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File:Paulinho_Del_Ribeiro.jpg |
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File:População_de_Areado_em_2010.png |
20160218124016 |
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File:Portuguese_Vaporwave.jpg |
20160201171232 |
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File:Praça_de_Campo_Belo_.jpg |
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File:Prologica_cp200_i.jpg |
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File:RAIS-Zandona.png |
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File:Raphael_Dastan.jpg |
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File:River-Piauí-png.png |
20160222152846 |
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File:Roberto_Silveira_Carvalho.jpg |
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File:Ronald_Polito.jpg |
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File:Sheik_-_Mesquita.jpg |
20160218122045 |
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File:Sheik_-_Mesquita_Misericórdia_.jpg |
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File:Sonoro.jpg |
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File:Super_Mario_UniMaker_(logo).png |
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File:Teardrop2.png |
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File:Uniforme-Chimangos.png |
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File:VISIERAS.jpg |
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File:VML_Brasil.jpg |
20160223191940 |
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File:Vaniny_Alvez.jpg |
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File:Visita_na_Mesquita.jpg |
20160218115646 |
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File:Visita_à_Mesquita.jpg |
20160218121428 |
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File:Vista_parcial_de_Mariana,_a_partir_da_subida_do_Pico_da_Cartucha..jpg |
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File:Vista_parcial_de_Mariana.jpg |
20160226140739 |
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File:Voz_de_muitas_Aguas_.jpg |
20160221115313 |
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File:Workflow_de_arquivo.png |
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File:Thgdhdfhdf.jpg |
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Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Killuxhunte |
File:Bangerz_Tour_-_Brasil.jpg |
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20160229171549 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Unicesumar1.jpg |
20160201070546 |
Deleted |
20160201124019 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Foto_unicesumar.jpg |
20160201072805 |
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20160201124033 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Estrutura-unicesumar-202.jpg |
20160201073349 |
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20160201124029 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Gd_2308131377281069.jpg |
20160201073709 |
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20160201124037 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Bloco_cesumar_princpal_shopping.jpg |
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20160201123952 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Praça_conhecimento.jpg |
20160201074519 |
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20160201124041 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Foto_imprensa_interna-padrãosite.jpg |
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20160201124025 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Foto_imprensa_interna-padrãosite-.jpg |
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20160216113544 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Unnamed2.jpg |
20160201080905 |
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20160216113541 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Cesu1.jpg |
20160201082727 |
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20160216113539 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Bvfachada.png |
20160201083451 |
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20160216113536 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Campus-unicesumar-em-maringa-56796014c7f59.jpg |
20160201111525 |
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20160216113419 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Panoramica_loka.jpg |
20160201113414 |
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20160216113534 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Curitiba_doida.jpg |
20160201113646 |
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20160216113532 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Oihfgy.jpg |
20160201113958 |
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20160216113530 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Bicha_loka.jpg |
20160201114244 |
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20160216113527 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Blocao_carnaval.jpg |
20160201114712 |
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20160216113522 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Bloco_sustenvel_lindo.jpg |
20160201114901 |
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20160216113447 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing |
File:Bloco_doido.jpg |
20160201115238 |
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20160216113422 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Fsdfsf.jpg |
20160201130440 |
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20160403164817 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Fsdfsf.jpg |
File:LogomarcaSkill.jpg |
20160201131841 |
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20160403045737 |
Out of project scope: promotional content |
File:Ubertintas.png |
20160201132517 |
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No permission since 5 March 2016 |
File:Sergio_Gordilho.jpg |
20160201133857 |
Deleted |
20160305104751 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (photoshopped) via (2014, Copyright © 2012 - Editora Globo S/A ) = = (identical exif) |
File:Deputado_Diego_Garcia.jpg |
20160201141519 |
Deleted |
20160312115232 |
No permission since 2 March 2016 |
File:Tatu_Urbano.png |
20160201151155 |
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20160318111045 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Logo_Tatu_Urbano.png |
20160201153716 |
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20160318033551 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Logotipo_CORE.png |
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20160311141018 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marlon256 |
File:Logotipo_da_CORE.png |
20160201155630 |
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20160311141017 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marlon256 |
File:Core-1024x768.jpg |
20160201155813 |
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20160212042553 |
No permission since 3 February 2016 |
File:A_Cabeça_do_Brasileiro_.jpg |
20160201160441 |
Deleted |
20160605062137 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (book cover) via grabbed from internet |
20160201162742 |
Deleted |
20160403161926 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:IESA RENAULT.png |
File:Sala_de_aulas_3-gblur.jpg |
20160201163551 |
Deleted |
20160306190228 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Paulo A Abrahamsohn |
File:Fhdfhd.jpg |
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20160224183916 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Fhdfhd.jpg |
File:Gbk-5-advice-from-lucio01.jpg |
20160201164721 |
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20160328174603 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Gbk-5-advice-from-lucio01.jpg |
File:Cambará_colagem.jpg |
20160201170244 |
Deleted |
20160212214222 |
No permission since 4 February 2016 |
File:Publico_sintra.jpg |
20160201171023 |
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20160309124701 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Invernobea |
File:Ttes.jpg |
20160201173948 |
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20160224160355 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Ttes.jpg |
File:Raquel_C._Vicente.jpg |
20160201182501 |
Deleted |
20160210234822 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Logo_SC_Freamunde.png |
20160201191206 |
Deleted |
20160317230301 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:Grafico_sete_selos.jpg |
20160201203233 |
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20160303220449 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Flashpoint-vol-2-1-595808_large.png |
20160201203422 |
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20160303142901 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Grafico_sete_trombetas.jpg |
20160201203948 |
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20160303220458 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Grafico_sete_igrejas.jpg |
20160201204838 |
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20160224183429 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Grafico sete igrejas.jpg |
File:1º-premio-2º-escalão_(1).jpg |
20160201205215 |
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20160210234824 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Vereador_Carmo_Luiz.jpg |
20160201210135 |
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20160305111917 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Resultadoscartasamor1.jpg |
20160201210336 |
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20160210234846 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Rafat2.jpg |
20160201194132 |
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20160305103346 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:JLE_png.png |
20160201210401 |
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20160202113342 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:João_Lemos_Esteves.jpg |
20160201210919 |
Deleted |
20160311140252 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Malemos |
File:Sociedade_Brasileira_de_Heráldica.jpg |
20160201211828 |
Deleted |
20160305111845 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:JLE_Chiado.jpg |
20160201212226 |
Deleted |
20160311140251 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Malemos |
File:12338589_932703803489478_216658657_n(1).jpg |
20160201214123 |
Deleted |
20160605062109 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (example) |
File:Capa_do_livro_ADDP.jpg |
20160201232751 |
Deleted |
20160202052511 |
Copyright violation: book cover art |
File:Sporting_2.jpg |
20160202010017 |
Deleted |
20160211140641 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Sporting 2.jpg |
File:Jose_dion_melo_teles.jpg |
20160202010127 |
Deleted |
20160211140643 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Jose dion melo teles.jpg |
File:Fabi.png |
20160202015613 |
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20160224182630 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Fabi.png |
File:Vini_e_a_banana.jpg |
20160202091221 |
Deleted |
20160202110149 |
out of COM:SCOPE, obvious attack image |
File:NL_20.pdf |
20160202094425 |
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20160211140613 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:20150123_191048000_iOS.jpg |
20160202120906 |
Deleted |
20160612051258 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:20150123 191048000 iOS.jpg |
File:Encontra_CEP_pesquisando.png |
20160202124243 |
Deleted |
20160311195102 |
No source since 2 March 2016 |
File:Encontra_CEP_trançando_rota.png |
20160202124522 |
Deleted |
20160210090715 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Google Maps |
File:Guilherme_Pinto_.jpg |
20160202125320 |
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20160315194845 |
No permission since 3 March 2016 |
File:Tun'Obebes.jpg |
20160202140611 |
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20160210233241 |
No permission since 2 February 2016 |
File:Gopsp.jpg |
20160202142057 |
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20160304011741 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing |
File:Centro_de_Arapongas.jpg |
20160202144050 |
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20160202182102 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Kelly_Key_2015.jpg |
20160202154649 |
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20160202234342 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing |
File:Rev.Tucker.jpg |
20160202160452 |
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20160303143218 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Clinica_2.jpg |
20160202161446 |
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20160303143216 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:António_Fontes.jpg |
20160202164149 |
Deleted |
20160306070423 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Antonio Fontes |
File:RP_150313_CDWS5S_1763-2.jpg |
20160202164308 |
Deleted |
20160306070425 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Antonio Fontes |
File:Largada_Mini_Transat.jpg |
20160202164433 |
Deleted |
20160306070426 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Antonio Fontes |
File:Match_Racing.jpg |
20160202165714 |
Deleted |
20160306070428 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Antonio Fontes |
File:Capela_do_Nosso_Senhor_do_Bonfim.jpg |
20160202171424 |
Deleted |
20160210154517 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Palácio_Anchieta_(Prefeitura_de_Magé).jpg |
20160202172403 |
Deleted |
20160318105414 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Primeira_Fotografia_Tun'Obebes.jpg |
20160202173215 |
Deleted |
20160311142740 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Tunobebes |
File:Tun'Obebes_no_Festival.jpg |
20160202174036 |
Deleted |
20160210233221 |
No permission since 2 February 2016 |
File:Henrique_Arantes_-_foto_Mel_Castro.jpg |
20160202174048 |
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20160315194948 |
No permission since 3 March 2016 |
File:Coordenação_Socialista_Latino-Americana.jpg |
20160202184950 |
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20160207174330 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:2-dardotw18.jpg |
20160202190401 |
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20160212041257 |
No permission since 3 February 2016 |
File:Galo-verde.jpg |
20160202201254 |
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20160303213202 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via false claim of authorship/license/etc. via File:Green Junglefowl (Gallus varius) (7936877492).jpg |
File:GammaXRay.jpg |
20160202201632 |
Deleted |
20160303212923 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing |
File:Fotos_Tanner_(_Dias_).jpg |
20160202203639 |
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20160212201653 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Fotos Tanner ( Dias ).jpg |
File:Paisagem-de-Olinda-de-Maria-Carmem-1024x756.jpg |
20160202204258 |
Deleted |
20160212065617 |
No permission since 3 February 2016 |
File:Foto-pronta-com-estrela.jpg |
20160202204707 |
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20160315194705 |
No permission since 3 March 2016 |
File:Andrea_Avancini.jpg |
20160202212213 |
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20160309095810 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
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20160202212409 |
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20160202220115 |
Mass deletion of pages added by Jeferson Outlook |
File:21-lesbicas-safadas-novinhas-8-560x250.jpg |
20160202213049 |
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20160202220114 |
Mass deletion of pages added by Jeferson Outlook |
File:Gozada0264.jpg |
20160202214149 |
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20160202220114 |
Mass deletion of pages added by Jeferson Outlook |
File:Masturbação_masculina_.jpg |
20160202215025 |
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20160202220027 |
Copyright violation: |
File:13-loira-safada-siririca-9.jpg |
20160202215353 |
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20160202220112 |
Mass deletion of pages added by Jeferson Outlook |
File:The_Gamma_Gentlemen.png |
20160202221626 |
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20160303213022 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing |
File:Meme_da_Urara-chan.jpg |
20160202230425 |
