User:G.dallorto/Antiquarium in Milan
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- Here are my pictures about Milano
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L'edificio (ex monastero) / The building (a former monastery)
Ingresso / Entrance hall.
Ingresso / Entrance hall.
Portico / Arcade.
Chiostro / Cloister.
Chiostro / Cloister.
Chiostro / Cloister.
Chiostro / Cloister.
Chiostro / Cloister.
Prima sala espositiva / First exhibition room
La sala / The room.
Le raccolte / The exhibition
[edit]Nella stanza / In the room
Sextus Coelius Surus - Stele / Steles.
Capitelli romani / Ancient Roman capitals.
Capitello romano / Ancient Roman capital.
Capitello romano / Ancient Roman capital.
Nelle vetrine / In the showcases
Paiolo romano / Ancient Roman pot.
Paiolo romano / Ancient Roman pot.
Ceramica sigillata / Terracottas.
Ceramiche medievali / Medieval earthware
Boccali del sec. XV/XVI / 15th/16th century jugs.
Boccale graffito del sec. XV/XVI / Graffito 15th/16th century jug.
Boccale del sec. XV/XVI / 15th/16th century jug.
Boccale del sec. XV/XVI / 15th/16th century jug.
Boccale del sec. XV / 15th century jug.
Maioliche del sec. XV / 15th century jug and fragments.
Frammenti ceramici del sec. XV-XVI / 15-16th century earthware fragments.
Frammenti ceramici del sec. XV-XVI / 15-16th century earthware fragments.
Brocca del XV-XVI secolo / 15/16th century jug.
Piatto del sec. XVI-XVII / A 15/16th century dish.
Seconda sala espositiva / Second exhibition room
[edit]Nelle vetrine - in the show cases
Terracotta con scene di caccia nel Circo. / A terracotta plaque with hunting scenes.
Terracotta con scene di Circo. / A terracotta plaque with Circus scenes.
Terracotta con scene di Circo. / A terracotta plaque with Circus scenes.
Terracotta con scene di Circo. / A terracotta plaque with Circus scenes.
Terracotta con scene di Circo. / A terracotta plaque with Circus scenes.
Statuetta di gladiatore / Gladiator.
Placca bronzea con venatio / Hunting scene.
Armatura da gladiatore / Gladiator's armour
Copia moderna di armatura / Modern replica of armours.
Replica moderna di un elmo / Modern replica of a helmet.
Replica moderna di un elmo / Modern replica of a helmet.
I ruderi / The ruins.
I ruderi / The ruins.
I ruderi / The ruins.
I ruderi / The ruins.
I ruderi / The ruins.
Il parco dell'Arena / The Roman Arena park
Il parco / The park.
Il parco / The park.
Il parco / The park.