprint was altered on the dandelion.
- Images that startled me:
Different letters showed up under one of the imprinted names.
- author Elizabeth Gordon Category:Elizabeth Gordon {{Creator:Elizabeth Gordon}} s:Author:Elizabeth Gordon
- Template:Image verse-4 line dropcap {{Image verse-4 line dropcap||||}}
- {{Image verse-4 line dropcap|[image]|first letter|irst line|second line|third line|fourth line}}
- Template:EGverse {{EGverse|[image]|first letter|irst line|second line|third line|fourth line}}
- {{EGverse||||}}
- navigation User:RaboKarbakian/Flower_Children
- Flower children; the little cousins of the field and garden s:Index:Flower children; the little cousins of the field and garden.djvu
- Category:Flower children; the little cousins of the field and garden (1910)/Retouched
- The Internet Archive
- Template:EGflower {{EGflower|[plate]|[poem character]}}
- {{EGflower|[plate]|[poem character]}}
- User:RaboKarbakian/Bird_Children
- Bird children, the little playmates of the flower children s:Index:Bird_Children-Elizabeth_Gordon.djvu
- Category:Bird children, the little playmates of the flower children (1912)
- The Internet Archive
- Template:EGbird {{EGbird|[plate]|[poem character]}}
- {{EGbird|[plate]|[poem character]}}
- Vol 1 1899
- Category:Bird Lore (1899), Bird-Lore, A Bi-monthly Magazine devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds, Vol 1
- File:Bird-lore Vol 01.djvu s:Index:Bird-lore Vol 01.djvu
- Vol 2 1900
- Category:Bird Lore (1900)
- File:Bird-lore Vol 01.djvu s:Index:Bird-Lore 02.djvu
- Bird Study for Busy People
- Vol 6 1904
- Category:Bird Lore (1904)
- s:Index:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu File:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu
- Leaflet No. 7 Snowy Heron
- Wayside and Woodland Blossoms s:en:Index:Wayside_and_Woodland_Blossoms.djvu
- author Category:Edward Step Edward Step {{Creator:Edward Step}}
- A guide to the wild flowers
- {{gwf||}}
- Template:koehler {{koehler|[plate]|[synonym]}}
- {{koehler||}}
- Template:bbif2 {{bbif2|[volume]|[figure]|[synonym]}}
- {{bbif2|||}}
- wikisource:An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions