Wed May 27 21:42:50 GMT+01:00 2015
Català: Sant Martí del Fai, angle sud-oest
Català: La vall de Sant Miquel i els cingles de Bertí des de la cova de les Tosques
Català: La vall de Sant Miquel i els cingles de Bertí des de la cova de les Tosques
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Els cingles de Bertí des de la cova de les Tosques
Català: Els cingles de Bertí des de la cova de les Tosques
Català: Els cingles de Bertí des de la cova de les Tosques
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Paret de la cova de les Tosques, anb els cingles de Bertí al fons
Català: Paret de la cova de les Tosques, anb els cingles de Bertí al fons
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Els cingles de Bertí i la vall de Sant Miquel des de la cova de les Tosques
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cova de les Tosques, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Sant Martí del Fai, angle sud-oest
Català: Sant Martí del Fai, angle sud-oest, al fons els cingles de Bertí
Català: Antiga torre de conducció d'aigua, camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Cingle del Fitó des del camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Cingle del Fitó des del camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, casa del priorat, des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, casa del priorat, des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Cingles del pla d'Iglésies, des del camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Cingles del pla d'Iglésies, estrats de roca
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Detall del travertí vora el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Detall del travertí vora el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Balma rere el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Balma rere el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Casa del priorat de Sant Miquel del Fai i cingles de Bertí, des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, el salt d'aigua del Rossinyol, que ara no raja
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, entrada al recinte oriental del monestir, des de l'interior
Català: El Tenes, gorg d'en Manelet i central del Fai, a la vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Pas de la Foradada, costes de Sant Miquel, cingles de Bertí
Català: Pas de la Foradada, accés al monestir Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Cingles de Bertí, vall del Rossinyol, vora Sant Miquel del Fai
Wed May 27 20:11:12 GMT+01:00 2015
Català: Cova de Sant Miquel del Fai, rec i parets calcàries
Wed May 27 02:50:12 GMT+01:00 2015
Català: Cova de Sant Miquel del Fai, roques calcàries en formació
Català: Cova de Sant Miquel del Fai, estalactites i estalagmites en formació
Català: Cova de Sant Miquel del Fai, cortinatge d'estalactites amb verdet
Català: Cova de Sant Miquel del Fai, parets calcàries i rec
Català: Cova de Sant Miquel del Fai, cortinatge de pedra calcària
Català: Cova de Sant Miquel del Fai, entrada
Català: Cova de Sant Miquel del Fai, entrada
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, escala que baixa a la cova
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, escala que baixa a la cova
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, la casa del priorat des de l'escala que baixa a la cova
Català: Monestir i cinglera de Sant Miquel del Fai des de l'escala que baixa a la cova
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, heures al travertí de la cinglera, camí de l'Ermita
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, plàtan al camí de l'Ermita
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, restes vegetals al travertí de la cinglera, camí de l'Ermita
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, la vall del Tenes des de la plaça del Repòs
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, restes vegetals al travertí de la cinglera, camí de l'Ermita
Català: Font de Sant Miquel del Fai, camí de l'Ermita
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, mirador de la plaça del Repòs
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, la vall del Tenes des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Cingles del Serrà, des del camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, camí de l'Ermita
Català: Casa d'ocells al camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Cingle del Fitó, des del camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Llac de les Bruixes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Gorg sota el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Molsa regalimant, travertí en formació als cingles vora Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Arbre vora el cingle, camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Balma rere el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Falgueres al cingle, camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Estalactites a l'interior del salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Estalactites a l'interior del salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Formacions calcàries a l'interior del salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Formacions calcàries a l'interior del salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Balma rere el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Gorg sota el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai, al fons els cingles de Bertí
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Gorg sota el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Balma rere el salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Arc d'entrada a Sant Miquel del Fai per l'oest, a la balma sota el cingle del Fitó
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Costes de Sant Miquel, cingles de Bertí, des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Cingles del pla d'Iglésies, amb la casa del priorat de Sant Miquel del Fai al fons
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, casa del priorat, des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Cingles de Bertí i casa del priorat de Sant Miquel del Fai, des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Cingles del pla d'Iglésies, amb la casa del priorat de Sant Miquel del Fai al fons
Català: Vall de Sant Miquel, amb el riu Tenes, des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Vall del Tenes, cases de la Madella i turó de Can Garriga, des de Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Extrem occidental dels cingles de Bertí, vora la vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cingles de Bertí, costes de Sant Miquel, des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, camí de l'Ermita
Català: Extrem occidental dels cingles de Bertí, vora la vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Esperó rocós a la vall de Sant Miquel, des del camí de l'Ermita
Català: Roca Rodona, als cingles de la Pineda, des del camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Antiga torre de conducció d'aigua, camí de l'Ermita, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Cingle de la Miranda, vora Sant Martí del Fai
Català: Cingles del Perer, des de Sant Martí del Fai
Català: Estreps dels cingles de Bertí i cases de la Madella, a la vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Estreps de les costes de Sant Miquel, des de Sant Martí del Fai
Català: Cingles de Bertí vora la Madella, amb Riells al fons
Tue May 26 21:51:50 GMT+01:00 2015
Català: Vall del Rossinyol, afluent del Tenes, amb els cingles de Bertí al fons
Català: Cingle del Fitó i salt d'aigua del Tenes, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Cingles del Perer, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Pla de Pregona i cingles de la Pineda, vora Riells, des de Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: El Tenes, gorg d'en Manelet i central del Fai, a la vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Cingle del Fitó, vall de Sant Miquel
Català: Costes de Sant Miquel, cingles de Bertí
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Costes de Sant Miquel, cingles de Bertí
Català: Salt d'aigua del Tenes, Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Pas de la Foradada, costes de Sant Miquel, cingles de Bertí
Català: Costes de Sant Miquel, cingles de Bertí (Sant Miquel del Fai)
Català: Balma de Sant Miquel del Fai, rec i mur del recinte oriental del monestir
Català: Plaça de l'Abadia, casa del priorat, balma i rec (Sant Miquel del Fai)
Català: Costes de Sant Miquel, cingles de Bertí (Sant Miquel del Fai)
Català: Cingles del Perer i vall del Tenes, des de Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Casa del priorat de Sant Miquel del Fai, façana est, vora el cingle
Català: Balma, rec de les surgències i cingle, plaça de l'Abadia (Sant Miquel del Fai)
Català: Cingles del pla d'Iglésies, vora Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Cinglera damunt Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Casa del priorat de Sant Miquel del Fai, façana nord, vora el cingle
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, balma i rec de les surgències, a l'est de l'església
Català: Casa del priorat de Sant Miquel del Fai, façana nord, vora el cingle
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, estany artificial, al fons els cingles del Perer
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, l'estany des de l'església
Català: Casa del priorat de Sant Miquel del Fai, façana nord, vora el cingle
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, bassa sota la balma, vora l'estany
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, estany artificial i façana oest de la casa del priorat
Català: Cingle damunt Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, bassa sota la balma, vora l'estany
Català: Cinglera damunt Sant Miquel del Fai, passeig arbrat vora la balma
Català: Costes de Sant Miquel, cingles de Bertí, des de Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, estany sota la cinglera i el salt d'aigua del Rossinyol
Català: Cingles del pla d'Iglésies, vora Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Vall de Sant Miquel, amb el riu Tenes, des de Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, estany sota la cinglera i el salt d'aigua del Rossinyol
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, formació del travertí a la cinglera
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, casa del priorat, angle sud-oest
Català: Sant Miquel del Fai, gorg sota el salt d'aigua del Tenes
Tue May 26 20:13:40 GMT+01:00 2015
Català: Pont del Rossinyol, cara sud
Català: El pas de la Foradada des del pont del Rossinyol
Català: Pas de la Foradada, accés al monestir Sant Miquel del Fai
Català: Pont del Rossinyol, cara sud, amb la roca Gironella al fons
Català: Pont del Rossinyol, cara sud, amb la roca Gironella al fons
Català: El pas de la Foradada des de sota el pont del Rossinyol
Català: Vall del Rossinyol, afluent del Tenes, amb la roca Gironella al fons
Sat Sep 15 18:07:20 CEST 2012
Català: Can Tusquets (Barcelona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference 08019/2689.
