From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
San Francisco as seen through the Golden Gate Bridge
Aquilegia formosa flower
Baker Beach in San Francisco
Seattle at dusk
Actor Sean Astin speaking at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
El Castillo, Chichen Itza, Mexico
Willis Tower
Chicago skyline at dusk
Warrior Temple, Chichen Itza
Arkansas State Capitol
Chicago Elevated at night
Indiana State Capitol
Empire State Building
Chicago Skyline
Staten Island Ferry, New York City
Gary Sinise on stage
St. Louis skyline
White House garden
Reichstag in Berlin
Swiss Brown
Pforzheimer Huette
Blue tit
Four-spotted chaser
Hygieia fountain, Hamburg
Historic Observatory in Goettingen
Landwasser Viadukt
Alsterarkden, Hamburg
Goettingen Synagogue Memorial
Rapeseed fields
Manhattan from Top of the Rock
Morteratsch glacier in Swizerland
Kings Creek in Lassen Volcanic National Park
Portrait of a gull
Ocaean spray under the Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge by night
Bismuth hopper-crystal
New/Favourite Picture Gallery
Joe Biden and Barack Obama
Police officer
Garden of the Gods
Göttingen train station
City museum Göttingen
Summit of the Julier Pass in Switzerland
Diavolezza Hut and areal tram station
Descent into the Viamala gorge
Landwasser Viadukt
Landwasser tunnel portal
Solis Bridge, Switzerland
Solis Bridge, Switzerland
Summit of the Julier Pass in Switzerland
Roman column at Julier Pass
Roman column at Julier Pass
Soldiers at White Sands National Monument
Inside Santa Elena Canyon
View south from the Presidio County Courthouse, Marfa, TX
Guadalupe Mountains
Göttingen, Platz der Synagoge
Göttingen, Platz der Synagoge
Jacobi Church, Göttingen
Albani Church, Göttingen
SEM sample loading
working on an SEM
working on an SEM
Check my dump for pictures I contributed or deem useful for future insertion into articles (which might just not be ready for another image).