User:Largely Forgotten
I saw about the contest and decided to sign up and contribute. It took a LONG TIME to find a username that wasn't already taken. A little frustrating. I uploaded some pictures, it went OK. That was Friday.
Then, suddenly, it didn't work. I rebooted. I tried 3 different browsers. I cleared my cache. I posted here and there about the problem, trying to find assistance. I didn't get any response, assistance or encouragement. Eventually I found the live chat. After a whole long frustrating day, I figured out that the problem has to do with special characters in the picture title. Turns out the "title" field for the uploads is actually a FILENAME with all the associated restrictions. But nothing explained that, and I didn't get an error message. Instead, NOTHING happened when I pushed the upload button. Brick wall. I am grateful to the people who tried to help me, less frustrating than trying to do it all by myself. In the end, I was the one to figure out the problem, not to diminish the efforts of the people who tried to help me.
So I uploaded a few pictures and went to bed last night, after a headache-inducing day of trying. That was Saturday.
I got up this morning to find that a user who I shall not name (apparently, that's "abusive) had marked my pictures. Copyright issue, but incorrect about post office murals. Oh no! I couldn't figure out how to reply to defend myself. I sent an email to the admins, because I know how to do email. I got one back that they don't get involved in deletion requests. By now, another user with another redacted username was piling on. By now I"m reduced to tears, and am wondering why I am bothering. Two days of my life I will never get back.
I have decided this place is not for me. I am leaving, and removing as much as I can on my way out the door. Perhaps you people can learn how to be more welcoming to new users. This has been a poor experience. Here's what I was going to do, before I became convinced this was an atmosphere I did not wish to remain in.
I am retired now, and laying low because of the pandemic. I have a large portfolio (thousands of pictures) taken over the past decades around the country. My better half was a touring musician (band leader, not anybody famous you ever heard of), and I spent time on the tour bus. And life had me driving between Nashville & New Mexico several times a year, taking many different routes on the two-lanes. Also on tour, I'd photograph the theaters, many historic and other downtown buildings. In the South, I was particularly interested in the architecture of segregation. Where were the separate stairs & bathrooms, like that. And always interested in the New Deal & county courthouses. I have taken thousands of pictures of these places, many of which are in the historic register.
I had thousands of pictures I hoped to upload. Not exaggerating. Thousands. However, it only took 2 days to change my mind.
Have a nice day, everybody.