Català: Masia Annexa a Can Tusquets i Sant Josep de la Muntanya (Barcelona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30219.
Català: Can Tusquets (Barcelona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference 08019/2689.
Català: Cal Xipreret (Barcelona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30228.
Català: Cal Xipreret (Barcelona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30228.
Català: Cal Xipreret (Barcelona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30228.
Català: Cal Xipreret (Barcelona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30228.
Tue Sep 11 04:10:51 CEST 2012
Català: Casa al carrer Portella, 5 (Figueres)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39385.
Sat Sep 08 23:58:03 CEST 2012
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Pere de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27636.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Pere de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27636.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Pere de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27636.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Pere de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27636.
Català: Casa Palet (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27648.
Català: Fàbrica de Joan Debant (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39054.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Pere de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27636.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Pere de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27636.
Català: Casa Palet (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27648.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Pere de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27636.
Català: Casa Palet (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27648.
Català: Fàbrica de Joan Debant (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39054.
Català: Farmàcia Parrilla (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39575.
Català: Farmàcia Parrilla (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39575.
Català: Farmàcia Parrilla (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39575.
Català: Farmàcia Parrilla (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39575.
Català: Cal Montmany (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27649.
Català: Cal Montmany (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27649.
Català: Cal Montmany (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27649.
Català: Cal Montmany (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27649.
Català: Cal Montmany (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27649.
Català: Cal Montmany (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27649.
Català: Conjunt del centre antic de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39487.
Català: Cal Montmany (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27649.
Català: Conjunt del centre antic de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39487.
Català: Cal Montmany (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27649.
Català: Conjunt del centre antic de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39487.
Català: Conjunt del centre antic de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39487.
Català: Fàbrica de Joan Debant (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39054.
Català: Conjunt del Vapor Nou (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39059.
Català: Conjunt del Vapor Nou (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39059.
Català: Conjunt del Vapor Nou (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39059.
Català: Conjunt del Vapor Nou (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39059.
Català: Conjunt del Vapor Nou (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39059.
Català: Conjunt del Vapor Nou (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39059.
Català: L'Escardívol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39030.
Català: L'Escardívol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39030.
Català: Conjunt del Vapor Nou (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39059.
Català: Conjunt Plana del Castell - la Parellada (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39493.
Català: Conjunt Plana del Castell - la Parellada (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39493.
Català: Conjunt Plana del Castell - la Parellada (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39493.
Català: Conjunt Plana del Castell - la Parellada (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39493.
Català: Conjunt Plana del Castell - la Parellada (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39493.
Català: Conjunt Plana del Castell - la Parellada (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39493.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Fassina Aguilera (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39057.
Català: Fassina Aguilera (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39057.
Català: Fassina Aguilera (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39057.
Català: Fassina Aguilera (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39057.
Català: Fassina Aguilera (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39057.
Català: Fassina Aguilera (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39057.
Català: Fassina Aguilera (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39057.
Català: Fassina Aguilera (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39057.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Can Pi de la Serra (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39025.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: Castell de Rubí
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005619.
Català: L'Escardívol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39030.
Català: L'Escardívol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39030.
Català: L'Escardívol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39030.
Català: L'Escardívol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39030.
Català: L'Escardívol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39030.
Català: L'Escardívol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39030.
Català: L'Escardívol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39030.
Català: Habitatge al carrer de Terrassa, 40 (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39035.
Català: Habitatge al carrer de Terrassa, 40 (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39035.
Català: Can Llonc (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39036.
Català: Can Llonc (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39036.
Català: Casino Español (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27640.
Català: Casino Español (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27640.
Català: Conjunt plaça Aguilera - carrer Doctor Robert (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39486.
Català: Ajuntament de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27637.
Català: Ajuntament de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27637.
Català: Ajuntament de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27637.
Català: Conjunt plaça Aguilera - carrer Doctor Robert (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39486.
Català: Ajuntament de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27637.
Català: Conjunt plaça Aguilera - carrer Doctor Robert (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39486.
Català: Ajuntament de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27637.
Català: Can Patilles (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39029.
Català: Can Patilles (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39029.
Català: Ca n'Archs i conjunt Pau Claris (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39484.
Català: Conjunt Pau Claris - Margarida Xirgu (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39485.
Català: Conjunt Pau Claris - Margarida Xirgu (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39485.
Català: Conjunt Pau Claris - Margarida Xirgu (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39485.
Català: Torre Llopis (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39475.
Català: Torre Llopis (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39475.
Català: Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27639.
Català: Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27639.
Català: Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27639.
Català: Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27639.
Català: Era de Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39014.
Català: Era de Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39014.
Català: Era de Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39014.
Català: Era de Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39014.
Català: Era de Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39014.
Català: Era de Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39014.
Català: Era de Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39014.
Català: Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27639.
Català: Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27639.
Català: Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27639.
Català: Ca n'Oriol (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27639.
Català: Casa Teixidor (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27645.
Català: Casa Teixidor (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27645.
Català: Casa Teixidor (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27645.
Català: Centre Docent Balmes (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39480.
Català: Centre Docent Balmes (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39480.
Català: Centre Docent Balmes (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39480.
Català: Casa Teixidor (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27645.
Català: Can Riba (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27643.
Català: Can Riba (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27643.
Català: Can Riba (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27643.
Català: Can Riba (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27643.
Català: Casa Gaju (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27647.
Català: Torre Ezpeleta (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27646.
Català: Torre Ezpeleta (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27646.
Català: Torre Ezpeleta (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27646.
Català: Casa Gaju (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27647.
Català: Torre Samaranc (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39478.
Català: Torre Samaranc (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39478.
Català: Torre Samaranc (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39478.
Català: Torre Samaranc (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39478.
Català: Conjunt carrer Floridablanca (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39491.
Català: Conjunt carrer Floridablanca (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39491.
Català: Conjunt carrer Floridablanca (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39491.
Català: Conjunt carrer Floridablanca (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39491.
Català: Can Xercavins (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27652.
Català: Can Xercavins (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27652.
Català: Can Feliu (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39021.
Català: Can Feliu (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39021.
Català: Pont de l'Aigua, o de Can Claverí (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-37040.
Català: Can Ramoneda (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27651.
Català: Capella de Sant Muç (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27656.
Català: Capella de Sant Muç (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27656.
Català: Capella de Sant Muç (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27656.
Català: Can Serra (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39028.
Català: Pont de l'Aigua, o de Can Claverí (Rubí)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-37040.
Català: Escola Evangèlica de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39472.
Català: Escola Evangèlica de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39472.
Català: Escola Evangèlica de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39472.
Català: Escola Evangèlica de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39472.
Català: Escola Evangèlica de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39472.
Català: Escola Evangèlica de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39472.
Català: Escola Evangèlica de Rubí
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-39472.
Sat Sep 08 20:24:50 CEST 2012
Català: Edifici al carrer Major núm. 3 (Sant Celoni)
Català: Carrer Major (Sant Celoni)
Català: Farmàcia Draper, al carrer Major (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Fabes (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Fabes (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Fabes (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Fabes (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Fabes (Sant Celoni)
Català: Torre al carrer Comerç, núm. 12 (Sant Celoni)
Català: Torre al carrer Comerç, núm. 12 (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Fabes (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Lleonard, al carrer Major (Sant Celoni)
Català: Casa Soler de Vilardell, al carrer Major (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Besa, al carrer Major (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Besa, detall (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Bosch, llinda del segle XVI (Sant Celoni)
Català: Can Bosch, al carrer Major (Sant Celoni)
Català: Hospital i capella de Sant Antoni, oficina de turisme (Sant Celoni)
Català: Carrer Major, amb l'hospital de Sant Antoni, oficina de turisme (Sant Celoni)
Català: Capella de l'hospital de Sant Antoni, detall (Sant Celoni)
Català: Carrer Major, amb l'hospital de Sant Antoni, oficina de turisme (Sant Celoni)
Català: Cambra Agrària, c. Dr. Fleming - Ponent (Sant Celoni)
Sat Sep 08 19:56:56 CEST 2012
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Can Josep Pons Gensana (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29314.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant Celoni
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Can Ramis (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29308.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant Celoni
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Habitatge a la plaça Major, 11 (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29310.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant CeloniThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Can Ramis (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29308.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Hotel Suís (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29305.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant Celoni
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant Celoni
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Hotel Suís (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29305.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Can Ramis (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29308.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant Celoni
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Hotel Suís (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29305.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant Celoni
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Can Barri (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29311.
Català: Can Barri (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29311.
Català: Habitatge a la plaça del Bestiar, 1 (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29312.
Català: Habitatge a la plaça del Bestiar, 1 (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29312.
Català: Habitatge a la plaça del Bestiar, 1 (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29312.
Català: Recinte emmurallat (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005634.
Català: Recinte emmurallat (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005634.
Català: Recinte emmurallat (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005634.
Català: Ermita de Sant Ponç (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29319.
Català: Ermita de Sant Ponç (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29319.
Català: Ermita de Sant Ponç (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29319.
Català: Ermita de Sant Ponç (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29319.
Català: Ermita de Sant Ponç (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29319.
Català: Ermita de Sant Ponç (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29319.
Català: Ermita de Sant Ponç (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29319.
Català: Escorxador (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29315.
Català: Rectoria vella (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29338.
Català: Rectoria vella (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29338.
Català: Rectoria vella (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29338.
Català: Església de Sant Martí de Pertegàs (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29340.
Català: Església de Sant Martí de Pertegàs (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29340.
Català: Rectoria vella (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29338.
Català: Rectoria vella (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29338.
Català: Església de Sant Martí de Pertegàs (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29340.
Català: Església de Sant Martí de Pertegàs (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29340.
Català: Rectoria vella (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29338.
Català: Rectoria vella (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29338.
Català: Església de Sant Martí de Pertegàs (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29340.
Català: Escorxador (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29315.
Català: Escorxador (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29315.
Català: Escorxador (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29315.
Català: Recinte emmurallat (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005634.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant Celoni
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant Celoni
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant Celoni
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Hotel Suís (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29305.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant CeloniThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Plaça de la Vila (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29307.
Català: Ajuntament de Sant CeloniThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29304.
Català: Can Ramis (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29308.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Català: Església de Sant Martí (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29303.
Sat Sep 08 18:56:49 CEST 2012
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Puig de Bellver (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29320.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Puig de Bellver (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29320.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Puig de Bellver (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29320.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Puig de Bellver (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29320.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Puig de Bellver (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29320.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Puig de Bellver (Sant Celoni)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29320.
Sat Sep 08 18:52:52 CEST 2012
Català: Habitatge al carrer del Mall, 17 (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7318.
Català: Cases Pecher (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7320.
Català: Cases Pecher (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7320.
Català: Cases Pecher (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7320.
Català: Magatzem La Suberina (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7346.
Català: Magatzem La Suberina (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7346.
Català: Asil Surís (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7341.
Català: Asil Surís (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7341.
Català: Estació de ferrocarril (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7323.
Català: Estació de ferrocarril (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7323.
Català: Estació de ferrocarril (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7323.
Català: Can Viader (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7319.
Català: Can Viader (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7319.
Català: Edifici de La Caixa (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7304.
Català: Edifici de La Caixa (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7304.
Català: Edifici de La Caixa (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7304.
Català: Casa Cendrós (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7333.
Català: Banys de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7345.
Català: Banys de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7345.
Català: Escullera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7344.
Català: Banys de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7345.
Català: Escullera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7344.
Català: Escullera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7344.
Català: Mercat cobert (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7322.
Català: Mercat cobert (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7322.
Català: Mercat cobert (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7322.
Català: Mercat cobert (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7322.
Català: Edifici de La Caixa (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7304.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Sant Antoni, 29-33 (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7317.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Sant Antoni, 29-33 (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7317.
Català: Farmàcia Ruscalleda (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7335.
Català: Farmàcia Ruscalleda (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7335.
Català: Farmàcia Ruscalleda (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7335.
Català: Claveguera i barana de la riera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7351.
Català: Claveguera i barana de la riera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7351.
Català: Claveguera i barana de la riera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7351.
Català: Casa a la rambla Portalet, 14 (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7350.
Català: Casa La Campana (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7321.
Català: Casa La Campana (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7321.
Català: Casa La Campana (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7321.
Català: Nou Casino La Constància (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005023.
Català: Casa Patxot (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7305.
Català: Casa Patxot (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7305.
Català: Casa Patxot (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7305.
Català: Nou Casino La Constància (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005023.
Català: Nou Casino La Constància (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005023.
Català: Nou Casino La Constància (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005023.
Català: Nou Casino La Constància (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005023.
Català: Monument a Juli Garreta (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7315.
Català: Monument a Juli Garreta (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7315.
Català: Monument a Juli Garreta (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7315.
Català: El Salvament (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7314.
Català: El Salvament (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7314.
Català: El Salvament (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7314.
Català: El Salvament (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7314.
Català: Escullera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7344.
Català: Escullera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7344.
Català: Escullera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7344.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Cases (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7334.
Català: Casa Domènech (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7337.
Català: Casa Domènech (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7337.
Català: Casa Domènec Girbau (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7338.
Català: Casa Domènech (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7337.
Català: Casa Domènec Girbau (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7338.
Català: Casa Domènec Girbau (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7338.
Català: Casa Domènec Girbau (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7338.
Català: Casa Domènec Girbau (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7338.
Català: Casa Domènec Girbau (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7338.
Català: Casa Girbau Estrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7339.
Català: Casa Girbau Estrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7339.
Català: Taverna del Mar (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-6997.
Català: Taverna del Mar (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-6997.
Català: Taverna del Mar (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-6997.
Català: Taverna del Mar (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-6997.
Català: Casa Girbau Estrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7339.
Català: Casa Estrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7340.
Català: Casa Estrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7340.
Català: Casa Estrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7340.
Català: Casa Estrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7340.
Català: Casa Estrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7340.
Català: Casa Estrada (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7340.
Català: Escullera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7344.
Català: Nou Casino La Constància (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005023.
Català: Claveguera i barana de la riera (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7351.
Català: Monestir de Sant Feliu (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000571.
Català: Monestir de Sant Feliu (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000571.
Català: Monestir de Sant Feliu (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000571.
Català: Monestir de Sant Feliu (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000571.
Català: Monestir de Sant Feliu (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000571.
Català: Monestir de Sant Feliu (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000571.
Català: Teatre Municipal (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7331.
Català: Capella de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7329.
Català: Capella de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7329.
Català: Capella de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7329.
Català: Capella de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7329.
Català: Capella de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7329.
Català: Capella de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7329.
Català: Capella de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-7329.
Català: Creu de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30786.
Català: Creu de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30786.
Català: Creu de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30786.
Català: Creu de Sant Elm (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30786.
Sat Sep 08 18:39:54 CEST 2012
Català: Can Teresa Pujató (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11979.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11984.
Català: Can Teresa Pujató (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11979.
Català: Casa Font Llopart (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11983.
Català: Can Teresa Pujató (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11979.
Català: Can Teresa Pujató (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11979.
Català: Casa Font Llopart (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11983.
Català: Casa Andreu (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11926.
Català: Casa Andreu (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11926.
Català: Casa Andreu (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11926.
Català: Can Jaume Hill (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11925.
Català: Can Jaume Hill (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11925.
Català: Can Jaume Hill (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11925.
Català: Can Jaume Hill (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11925.
Català: Can Jaume Hill (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11925.
Català: Can Severiano Virella (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11956.
Català: Can Severiano Virella (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11956.
Català: Can Severiano Virella (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11956.
Català: Can Jaume Hill (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11925.
Català: Casino Prado (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11924.
Català: Casino Prado (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11924.
Català: Casino Prado (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11924.
Català: Casino Prado (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11924.
Català: Casino Prado (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11924.
Català: Casino Prado (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11924.
Català: Casino Prado (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11924.
Català: Casino Prado (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11924.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11933.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11933.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11933.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Magatzem Llopart (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11971.
Català: Magatzem Llopart (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11971.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11933.
Català: Casa Planes i Casa Catasús (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11959.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11933.
Català: Casa Planes i Casa Catasús (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11959.
Català: Casa Planes i Casa Catasús (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11959.
Català: Casa Planes i Casa Catasús (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11959.
Català: Can Sebastià Sans i Bori (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11932.
Català: Casa Manuel Planas (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11961.
Català: Casa Manuel Planas (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11961.
Català: Can Sebastià Sans i Bori (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11932.
Català: Can Sebastià Sans i Bori (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11932.
Català: Can Sebastià Sans i Bori (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11932.
Català: Casa Manuel Planas (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11961.
Català: Casa Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11960.
Català: Casa Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11960.
Català: Casa Manuel Planas (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11961.
Català: Can Bonaventura Blay (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11921.
Català: Can Bonaventura Blay (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11921.
Català: Can Bonaventura Blay (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11921.
Català: Can Bonaventura Blay (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11921.
Català: Can Bonaventura Blay (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11921.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11963.
Català: Can Ferret Llopis (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11962.
Català: Can Ferret Llopis (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11962.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11963.
Català: Villa Remei (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11967.
Català: Villa Remei (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11967.
Català: Villa Subur (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11966.
Català: Villa Subur (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11966.
Català: Villa Remei (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11967.
Català: Vil·la Havemann (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11919.
Català: Vil·la Havemann (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11919.
Català: Vil·la Havemann (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11919.
Català: Cases Bessones: Can Duran i Can Mirabent (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11965.
Català: Cases Bessones: Can Duran i Can Mirabent (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11965.
Català: Cases Bessones: Can Duran i Can Mirabent (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11965.
Català: Museu Romàntic Can Llopis (Sitges)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001329.
Català: Museu Romàntic Can Llopis (Sitges)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001329.
Català: Museu Romàntic Can Llopis (Sitges)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001329.
Català: Museu Romàntic Can Llopis (Sitges)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001329.
Català: Can Sebastià Sans i Bori (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11932.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11958.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11958.
Català: Can Carreras (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11958.
Català: Casa Manuel Planas (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11961.
Català: Casa Manuel Planas (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11961.
Català: Edifici social del Patronat d'Acció Catòlica (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11964.
Català: Edifici social del Patronat d'Acció Catòlica (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11964.
Català: Edifici social del Patronat d'Acció Catòlica (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11964.
Català: Edifici social del Patronat d'Acció Catòlica (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11964.
Català: Edifici social del Patronat d'Acció Catòlica (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11964.
Català: Can Bartomeu Carbonell (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11980.
Català: Can Bartomeu Carbonell (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11980.
Català: Can Bartomeu Carbonell (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11980.
Català: Can Bartomeu Carbonell (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11980.
Català: Can Font (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11974.
Català: Can Font (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11974.
Català: Can Bartomeu Carbonell (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11980.
Català: Carrer Carreta (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11953.
Català: Can Misas (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11973.
Català: Can Misas (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11973.
Català: Carrer Tacó (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11954.
Català: Casa Pañella (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11972.
Català: Casa Pañella (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11972.
Català: Casa Pañella (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11972.
Català: Mercat (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11923.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Casa de la Vila (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11976.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Casa Rectoral (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11981.
Català: Monument al Doctor Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11994.
Català: Monument al Doctor Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11994.
Català: Casa de la Vila (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11976.
Català: Casa de la Vila (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11976.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Casa de la Vila (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11976.
Català: Casa Rectoral (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11981.
Català: Casa Rectoral (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11981.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Mercat (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11923.
Català: Biblioteca Popular Santiago Rusiñol (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11922.
Català: Biblioteca Popular Santiago Rusiñol (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11922.
Català: Carrer d'en Bosc (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11952.
Català: Palau del Rei Moro (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11978.
Català: Carrer d'en Bosc (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11952.
Català: Mercat (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11923.
Català: Palau del Rei Moro (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11978.
Català: Palau del Rei Moro (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11978.
Català: Palau del Rei Moro (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11978.
Català: Carrer d'en Bosc (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11952.
Català: Palau del Rei Moro (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11978.
Català: Casa Aleix Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11969.
Català: Palau del Rei Moro (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11978.
Català: Casa Aleix Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11969.
Català: Can Roca (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11968.
Català: Can Roca (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11968.
Català: Casa Aleix Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11969.
Català: Can Roca (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11968.
Català: Can Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11927.
Català: Can Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11927.
Català: Can Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11927.
Català: Ermita de Sant Sebastià (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11918.
Català: Ermita de Sant Sebastià (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11918.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Ermita de Sant Sebastià (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11918.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Ermita de Sant Sebastià (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11918.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Ermita de Sant Sebastià (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11918.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Ermita de Sant Sebastià (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11918.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Ermita de Sant Sebastià (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11918.
Català: Cementiri de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11928.
Català: Ermita de Sant Sebastià (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11918.
Català: Casa Aleix Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11969.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Maricel (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-4473.
Català: Can Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11927.
Català: Can Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11927.
Català: Casa Aleix Vidal i Quadres (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11969.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Restes de la muralla de SitgesThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11955.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Restes de la muralla de SitgesThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11955.
Català: Restes de la muralla de Sitges
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11955.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Restes de la muralla de SitgesThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11955.
Català: Carrer Tacó (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11954.
Català: Can Falç (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11934.
Català: Can Falç (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11934.
Català: Carrer Carreta (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11953.
Català: Can Serra (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11935.
Català: Can Serra (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11935.
Català: Can Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11936.
Català: Can Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11936.
Català: Can Simó Llauradó (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11937.
Català: Monument a El Greco (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11995.
Català: Monument a El Greco (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11995.
Català: Monument a El Greco (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11995.
Català: Can Simó Llauradó (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11937.
Català: Can Simó Llauradó (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11937.
Català: Monument a El Greco (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11995.
Català: Can Simó Llauradó (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11937.
Català: Can Marina Planes (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11938.
Català: Casa Rosario Sans (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11939.
Català: Casa Isabel Ferret Martorell (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11940.
Català: Casa Rosario Sans (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11939.
Català: Casa Rosario Sans (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11939.
Català: Casa Isabel Ferret Martorell (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11940.
Català: Casa Rosario Sans (Sitges)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11939.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11902.
Català: Villa Candelaria (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11942.
Català: Villa Candelaria (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11942.
Català: Edifici de serveis de l'Hotel Subur (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11977.
Català: Edifici de serveis de l'Hotel Subur (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11977.
Català: Edifici de serveis de l'Hotel Subur (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11977.
Català: Casa Pilar de Parellada (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11943.
Català: Casa Pilar de Parellada (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11943.
Català: Casa Dolors Gili i Casanovas (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11944.
Català: Casa Llorenç Montserrat (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11945.
Català: Casa Llúcia Catasús i Soler (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11946.
Català: Casa Llúcia Catasús i Soler (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11946.
Català: Casa Josep Urgell (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11947.
Català: Casa Josep Urgell (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11947.
Català: Casa Àngela Milà i Pasqual (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11948.
Català: Casa Vilella (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11929.
Català: Casa Vilella (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11929.
Català: Villa Florentina (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11941.
Català: Villa Florentina (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11941.
Català: Villa Florentina (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11941.
Català: Villa Florentina (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11941.
Català: Villa Florentina (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11941.
Català: Can Freixa (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11949.
Català: Can Freixa (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11949.
Català: Torre Blanca (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11950.
Català: Can Freixa (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11949.
Català: Torre Blanca (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11950.
Català: Torre Blanca (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11950.
Català: Torre Blanca (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11950.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Parc de Terramar (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11951.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11920.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11920.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11920.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11920.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11920.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11920.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11920.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11920.
Català: Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11920.
Català: Can Bartomeu Carbonell (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11980.
Català: Casa Planes i Casa Catasús (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11959.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Català: Can Pere Carreras i Robert (Sitges)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-11957.
Sat Sep 08 15:44:52 CEST 2012
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Església de Nazareth (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12381.
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Església de la Trinitat (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12408.
Català: Conjunt històric de Tarragona
This is a photo of a historical area listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-53-0000073.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12460.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Edifici del carrer Santa Anna, 3 (Tarragona)
Català: Edifici del carrer Santa Anna, 3 (Tarragona)
Català: Edifici del carrer Santa Anna, 3 (Tarragona)
Català: Edifici del carrer Santa Anna, 3 (Tarragona)
Català: Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12460.
Català: Edifici al carrer Santa Anna, 7 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12437.
Català: Conjunt històric de Tarragona
This is a photo of a historical area listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-53-0000073.
Català: Conjunt històric de Tarragona
This is a photo of a historical area listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-53-0000073.
Català: Edifici del carrer Santa Anna, 13 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12446.
Català: Conjunt històric de Tarragona
This is a photo of a historical area listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-53-0000073.
Català: Conjunt històric de Tarragona
This is a photo of a historical area listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-53-0000073.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Antic Casal de Poblet (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12441.
Català: Casa Company (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12470.
Català: Casa Fortuny (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12468.
Català: Casa Satorres (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12467.
Català: Antic Casal de Santes Creus (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12440.
Català: Casa Satorres (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12467.
Català: Antiga Casa Figuerola (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12469.
Català: Casa Canals (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12464.
Català: Casa Canals (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12464.
Català: Casa Canals (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12464.
Català: Font del jardí de Cal Pobre (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12559.
Català: Creu de terme de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12558.
Català: Creu de terme de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12558.
Català: Muralles medievals de Tarragona
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Edifici Casa de Beneficència (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12475.
Català: Edifici Casa de Beneficència (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12475.
Català: Muralles medievals de Tarragona
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Muralles medievals de Tarragona
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Font del jardí de Cal Pobre (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12559.
Català: Font del jardí de Cal Pobre (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12559.
Català: Cal Pobre (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12463.
Català: Cal Pobre (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12463.
Català: Església de Sant Llorenç (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12379.
Català: Plaça de l'Oli (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12392.
Català: Plaça de l'Oli (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12392.
Català: Conjunt històric de Tarragona
This is a photo of a historical area listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-53-0000073.
Català: Edifici al carrer Sant Llorenç, 10 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12472.
Català: Edifici al carrer Sant Llorenç, 10 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12472.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Casa dels Concilis (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12466.
Català: Antic Hospital de Santa Tecla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12430.
Català: Antic Hospital de Santa Tecla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12430.
Català: Antic Hospital de Santa Tecla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12430.
Català: Casa Elias (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12517.
Català: Casa Elias (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12517.
Català: Església de Santa Tecla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12378.
Català: Casa Elias (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12517.
Català: Casa Elias (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12517.
Català: Escorxador municipal (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12503.
Català: Escorxador municipal (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12503.
Català: Escorxador municipal (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12503.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Source=Own work
Source=Own work
Català: Capella de Sant Magí (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12413.
Català: Església de l'Ensenyança i convent (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12465.
Català: Seminari Pontifici (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12476.
Català: Seminari Pontifici (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12476.
Català: Casa dels Canonges (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12480.
Català: Plaça de Sant Joan (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12394.
Català: Plaça de Sant Joan (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12394.
Català: Plaça de Sant Joan (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12394.
Català: Antiga Casa de les Beates del convent de Sant Domènec (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12432.
Català: Cal Sefus (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12447.
Català: Antiga Casa de les Beates del convent de Sant Domènec (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12432.
Català: Antiga Casa de les Beates del convent de Sant Domènec (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12432.
Català: Casa Monravà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12439.
Català: Casa Gibert (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12449.
Català: Carrer i arc de Toda (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12400.
Català: Edifici al carrer Notari Albinyana - Civaderia 4 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12448.
Català: Església de Sant Miquel del Pla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12409.
Català: Església de Sant Miquel del Pla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12409.
Català: Casa Castellarnau (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12462.
Català: Casa Foixà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12451.
Català: Casa Montoliu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12458.
Català: Casa Montoliu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12458.
Català: Palau del Governador (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12435.
Català: Casa Batlle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12454.
Català: Casa Batlle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12454.
Català: Casa Montoliu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12458.
Català: Casa Montoliu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12458.
Català: Casa Montoliu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12458.
Català: Casa Ixart (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12450.
Català: Casa Montoliu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12458.
Català: Casa Montoliu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12458.
Català: Casa Castellarnau (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12462.
Català: Casa Castellarnau (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12462.
Català: Antic Jutjat (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12478.
Català: Cal Sefus (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12447.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Fortificacions angleses de la muralla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12403.
