User:Naioli/Chestnut dryers
I live in an area full of little buildings lost in the woods that were anciently used to dry chestnuts to produce chestnut flour (castagnaccio is a typical dessert here). We locally call them cannicciaias. Their architecture is very simple: four stone walls (dry stone ones collapsed and are just ruins now); two floors of which the upper one is often collapsed because it was just made of wood; in the front we usually find a niche for sacred images next to the door and a window above, in the center of the facade; in the back there's always a small opening used to load the chestnuts on the upper floor, where they stayed to be dryed by the smoke coming from a fire on the lower floor. I really like these small builings, so here's a gallery of the ones I found (I've actually seen many more but I've only uploaded those of which I discovered the local name).
Province of Prato
One of the cannicciaias in Codilupo
Cannicciaia in Casigno
Province of Pistoia
Cannicciaia in Santa Lucia