User:Donald Trung/Manchu mintmarks on Wikimedia Commons

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'This page is a collection of images of Manchu Qing Dynasty era cash coins with exclusive Manchu Mintmarks on Wikimedia Commons, I will attempt to complete the list here before adding more images to the English Wikipedia.

Note 📝: The fact that the Manchu characters themselves don't load on Wikimedia Commons is deliberate, as only 86 (eighty-six) people understand the Manchu language as of writing ✍🏻 this the English language place names (as over a milliard people can speak English) are more important than the Manchu ones as the images already illustrate them properly. --Donald Trung 『徵國單』 (No Fake News 💬) (WikiProject Numismatics 💴) (Articles 📚) 22:37, 23 July 2018 (UTC)

Manchu mint marks

Template:ManchuSibeUnicode mint mark on a Xuān Tǒng Tōng Bǎo (宣統通寶) coin indicating that it was cast in Kunming, Yunnan.

Another series of bronze cash coins was introduced with Manchu script on the reverse sides of the coin from 1657, many mints contained the Manchu word Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (Boo) on the left, which is Manchu for "Template:Linktext" (indicating "treasure" or "currency") on the obverse side of these coins. To the right of them would often appear a word indicating the issuing agency of the coin. Qing dynasty coinage with exclusive Manchu mint marks are by far the most commonly produced type. Large denomination coins of the Xianfeng Emperor bore Manchu mint marks on the left and right sides of the reverse sides, and the value of the coin on the top and bottom. Coins with exclusive Manchu inscriptions continued to be cast until the end of the Qing dynasty.[1][2][3][4][5]

Manchu mint marks are:

Mint mark Möllendorff Place of minting Province Time in operation Image
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Ciowan Ministry of Revenue (hùbù, 戶部), Beijing Zhili 1644–1911
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Yuwan Ministry of Works (gōngbù, 工部), Beijing Zhili 1644–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Siowan Xuanfu Zhili 1644–1671
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo San Xi'an Shaanxi 1644–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Lin Linqing Shandong 1645–1675
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Gi Jizhou Zhili 1645–1671
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Tung Datong Shanxi 1645–1649
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1645–1729)
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1729–1908)
Boo Yuwan (1645–1729)
Jin (1729–1908)
Taiyuan Shanxi 1645–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Yūn Miyun Zhili 1645–1671
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1646–1729)
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1729–1908)
Cang (1646–1729)
U (1729–1908)
Wuhan Hubei 1646–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Ho Kaifeng Henan 1647
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Fung Fengtian Fengtian 1647–1648
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1647–1729)
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1729–1908)
Boo Chang (1647–1729)
Giyang (1729–1908)
Nanchang Jiangxi 1647–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Ning Jiangning Jiangsu 1648–1731
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Fu Fuzhou Fujian 1649–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Je Hangzhou Zhejiang 1649–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1649–1729; 1887–1908)
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1729–1887)
Dung (1649–1729; 1887–1908)
Boo Ji (1729–1887)
Jinan Shandong 1649–1738
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Yonn Kunming Yunnan 1653–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Cuwan Chengdu Sichuan 1667–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Gung Gongchang Gansu 1667–1740
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Su Suzhou Jiangsu 1667–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Nan Changsha Hunan 1667–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Guwang Guangzhou Guangdong 1668–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Gui Guilin Jiangxi 1668–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Giyan Guiyang Guizhou 1668–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Jang Zhangzhou Fujian 1680–1682
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Tai Taiwan-Fu Taiwan 1689–1740
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo An Anqing Anhui 1731–Unknown
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Jy Baoding Zhili 1745–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Yerkiyang Yarkant Xinjiang 1759–1864
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Ushi Uši Xinjiang 1766–1911
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo I Ghulja Xinjiang 1775–1866
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Dung Dongchuan Yunnan 1800–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Gi Unknown Hebei (1851–1861)
Jilin (1861–1912)
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo De Jehol Zhili 1854–1858
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Kashgar Kashgar Xinjiang 1855–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1855–1886; 1907–1908)
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode (1886–1907)
Boo Di (1855–1886; 1907–1908)
Yuwan (1886–1907)
Ürümqi Xinjiang 1855–1864
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Kuca Kucha Xinjiang 1857–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Jiyen Tianjin Zhili 1880–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Hu Dagu Zhili 1880–1908
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo U Wuchang Hubei
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Gung Kunshan Jiangsu
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Aksu Aksu Xinjiang
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Dong Unknown Yunnan
Template:ManchuSibeUnicode Boo Jing Unknown Hubei


  1. F. Schjöth, Chinese Currency, Oslow, Norway, 1929
  2. China Ancient Coins Collection Blog (中國古錢集藏網誌). To share my collection and what I have know related to the Chinese Ancient Coins to global coins collectors. Qing Dynasty Coinage(清朝錢幣). By Learner (檢視我的完整簡介) 於於 下午1:24. Published: 2009年5月3日 星期日。 Retrieved: 02 July 2017.
  3. C.L. Krause and C. Mishler, Standard Catalog of Word Coins (Krause Publications), 1979 with corrections made by Vladimir A. Belyaev ( on 12 December 1997.
  4. ● Dai Zhiqiang 戴志強 (ed. 2008), Zhongguo qianbi shoucang jianshang quanji 中國錢幣收藏鑒賞全集 (Changchun: Jilin chuban jituan). (in Mandarin Chinese)
  5. Ma Long (馬隆) (2004), "Qingdai lichao zhubiju yu zhubi jianbiao 清代歷朝鑄幣局與鑄幣簡表", in Ma Feihai (馬飛海), Wang Yuxuan (王裕巽), Zou Zhiliang (鄒誌諒) (ed.), Zhongguo lidai huobi daxi 中國歷代貨幣大系, Vol. 6, Qingdai bi (清代幣) (Shanghai: Shanghai shiji chuban jituan/Shanghai jiaoyu chubanshe), pp 766–775. (in Mandarin Chinese)