Català: Fortificacions angleses de la muralla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12403.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Fortificacions angleses de la muralla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12403.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Delegació Provincial de Sanitat (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12551.
Català: Fortificacions angleses de la muralla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12403.
Català: Fortificacions angleses de la muralla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12403.
Català: Casa Ximenis (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12513.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Baluard i passeig de Saavedra (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12407.
Català: Casa Ximenis (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12513.
Català: Edifici a la Via de l'Imperi Romà, 11 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12524.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Baluard i passeig de Saavedra (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12407.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Baluard i passeig de Saavedra (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12407.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Baluard i passeig de Saavedra (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12407.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Baluard i passeig de Saavedra (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12407.
Català: Baluard i passeig de Saavedra (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12407.
Català: Carrer i escales de l'Arboç (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12399.
Català: Ajuntament i Diputació (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12473.
Català: Plaça de la Font (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12393.
Català: Ajuntament i Diputació (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12473.
Català: Plaça de la Font (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12393.
Català: Plaça de la Font (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12393.
Català: Casa Calvet (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12549.
Català: Casa Calvet (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12549.
Català: Plaça de la Font (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12393.
Català: Casa Calvet (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12549.
Català: Església de Sant Agustí (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12380.
Català: Església de Sant Agustí (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12380.
Català: Torre de Carles V , o de les Monges (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12428.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Torre de Carles V , o de les Monges (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12428.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Voltes del Circ (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001451.
Català: Casa Malé (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12540.
Català: Rambla Vella (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12383.
Català: Rambla Vella (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12383.
Català: Rambla Vella (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12383.
Català: Església de Sant Francesc i Santa Clara (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12414.
Català: Rambla Vella (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12383.
Català: Església de Sant Francesc i Santa Clara (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12414.
Català: Església de Sant Francesc i Santa Clara (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12414.
Català: Església de Sant Francesc i Santa Clara (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12414.
Català: Església de Sant Francesc i Santa Clara (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12414.
Català: Església de Sant Francesc i Santa Clara (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12414.
Català: Església de Sant Francesc i Santa Clara (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12414.
Català: Església de Sant Francesc i Santa Clara (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12414.
Català: Les Teresines (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12520.
Català: Casa Musolas (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12511.
Català: Casa Cobos (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12512.
Català: Monument als Herois (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12567.
Català: Edifici Llibreria La Rambla (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12532.
Català: Casa Rabadà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12510.
Català: Edifici Banc d'Espanya (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12533.
Català: Edifici Banc d'Espanya (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12533.
Català: Edifici de la Punxa (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12534.
Català: Edifici de la Punxa (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12534.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Edifici d'habitatges de La Caixa (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12554.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Edifici de la Punxa (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12534.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Edifici de la Punxa (Tarragona) -
Català: Casa d'Antoni Albareda (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12484.
Català: Mercat Central (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12514.
Català: Casa Atanasi Ramas (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12529.
Català: Casa Lluís Gustems Vidal (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12496.
Català: Mercat Central (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12514.
Català: Casa Mariano Ollé (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12501.
Català: Casa de n'Icart Bargalló (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12500.
Català: Mercat Central (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12514.
Sat Sep 08 15:10:02 CEST 2012
Català: Església dels Pares Claretians (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27661.
Català: Monument Sallarès i Pla (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27677.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Fèlix (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27659.
Català: Caixa de Pensions per a la Vellesa i d'Estalvi (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27673.
Català: Ajuntament de Sabadell
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27662.
Català: Gremi de Fabricants (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27665.
Català: Mercat Central (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27686.
Català: Catalana de Gas (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27748.
Català: Pòrtics Oliver (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27699.
Català: Estació dels Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27733.
Català: Font de la Rambla Els Nanus 1 (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27720.
Català: Pòrtics Oliver (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27699.
Català: Casa d'Enric Turull (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27701.
Català: Casa d'Enric Turull (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27701.
Català: Font de la Rambla Els Nanus 2 (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27722.
Català: Església de la Santíssima Trinitat (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27682.
Català: Cinema Imperial (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27752.
Català: Casa Duran (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001261.
Català: Casa Duran (Sabadell)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001261.
Sat Sep 08 14:52:51 CEST 2012
Català: Mas Duran (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27987.
Català: Mas Duran (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27987.
Català: Carrer Nou (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27985.
Català: Carrer Nou (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27985.
Català: Carrer Nou (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27985.
Català: Carrer Nou (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27985.
Català: Antic Cafè Español (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27977.
Català: Antic Cafè Español (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27977.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Quirze del Vallès
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27982.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Quirze del Vallès
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27982.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Quirze del Vallès
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27982.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Quirze del Vallès
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27982.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Quirze del Vallès
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27982.
Català: Antic Sindicat Agrícola (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27984.
Català: Antic Sindicat Agrícola (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27984.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Vila Puig, 8 (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27986.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Vila Puig, 8 (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27986.
Català: Carrer Vila Puig (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27978.
Català: Església parroquial de Sant Quirze del Vallès
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27982.
Català: Carrer Vila Puig (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27978.
Català: Casa Travesa (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-28146.
Català: Casa Travesa (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-28146.
Català: Casa Travesa (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-28146.
Català: Carrer Vila Puig (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27978.
Català: Carrer Vila Puig (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27978.
Català: Casa Travesa (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-28146.
Català: Carrer Vila Puig (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27978.
Català: Antic Cafè Español (Sant Quirze del Vallès)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-27977.
Sat Sep 08 13:40:01 CEST 2012
Català: Porxos medievalS (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12433.
Català: Porxos medievalS (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12433.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Porxos medievalS (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12433.
Català: Porxos medievalS (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12433.
Català: Escales de la Catedral (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12396.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Porxos medievalS (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12433.
Català: Escales de la Catedral (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12396.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Escales de la Catedral (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12396.
Català: Porxos medievalS (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12433.
Català: Conjunt històric de Tarragona
This is a photo of a historical area listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-53-0000073.
Català: Antiga Casa del Consolat Tarragoní (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12445.
Català: Palau de la Cambreria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12427.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Palau de la Cambreria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12427.
Català: Casa de la Pia Almoina (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12426.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Casa de la Pia Almoina (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12426.
Català: Antiga Casa del Consolat Tarragoní (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12445.
Català: Antiga Casa del Degà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12442.
Català: Antiga Casa del Degà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12442.
Català: Antiga Casa del Degà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12442.
Català: Antiga Casa del Degà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12442.
Català: Escales d'en Cavaller (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12397.
Català: Antiga Casa del Degà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12442.
Català: Casa dels Canonges (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12480.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Casa dels Canonges (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12480.
Català: Palau Arquebisbal (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12471.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Convent i església de les Carmelites Descalces (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12411.
Català: Antic convent dels Pares Carmelites Descalços (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12410.
Català: Convent i església de les Carmelites Descalces (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12411.
Català: Escales d'en Cavaller (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12397.
Català: Carreró de Sant Magí (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12395.
Català: Carreró de Sant Magí (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12395.
Català: Carreró de Sant Magí (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12395.
Català: Carreró de Sant Magí (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12395.
Català: Porxos medievalS (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12433.
Català: Escales de la Catedral (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12396.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Antiga Casa del Consolat Tarragoní (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12445.
Català: Casa de la Pia Almoina (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12426.
Català: Antiga Casa Consistorial (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12443.
Català: Casa Torres, Reial Societat Arqueològica Tarraconense (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12494.
