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Mozilla FirefoxThis user contributes using
Mozilla Firefox.
This user contributes using Linux.
This user has been on Wikimedia Commons for
13 years, 4 months and 10 days
200+This user has made over 200 contributions to Commons.
This user comes from Africa.

My name is Stephen W. Wanjau. I was born on August 19, 1989 on Kericho, Rift valley, Kenya, and I'm a Wikipedian editor.

Holds a B,sc (Mathematics and Computer Science) at the w:Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


  1. Also involved in a couple of Wikimedia projects most notably Wikipedia for Schools.
  2. Populating the Meta page for the Kenyan Syllabus
  3. Gave an outreach talk the 12th Strathomore ICT conference
  4. Transalting Jimmy Whales donation plea Letter into Swahili
  5. Translating the FAQ fundraising to swahili
  6. Wikipedia Takes Nairobi



For those who wish to contact me beyond Wikimedia, I also have accounts on the following social network websites: