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Načtené fotografie uživatele Packa za 3/2016
Čeština: Rozvržení výdajů Mediagrantu II za roky 2014-2015English: Allocation of Mediagrant II expenses.
Čeština: Hlavní oblasti náhrady cestovních výdajů Mediagrantu II za roky 2014-2015English: Major areas of Mediagrant II travel reimbursement.
English: The southern plane of the Milky Way from the ATLASGAL survey.
A spectacular new image of the Milky Way has been released to mark the completion of the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL). The APEX telescope in Chile has mapped the full area of the Galactic Plane visible from the southern hemisphere at submillimetre wavelengths — between infrared light and radio waves. The new finely detailed images complement those from recent space-based surveys. The pioneering 12-metre APEX telescope allows astronomers to study the cold Universe: gas and dust only a few tens of degrees above absolute zero. The APEX data, at a wavelength of 0.87 millimetres, shows up in red and the background blue image was imaged at shorter infrared wavelengths by the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope as part of the GLIMPSE survey. The fainter extended red structures come from complementary observations made by ESA's Planck satellite. Many of the most prominent objects are named and the parts of the galaxy that are shown in the three slices are indicated at the right. -
English: Schematic drawing of the SEPIA instrument.
A new instrument attached to the 12-metre Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope at 5000 metres above sea level in the Chilean Andes is opening up a previously unexplored window on the Universe. The Swedish–ESO PI receiver for APEX (SEPIA) will detect the faint signals from water and other molecules within the Milky Way, other nearby galaxies and the early Universe. This diagram shows a three-dimensional view of SEPIA. Red areas show light being reflected off mirrors of different sizes and orientations, which direct the light from the telescope's antenna towards the detector. The right half of the diagram shows SHFI, another instrument attached to APEX. -
English: The LABOCA Camera installed on the APEX telescope at the 5100m high Chajnantor site in Chile. LABOCA is a 'thermometer camera' with 295 detectors and a field of view of 11.4 arcmin.
English: New APEX instrument for finding water in the Universe.
A new instrument attached to the 12-metre Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope at 5000 metres above sea level in the Chilean Andes is opening up a previously unexplored window on the Universe. The Swedish–ESO PI receiver for APEX (SEPIA) will detect the faint signals from water and other molecules within the Milky Way, other nearby galaxies and the early Universe. This picture shows the SEPIA instrument after installation.
English: ALMA image of the planet-forming disc around the young, Sun-like star TW Hydrae. The inset image (upper right) zooms in on the gap nearest to the star, which is at the same distance as the Earth is from the Sun, suggesting an infant version of our home planet could be emerging from the dust and gas. The additional concentric light and dark features represent other planet-forming regions farther out in the disc.Čeština: Protoplanetární disk kolem mladé hvězdy podobné Slunci TW Hydrae. Vložený snímek (vpravo nahoře) zachycuje zvětšenou část oblasti mezery nejblíže k hvězdě, která se nachází ve stejné vzdálenosti od hvězdy jako Země od Slunce. To by mohlo znamenat, že v oblasti se z plynu a prachu rodí mladá verze naší rodné planety. Další koncentrické světlé a tmavé prsteny představují oblasti s formujícími se planetami ve větší vzdálenosti od mateřské hvězdy.中文(臺灣):ALMA影像顯示,環繞在長蛇座TW星周圍盤面,有一個行星「正在成形」。右上圖局部放大顯示了離恆星最近的一處黑暗縫隙,恆星和黑暗縫隙兩者間距,差不多就是地球到太陽的距離,這表示一個像我們地球在嬰兒時期一樣的「行星寶寶」,正在從塵埃和氣體團塊中成形。盤面上離圓心較遠處,還有其他呈同心圓排列的明暗間隔,那代表其他幾個行星形成區域。
English: ALMA’s best image of a protoplanetary disc to date. This picture of the nearby young star TW Hydrae reveals the classic rings and gaps that signify planets are in formation in this system.Čeština: Dosud nejlepší snímek protoplanetárního disku, jaký byl pořízen pomocí radioteleskopu ALMA. Snímek nedaleké mladé hvězdy TW Hydrae odhaluje klasickou strukturu prstenců a mezer, které poukazují na tvorbu planet v nitru tohoto systému.
English: This ALMA image of the young nearby star TW Hydrae has a resolution of 1 AU (Astronomical Unit, the distance from the Earth to the Sun in the Solar System). It reveals a gap in the disc at 1 AU, suggesting that a planet with a similar orbit to Earth is forming there.Čeština: Snímek protoplanetárního disku kolem mladé hvězdy TW Hydrae pořízený pomocí radioteleskopu ALMA má rozlišení asi 1 au (také 1 AU podle starších pravidel, původně střední vzdálenost Slunce-Země, dnes přesně definována jako 149 597 870 700 m). Záběr odhaluje mezeru v disku ve vzdálenosti cca 1 au od hvězdy, což by mohlo naznačovat vznik Zemi podobné planety v této oblasti.