Deleted |
20160212201658 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Meme da Urara-chan.jpg |
File:SAG_Awards.jpg |
20160202233458 |
Deleted |
20160203234847 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (derived/attack image) via grabbed from internet |
File:D.Henriques.jpg |
20160203002743 |
Deleted |
20160303005525 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:D.Henriques.jpg |
File:PastorCláudioDuarte.png |
20160203021240 |
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20160203234815 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Big_Eyes_poster.jpg |
20160203024252 |
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20160203061530 |
Copyright violation: Poster |
File:Logo-core-wiki.png |
20160203044959 |
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20160212065243 |
No permission since 3 February 2016 |
File:Francisco_Aragão.jpg |
20160203080932 |
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20160212064804 |
No permission since 3 February 2016 |
File:Goiernpredio.gif |
20160203085313 |
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20160304030636 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:NL19.pdf |
20160203105751 |
Deleted |
20160211140612 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:NL_18.pdf |
20160203110146 |
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20160211140611 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:NL_17.pdf |
20160203110659 |
Deleted |
20160211140611 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:NL_16.pdf |
20160203110937 |
Deleted |
20160211140611 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:NL_13.pdf |
20160203124841 |
Deleted |
20160211140609 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:NL_14.pdf |
20160203125058 |
Deleted |
20160211140608 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:Punk-Kecas.jpg |
20160203125318 |
Deleted |
20160308170825 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:Mindlock.jpg |
20160203125755 |
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20160308170820 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:NL_15.pdf |
20160203125810 |
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20160211140607 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:NL_21.pdf |
20160203130245 |
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20160211140607 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:Bubblebath_.jpg |
20160203130453 |
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20160308170818 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:NL_12.pdf |
20160203131049 |
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20160211140606 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:Cão_Aragão.jpg |
20160203131125 |
Deleted |
20160308170815 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:Diogo_piçarra.jpg |
20160203131308 |
Deleted |
20160308170813 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:NL_11.pdf |
20160203131323 |
Deleted |
20160211140606 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:NL_10.pdf |
20160203131542 |
Deleted |
20160211140604 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:NL_8.pdf |
20160203131812 |
Deleted |
20160211140604 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro.Santos.Pereira |
File:Swagboy23.jpg |
20160203145651 |
Deleted |
20160306192342 |
Out of project scope: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Swagboy23.jpg |
File:Oficina-guaianases-imagem-01.jpg |
20160203154431 |
Deleted |
20160318105343 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Camara_de_Calçada_OK.jpg |
20160203154639 |
Deleted |
20160309130322 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Mallon |
File:Kfp.jpg |
20160203154732 |
Deleted |
20160308170811 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:Manifesto1.jpg |
20160203155038 |
Deleted |
20160308170809 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:Mindlock_Ego_Trip_Front.jpg |
20160203155324 |
Deleted |
20160308170806 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:Mindlock_Enemy_of_Silence_Front.jpg |
20160203155451 |
Deleted |
20160308170804 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:1531788_540998309341474_807066627_n(rio_branco).jpg |
20160203155706 |
Deleted |
20160301221940 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Aeroporto_de_rio_branco.jpg |
20160203162206 |
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20160301214753 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Via_verde.jpg |
20160203162751 |
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20160301224717 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Floresta-amazonica-a-maior-do-mundo(1).jpg |
20160203163800 |
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20160301221945 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Centro_de_rio_branco.jpg |
20160203163958 |
Deleted |
20160302072614 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (example) (2012, credit: "Foto: Sérgio Vale/Secom", © Copyright 2015 Notícias do Acre) = |
File:Dr._Willem_Karel_Dicke.jpg |
20160203164156 |
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20160403162049 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Dr. Willem Karel Dicke.jpg |
File:Images_jun-2015_expoacre.jpg |
20160203164735 |
Deleted |
20160301221936 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Logo_arh.png |
20160203165137 |
Deleted |
20160311140721 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Arturredhornet |
File:Manifesto_2000.jpg |
20160203170005 |
Deleted |
20160308170801 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Francisco Aragão |
File:Afanasio_Jazadji.jpg |
20160203184155 |
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20160204171032 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Foto_Elias.jpg |
20160203184327 |
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20160403165107 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Danielkscarmo |
File:Foto_Elias_2.jpg |
20160203185720 |
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20160403165109 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Danielkscarmo |
File:Mudkip_and_evolutions.jpg |
20160203202018 |
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20160304160913 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Hardwell2.jpg |
20160203204352 |
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20160304011325 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Nova_formação_2016.png |
20160203204816 |
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20160204060357 |
Copyright violation: |
File:CIdxpRSUMAAgauQ.jpg |
20160204002515 |
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20160302041957 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Xx2.jpg |
20160204021143 |
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20160204063128 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Destaque-357841-xcalypso.jpg |
20160204021310 |
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20160204060404 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Thábata_e_Ximbinha_1º_show.jpg |
20160204021739 |
Deleted |
20160211205305 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Thábata e Ximbinha 1º show.jpg |
File:Alem-de-leya-emanuelly-e-geh-rodriguez-950x0-2.jpg |
20160204023616 |
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20160204063204 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:1º_show_Faz_um_X.jpg |
20160204023659 |
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20160204055637 |
Copyright violation: From |
File:Xim.png |
20160204025201 |
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20160204063204 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:640x0_1431103253.jpg |
20160204031218 |
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20160204152620 |
Commons:Licensing: movier poster - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Gabi_Luthai_lança_música_nova.png |
20160204032014 |
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20160212163115 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:O_Exterminador_do_Futuro-_Gênesis.jpg |
20160204033224 |
Deleted |
20160204152617 |
Commons:Licensing: movier poster - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:O-Exterminador-do-Futuro-4-A-Salvação.jpg |
20160204034129 |
Deleted |
20160204152617 |
Commons:Licensing: movier poster - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:O_Exterminador_Do_Futuro_3_-_A_Rebelião_das_Máquinas.jpg |
20160204034825 |
Deleted |
20160204152617 |
Commons:Licensing: movier poster - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:O_exterminador_do_futuro_2_o_julgamento_final.jpg |
20160204041728 |
Deleted |
20160204152617 |
Commons:Licensing: movier poster - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:O_Exterminador_do_Futuro.jpg |
20160204043620 |
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20160204152617 |
Commons:Licensing: movier poster - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Logo_ulht_horizontal.png |
20160204113116 |
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20160317230429 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:Marcio_Alvino.jpg |
20160204131856 |
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20160318034005 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Roosevelt_vilela.jpg |
20160204135638 |
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20160305103425 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (example) (2015) |
File:Valentino_Carneiro_Gonçalves.png |
20160204142811 |
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20160311135408 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Valentino Carneiro Gonçalves.png |
File:Pedro-cordier.png |
20160204143015 |
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20160304210923 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Bbbb_blogueira_nah_cardoso.jpg |
20160204151013 |
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20160301221324 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:FIG_1.jpg |
20160204170402 |
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20160302153454 |
Commons:Licensing: advertisement - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Logotipo-Amplimax.jpg |
20160204171010 |
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20160308143701 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Billiva |
File:Miley_-_Mood_As_hell.jpg |
20160204054137 |
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20160227224246 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Arena_ANHEMBI_2.jpg |
20160204054549 |
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20160227224239 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Bbbb_blogueira_Taciele.jpg |
20160204131118 |
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20160301220156 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Amplimax-logo.png |
20160204172226 |
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20160308143659 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Billiva |
File:Thiago_Andrade.png |
20160204173247 |
Deleted |
20160306195213 |
Out of project scope: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Thiago Andrade.png |
File:Wal_em_tabuleiro_do_norte_infancia.jpg |
20160204174248 |
Deleted |
20160214091718 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by No Palcoda Vida |
File:Tiago_Splitter_-_Atlanta_Hawks.png |
20160204175152 |
Deleted |
20160306200005 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Tiago Splitter - Atlanta Hawks.png |
File:Wal_Schneider_no_Prêmio_Extraordinário_do_Jornal_EXTRA_(2015).JPG.jpg |
20160204183045 |
Deleted |
20160214091715 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by No Palcoda Vida |
File:FIG._1_Palete_PBR.jpg |
20160204184019 |
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20160302153454 |
Commons:Licensing: advertisement - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Rei_Strapaicci_XV.jpg |
20160204184546 |
Deleted |
20160306180554 |
Out of project scope: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Rei Strapaicci XV.jpg |
File:Thais_Jurema_Silva.jpg |
20160204184948 |
Deleted |
20160305142231 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2010, credit: "Fonte: Jornal do Vídeo ") = |
File:MatrizdeAreadofoto.jpg |
20160204192958 |
Deleted |
20160208044603 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Sr.Brasilia |
File:ProjetoArquitetonicomatrizAreadoMG.jpg |
20160204193513 |
Deleted |
20160208044600 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Sr.Brasilia |
File:FIG._8_Desenho_PBR_I.png |
20160204193736 |
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20160311195259 |
No source since 2 March 2016 |
File:FIG._9_Legenda_do_Desenho_PBR_I.png |
20160204193856 |
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20160311195315 |
No source since 2 March 2016 |
File:EscolaEst.JoaoLourenco.jpg |
20160204193915 |
Deleted |
20160207205254 |
Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Sr.Brasilia: Unlikely to be own work: small/inconsistent (Facebook) resolutions, missing EXIF, can be found earlier on web. Uploaded since 11.2015 for pt:Areado, Brazilian municipalitiy, including Google Street View images like File:Estacionar.jpg, historical photos, etc, most likely done by an "all-he-can-get" grabber, like File:EscolaEst.JoaoLourenco.jpg, grabbed from (11.2015) or File:MatrizdeAreadofoto.jpg, grabbed from (02.2015, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 by "Paulo JC Nogueira ") etc. |
File:FIG._10_Legenda_do_Desenho_PBR_II.png |
20160204194049 |
Deleted |
20160311195239 |
No source since 2 March 2016 |
File:Mapa_areado_ampliado.gif |
20160204194213 |
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20160208044540 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Sr.Brasilia |
File:Unai3.jpg |
20160204201149 |
Deleted |
20160303164452 |
Copyright violation: Mass deletion of files added by User:Jonatha369 (copyvio-only account): All files grabbed from Internet/Facebook. |
File:Prefeito_unai.jpg |
20160204201432 |
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20160301215327 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Museu_de_unai.jpg |
20160204203847 |
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20160301221920 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Casa_histórica_.jpg |
20160204204008 |
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20160301224659 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:MuseuIMG_6609.jpg |
20160204211453 |
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20160301221923 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:1390306424171-beto-brunet.jpg |
20160204213406 |
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20160224222236 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:O_Globo_-_Arte_no_Quintal_-_2013.jpg |
20160204215159 |
Deleted |
20160214091710 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by No Palcoda Vida |
File:Apresentação_da_peça_Memórias_de_Nossa_Infância_no_Temos_Palco.jpg |
20160204220857 |
Deleted |
20160214091708 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by No Palcoda Vida |
File:Espetáculo_Dis_Forme,_de_Raffa_Barros_(49).jpg |
20160204222725 |
Deleted |
20160214091704 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by No Palcoda Vida |
File:1534307_4982gaga43966971237_6987161059834950484_n.png |
20160205000951 |
Deleted |
20160317082620 |
Exact or scaled-down duplicate: File:River-Piauí-png.png |
File:UrlAEROPORTO.jpg |
20160205001221 |
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20160301215357 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Mariantunes.jpg |
20160205003943 |
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20160215024012 |
No permission since 7 February 2016 |
File:Aeroporto_unai_15_08_11-11.jpg |
20160205004022 |
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20160301173619 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via |
File:Wal_Schenider_na_peça_Nossa_Cidade.jpg |
20160205005619 |
Deleted |
20160214091702 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by No Palcoda Vida |
File:Bbbb_gustavo_rocha.png |
20160205005744 |
Deleted |
20160205123137 |
Copyright violation, found elsewhere on the web and unlikely to be own work |
File:Ataque_Negacao_de_Servico.png |
20160205033056 |
Deleted |
20160302073623 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Iuri-Wander-Reator-Walney-Costa.jpg |
20160205045043 |
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20160213080547 |
No permission since 5 February 2016 |
File:Reator-Walney-Costa-teatro.jpg |
20160205052857 |
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20160213081759 |
No permission since 5 February 2016 |
File:Foto_Ana-Sartori-Reator-teatro.jpg |
20160205054526 |
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20160213075734 |
No permission since 5 February 2016 |
File:Luciane-Pires-Ferreira-Reator-Walney-Costa-Abraham-Lincoln-Iuri-Wander-e1314156177506.jpg |
20160205054652 |
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20160213080849 |
No permission since 5 February 2016 |
File:Logo_Banda_Flying_Satans.jpg |
20160205115512 |
Deleted |
20160311140703 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Logo Banda Flying Satans.jpg |
File:Zaqueu.png |
20160205124138 |
Deleted |
20160308114532 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Zaqueu.png |
File:Gaivotas_da_Fiel.jpg |
20160205124733 |
Deleted |
20160303203414 |
non-free logo, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Tv_Cidade_Manaus_.png |
20160205130510 |
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20160318184418 |
No permission since 5 March 2016 |
File:Breiller.jpg |
20160205134302 |
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20160301222714 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Palmeiras_2016.jpg |
20160205142904 |
Deleted |
20160217075845 |
Copyright violation: |
File:ZIKA_BOY.jpg |
20160205143005 |
Deleted |
20160308114530 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:ZIKA BOY.jpg |
File:Kelvin_no_sao_paulo.jpg |
20160205143740 |
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20160205162718 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Erikpalmeirasdanielvorleygp.jpg |
20160205145914 |
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20160217075838 |
Copyright violation: |
File:VistaParcialAreado.jpg |
20160205152426 |
Deleted |
20160208044531 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Sr.Brasilia |
File:MatrizDEAreadoem1904.jpg |
20160205153052 |
Deleted |
20160218041006 |
No source since 8 February 2016 |
File:BandaMunicipalAreado.jpg |
20160205154918 |
Deleted |
20160208044514 |
Missing essential information such as license, permission or source |
File:Vista_noturna_centro.jpg |
20160205135328 |
Deleted |
20160305221425 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Elion_Nóbrega.jpg |
20160205160006 |
Deleted |
20160308214453 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Elionobrega |
File:BEL.jpg |
20160205172219 |
Deleted |
20160206164317 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (02.2015) = (identical exif = copyrighted work by "FOTO: RODOLFO OLIVEIRA / ARQUIVO AG. PARÁ") |
File:Movimento_de_aeronaves.jpg |
20160205174145 |
Deleted |
20160206164352 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Area_de_check_in_do_aeroporto.jpg |
20160205175823 |
Deleted |
20160206164402 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:TAP_Belém-_Lisboa.jpg |
20160205180926 |
Deleted |
20160206164436 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2014) = |
File:Chica_Xavier_com_Grupo_No_Palco_da_Vida.jpg |
20160205181842 |
Deleted |
20160214091700 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by No Palcoda Vida |
File:Bahiense.png |
20160205184611 |
Deleted |
20160309200225 |
No source since 1 March 2016 |
File:MrKill.jpg |
20160205191216 |
Deleted |
20160215024246 |
No permission since 7 February 2016 |
File:Marcos_"Baby"_Durães.tif |
20160205191754 |
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20160317230512 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:Turma3anoEMBahiense.jpg |
20160205201734 |
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20160301224549 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Cenário_SC.jpg |
20160205202457 |
Deleted |
20160308171352 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Yurizinho |
File:Mostraa_2012.jpg |
20160205202628 |
Deleted |
20160308171349 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Yurizinho |
File:AlisondosSantos.jpg |
20160205220854 |
Deleted |
20160326001706 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:AlisondosSantos.jpg |
File:Edward_Pellew_Wilson.jpg |
20160206015347 |
Deleted |
20160214031049 |
No source since 6 February 2016 |
File:Brasão_Btl.jpg |
20160206025521 |
Deleted |
20160207002239 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Kane_em_2013_como_(_Corporate_Kane_).jpg |
20160206124321 |
Deleted |
20160206205214 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Parada-Angélica-001-300x212.jpg |
20160206151902 |
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20160206205203 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Parada-Angélica-001.jpg |
20160206153940 |
Deleted |
20160206205205 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Guzla_Sérvia.jpg |
20160206162950 |
Deleted |
20160207135213 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Ir_miguel_Spina_,louis_francescon,irma_Ana_Spina.jpg |
20160206170645 |
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20160207084806 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2011) = |
File:Luigi_Franciscon.jpg |
20160206171352 |
Deleted |
20160207173128 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Necromante_flesh_and_bone.jpg.jpg |
20160206205651 |
Deleted |
20160207034912 |
Copyright violation, found elsewhere on the web and unlikely to be own work |
File:Recife-Mariners-x-João-Pessoa-Espectros-2014d.jpg |
20160207001602 |
Deleted |
20160207044356 |
Copyright violation, found elsewhere on the web and unlikely to be own work |
File:Nova_Logo_FDTS.png |
20160207003024 |
Deleted |
20160215024300 |
No permission since 7 February 2016 |
File:FORTE-relevo.jpg |
20160207005139 |
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20160214154227 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Busfbrasil |
File:Logomarca_FDTS_Educacional.png |
20160207011707 |
Deleted |
20160215023053 |
No permission since 7 February 2016 |
File:ESCUDO_BUSF_(2).jpg |
20160207013344 |
Deleted |
20160214154226 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Busfbrasil |
File:Show_Osasco_Rock_Fest_II.jpg |
20160207024057 |
Deleted |
20160215025254 |
No permission since 7 February 2016 |
File:Cyclops-marvel-comics.jpg |
20160207060037 |
Deleted |
20160207121038 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Terry-bogard-ff.jpg |
20160207062652 |
Deleted |
20160215025456 |
No permission since 7 February 2016 |
File:Giancarlo_Filho.png |
20160207064729 |
Deleted |
20160207154736 |
Vandalism |
File:Davi_Leite.jpg |
20160207113203 |
Deleted |
20160312002712 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Davi Leite.jpg |
File:Digitalizada.jpg |
20160207114857 |
Deleted |
20160207151449 |
Copyright violation, found elsewhere on the web and unlikely to be own work |
File:Hans_Remmel.jpg |
20160207170624 |
Deleted |
20160207180244 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Sifu_Andreas_.jpg |
20160207174848 |
Deleted |
20160207212925 |
Copyright violation, found elsewhere on the web and unlikely to be own work |
File:Fractal_DRF.jpg |
20160207191402 |
Deleted |
20160403164826 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Fractal DRF.jpg |
File:Prefeito_ANTÔNIO_GARCIA..gif |
20160207200708 |
Deleted |
20160317230743 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:Retyrd_.png |
20160207215541 |
Deleted |
20160309031045 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by David Trindade |
File:David_Trindade.jpg |
20160207221448 |
Deleted |
20160309031043 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by David Trindade |
File:Capturarc.png |
20160208001139 |
Deleted |
20160302193709 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2011) = |
File:Quilombinho_de_Sorocaba.png |
20160208001534 |
Deleted |
20160309060514 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by PI grupod |
File:Mapa_Quilombinho.png |
20160208002235 |
Deleted |
20160309060513 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by PI grupod |
File:Canal_Vinte_1.jpg |
20160208002506 |
Deleted |
20160210154140 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Non-trivial logo |
File:Projeto_Quilombinho.png |
20160208002718 |
Deleted |
20160309060512 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by PI grupod |
File:Roteiro_Educador.png |
20160208003304 |
Deleted |
20160309060511 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by PI grupod |
File:Padaria_Artesanal.png |
20160208003627 |
Deleted |
20160309060511 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by PI grupod |
File:Slogan_do_quilombinho.png |
20160208010352 |
Deleted |
20160309060510 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by PI grupod |
File:Criadoras_do_Centro_Cultural_Quilombinho.png |
20160208020637 |
Deleted |
20160309060509 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by PI grupod |
File:Patricia_Almeida_.jpg |
20160208053558 |
Deleted |
20160218173051 |
No permission since 8 February 2016 |
File:Bernardo_Lima_Mendes.jpg |
20160208060751 |
Deleted |
20160308171104 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Bernardo lima mendes |
File:Sifu_Andreas_Geller_.jpg |
20160207173949 |
Deleted |
20160208054115 |
Copyright violation: All over the internet. |
File:Sj01.jpg |
20160207195007 |
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20160305104913 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Sj02.jpg |
20160207195232 |
Deleted |
20160305104901 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Bermardo_Lima_Mendes.jpg |
20160208061600 |
Deleted |
20160308171101 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Bernardo lima mendes |
File:Ana_Oliveira.jpg |
20160208062336 |
Deleted |
20160208094758 |
personal photo, out of scope |
File:JF-FOT-0069.jpg |
20160208095401 |
Deleted |
20160216154553 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Joana Cristina Santos |
File:Mar_das_cinco_luas.jpg |
20160208103933 |
Deleted |
20160216154553 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Joana Cristina Santos |
File:S.João_de_Deus.jpg |
20160208105804 |
Deleted |
20160216154552 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Joana Cristina Santos |
File:Fase_Minimalista.jpg |
20160208110941 |
Deleted |
20160216154551 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Joana Cristina Santos |
20160208124628 |
Deleted |
20160302125758 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files on User:Stefan2/sandbox |
File:Rosa-Letz.jpg |
20160208164556 |
Deleted |
20160302223550 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:A_Volta_do_Titanic.png |
20160208165049 |
Deleted |
20160308143450 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Carlos William C. da S. Leite |
File:Gravação_3°DVD_Luan_Santana.jpg |
20160208165527 |
Deleted |
20160304011326 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Karielle.png |
20160208165819 |
Deleted |
20160304091747 |
Copyright violation: Mass deletion of files added by User:Juliavitoria1 (copyvio-only account): All files grabbed from Internet/Facebook. File:Karielle.png grabbed from (2011, © by "Karielle Gontijo") |
File:Karielle01.jpg |
20160208170453 |
Deleted |
20160304030701 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Conservatório_Brasileiro_de_Música.jpg |
20160208183936 |
Deleted |
20160315175659 |
No permission since 3 March 2016 |
File:Sj03.jpg |
20160207200154 |
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20160305104920 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Nanda_.jpg |
20160208202244 |
Deleted |
20160218225953 |
No permission since 9 February 2016 |
File:Prefeito_Jucenir_Stentzler.jpg |
20160208205115 |
Deleted |
20160311140324 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Assessor Palotina |
File:Visualização_no_Wattpad.jpg |
20160209013620 |
Deleted |
20160308143450 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Carlos William C. da S. Leite |
File:Bruno_henrique.jpg |
20160209042529 |
Deleted |
20160308170922 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Bruno henrique.jpg |
File:Cachaça-Mazzaropi-em-Almoço-Pré-Carnavalesco.jpg |
20160209110128 |
Deleted |
20160308165310 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Comunicacaomuseu |
File:Cachaça_Mazzaropi.jpg |
20160209114312 |
Deleted |
20160308165308 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Comunicacaomuseu |
File:Logotipo_fundoVerm_perfil_150x150.jpg |
20160209120546 |
Deleted |
20160311141158 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mygon |
File:Cachacamazzaropi.jpg |
20160209133438 |
Deleted |
20160308165305 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Comunicacaomuseu |
File:Jucenir_Stentzler.jpg |
20160209135020 |
Deleted |
20160311140323 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Assessor Palotina |
File:Antonio_Gilberto.jpg |
20160209145644 |
Deleted |
20160308173036 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Antonio Gilberto.jpg |
File:Mr._Ze000.jpg |
20160209153433 |
Deleted |
20160309091610 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Mr. Ze000.jpg |
File:Azael.jpg |
20160209154901 |
Deleted |
20160309030951 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by JhonnyDefy |
File:Daniel_em_2013.jpg |
20160209155215 |
Deleted |
20160302222912 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:DJ_Regis,_Lele.jpg |
20160209155941 |
Deleted |
20160309030949 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by JhonnyDefy |
File:Minerlândia.jpg |
20160209170711 |
Deleted |
20160212112519 |
Copyright violation: Non-free Google content with false authorship claims |
File:Mapa_Minerlândia.jpg |
20160209170908 |
Deleted |
20160212124633 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Minerlândia_resize.jpg |
20160209183453 |
Deleted |
20160212112526 |
Copyright violation: Non-free Google content with false authorship claims |
File:Minerlândia_(1).jpg |
20160209184843 |
Deleted |
20160212112532 |
Copyright violation: Non-free Google content with false authorship claims |
File:Mapa_Minerlândia_(1).jpg |
20160209185409 |
Deleted |
20160212124631 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:FENEAP_2016.jpg |
20160209194203 |
Deleted |
20160506200425 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Índio da Silva |
File:Núcleo_de_pesquisa_cênica_de_Pernambuco.jpg |
20160209194931 |
Deleted |
20160304170512 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2015) |
File:Novo_Primavera.png |
20160209212630 |
Deleted |
20160210113328 |
Fair use material is not permitted on Wikimedia Commons: surpasses threshold of originality |
File:Novo_Primavera_2.png |
20160209213459 |
Deleted |
20160210113310 |
Fair use material is not permitted on Wikimedia Commons: surpasses threshold of originality |
File:Eugen_Dieth.jpg |
20160209213523 |
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20160311195131 |
No source since 2 March 2016 |
File:GM_Samuel_Kwok_&_Mestre_Rubens_Pinheiro.jpg |
20160209221703 |
Deleted |
20160210142644 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Seminário_2015.jpg |
20160209222047 |
Deleted |
20160306191709 |
Copyright violation, found elsewhere on the web and unlikely to be own work: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Seminário 2015.jpg |
File:Mauro_Paes_Corrêa.png |
20160210010915 |
Deleted |
20160311141232 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Mauro Paes Corrêa.png |
File:Leandro_Negretti.jpg |
20160210124546 |
Deleted |
20160311140619 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Leandro Negretti ~MKT |
File:Antonio-macedo-01.jpg |
20160210133035 |
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20160219222227 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Retratoleo.jpg |
20160210133526 |
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20160219225711 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Antonio-macedo-02.jpg |
20160210133626 |
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20160219222245 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Cuca_Roseta.jpg |
20160210151312 |
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20160220233718 |
No source since 11 February 2016 |
File:CUCA_(79).jpg |
20160210151450 |
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20160211054201 |
Copyright violation: Promo photo: |
File:Letícia_Brito,_Dezembro_de_2015.jpg |
20160210152501 |
Deleted |
20160318033308 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Logo_Chimangos.png |
20160210155632 |
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20160215053332 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Mestre_Rubens_Pinheiro_(_郭振武).jpg |
20160209221412 |
Deleted |
20160210115414 |
Copyright violation: google |
File:Antonio_Macedo_Artista_Plástico.jpg |
20160210161353 |
Deleted |
