Hello, I am NebulousTheIllogical. I am interested in vexillology and K-Pop.
November27, 202404:25
Hello, how are you doing? I am Nebulous that has typed this. Yes, there is text here. Like, literally, TEXT is here! Wow! This is just a separator. You know, if you paste this into another document, you can see what this says, By the way, I would actually say that this text is really tiny, but it's for the divide. Anyways, if I continue typing more characters towards this text separator thingamabob, it will be two lines long. So I will say, goodbye, alright? Okay, goodbye.
This user has just wasted both their time and yours placing this userbox on their profile, because it says absolutely nothing important, interesting or relevant to anything.
Again, place names will be displayed in their native language.
completed (estimate)
This Database will be on different subpages because if it was all here, it would be too laggy.
Every entry in the databases with a * next to the "Click Here" link will have at least one flag. Even if there is no *, there can still be (anachronistic) flags. If there is an unofficial one (there are many), it will not be removed. An * indicates that the list is unfinished, but in progress.
The Hall of Flags is a collection of flags ranging from subnational to cultural, unofficial to official. Of course, some entries won't have flags. The hall of flags will be linked underneath.