Català: Catedral de Santa Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000086.
Català: Casa de l'Abat (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12452.
Català: Edifici al carrer Misser Sitges, 11 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12438.
Català: Edifici Cantó d'en Barberà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12444.
Català: Edifici Cantó d'en Barberà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12444.
Català: Palau del Governador (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12435.
Català: Palau del Governador (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12435.
Català: Torre medieval, o torre d'Arandes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12429.
Català: Torre medieval, o torre d'Arandes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12429.
Català: Escales dels Sedassos (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12398.
Català: Voltes del Circ (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001451.
Català: Casa Montoliu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12458.
Català: Escales dels Sedassos (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12398.
Català: Carrer de l'Enrajolat (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12391.
Català: Casa dels Barons de les Quatre Torres (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12456.
Català: Casal dels Cescomes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12436.
Català: Casal dels Cescomes (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12436.
Català: Casa Iglesias (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12498.
Català: Casa Iglesias (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12498.
Català: Casa Iglesias (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12498.
Català: Casa Iglesias (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12498.
Català: Edifici al carrer de la Nau, 17 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12455.
Sat Sep 08 03:56:29 CEST 2012
Català: Junta Obres del Port (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12527.
Català: Comandància Militar de Marina (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12485.
Català: Comandància Militar de Marina (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12485.
Català: Junta Obres del Port (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12527.
Català: Plaça dels Carros (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12385.
Català: Els Porxos (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12386.
Català: Junta Obres del Port (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12527.
Català: Plaça dels Carros (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12385.
Català: Els Porxos (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12386.
Català: Plaça dels Carros (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12385.
Català: Els Porxos (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12386.
Català: Capella del Col·legi de la Presentació (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12415.
Català: Capella del Col·legi de la Presentació (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12415.
Català: Banc Mercantil de Tarragona
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12521.
Català: Banc Mercantil de Tarragona
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12521.
Català: Banc Mercantil de Tarragona
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12521.
Català: Parròquia de Sant Joan (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12479.
Català: Parròquia de Sant Joan (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12479.
Català: Parròquia de Sant Joan (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12479.
Català: Banc Vitalici d'Espanya (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12542.
Català: Banc Vitalici d'Espanya (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12542.
Català: Ex-convent dels Caputxins (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12412.
Català: Ex-convent dels Caputxins (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12412.
Català: Parròquia de Sant Joan (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12479.
Català: Casa de Cultura (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-BI-0000034.
Català: Casa de Cultura (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-BI-0000034.
Català: Casa de Cultura (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-BI-0000034.
Català: Casa de Cultura (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-BI-0000034.
Català: Casa Marsol (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12483.
Català: Edifici al carrer Unió, 39 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12544.
Català: Edifici al carrer Unió, 39 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12544.
Català: Casa Marsol (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12483.
Català: Casa Domingo Batet Rosich (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12493.
Català: Casa Domingo Batet Rosich (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12493.
Català: Cambra de la Propietat Urbana (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12495.
Català: Conjunt de la Punta del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12387.
Català: Fortí de Sant Jordi (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0006731.
Català: Escales de la Baixada del Toro (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12401.
Català: Escales de la Baixada del Toro (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12401.
Català: Escales de la Baixada del Toro (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12401.
Català: Cambra de la Propietat Urbana (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12495.
Català: Església de Jesús i Maria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12416.
Català: Casa Cabré (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12497.
Català: Farmàcia Sanromà (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12546.
Català: Casa Joan Busquets Ferrer (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12528.
Català: Casa Joan Busquets Ferrer (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12528.
Català: Antic Edifici de Telègrafs (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12499.
Català: Antic Edifici de Telègrafs (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12499.
Català: Antic Edifici de Telègrafs (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12499.
Català: Cooperativa Obrera Tarragonina (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12515.
Català: Cooperativa Obrera Tarragonina (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12515.
Català: Les Teresines (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12520.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Les Teresines (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12520.
Català: Les Teresines (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12520.
Català: Edifici ex-Caixa de Pensions (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12531.
Català: Edifici ex-Caixa de Pensions (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12531.
Català: Casa Barba - Casa Goma - Casa Vendrell (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12481.
Català: Convent dels Pares Carmelites (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12422.
Català: Convent dels Pares Carmelites (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12422.
Català: Convent dels Pares Carmelites (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12422.
Català: Convent dels Pares Carmelites (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12422.
Català: Convent dels Pares Carmelites (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12422.
Català: Edifici ex-Caixa de Pensions (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12531.
Català: Les Teresines (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12520.
Català: Les Teresines (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12520.
Català: Perfumeria Micó, Casa Nel·lo (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12539.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Banc Central, Casa Padrines (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12486.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Casa Castellví, Casa Feliu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12488.
Català: Teatre Metropol (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12474.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Casa Sanromà, Casa Bofarull (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12518.
Català: Casa Sala, Casa Miret (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12487.
Català: Casa Sanromà, Casa Bofarull (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12518.
Català: Casa Mallol, Casa Gatell (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12516.
Català: Casa Mallol, Casa Gatell (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12516.
Català: Casa Salas (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12505.
Català: Hotel Lauria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12490.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Casa Salas (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12505.
Català: Hotel Lauria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12490.
Català: Hotel Lauria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12490.
Català: Casa Sans, Casa Vila (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12538.
Català: Casa Sans, Casa Vila (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12538.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Rambla Nova (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12382.
Català: Monument a Roger de Llúria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12565.
Català: Monument a Roger de Llúria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12565.
Català: Casa Rosell (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12535.
Català: Conjunt de la Punta del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12387.
Català: Monument a Roger de Llúria (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12565.
Català: Casa Rosell (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12535.
Català: Fortí de Sant Jordi (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0006731.
Català: Conjunt de la Punta del Miracle (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12387.
Català: Conjunt de la Punta del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12387.
Català: Conjunt de la Punta del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12387.
Català: Fortí de la Reina (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0006730.
Català: Ruïnes de l'Amfiteatre i de l'Església de Santa Maria del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000298.
Català: Ruïnes de l'Amfiteatre i de l'Església de Santa Maria del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000298.
Català: Parc del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12388.
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de TarragonaThis is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Ruïnes de l'Amfiteatre i de l'Església de Santa Maria del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000298.
Català: Parc del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12388.
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de TarragonaThis is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Ruïnes de l'Amfiteatre i de l'Església de Santa Maria del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000298.
Català: Parc del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12388.
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de TarragonaThis is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Ruïnes de l'Amfiteatre i de l'Església de Santa Maria del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000298.
Català: Ruïnes de l'Amfiteatre i de l'Església de Santa Maria del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000298.
Català: Ruïnes de l'Amfiteatre i de l'Església de Santa Maria del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000298.
Català: Parc del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12388.
Català: Parc del Miracle (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12388.
Català: Ruïnes de l'Amfiteatre i de l'Església de Santa Maria del Miracle (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000298.
Català: Casa Ripoll I (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12508.
Català: Xalet Fonts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12543.
Català: Xalet Fonts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12543.
Català: Xalet Fonts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12543.
Català: Xalet Fonts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12543.
Català: Xalet Fonts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12543.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Glorieta dels Caiguts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12389.
Català: Glorieta dels Caiguts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12389.
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Glorieta dels Caiguts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12389.
Català: Glorieta dels Caiguts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12389.
Català: Glorieta dels Caiguts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12389.