20160210234814 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:AntonioMacedoArtistaPlasticoPortugal.jpg |
20160210163809 |
Deleted |
20160210234816 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Jorge_Peixinho_e_José_Lopes_e_Silva,_em_Amerterd.jpg |
20160210175633 |
Deleted |
20160403131728 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Jorge Botelho Falcão |
File:Com_Mestre_Pujol.jpg |
20160210175947 |
Deleted |
20160403131726 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Jorge Botelho Falcão |
File:Scml_fachada.jpg |
20160210180141 |
Deleted |
20160227144800 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Scml fachada.jpg |
File:Scml_acao_social.jpg |
20160210181605 |
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20160219225857 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_saude.jpg |
20160210182116 |
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20160219230452 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_educacao.jpg |
20160210182515 |
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20160219230233 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_cultura.jpg |
20160210182752 |
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20160219230050 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_patrimonio.jpg |
20160210183005 |
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20160219230325 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_dqi.jpg |
20160210183230 |
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20160219230147 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_dees.jpg |
20160210183510 |
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20160219230106 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_ela.jpg |
20160210183702 |
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20160219230250 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Abissal_VFX.jpg |
20160210183841 |
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20160311140726 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Thiago pecanha |
File:Scml_jogos.jpg |
20160210183849 |
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20160219230314 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_benemerencias.jpg |
20160210184051 |
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20160219230011 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Logo_da_Abissal_VFX.jpg |
20160210184211 |
Deleted |
20160311140725 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Thiago pecanha |
File:Scml_voluntariado.jpg |
20160210184228 |
Deleted |
20160219230508 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_produtos_apoio.jpg |
20160210184415 |
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20160219230408 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:Scml_cafe_memoria.jpg |
20160210184536 |
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20160219230033 |
No permission since 10 February 2016 |
File:AparicioRibeiro.jpg |
20160210191103 |
Deleted |
20160308172846 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:AparicioRibeiro.jpg |
File:Educação_brasil.jpg |
20160210202050 |
Deleted |
20160304011712 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing |
File:Junior_Mosko_.jpg |
20160210202609 |
Deleted |
20160311140408 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Juliana Merlo Gomes |
File:Junior_Mosko_(1).jpg |
20160210205946 |
Deleted |
20160311140407 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Juliana Merlo Gomes |
File:Logo_menu_top_wiki_tin.png |
20160211001033 |
Deleted |
20160311140733 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pedro Silva Loy |
File:Cantoria.jpg |
20160211011541 |
Deleted |
20160221052457 |
Missing essential information such as license, permission or source. Media without a source as of 13 February 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Resize-500x750_ariela-massotti-300x450.jpg |
20160211014559 |
Deleted |
20160211055807 |
Copyright violation: Not "Own work". Exact copy of |
File:Ariela_Massotti.png |
20160211014848 |
Deleted |
20160211053637 |
Copyright violation: Not "Own work". Exact copy of |
File:Ariela1.jpg |
20160211020709 |
Deleted |
20160405011648 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Ariela1.jpg |
File:C.m._novaes.jpg |
20160211021513 |
Deleted |
20160211102623 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Barretos_Rock.png |
20160211025140 |
Deleted |
20160213152829 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Non-trivial logo |
File:Inevitável_o_estágio.jpg |
20160211031108 |
Deleted |
20160211055119 |
Copyright violation: Book cover |
File:Xzz.jpg |
20160211102801 |
Deleted |
20160308114556 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Joseany de Oliveira |
File:Andrey_alberti.jpg |
20160211120214 |
Deleted |
20160308143718 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Creamy app |
File:Lhama_Sagrada.png |
20160211120313 |
Deleted |
20160211202926 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:CI_Fox-Searchlight-Pictures-Mendls.jpg |
20160211120442 |
Deleted |
20160308143715 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Creamy app |
File:O_Grande_Hotel_Budapeste_.jpg |
20160211120628 |
Deleted |
20160308143717 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Creamy app |
File:Dorgas.jpg |
20160211121604 |
Deleted |
20160309032241 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Dorgas.jpg |
File:Gidel_Dantas.jpg |
20160211122950 |
Deleted |
20160303212426 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing |
File:Fabio-Teruel.jpg |
20160211134028 |
Deleted |
20160302125347 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Super_Mario_2D_Universe_(logo).jpg |
20160211045402 |
Deleted |
20160305103840 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Sr._Fares.jpg |
20160211135616 |
Deleted |
20160318110737 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Primeira_loja_Credi-Fares.jpg |
20160211135731 |
Deleted |
20160318105747 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Fabio_Teruel.jpg |
20160211135755 |
Deleted |
20160302125350 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Lojas_renomeadas.jpg |
20160211135845 |
Deleted |
20160304160453 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Sankarah.jpg |
20160211172414 |
Deleted |
20160309060617 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Carolina Amorim Barbieri Luvisotto |
File:Carolina_A.jpg |
20160211173453 |
Deleted |
20160309060616 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Carolina Amorim Barbieri Luvisotto |
File:"Arlequins,_Pierrôs_e_Colombinas",_de_Marcelo_Maraska.jpg |
20160211183240 |
Deleted |
20160305221819 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Mc_Lôbo.jpg |
20160211184816 |
Deleted |
20160311141240 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mcloboofficial |
File:Logomarca_LabTrans.jpg |
20160211193806 |
Deleted |
20160317230445 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:AkYVjHboz9-J-tCUL8JtcoJBSMZDgyWjFR-zavMxJozs.jpg |
20160211220415 |
Deleted |
20160222035211 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Mestre_Luizinho.jpg |
20160211230111 |
Deleted |
20160222111542 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Mestre Luizinho.jpg |
File:Protesto_no_IFBA.jpg |
20160212021809 |
Deleted |
20160612024250 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Protesto no IFBA.jpg |
File:Raul_Aragão.jpg |
20160212035544 |
Deleted |
20160305103341 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Campo_Mourão.jpg |
20160212105108 |
Deleted |
20160403112711 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marcogommes |
File:Guardião_do_Fogo.jpg |
20160212105348 |
Deleted |
20160403112703 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marcogommes |
File:Tempo_da_Graça.jpg |
20160212123213 |
Deleted |
20160311140414 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Goj Kairós |
File:Kairós_às_17_horas.jpg |
20160212123311 |
Deleted |
20160311140413 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Goj Kairós |
File:Siga-nos.png |
20160212123440 |
Deleted |
20160311140412 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Goj Kairós |
File:O_kairos.png |
20160212123526 |
Deleted |
20160311140411 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Goj Kairós |
File:Foto-rafazimbaldi.jpg |
20160212134825 |
Deleted |
20160213011523 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Foto-rafazimbaldi-2.jpg |
20160212135815 |
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20160213011524 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Logo_da_Ins4ne.png |
20160212152751 |
Deleted |
20160224032752 |
Fair use material is not permitted on Wikimedia Commons |
File:Logo_tabloide2.png |
20160212153217 |
Deleted |
20160317230321 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:Daniela-bobadilla-women-in-film-crystal-lucy-awards-2014_2.jpg |
20160212160743 |
Deleted |
20160302222255 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:AlvocodasVarzeas.jpg |
20160212161555 |
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20160309201720 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Sandomil.jpg |
20160212163510 |
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20160310235642 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Mg-carandai-brasao.jpg |
20160212152053 |
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20160213004517 |
Copyright violation: copvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Independentejpg_610x340.jpg |
20160212164222 |
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20160304110952 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Videb.png |
20160212164326 |
Deleted |
20160311003331 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Rede_jesuita_e_loyola_vertical_cor_2.jpg |
20160212164338 |
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20160318183517 |
No permission since 5 March 2016 |
File:BrunaVargas_01.jpg |
20160212164704 |
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20160309203938 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Vista_aérea_Loyola.jpg |
20160212164757 |
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20160318184617 |
No permission since 5 March 2016 |
File:BrunaVargas_02.jpg |
20160212164841 |
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20160309204032 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:BrunaVargas_03.jpg |
20160212165120 |
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20160309204051 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Lição_com_Emilio_Pujol.jpg |
20160212170155 |
Deleted |
20160403131725 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Jorge Botelho Falcão |
File:José_Lopes_e_Silva_com_Isaías_Sávio.jpg |
20160212170620 |
Deleted |
20160403131724 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Jorge Botelho Falcão |
File:NovoEscudo.png |
20160212174154 |
Deleted |
20160216035705 |
Copyright violation, see COM:FAIRUSE |
File:C.m.novaesficheiro.jpg |
20160212175634 |
Deleted |
20160308170657 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Book In Line |
File:C.m.novaesficheiro02.jpg |
20160212183333 |
Deleted |
20160308170655 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Book In Line |
File:Coxinhas.jpg |
20160212195854 |
Deleted |
20160606132057 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:CAM00115.jpg |
20160212201118 |
Deleted |
20160308165602 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Caiubi Oliveira |
File:Caiubi.jpg |
20160212201617 |
Deleted |
20160308165559 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Caiubi Oliveira |
File:Frag_of_canudos_brazil.jpg |
20160212203702 |
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20160310201222 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Felipe_&_Lorenzato.jpg |
20160212215338 |
Deleted |
20160303142902 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Jose_lopes_velho.jpg |
20160212222317 |
Deleted |
20160317230216 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:Whindersson_Nunes.jpg |
20160212223507 |
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20160301214848 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Rua_da_Barbearia.jpg |
20160212232755 |
Deleted |
20160305103419 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via Google Street View |
File:HSSHARLEY.jpg |
20160212233928 |
Deleted |
20160403161946 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:HSSHARLEY.jpg |
File:Logo-linkaberto.gif |
20160213041001 |
Deleted |
20160311140659 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Logo-linkaberto.gif |
File:Foto_Hermann_Baeta.jpg |
20160213073422 |
Deleted |
20160411231915 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Foto Hermann Baeta.jpg |
File:Simbolo_do_General_Smoker.png |
20160213095823 |
Deleted |
20160223062917 |
Missing essential information such as license, permission or source. Media missing permission as of 15 February 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Logo_Construcar.png |
20160213105135 |
Deleted |
20160403145835 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Construai Construcar |
File:Bugiada_500.jpg |
20160213130430 |
Deleted |
20160301224359 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Ricardo_trigo.jpg |
20160213165146 |
Deleted |
20160305103325 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (see also watermark: copyrighted work by via (2013) |
File:Lidiane_Pontes.jpg |
20160213160338 |
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20160304105933 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Steamrollers_Max_e_Trigo.jpg |
20160213165515 |
Deleted |
20160312064948 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Steamrollers Max e Trigo.jpg |
File:Danilozimbres.jpg |
20160213171905 |
Deleted |
20160215031643 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Scott_Summers_(Earth-96169).jpg |
20160213174130 |
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20160305104330 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:DaniloZimbresnaUBES.jpg |
20160213180539 |
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20160215072707 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Danilozimbres2.jpg |
20160213182722 |
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20160215031641 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Mateus-Verdelho.jpg |
20160213183514 |
Deleted |
20160304160450 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Capa_cd_introspecto.jpg |
20160213192439 |
Deleted |
20160214044329 |
Copyright violation: CD cover |
File:LOGO_Banda_Mantre.png |
20160213192617 |
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20160318033530 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Nathalia_Calasans.jpg |
20160213195333 |
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20160311141507 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Nathalia Calasans.jpg |
File:Optimized-logo_comgas_peq_pos.jpg |
20160213203836 |
Deleted |
20160611114940 |
Exact or scaled down duplicate: File:Optimized-logo comgas.jpg |
File:Narnia_France-11.jpg |
20160213213807 |
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20160215161938 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:DF-03276.jpg |
20160213220846 |
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20160214050744 |
Copyright violation: Not "Own work". Screenshot |
File:Integrantes_do_governo_federal_brasileiro.jpg |
20160214000849 |
Deleted |
20160221132416 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Integrantes do governo federal brasileiro.jpg |
File:Diego_Ramos_e_Seu_filho_Felipe_Ramos.jpg |
20160214011355 |
Deleted |
20160309055921 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Diego Ernandes Ramos |
File:Equipe_na_Sede_da_ELEKTRO.jpg |
20160214011646 |
Deleted |
20160309055921 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Diego Ernandes Ramos |
File:Diego_da_XT660.jpg |
20160214011916 |
Deleted |
20160309055920 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Diego Ernandes Ramos |
File:Diego_e_Larissa.jpg |
20160214012138 |
Deleted |
20160309055919 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Diego Ernandes Ramos |
File:Canal_Diego_da_XT660.jpg |
20160214020842 |
Deleted |
20160309055918 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Diego Ernandes Ramos |
File:Joaomarcelino.jpg |
20160214021423 |
Deleted |
20160321144934 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Vjogos |
File:Xavante1.jpg |
20160214022306 |
Deleted |
20160226234758 |
No source since 18 February 2016 |
File:Joaoassinatura.png |
20160214022806 |
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20160321144932 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Vjogos |
