I started a software company while in college at the University of Washington and while studying for my degree in Computer Science. I managed this company for over 15 years and at one time it had 22 employees and was listed twice on Software Magazine's Software 500. I registered IANA/IETF port $144[1] for the UMA protocol which I designed for Object Oriented, networked, and authenticated command-and-control of distributed systems. Ultimately port numbers are part of the foundational infrastructure of the Internet and registration thereof requires a keen understanding of same; for example, HTTP runs over port #80 for the WWW, #25 is for SMTP and web eMail, #23 is for Telnet, &c. See Port Numbers.
My daughter in college. Her Mom is an author.
I live with Multiple Sclerosis and take a form of Interferon to manage it. Consequently, I am very interested in the brain as a biological organ and am an informal student of it. This extended my ever-present interest in the brain's higher functional processes.