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de TarragonaThis is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Glorieta dels Caiguts (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12389.
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de TarragonaThis is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Torre de Carles V , o de les Monges (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12428.
Català: Torre de Carles V , o de les Monges (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12428.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de TarragonaThis is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Pretori (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000325.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0001407.
Català: Casa Ripoll I (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12508.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Casa Ripoll I (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12508.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Casa d'en Bartolomé Baró (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12492.
Català: Casa Ripoll II (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12509.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Muralles medievals de TarragonaThis is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-40070.
Català: Edifici al carrer Portella, 19 - casa Pau de Cadenas (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12457.
Català: Passeig de Sant Antoni (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12405.
Català: Muralles romanes (Tarragona)This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0000037.
Català: Casa d'en Bartolomé Baró (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12492.
Català: Casa d'en Bartolomé Baró (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12492.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Ca la Garsa (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30873.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Ca la Garsa (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30873.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Ca la Garsa (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30873.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Català: Arcs apuntats (Tarragona)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12434.
Català: Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12460.
Català: Edifici del carrer Santa Anna, 13 (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12446.
Català: Barri jueu (Tarragona)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-12390.
Sat Sep 08 01:09:26 CEST 2012
Català: Ateneu (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29929.
Català: Monument als Països Catalans (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29922.
Català: Monument als Països Catalans (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29922.
Català: Pavellons militars (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29928.
Català: Església del Carme (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29926.
Català: Monument als Països Catalans (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29922.
Català: Conjunt del Pati o plaça del Carme (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29925.
Català: Pavellons militars (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29928.
Català: Monument a Ramon Carnicer (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29923.
Català: Monument a Ramon Carnicer (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29923.
Català: Conjunt del Pati o plaça del Carme (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29925.
Català: Monument a Ramon Carnicer (Tàrrega)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29923.
Català: Cal Maymó (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29936.
Català: Cal Maginet (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29944.
Català: Cal Maginet (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29944.
Català: Magatzem al carrer Sant Pelegrí, 54 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29962.
Català: Fortificacions de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29952.
Català: Cal Maymó (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29936.
Català: Fortificacions de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29952.
Català: Fortificacions de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29952.
Català: Església parroquial de Santa Maria de l'Alba (Tàrrega)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-467.
Català: Església parroquial de Santa Maria de l'Alba (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-467.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Fortificacions de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29952.
Català: Creu de terme de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29954.
Català: Creu de terme de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29954.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Església parroquial de Santa Maria de l'Alba (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-467.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Farinera Balcells (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29958.
Català: Farinera Balcells (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29958.
Català: Fàbrica Trepat (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30538.
Català: Església de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29942.
Català: Fàbrica Trepat (Tàrrega)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30538.
Català: Portalada mirador (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29955.
Català: Finestral gòtic al parc de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29953.
Català: Finestral gòtic al parc de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29953.
Català: Finestral gòtic al parc de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29953.
Català: Fàbrica Trepat (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30538.
Català: Barri de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29943.
Català: Finestral gòtic al parc de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29953.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Església parroquial de Santa Maria de l'Alba (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-467.
Català: Cal Maymó (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29936.
Català: Cal Maymó (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29936.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Alonso Martínez, 29 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29935.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Alonso Martínez, 29 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29935.
Català: Magatzem al carrer Alonso Martínez, 18 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29941.
Català: Cal Maymó (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29936.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Segle XX, 13 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30536.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Segle XX, 13 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30536.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Sant Roc, 18 - Segle XX, 15 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29938.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Sant Roc, 18 - Segle XX, 15 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29938.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Sant Roc, 17 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29939.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Sant Roc, 17 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29939.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Governador Padules, 9 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29940.
Català: Farinera Balcells (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29958.
Català: Farinera Balcells (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29958.
Català: Farinera Balcells (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29958.
Català: Ermita de Sant Eloi (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a monument listed in the Catalan heritage register of Béns Culturals d'Interès Nacional and the Spanish heritage register of Bienes de Interés Cultural under the reference RI-51-0005018.
Català: Barri de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29943.
Català: Església de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29942.
Català: Barri de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29943.
Català: Barri de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29943.
Català: Església de Fàtima (Tàrrega)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29942.
Català: Barri de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29943.
Català: Barri de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29943.
Català: Barri de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29943.
Català: Barri de Fàtima (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29943.
Català: Fàbrica Trepat (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-30538.
Català: Habitatge a l'avinguda Catalunya, 69 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29945.
Català: Habitatge a l'avinguda Catalunya, 69 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29945.
Català: Ca l'Argelich, av. Catalunya 98-104 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29946.
Català: Ca l'Argelich, av. Catalunya 98-104 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29946.
Català: Cine Majèstic (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29960.
Català: Cal Sàrries (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29908.
Català: Cal Sàrries (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29908.
Català: Cine Majèstic (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29960.
Català: Can Parareda, av. Catalunya 44 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29933.
Català: Casa Toló, av. Catalunya 40 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29934.
Català: Església de la Mercè (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29888.
Català: Església de la Mercè (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29888.
Català: Casa Càrcer (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29894.
Català: Casa Càrcer (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29894.
Català: Casa Càrcer (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29894.
Català: Casa Càrcer (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29894.
Català: Casa Càrcer (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29894.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Santa Anna, 12 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29891.
Català: Antic Banc de Madrid (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29890.
Català: Antic Banc de Madrid (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29890.
Català: Habitatge a l'avinguda Catalunya, 5-9 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29927.
Català: Habitatge a l'avinguda Catalunya, 5-9 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29927.
Català: Cal Costa (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29930.
Català: Cal Costa (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29930.
Català: Pavellons militars (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29928.
Català: Monument a Ramon Carnicer (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29923.
Català: Monument als Països Catalans (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29922.
Català: Cal Castellana Pobre (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29901.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Agoders, 34 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29902.
Català: Pas cobert al carrer Vilanova i carrer Agoders (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29919.
Català: Pas cobert al carrer Vilanova i carrer Agoders (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29919.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Agoders, 32 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29903.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Agoders, 30 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29904.
Català: Carrer d'Agoders (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29886.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Agoders, 28 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29905.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Agoders, 28 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29905.
Català: Carrer d'Agoders (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29886.
Català: Consell Comarcal de l'Urgell (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29895.
Català: Consell Comarcal de l'Urgell (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29895.
Català: Consell Comarcal de l'Urgell (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29895.
Català: Carrer d'Agoders (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29886.
Català: Consell Comarcal de l'Urgell (Tàrrega)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29895.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Agoders, 6 (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29906.
Català: Habitatge al carrer Agoders, 4 (Tàrrega)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29907.
Català: Església parroquial de Santa Maria de l'Alba (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-467.
Català: Carrer d'Agoders (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29886.
Català: Plaça Major (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29882.
Català: Creu de terme del Pati (Tàrrega)This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29957.
Català: Arc de pas a la plaça Major (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29914.
Català: Arc de pas a la plaça Major (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29914.
Català: Cambra de Comerç (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29897.
Català: Cambra de Comerç (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29897.
Català: Edifici de la Caixa (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29900.
Català: Ajuntament (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29889.
Català: Creu de terme del Pati (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-29957.
Català: Església parroquial de Santa Maria de l'Alba (Tàrrega)
This is a photo of a building listed in the Catalan heritage register as Bé Cultural d'Interès Local (BCIL) under the reference IPA-467.