File:Img2340121Embraer.jpg |
20160214030101 |
Deleted |
20160226233304 |
No source since 18 February 2016 |
File:X-MoneY_Francis_Joss,_Dj_David_Teezy_.jpg |
20160214114635 |
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20160226111602 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Dj David Teezy |
File:Na_Praia_X-Money.jpg |
20160214114830 |
Deleted |
20160220184913 |
License review: Non-free license, or license disallowing commercial use and/or derivative works |
File:Dj_david_teezy.jpg |
20160214115251 |
Deleted |
20160220185016 |
License review: Non-free license, or license disallowing commercial use and/or derivative works |
File:Dj_David_Teezy.jpg |
20160214115601 |
Deleted |
20160226111600 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Dj David Teezy |
File:Dj_david_Teezy.jpg |
20160214115738 |
Deleted |
20160226111600 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Dj David Teezy |
File:Wat-thung-setthi-temple.jpg |
20160214123803 |
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20160301215011 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Ojojoj.jpg |
20160214130147 |
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20160301215019 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Marca_.jpg |
20160214133629 |
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20160214153819 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Non-trivial logo |
File:Gataria_marca_2014.tif |
20160214133705 |
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20160214153805 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Non-trivial logo |
File:GoncaPlays.jpg |
20160214151903 |
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20160403163450 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by GoncaPlays |
File:Apresentação_de_alunos_de_dança_do_Programa_nosso_bairro.jpg |
20160214182443 |
Deleted |
20160215134345 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (11.2015, 2015 Tribuna do Norte Todos os direitos reservados) = |
File:Bonecas_confeccionadas_por_alunos_do_Programa_nosso_bairro.jpg |
20160214182904 |
Deleted |
20160215134430 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (resized) via (03.2015) = |
File:Logotipo-Brasao.jpg |
20160214185400 |
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20160318033614 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:ADJVP.jpg |
20160214200234 |
Deleted |
20160223062830 |
Missing essential information such as license, permission or source. Media missing permission as of 15 February 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Inauguração_do_Procon.jpg |
20160214205232 |
Deleted |
20160318032625 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:LogoChimangosBC.png |
20160214205827 |
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20160215053324 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Tumblr_inline_nhx2flV9CM1rzx25x.jpg |
20160214205904 |
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20160214222042 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Gonçalo_Moreira.jpg |
20160214212148 |
Deleted |
20160403163448 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by GoncaPlays |
File:Prof_Leandrolbl.jpg |
20160214221626 |
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20160318105808 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Luminate.jpg |
20160214222732 |
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20160215194141 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:O_Fantasma_da_Máscara,_de_Victor_Louis_Stutz.jpg |
20160215005821 |
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20160305184741 |
No permission since 26 February 2016 |
File:O_Emprego_da_Lua.jpg |
20160215010112 |
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20160318034820 |
No permission since 4 March 2016 |
File:Lucas_"The_Betreyer"_Teo.jpg |
20160215015327 |
Deleted |
20160311141203 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Lucas "The Betreyer" Teo.jpg |
File:Capa_do_single_General_Smoker.png |
20160215022718 |
Deleted |
20160215153750 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Album cover |
File:AntonioMacedo.jpg |
20160215103127 |
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20160301214329 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Reino-Unido-avenida-comunicar-cantar_ACRIMA20160207_0031_18.jpg |
20160215113345 |
Deleted |
20160305103330 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (05.02.2016, gallery, image 18, credit: "Foto: Aguilar Abecassis") = |
File:FB_IMG_1454246059106(1).jpg |
20160215114325 |
Deleted |
20160216060040 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Geshe_Kelsang_Gyatso.jpg |
20160215115405 |
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20160304004934 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:New-NKT-IKBU-Logo-Kadampa-Blue.png |
20160215115533 |
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20160304011737 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing |
File:FotoEngLuisbranco.jpg |
20160215121003 |
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20160303142806 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:LogoChimangos2.png |
20160215125815 |
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20160216000117 |
Copyright violation: |
File:António_Macedo_O_bom_conselho-150x200cm-oils.jpg |
20160215130401 |
Deleted |
20160316201613 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:António_Macedo_Os_pavões.jpg |
20160215130455 |
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20160316201611 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:António_Macedo_The_awakening-120x160cm-oil_on_canvas.jpg |
20160215130538 |
Deleted |
20160316201610 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:António_Macedo_The_clouds-45x60cm-oil_on_canvas.jpg |
20160215130649 |
Deleted |
20160316201609 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:António_Macedo_The_emigrant-120x160cm-oil_on_canvas.jpg |
20160215130948 |
Deleted |
20160316201609 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:Reino-Unido-avenida-comunicar-cantar_ACRIMA20160207_0024_18.jpg |
20160215113214 |
Deleted |
20160305103335 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Home_Terra_2016.jpg |
20160215145907 |
Deleted |
20160215153516 |
Screenshot of non-free content: Web site |
File:António_Macedo_Dr._Almeida_Santos.jpg |
20160215162437 |
Deleted |
20160316201608 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:António_Macedo-_The_emigrant.jpg |
20160215162605 |
Deleted |
20160316201607 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:António_Macedo_The_awakening.jpg |
20160215162941 |
Deleted |
20160316201606 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:António_Macedo_The_emigrant.jpg |
20160215163726 |
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20160316201606 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:Logo_cue_organisation.png |
20160215175342 |
Deleted |
20160309200422 |
No source since 1 March 2016 |
File:Logo_cue_organis.png |
20160215175448 |
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20160309200400 |
No source since 1 March 2016 |
File:MarcaBCB2016.jpg |
20160215183021 |
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20160225010329 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Tanquejaquetadocom_selo_png.png |
20160215191731 |
Deleted |
20160309130320 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Mallon |
File:Pr._José_Carlos_(Presidente_Fundador).jpg |
20160215204046 |
Deleted |
20160321141706 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Igreja Fonte Missionária do Brasil |
File:Pra._Cheila_Félix_Ribeiro.jpg |
20160215204440 |
Deleted |
20160321141708 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Igreja Fonte Missionária do Brasil |
File:Miguel_na_porta_da_sua_avó_em_2012.jpg |
20160215205719 |
Deleted |
20160311141253 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Miguel Bilro |
File:Logo_Tipo_da_IFMB.jpg |
20160215210049 |
Deleted |
20160216150641 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Non-trivial organization logo |
File:Logo_UCB_(Gd).png |
20160215210123 |
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20160317230339 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:Miguel_Bilro.jpg |
20160215210639 |
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20160311141252 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Miguel Bilro |
File:Pr._Livino_Torres.jpg |
20160215211400 |
Deleted |
20160321141708 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Igreja Fonte Missionária do Brasil |
File:Pastores_das_Igrejas.jpg |
20160215212220 |
Deleted |
20160321141709 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Igreja Fonte Missionária do Brasil |
File:Ednaldo_Júnior.jpg |
20160215212531 |
Deleted |
20160312115755 |
No permission since 2 March 2016 |
File:Ednaldo_Guedes_Fernandes_Júnior.jpg |
20160215212830 |
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20160312115735 |
No permission since 2 March 2016 |
File:Logotipo_da_empresa.png |
20160215232709 |
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20160224232424 |
No permission since 16 February 2016 |
File:UFACeBairrodoTucumatilde-PedroDevani_zps5c50b61a.jpg |
20160216015424 |
Deleted |
20160305221031 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2014, credit: "De Pedro Devani no Facebook."/by "Pedro Devani" at Facebook) = (by "aryelthomaz") |
File:Livro_Destinos_Oficial.png |
20160216020858 |
Deleted |
20160228071450 |
No permission since 20 February 2016 |
File:Alpinista_Industrial.jpg |
20160216035350 |
Deleted |
20160301215446 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Novo_campus_da_UNIJIPA.jpg |
20160216051430 |
Deleted |
20160304170558 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from Facebook = (05.02.2016) or [1] (last modified: 05.02.2016) |
File:Ivan-Andre_Ceccato.png |
20160216072248 |
Deleted |
20160304110231 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (as indicated, extracted from "Ivan", a 2011 film) via (example) (2012) = |
File:Mosaicogoimagem.png |
20160216085718 |
Deleted |
20160311141305 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Mosaicogoimagem.png |
File:Bai_iii.jpg |
20160216090226 |
Deleted |
20160301215733 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:BAI_logo.jpg |
20160216091305 |
Deleted |
20160306195057 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Joaquim_de_Araújo.jpg |
20160216125255 |
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20160317230129 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:Thiago_Domingos.jpg |
20160216143131 |
Deleted |
20160403150431 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Thiago Domingos.jpg |
File:Praça_.jpg |
20160216162643 |
Deleted |
20160403112702 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marcogommes |
File:Orata.jpg |
20160216163143 |
Deleted |
20160403112707 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marcogommes |
File:CUE_Affiliate_Map_2015.png |
20160216010720 |
Deleted |
20160302073833 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Jeferson_.jpg |
20160216091651 |
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20160304110212 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Vista_cidade24.jpg |
20160216163234 |
Deleted |
20160403112700 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marcogommes |
File:Rota_da_Fé.jpg |
20160216163319 |
Deleted |
20160403112659 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marcogommes |
File:Logotipo2.png |
20160216171330 |
Deleted |
20160311141011 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Logotipo2.png |
File:Gil_Campos.png |
20160216175539 |
Deleted |
20160304011326 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Perfil_Gil_Campos.png |
20160216185537 |
Deleted |
20160403162718 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Perfil Gil Campos.png |
File:Eu_msm.jpg |
20160216190416 |
Deleted |
20160309124729 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Eu msm.jpg |
File:Lanchas_no_lago_de_Cachoeira_Dourada.jpg |
20160216202951 |
Deleted |
20160302224446 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Cachoeira_Dourada.jpg |
20160216203257 |
Deleted |
20160302073644 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Iate_termas_clube.jpg |
20160216203523 |
Deleted |
20160302073631 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2012, © Alle Rechte vorbehalten von Eder Divino de Souza ) |
File:Usina_e_Ago.jpg |
20160216203730 |
Deleted |
20160302073749 |
Copyright violation: Mass deletion of files added by User:Zehigino (copyvio-only account): All files — considering also User talk:Zehigino — grabbed from Internet. |
File:Hotel_iate_cachoeira_.jpg |
20160216210526 |
Deleted |
20160302073637 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2012, © Alle Rechte vorbehalten von Eder Divino de Souza ) |
File:Leandro_Ervilha.jpg |
20160216223731 |
Deleted |
20160304112139 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2014, credit: "Fotos: Rosa Bheatriz Peixoto") = (identical exif) |
File:Yamaha-pilotos-2013-8404.jpg |
20160217001101 |
Deleted |
20160321160719 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Jader.miguel |
File:1984_-_Bragança_Paulista.jpg |
20160217001501 |
Deleted |
20160321160717 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Jader.miguel |
File:Motocross_Freestyle.jpg |
20160217002016 |
Deleted |
20160321160716 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Jader.miguel |
File:Tiago_Lopes_.png |
20160217010756 |
Deleted |
20160306195322 |
Out of project scope: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Tiago Lopes .png |
20160217024541 |
Deleted |
20160301215322 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
20160217030321 |
Deleted |
20160301215047 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
20160217030639 |
Deleted |
20160301215045 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
20160217030846 |
Deleted |
20160301215033 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
20160217031337 |
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20160301215027 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:PRACINHA.jpg |
20160217031719 |
Deleted |
20160301215043 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Brasao_FDRP.png |
20160217032158 |
Deleted |
20160309203347 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:POSTO.jpg |
20160217035355 |
Deleted |
20160301215041 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:PONTE.jpg |
20160217041619 |
Deleted |
20160301215039 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:CAMPINHO.jpg |
20160217042414 |
Deleted |
20160301215024 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:VISTA_AEREA.jpg |
20160217043453 |
Deleted |
20160301215015 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Capa_.jpg |
20160217052723 |
Deleted |
20160217114941 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Executiva_Nacional_dos_Estudantes_de_Geologia.jpg |
20160217060519 |
Deleted |
20160225121024 |
No permission since 17 February 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Enegeo_1979_-_A_caminho_de_Chapada_dos_Guimarães.jpg |
20160217060936 |
Deleted |
20160225121022 |
No permission since 17 February 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Ràdio_Cleiton_FM_96,9.jpg |
20160217065255 |
Deleted |
20160310235548 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Aserá.jpg |
20160217090750 |
Deleted |
20160302073443 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Lisado.jpg |
20160217121938 |
Deleted |
20160219153526 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Anime/manga/comics |
File:Dvd_os_campeiros_(110_de_197).jpg |
20160217131603 |
Deleted |
20160302222656 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Carro_Alegórico_de_2016.jpg |
20160217134047 |
Deleted |
20160302125953 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Directcall.png |
20160217140140 |
Deleted |
20160309031948 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Yamahira |
File:BRASÃOsc.jpg |
20160217140557 |
Deleted |
20160328175835 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:BRASÃOsc.jpg |
File:BANDEIRAsc.jpg |
20160217140836 |
Deleted |
20160328175837 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:BANDEIRAsc.jpg |
File:Fachada_do_Senac_na_década_de_80.jpg |
20160217140924 |
Deleted |
20160303143446 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Dxfd.jpg |
20160217142227 |
Deleted |
20160309124604 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Dxfd.jpg |
File:Mapa_bairro_Pilar.png |
20160217142843 |
Deleted |
20160302075953 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via Google Maps |
