< User:Patrick | date
{{{1}}} | Code | Output |
- | {{other date|4=pl|-|1999-01|2000-01}} {{other date|4=pl|-|1999-01-01|2000-01-01}} |
from January 1999 until January 2000 |
between | {{other date|4=pl|between|1999-01|2000-01}} {{other date|4=pl|between|1999-01-01|2000-01-01}} |
between January 1999 and January 2000 |
< b before |
{{other date|4=pl|b|2000-01}} {{other date|4=pl|before|2000-01-01}} |
before January 2000 before 1 January 2000 |
> a after |
{{other date|4=pl|a|1999-01}} {{other date|4=pl|after|1999-01-01}} |
after January 1999 after 1 January 1999 |
by | {{other date|4=pl|by|1999-01}} {{other date|4=pl|by|1999-01-01}} |
by January 1999 by 1 January 1999 |
from | {{other date|4=pl|from|1999-01}} {{other date|4=pl|from|1999-01-01}} |
from January 1999 from 1 January 1999 |
~ ca circa |
circa January 1999 {{other date|4=pl|circa|1999-01-01}} {{other date|4=pl|ca|1999-01|2000-01}} {{other date|4=pl|circa|1999-01-01|2000-01-1}} |
circa January 1999 circa 1 January 1999 between circa January 1999 and circa January 2000 between circa 1 January 1999 and circa 1 January 2000 between circa 1 January 1999 and circa January 2000 between circa January 1999 and circa 1 January 2000 |
or | {{other date|4=pl|or|1999-01|2000-01}} {{other date|4=pl|or|1999-01-01|2000-01-1}} |
January 1999 or January 2000 |
and & |
{{other date|4=pl|and|1999-01|2000-01}} {{other date|4=pl|and|1999-01-01|2000-01-01}} |
January 1999 and January 2000 1 January 1999 and 1 January 2000 1 January 1999 and January 2000 January 1999 and 1 January 2000 |
beginning early |
{{other date|4=pl|early|1999-01}} | early January 1999 |
mid middle |
{{other date|4=pl|mid|1999-01}} | mid January 1999 |
end middle |
{{other date|4=pl|end|1999-01}} | late January 1999 |
firsthalf 1half |
{{other date|4=pl|firsthalf|1999-01}} | first half of January 1999 |
secondhalf 2half |
{{other date|4=pl|secondhalf|1999-01}} | second half of January 1999 |
Julian | {{other date|4=pl|Julian|1865-01-19|1865-01-01}} |
19 January 1865 (1 January 1865 in Julian calendar) |
BC | {{other date|4=pl|BC|44-01-15}} |
15 January 44 BC |
With date number always gen, without date number depending on function, but for dyadic operators, if both arguments are without date number, always the same for both arguments.
- styczeń
- stycznia
- styczniem
- styczniu
- styczeń
- stycznia
- styczniem
- styczniu