File:Bairro_pilar_0.jpg |
20160217143436 |
Deleted |
20160301221844 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Bairro_PILAR.jpg |
20160217143557 |
Deleted |
20160301221851 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Revista_Tratamento_de_Superfície.png |
20160217164043 |
Deleted |
20160318183536 |
No permission since 5 March 2016 |
File:Zizovirus.jpg |
20160217165659 |
Deleted |
20160308114522 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Zizovirus.jpg |
File:GMCL,_(2).jpg |
20160217173056 |
Deleted |
20160403131723 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Jorge Botelho Falcão |
File:Extra_.jpg |
20160217180620 |
Deleted |
20160302223554 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Directcall_pequeno.png |
20160217181457 |
Deleted |
20160309031951 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Yamahira |
File:Logotipo-directcall.png |
20160217181627 |
Deleted |
20160309031954 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Yamahira |
File:Mosquito_da_dengue_by_lukemaciel.jpg |
20160217195338 |
Deleted |
20160219013619 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:706004-5-receitas-de-sanduíches-naturais-3.jpg |
20160217195439 |
Deleted |
20160219013618 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Bolacha-biscoito-dieta-gordura-barriga-gourmet.jpg |
20160217195600 |
Deleted |
20160219013619 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Estopinha_Rossi,_it-dog_do_Brasil..jpg |
20160217200321 |
Deleted |
20160312120022 |
No permission since 2 March 2016 |
File:Download_(27).jpg |
20160217202859 |
Deleted |
20160403162029 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Download (27).jpg |
File:SM2DU_(logo).png |
20160217224146 |
Deleted |
20160305103856 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Logo_manual_do_mundo.jpg |
20160217225125 |
Deleted |
20160224033205 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing complex logo |
File:E.E_José_Theodoro_de_Moraes_.jpg |
20160217231451 |
Deleted |
20160302223542 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Tanque_jaquetado_oleo_usado.png |
20160218112414 |
Deleted |
20160309130318 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Mallon |
File:Mesquita_Santo_Amaro.jpg |
20160218123108 |
Deleted |
20160302224332 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Leonardo_Miguel_(Diona).jpg |
20160218123756 |
Deleted |
20160403164846 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Leonardo Miguel Baptista |
File:Fotos_de_Diona.jpg |
20160218130655 |
Deleted |
20160403164844 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Leonardo Miguel Baptista |
File:Modulo_de_Abastecimento_OK.jpg |
20160218140849 |
Deleted |
20160309130316 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Mallon |
File:Fotos_modulo_de_abastecimento_2015.jpg |
20160218140950 |
Deleted |
20160309130313 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Mallon |
File:Museu_do_Amanhã_construído.jpg |
20160218162944 |
Deleted |
20160304160842 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Museum-of-Tomorrow_Santiago-Calatrava_Rio-de-Janeiro_dezeen_1568_6.jpg |
20160218163942 |
Deleted |
20160304160847 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Museu_do_Amanhã_voltado_para_a_Baía_de_Guanabara.jpg |
20160218164500 |
Deleted |
20160304160824 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Museu_do_Amanhã_a_partir_do_MAR.jpg |
20160218165052 |
Deleted |
20160304160836 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Becca_em_ensaio_de_fotos_Beijei_Gostei.jpg |
20160218171624 |
Deleted |
20160303142803 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Foto-_Aredead.jpg |
20160218171841 |
Deleted |
20160301221314 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Sabado_magazine.jpg |
20160218172409 |
Deleted |
20160318183724 |
No permission since 5 March 2016 |
File:Ossonobona.png |
20160218190307 |
Deleted |
20160302080012 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (example) (2013) = |
File:1996.06.06p1.jpg |
20160218190745 |
Deleted |
20160304160322 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:59-tanquejaquetadoarxo04.jpg |
20160218193723 |
Deleted |
20160309130311 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Mallon |
File:Morreu_Júlio_de_Mesquita_Neto.jpg |
20160218195150 |
Deleted |
20160304160858 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Spiral_Movement_-_painting.jpg |
20160218200807 |
Deleted |
20160318183908 |
No permission since 5 March 2016 |
File:NoobsEvolution.jpg |
20160218204429 |
Deleted |
20160311141510 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:NoobsEvolution.jpg |
File:NoobsEvolution_capa_do_canal.jpg |
20160218204555 |
Deleted |
20160302125809 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files on User:Stefan2/sandbox |
File:Saci2.jpg |
20160218222400 |
Deleted |
20160312070435 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Matamusquito |
File:Transtorno.jpg |
20160218224654 |
Deleted |
20160312070434 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Matamusquito |
File:Claudinho_juventus.png |
20160219010152 |
Deleted |
20160309062437 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Claudinho juventus.png |
File:Rodrygo_Procópio_Costa_Novo.jpg |
20160219014430 |
Deleted |
20160312065150 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Rodrygo Procópio Costa Novo.jpg |
File:Leo_Fot.jpg |
20160219090317 |
Deleted |
20160311140630 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Leo Fot.jpg |
File:Img-496459-natalia-guimaraes20130325141364231320.jpg |
20160219113032 |
Deleted |
20160303165547 |
Copyright violation: Mass deletion of files added by User:Julia Maximo (copyvio-only account): All files grabbed from Internet. |
File:Gabriela-markus-a-miss-brasil-2012-tenta-o-titulo-de-miss-universo-em-las-vegas-1354563840242_300x300.jpg |
20160219113328 |
Deleted |
20160303165524 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (cropped) via grabbed from internet |
File:Marthina_Brandt.jpg |
20160219113807 |
Deleted |
20160303165559 |
Copyright violation: Mass deletion of files added by User:Julia Maximo (copyvio-only account): All files grabbed from Internet. |
File:Martha_Rocha.jpg |
20160219113848 |
Deleted |
20160303165553 |
Copyright violation: Mass deletion of files added by User:Julia Maximo (copyvio-only account): All files grabbed from Internet. |
File:Miss-Universe-2015-favoritesDiana-Harkusha-Miss-Ukraine.jpg |
20160219114218 |
Deleted |
20160303165541 |
Copyright violation: Mass deletion of files added by User:Julia Maximo (copyvio-only account): All files grabbed from Internet. |
File:Quilombinho_Projetos.png |
20160219120356 |
Deleted |
20160309060507 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by PI grupod |
20160219131712 |
Deleted |
20160304155538 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Bahiana_Cabula_Pav_3.jpg |
20160219134233 |
Deleted |
20160301221832 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:SURUBA.jpg |
20160219135552 |
Deleted |
20160220085916 |
copyvio |
File:XqZ3sg2.png |
20160219140933 |
Deleted |
20160220084924 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:AutoHumboldt.jpg |
20160219145853 |
Deleted |
20160309202239 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Acerte_publicidade.jpg |
20160219155124 |
Deleted |
20160315212938 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Abrao80 |
File:Joelma_2015.jpg |
20160219175658 |
Deleted |
20160220054339 |
Copyright violation: Screenshot from show on G1 |
File:Logo_25POA.png |
20160219181031 |
Deleted |
20160224032631 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Paineiras14_internet.jpg |
20160219184005 |
Deleted |
20160403113024 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marceloalvespacheco |
File:Lago_joao_leite_06_internet.jpg |
20160219184336 |
Deleted |
20160403113023 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marceloalvespacheco |
File:Operacao_carnaval_peamp_201421_internet.jpg |
20160219184607 |
Deleted |
20160403113022 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marceloalvespacheco |
File:Cameratrap_peamp_4jul-14ago_154_internet.jpg |
20160219184739 |
Deleted |
20160403113021 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marceloalvespacheco |
File:Corre_cerrado_2014_427_internet-motion.gif |
20160219184944 |
Deleted |
20160403113021 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marceloalvespacheco |
File:Deputado_Sargento_Rodrigues.jpg |
20160219191449 |
Deleted |
20160302222210 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Deputado_Sargento_Rodrigues_.jpg |
20160219192745 |
Deleted |
20160302222210 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Deputado_Sargento_Rodrigues1.jpg |
20160219193019 |
Deleted |
20160302222209 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:ChristianMonassa.jpg |
20160219203120 |
Deleted |
20160227101447 |
No source since 19 February 2016 |
File:Wicked_Brasil.jpg |
20160219220729 |
Deleted |
20160308114612 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Wicked Brasil.jpg |
File:Bruno_spitzjaponesbrasil.jpg |
20160220043037 |
Deleted |
20160309204119 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Giovanna_spitzjapones.jpg |
20160220043452 |
Deleted |
20160310201806 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Diego_Balbino.jpg |
20160220141416 |
Deleted |
20160614155425 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:I_didnt_mean_it.jpg |
20160220151805 |
Deleted |
20160227224254 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (album cover) via (example) (01.2016) = |
File:Aurea_gravando_o_seu_novo_álbum..jpg |
20160220152846 |
Deleted |
20160227224325 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (01.2016) |
File:Aurea_no_Rock_and_Rio.jpg |
20160220153218 |
Deleted |
20160227224302 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2015, credit: "Lidi Cutrim/Estácio/Divulgação", Copyright © 2016 - Rolling Stone Brasil) = |
File:84fb79_9a862302dfd94dc4a922018170b54d9b.jpg |
20160220154741 |
Deleted |
20160612154345 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:84fb79 9a862302dfd94dc4a922018170b54d9b.jpg |
File:CEARACOM.jpg |
20160220191502 |
Deleted |
20160308165508 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Cearacom |
File:Logotipo_atual.jpg |
20160220191841 |
Deleted |
20160308165506 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Cearacom |
File:Logotipo_em_2010.jpg |
20160220194347 |
Deleted |
20160308165503 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Cearacom |
File:Cid_Jorge_Haui.jpg |
20160220225933 |
Deleted |
20160309062410 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Cid Jorge Haui.jpg |
File:Logo_da_associação.jpg |
20160220233717 |
Deleted |
20160224032921 |
Copyright violation, found elsewhere on the web and unlikely to be own work: |
File:Biblioteca_amadis.jpg |
20160220234245 |
Deleted |
20160224033007 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Santos_Advogados_Associados.png |
20160221004249 |
Deleted |
20160306191144 |
Out of project scope: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Santos Advogados Associados.png |
File:Logo_guri_2015.jpg |
20160221013238 |
Deleted |
20160224033150 |
Fair use material is not permitted on Wikimedia Commons |
File:Online_photo_editor_result.png |
20160221034235 |
Deleted |
20160228073202 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Online photo editor result.png |
File:Firestorm_(DC_Comics).jpg |
20160221034511 |
Deleted |
20160221064147 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Capa_frontal_do_EP_"Mr_Dom".jpg |
20160221071346 |
Deleted |
20160302125803 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files on User:Stefan2/sandbox |
File:Contracapa_do_EP_"Mr_Dom".jpg |
20160221071803 |
Deleted |
20160302125806 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files on User:Stefan2/sandbox |
File:Dom_Pappaz.jpg |
20160221090239 |
Deleted |
20160302130240 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Brasão_Itapissuma.png |
20160221100820 |
Deleted |
20160309203712 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Bandeira_Itapissuma.png |
20160221101359 |
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20160309202547 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Brasão_Arquiepiscopal_de_Dom_Rodolfo_Luís_Weber.png |
20160221135345 |
Deleted |
20160222132705 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Catedral_Metropolitana_de_Passo_Fundo_na_posse_de_Dom_Rodolfo.jpg |
20160221135809 |
Deleted |
20160222132707 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Dom_rodolfo_weber.jpg |
20160221141852 |
Deleted |
20160222132650 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Dom_Rodolfo_oficial.jpg |
20160221142130 |
Deleted |
20160222132716 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Foto_de_Ton_Silva.jpg |
20160221152613 |
Deleted |
20160310112118 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Ton Silva Ator Diretor e Produtor |
File:Univesp.png |
20160221162010 |
Deleted |
20160318174608 |
No source since 5 March 2016 |
File:001_a.png |
20160221162426 |
Deleted |
20160313085806 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Vandox8154 |
File:002_a.png |
20160221162740 |
Deleted |
20160313085803 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Vandox8154 |
File:003_a.png |
20160221162925 |
Deleted |
20160313085731 |
Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Vandox8154: Out of project scope: Commons is not a private photo album. No educational purpose: Not used. Related ptwiki entries speedy deleted. |
File:004_a.jpg |
20160221163031 |
Deleted |
20160313085759 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Vandox8154 |
File:Ton_Silva.jpg |
20160221163046 |
Deleted |
20160310112118 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Ton Silva Ator Diretor e Produtor |
File:Familia_Ichitsuki.jpg |
20160221163246 |
Deleted |
20160301221357 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Padre_Eduardo_Pegoraro.jpg |
20160221165352 |
Deleted |
20160222132704 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Slide_de_Powerpoint_Profissional.jpg |
20160221165638 |
Deleted |
20160305111809 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Slide_de_PPT.jpg |
20160221165807 |
Deleted |
20160305112137 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Corpo_do_pe._eduardo.jpg |
20160221171838 |
Deleted |
20160222132717 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Família_Pegoraro.jpg |
20160221172704 |
Deleted |
20160222132755 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Marindia.jpg |
20160221173531 |
Deleted |
20160222132724 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Heitor_Costa_Magalhães.jpg |
20160221174108 |
Deleted |
20160403161936 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Heitor Costa Magalhães.jpg |
File:Bandeira-SBP.jpg |
20160221185701 |
Deleted |
20160309202913 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Vic_Hollo.jpg |
20160221185909 |
Deleted |
20160305221020 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (example) (2013) = (but most likely grabbed originally somewhere from social media) |
File:Bandeira-SMA.jpg |
20160221191120 |
Deleted |
20160309202932 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Paula_Thalia.jpg |
20160221210113 |
Deleted |
20160613165150 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Paula Thalia.jpg |
File:Miguel_zaki.jpg |
20160221233412 |
Deleted |
20160222013606 |
Out of project scope |
File:Dvd_os_campeiros_(109_de_197).jpg |
20160222005033 |
Deleted |
20160302222708 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Logotipo_da_Escola_Portuguesa_Ruy_Cinatti.png |
20160222011048 |
Deleted |
20160224033344 |
Fair use material is not permitted on Wikimedia Commons |
File:CIRE_Bloco_11_UEMG_Passos.jpg |
20160222011134 |
Deleted |
20160302224329 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Manifestação_de_dor_pela_perda_do_padre_Eduardo.jpg |
20160222012150 |
Deleted |
20160222132703 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Douglas-sampaio-ganha-a-fazenda-8-1449609875.jpg |
20160222081841 |
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20160302222357 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Malaação.jpg |
20160222083438 |
Deleted |
20160302224144 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Aniversario_ADX_18_jan_-_Copia.jpg |
20160222125340 |
Deleted |
20160309201825 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Beyondtime.jpg |
20160222134014 |
Deleted |
20160301221411 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:CasadeDonaConceição.jpg |
20160222135154 |
Deleted |
20160222141733 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Populacao-na-inauguracao-thumb.jpg |
20160222135413 |
Deleted |
20160222141737 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:UEMG_Passos_Bloco_1.jpg |
20160222012239 |
Deleted |
20160302073526 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Pr._José_Carlos_Ribeiro_(Presidente_Fundador).jpg |
20160222161007 |
Deleted |
20160321141702 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Igreja Fonte Missionária do Brasil |
File:Pra._Sheyla_Félix_Ribeiro.jpg |
20160222161549 |
Deleted |
20160321141705 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Igreja Fonte Missionária do Brasil |
File:Bannerjfc_para_jfs.png |
20160222172519 |
Deleted |
20160309203010 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Cave_Central_da_Bairrada.jpg |
20160222175350 |
Deleted |
20160614155420 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Claustrofobia.jpg |
20160222195838 |
Deleted |
20160303143214 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Trator_Linha_BT.png |
20160222203104 |
Deleted |
20160301202510 |
No permission since 22 February 2016 |
File:Logo_Valtra.png |
20160222203458 |
Deleted |
20160301201804 |
No permission since 22 February 2016 |
File:Marcelo_dentista_sorridere.jpg |
20160222213501 |
Deleted |
20160311141222 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Marcelo Borille |
File:Moses_Rodrigues.jpg |
20160222214003 |
Deleted |
20160304160332 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Adriano-Moreira.jpg |
20160222220947 |
Deleted |
20160301214709 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Ricardo_Nunes_Durães.jpg |
20160222233430 |
Deleted |
20160312061725 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Ricardo Nunes Durães.jpg |
File:Kaio_Gomes.jpg |
20160223005453 |
Deleted |
20160303113256 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Kaio Gomes.jpg |
File:Gazelle_Zootopia.jpg |
20160223011401 |
Deleted |
20160223023236 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Nick_Wilde_Zootopia.png |
20160223012740 |
Deleted |
20160223023236 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Judy_Hopps_Zootopia.png |
20160223013137 |
Deleted |
20160223023237 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Desenho_sem_título(1).png |
20160223055446 |
Deleted |
20160309205728 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Avenida_Antônio_Sales.jpg |
20160223062043 |
Deleted |
20160301180939 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2009) = (identical exif) |
File:Academia-cearense-de-letras.jpg |
20160223062859 |
Deleted |
20160309200209 |
No source since 1 March 2016 |
File:António_Macedo_Amanhecer_-_90cmx120cm.jpg |
20160223120058 |
Deleted |
20160316201604 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Mkthora |
File:Seahorse-pregnant-male.jpg |
20160223141634 |
Deleted |
20160305104336 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Yahoo!.jpg |
20160223152846 |
Deleted |
20160302231929 |
Exact or scaled-down duplicate: see File:Yahoo Logo.svg |
File:Miltinho.jpg |
20160223162257 |
Deleted |
20160301161802 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (see also exif) via = (last modified: 2013, identical exif = copyrighted work by "RICARDO MARTINS") |
File:Manoel_Gomes_Ribeiro.jpg |
20160223165424 |
Deleted |
20160306062244 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
File:Dom_paulo.jpg |
20160223170326 |
Deleted |
20160223213300 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (06.2015, Diocese Montenegro 2012 - Todos os direitos reservados) = |
File:Dom_pauloo.jpg |
20160223170633 |
Deleted |
20160223190002 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Fotonova2.jpg |
20160223174048 |
Deleted |
20160310112146 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pe Geovane Saraiva |
File:Gonçalo_Francisco_Gomes_Alcolea.jpg |
20160223184237 |
Deleted |
20160403162622 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Gonçalo Francisco Gomes Alcolea.jpg |
File:Monamor.jpg |
20160223184303 |
Deleted |
20160311141259 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Roughzera |
File:Couple_kissing.jpg |
20160223184447 |
Deleted |
20160311141257 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Roughzera |
File:Cabo_Jeoás_PM.jpg |
20160223191802 |
Deleted |
20160302073649 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:SEDE_IG.jpg |
20160223195652 |
Deleted |
20160305103444 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2014, gallery, image 4) = |
File:Futuro_e_Vida.jpg |
20160223204759 |
Deleted |
20160315194724 |
No permission since 3 March 2016 |
File:Odorico-Monteiro-SUS.jpg |
20160223204945 |
Deleted |
20160304210746 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Morena_FM_98.7.png |
20160223213528 |
Deleted |
20160304160901 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:David_Borba.jpg |
20160223233855 |
Deleted |
20160309031020 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:David Borba.jpg |
File:UEE-MG.jpg |
20160224043544 |
Deleted |
20160309200729 |
No source since 1 March 2016 |
File:Dra._Maria_Antonia_e_sobrinhos.jpg |
20160224045635 |
Deleted |
20160328174554 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Dra. Maria Antonia e sobrinhos.jpg |
File:Paulo-dalagnoli_(4).jpg |
20160224052742 |
Deleted |
20160304210743 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:TyRex.jpg |
20160224114645 |
Deleted |
20160224223944 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Autógrafo_de_Dieter_rams_.jpg |
20160224141751 |
Deleted |
20160306061427 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
File:Gatos_Feios.jpg |
20160224154629 |
Deleted |
20160309180848 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Gatos Feios.jpg |
File:Priolo_1323946869.jpg |
20160224162301 |
Deleted |
20160225001350 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: |
File:Cenário_Atual_.png |
20160224172340 |
Deleted |
20160309180821 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Apdata |
File:Cenário_com_o_eSocial.png |
20160224172549 |
Deleted |
20160309180818 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Apdata |
File:Mandala_Global_Antares.jpg |
20160224173822 |
Deleted |
20160309180816 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Apdata |
File:Modulos_Impactados.png |
20160224173912 |
Deleted |
20160309180814 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Apdata |
File:Habs261.jpg |
20160224173956 |
Deleted |
20160306061929 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
File:Logo_Ap_eSocial.jpg |
20160224174010 |
Deleted |
20160309180811 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Apdata |
File:Fluxo_eSocial.jpg |
20160224174245 |
Deleted |
20160309180809 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Apdata |
File:Ptg03407786.jpg |
20160224030326 |
Deleted |
20160229200851 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet = (last modified: 2010, identical fie name) |
File:UndergroundHipHop.jpg |
20160224174550 |
Deleted |
20160303180436 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Inês Silva Pereira |
File:Feodora.jpg |
20160224174910 |
Deleted |
20160306061850 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
File:Feo_and_henrie.jpg |
20160224175112 |
Deleted |
20160306061658 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
20160224175451 |
Deleted |
20160303180443 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Inês Silva Pereira |
File:Juventude_brasao.jpg |
20160224182520 |
Deleted |
20160309180922 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Juventude brasao.jpg |
File:Feod.jpg |
20160224182536 |
Deleted |
20160306061716 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
File:Logo_TagPoint_+_Slogan.png |
20160224191605 |
Deleted |
20160311140712 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Tagpoint |
File:Peixe_morcego.jpg |
20160224191627 |
Deleted |
20160226010131 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Asma_1550639a.jpg |
20160224202713 |
Deleted |
20160225010341 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Macaco_Pedro.jpg |
20160224211854 |
Deleted |
20160224213544 |
per uploader's description and categorization clearly an attack-image |
File:Macaco_adestrado.jpg |
20160224212435 |
Deleted |
20160309181009 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Macaco adestrado.jpg |
File:PessoaLinda_u.u.jpg |
20160224213436 |
Deleted |
20160302114037 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:PessoaLinda u.u.jpg |
File:Lauriano_Cunha.jpg |
20160224215008 |
Deleted |
20160309180708 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Lauriano Cunha.jpg |
File:CA_Bastia.png |
20160224215144 |
Deleted |
20160307092753 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Waldeli_dos_Santos_Rosa.jpg |
20160224215229 |
Deleted |
20160224220045 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: |
File:Pedro_Na_Escola.png |
20160224223810 |
Deleted |
20160303113312 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Pedro Na Escola.png |
File:Ministério_Nele_Creio.jpg |
20160224225329 |
Deleted |
20160309181013 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Ministério Nele Creio.jpg |
File:Child_feodora.jpg |
20160224231437 |
Deleted |
20160306061641 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
File:Ladies'_Code_2016.jpg |
20160224233306 |
Deleted |
20160225123818 |
Copyright violation, found elsewhere on the web and unlikely to be own work |
File:Feodora_com_parentes_e_amigos.jpg |
20160224233444 |
Deleted |
20160306061807 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
File:357c42573feb20359d4b58d702fdd0e9(1).jpg |
20160224235248 |
Deleted |
20160306061353 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
File:Feodora_e_henrique.jpg |
20160224235359 |
Deleted |
20160306061829 |
No source since 27 February 2016 |
File:Ladies-Code_"Kiss_Kiss".jpg |
20160225000948 |
Deleted |
20160225131637 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Angelica_Lennon_Marley.jpg |
20160225001024 |
Deleted |
20160225181928 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:20150821084519_lhj_4827.jpg |
20160225001028 |
Deleted |
20160226010016 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:FB_IMG_1456359158865(2).jpg |
20160225002047 |
Deleted |
20160303203644 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Janio Rolagrossense |
File:FB_IMG_1456359168067(1).jpg |
20160225002451 |
Deleted |
20160303203646 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Janio Rolagrossense |
File:Coração_e_Vida.png |
20160225003133 |
Deleted |
20160329162631 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Coração e Vida.png |
20160225031936 |
Deleted |
20160304204850 |
No permission since 25 February 2016 |
File:Foto_Waldeli_dos_Santos_Rosa.jpg |
20160225040932 |
Deleted |
20160306005158 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Vitor_Albuquerque.jpg |
20160225044320 |
Deleted |
20160312195937 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Vitor Albuquerque.jpg |
File:Valtinho_Jota.png |
20160225044453 |
Deleted |
20160313213920 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Valtinho Jota.png |
File:Samuel_Hoepers.jpg |
20160225044740 |
Deleted |
20160313090318 |
Out of project scope: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Samuel Hoepers.jpg |
File:Foto_Yan.jpg |
20160225044947 |
Deleted |
20160325220328 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Foto Yan.jpg |
File:EnriquedeOsso.jpg |
20160225101304 |
Deleted |
20160303143419 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Digiboot_Soluções_em_Tecnologias.png |
20160225110300 |
Deleted |
20160303164249 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (derived from) via grabbed from internet |
File:Sea_Shpeherd_BR.jpg |
20160225114027 |
Deleted |
20160305104759 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Sump_de_tanque_ARXO.jpg |
20160225121250 |
Deleted |
20160309130309 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Mallon |
File:Sump_Instalado_sob_o_tanque_jaquetado_ARXO.jpg |
20160225121416 |
Deleted |
20160309130306 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Fabio Mallon |
File:Duwamish_Revealed_-_Seattle.jpg |
20160225131501 |
Deleted |
20160309124503 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Franciscojosefranco |
File:Ile_da_la_Reunion.jpg |
20160225132305 |
Deleted |
20160309124500 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Franciscojosefranco |
File:Acampados_logo_em_BR.png |
20160225133102 |
Deleted |
20160308235821 |
No permission since 29 February 2016 |
File:Cave_Hoffmann.jpg |
20160225134421 |
Deleted |
20160309181357 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Leatherfaces |
File:Leatherfaces_EP_2005.jpg |
20160225135131 |
Deleted |
20160309181355 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Leatherfaces |
File:Logo_Wunderman_.png |
20160225150901 |
Deleted |
20160306124716 |
No permission since 27 February 2016 |
File:Veículos_Elétrico_do_Projeto_de_Mobilidade_Elétrica_da_CPFL.jpg |
20160225171723 |
Deleted |
20160305221026 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (example) (© by "Felipe Grandin") = (last modified: 2015) |
File:Marcos_Quintela_presidente_do_Grupo_Newcomm.jpg |
20160225172519 |
Deleted |
20160306124912 |
No permission since 27 February 2016 |
File:Marcos_Quintela_CEO_.jpg |
20160225180421 |
Deleted |
20160227085934 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Sede_antiga.jpg |
20160225193114 |
Deleted |
20160311140711 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Tagpoint |
File:Logo_MC_OS_PAPAS.png |
20160225194447 |
Deleted |
20160226010146 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:1048021_10151638685392707_412392811_o-2.jpg |
20160225205256 |
Deleted |
20160226010139 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Logo_Ellar_Estética.jpg |
20160225222158 |
Deleted |
20160612051233 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Logo Ellar Estética.jpg |
File:1_Immanuel_Kant.jpg |
20160225230219 |
Deleted |
20160606171156 |
Exact or scaled down duplicate: File:Immanuel Kant.jpg |
File:Hegel_1.jpg |
20160225230615 |
Deleted |
20160605113611 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (false claim of authorship/license/etc.+ not-in-use duplicate) via File:Hegel portrait by Schlesinger 1831.jpg |
File:1Rodinlepenseur.jpg |
20160225231508 |
Deleted |
20160605113602 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (false claim of authorship/license/etc.) via File:Rodin le penseur.JPG (2006, by "Piero d'Houin Inocybe") |
File:Tammy_Phantomhive.jpg |
20160225234128 |
Deleted |
20160606142012 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Anime/manga/comics |
File:Vodder1.jpg |
20160225234737 |
Deleted |
20160605113606 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Victoria_da_Silva.jpg |
20160226002022 |
Deleted |
20160505051934 |
Commons:Deletion requests/File:Victoria da Silva.jpg: Delete Out of scope file. |
File:Morrighan.full.948355.jpg |
20160226003409 |
Deleted |
20160606142020 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Anime/manga/comics |
File:Pato-Chelsea.jpg |
20160226014801 |
Deleted |
20160226225739 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:César_Leandro.jpg |
20160226020541 |
Deleted |
20160505154053 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:César Leandro.jpg |
File:Maicon_spfc.jpg |
20160226022710 |
Deleted |
20160226225724 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Reabilitação_Ocupacional.jpg |
20160226023349 |
Deleted |
20160606045906 |
Copyright violation: Mass deletion of files added by User:João Paulo Charles Albino (copyvio-only account): All files — considering also User talk:João Paulo Charles Albino — grabbed from Internet. |
File:Lugano_SPFC.jpg |
20160226023428 |
Deleted |
20160226225720 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Calleri.jpg |
20160226024427 |
Deleted |
20160226225715 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Jander_Gomez.jpg |
20160226024934 |
Deleted |
20160226112354 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Quinze_depois_dos_quinze.png |
20160226025028 |
Deleted |
20160317230806 |
No source since 4 March 2016 |
File:Sáude_mental.jpg |
20160226034042 |
Deleted |
20160606045841 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2014, © Copyright 2015, Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Públic) |
File:Reabilitação_fisica2.jpg |
20160226034608 |
Deleted |
20160606045917 |
Copyright violation: Mass deletion of files added by User:João Paulo Charles Albino (copyvio-only account): All files — considering also User talk:João Paulo Charles Albino — grabbed from Internet. |
File:Ricardo_young.jpg |
20160226093243 |
Deleted |
20160304110614 |
Copyright violation: |
File:Fabio_Bueno_Tanaka.jpg |
20160226093555 |
Deleted |
20160614155426 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Baile_Década_de_1970_-_Centro_Cultural_25_de_Julho.jpg |
20160226114803 |
Deleted |
20160330143415 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Baile Década de 1970 - Centro Cultural 25 de Julho.jpg |
File:64_anos_do_25.jpg |
20160226131251 |
Deleted |
20160304115552 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Denis Gerson Simões |
File:Centro_Cultural_25_de_Julho_de_Porto_Alegre.jpg |
20160226134518 |
Deleted |
20160227085849 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Centro_Cultural_25_de_Julho_de_Porto_Alegre_2010.jpg |
20160226135257 |
Deleted |
20160304115551 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Denis Gerson Simões |
File:Sky_fm_.jpg |
20160226143105 |
Deleted |
20160322104546 |
No permission since 14 March 2016 |
File:Rede_biano.jpg |
20160226151718 |
Deleted |
20160606142203 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Fred_Fluminense.jpg |
20160226153402 |
Deleted |
20160606132028 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Infatinno.jpg |
20160226172347 |
Deleted |
20160606132019 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Pacientes_parkinson_terapia_ocupacional.jpg |
20160226175934 |
Deleted |
20160606045804 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2010) = |
File:Sergio_Prandini.jpg |
20160226183104 |
Deleted |
20160306130250 |
No permission since 27 February 2016 |
File:Reabilitação_fisica1.jpg |
20160226034703 |
Deleted |
20160606045723 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:I284008264499679754._szw480h1280.jpg |
20160226191436 |
Deleted |
20160307162347 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Cardoso1.jpg |
20160226195628 |
Deleted |
20160307162347 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Artista_plástico_cardoso.jpg |
20160226200121 |
Deleted |
20160307162347 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Pegeovane.jpg |
20160226202508 |
Deleted |
20160310112144 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Pe Geovane Saraiva |
File:Cardoso_artista_plástico.jpg |
20160226203753 |
Deleted |
20160307162347 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Bandeira_De_Itaquitinga.jpg |
20160226210440 |
Deleted |
20160305102753 |
No source since 26 February 2016 |
File:Imagem_aérea.jpg |
20160226211547 |
Deleted |
20160227090006 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:25_anos.jpg |
20160226212030 |
Deleted |
20160303163806 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (example) (2013) = |
File:Foto_de_Itaquitinga.jpg |
20160226212718 |
Deleted |
20160319075541 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Pensamentos_do_DAVI.png |
20160226221008 |
Deleted |
20160613165034 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Pensamentos do DAVI.png |
File:Captura_de_tela_de_2015-12-18_02_40_28.png |
20160227002357 |
Deleted |
20160227090155 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Nobel+Peace+Prize+Concert+2015+MTRniDwdOy6l.jpg |
20160227002623 |
Deleted |
20160227090150 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:IntoTheLightDoku.jpg |
20160227003051 |
Deleted |
20160227090157 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Auaurorabownjpg.jpg |
20160227013505 |
Deleted |
20160227090148 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Adriana-arydes.jpg |
20160227142612 |
Deleted |
20160304030352 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Suzane_Carvalho.jpg |
20160227145857 |
Deleted |
20160614155502 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Aurorasinger.jpg |
20160227150150 |
Deleted |
20160228060413 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Aurora+Aksnes+Nobel+Peace+Prize+Concert+2015+Uj98l0K4VZVl.jpg |
20160227150438 |
Deleted |
20160228084302 |
Copyright violation: Getty Images photo: |
File:Curso_de_Direção_Defensiva.jpg |
20160227150659 |
Deleted |
20160614155422 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Lançamento_de_seu_livro_de_pilotagem.jpg |
20160227150932 |
Deleted |
20160606213947 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Motovelocidade.jpg |
20160227153234 |
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20160228062853 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Suzane_Carvalho_em_dezembro_de_2015.jpg |
20160227154319 |
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20160614155502 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Suzane_o_homem_proibido_1982.png |
20160227154716 |
Deleted |
20160606213950 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Novela_Champagne.png |
20160227154845 |
Deleted |
20160606213951 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Formula_2000_-_Italia_-_1991.jpg |
20160227155303 |
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20160614155428 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Guinness_Book_-_1994.jpg |
20160227161125 |
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20160614155433 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Em_ação_como_jornalista.jpg |
20160227161947 |
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20160614155425 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Brasão_de_Carlos_Barbosa.gif |
20160227170210 |
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20160319104422 |
Missing permission as of 7 March 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Barrancos_FC.png |
20160227204120 |
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20160228172816 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Estádio_Municipal_do_Baldio.jpg |
20160227204903 |
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20160612024404 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Estádio Municipal do Baldio.jpg |
File:MineMeuMundo.jpg |
20160227222338 |
Deleted |
20160414102306 |
Out of project scope: Commons:Deletion requests/File:MineMeuMundo.jpg |
File:Tucker_nos_EUA_.png |
20160227222444 |
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20160315202618 |
No permission since 3 March 2016 |
File:WHO_IS_WHO.jpg |
20160227222803 |
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20160315202819 |
No permission since 3 March 2016 |
File:Alienware_Consultoria.jpg |
20160228005535 |
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20160301155828 |
Copyright violation; see Commons:Licensing: Non-trivial logo |
File:Victor_Hugo_de_Barros.jpg |
20160228055035 |
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20160329104916 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Victor Hugo de Barros.jpg |
File:Paulo-gaspar.png |
20160228073629 |
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20160412162232 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Paulo-gaspar.png |
File:1_post.jpg |
20160228080515 |
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20160322202424 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (derived from) via grabbed from internet |
File:Alehandro.jpg |
20160228105133 |
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20160228125943 |
Mass deletion of pages added by Alehandro richh |
File:Sérgio_Benevenuto.jpg |
20160228115906 |
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20160416163822 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Sérgio Benevenuto.jpg |
File:Logo_doceesperanca.gif |
20160228124235 |
Deleted |
20160329104703 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Doceesperanca logotipo.gif |
File:Doceesperanca_logotipo.gif |
20160228124610 |
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20160329104658 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Doceesperanca logotipo.gif |
File:Wellington_Kéltren.jpg |
20160228142455 |
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20160412162833 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Wellington Kéltren.jpg |
File:Joaocepeda.jpg |
20160228143806 |
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20160514111107 |
Missing permission as of 6 May 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Pastor_napoleao_bonaparte.jpg |
20160228151052 |
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20160309010403 |
No permission since 29 February 2016 |
File:Nélio_Domingos_Zortea.jpg |
20160228151820 |
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20160405012050 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Nélio Domingos Zortea.jpg |
File:Eliseu_Caetano.jpg |
20160228155224 |
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20160228214351 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Black_Breeze.png |
20160228161341 |
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20160614155418 |
Missing permission as of 6 June 2016 - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Logo_Benfica.jpg |
20160228171732 |
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20160228200516 |
non-free logo, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Heberthe_Batista.jpg |
20160228173610 |
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20160329104840 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Heberthe Batista.jpg |
File:Jimmy_West.jpg |
20160228184220 |
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20160228214144 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Zoomasdsa.jpg |
20160228184827 |
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20160229015600 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Flash_V.png |
20160228185847 |
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20160229015555 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:5º_Flash.jpg |
20160228190243 |
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20160229015553 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Black-flash-47383.jpg |
20160228190549 |
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20160229015556 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Flash_Vdasda.jpg |
20160228190641 |
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20160229015558 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Logo_do_Desenho.png |
20160228191510 |
Deleted |
20160323052811 |
Copyright violation: obvious copyvio (2x logo) of NBC’s "The Jackie Bison Show" (+/ 1990), uploaded by a ptwiki user |
File:Joana_de_Castela.jpg |
20160228201942 |
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20160322074056 |
No source since 14 March 2016 |
File:Caesarapp_2016224171919472.jpg |
20160228215314 |
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20160329104538 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Davi S Campos |
File:Davi_Campos.jpg |
20160228224534 |
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20160329104535 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Davi S Campos |
File:Bruno-udovic.jpg |
20160228225144 |
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20160411212528 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Bruno-udovic.jpg |
File:Davi_Campos_25_de_Fevereiro_2016.jpg |
20160228225513 |
Deleted |
20160403162331 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Davi Campos 25 de Fevereiro 2016.jpg |
File:Foto_da_Escritora_Adaildes_Alves_Moreira.jpg |
20160229010955 |
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20160321194900 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Lumia-950-XL-hero-jpg.jpg |
20160228215202 |
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20160322200859 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Amanacamanaca.jpg |
20160228231753 |
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20160323073313 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Dada_Mora..jpg |
20160229014356 |
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20160321194859 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Hugh_Clarence_Tucker.jpg |
20160229020213 |
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20160303143217 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:KIT-Gay.jpg |
20160229020709 |
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20160314142327 |
Commons:Licensing: book - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Sky_fm.jpg |
20160229021309 |
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20160322104604 |
No permission since 14 March 2016 |
File:Sam_Smith.png |
20160229022234 |
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20160310235623 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Marie_da_Hungria_1520.jpg |
20160229024052 |
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20160322074150 |
No source since 14 March 2016 |
File:FOTo99O-4.jpg |
20160229030316 |
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20160314142327 |
Commons:Licensing: book - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Livro-sexo-3-ed.jpg |
20160229030718 |
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20160314142327 |
Commons:Licensing: book - Using VisualFileChange. |
File:Filo3.jpg |
20160229042354 |
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20160314150738 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:Cambara_-_Bandeiracba.gif |
20160229151905 |
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20160319002036 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Engenhodeacucar1234.jpg |
20160229164010 |
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20160322074007 |
Dw no source since 14 March 2016 |
File:Engenho12345678.jpg |
20160229164821 |
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20160322073950 |
Dw no source since 14 March 2016 |
File:Engenho12345.png |
20160229165751 |
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20160314111638 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via Google Maps |
File:Bandravia-capa.jpg |
20160229180117 |
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20160314172034 |
Copyright violation, see Commons:Licensing |
File:Valentim_Lorenzetti.png |
20160229184933 |
Deleted |
20160321194534 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/File:Valentim Lorenzetti.png |
File:Livro-J-Clauver--A_Farsa.png |
20160229192044 |
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20160319102610 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by José de Aguiar |
File:Brasaocba.gif |
20160229151449 |
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20160314111449 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet |
File:IconeFilipeg21z.png |
20160229172059 |
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20160314111720 |
Copyright violation: obvious copyvio via derived somewhere from internet |
File:Livro-J-Clauver-Sob_as_Brumas.png |
20160229192444 |
Deleted |
20160319102609 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by José de Aguiar |
File:Riacho_Fundo.jpg |
20160229193130 |
Deleted |
20160319102608 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by José de Aguiar |
File:Livro-J-Clauver-Anteontem.png |
20160229193407 |
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20160319102607 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by José de Aguiar |
File:Cláuver.jpg |
20160229194139 |
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20160319102606 |
Per Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by José de Aguiar |
File:Neobus-MegaBRT-goiania.jpg |
20160229194815 |
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20160314150717 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (example) (2012) = |
File:Anonymous_Brasil_-OpHackingCup_-OpWorldCup.png |
20160229201024 |
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20160314150901 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (derived from) via grabbed from internet |
File:Ponte_de_Sequeiros_.jpg |
20160229214433 |
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20160314150704 |
Copyright violation: copyvio (see also watermark) via (18.02.2016) |
File:Escola_Estadual_de_Ensino_Médio_José_Mânica.jpg |
20160229221721 |
Deleted |
20160301144547 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2013) = (high res download) |
File:Brasão_de_Coja.jpg |
20160229233828 |
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20160309203557 |
No permission since 1 March 2016 |
File:Ponte-de-Sequeiros.jpg |
20160229214612 |
Deleted |
20160314150711 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via grabbed from internet/Facebook (the official coat of arms as well = (example) (2010)) |
File:Fotowiki.jpg |
20160229235630 |
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20160313125652 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (2014) |
File:Fotowiki2.jpg |
20160229235828 |
Deleted |
20160313125646 |
Copyright violation: copyvio via (01.2016) |