User:Con-struct (t)/Test5
Mark and copy the following text. Paste it into a plain text file. The text file should have an svg extension, for example mychart.svg.
You can check the result here or here.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Generator: wikimedia.svg.chart, 2013-11-01 --> <!-- modify viewBox (x,y,dx,dy) for position (x,y) and size (dx,dy) --> <svg id="head" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" viewBox="-3990, -15415, 27930, 19195" width="750" height="520" font-family="Helvetica, Arial" > <title>Gravity Acceleration of Earth</title> <desc> This svg graphic is to edit with an text editor. Please do not overwrite this file by saving with an image editor. ---------------- Source of PREM: Linear density: line with constant rise Source of constant density: cpoied from; the base source or calculation is not stated there Space: g1 * r1^2 = g0 * r0^2 </desc> <!-- also a workaround for librsvg: a <rect> must be placed somewhere before text for a good display of text --> <rect id="imagebackground" x="-3990" y="-15415" width="27930" height="19195" stroke-width="21" stroke="none" fill="white"/> <style id="styles" type="text/css"> <![CDATA[ .graphgeneral { /*-- general look of graphs and markers, e.g. in legend --*/ stroke-width: 147; fill: none; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; } .graphgeneralstretch { /*-- general look of graphs and markers on a stretched chart --*/ stroke-width: 98; fill: none; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; } .graph1lineblank { /*-- look of graph 1 --*/ stroke: rgb(00%, 00%, 60%); } .graph1line { stroke: rgb(00%, 00%, 60%); } .graph2lineblank { /*-- look of graph 2 --*/ stroke: lightgreen; } .graph2line { stroke: lightgreen; } .graph3lineblank { /*-- look of graph 3 --*/ stroke: rgb(00%, 60%, 00%); } .graph3line { stroke: rgb(00%, 60%, 00%); } .axisline { stroke: black; stroke-width: 74; stroke-linecap: round; } .axismark-main { stroke: black; stroke-width: 51; } .axismark-second { stroke: black; stroke-width: 51; } .gridline { stroke: black; stroke-width: 37; } .titletext { font-size: 1386px; } .axistext-x { font-size: 1134px; } .axistext-x-number { font-size: 1134px; } .axistext-y { font-size: 1260px; } .legendtext { font-size: 1008px; text-anchor: start; } .charttext { font-size: 756px; text-anchor: middle; } ]]></style> <defs> <!--== axis dashes definitions ==--> <!-- x-axis gridline vertical, modify "width" --> <pattern id="x-gridline" height="26000" width="3000" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <line x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="26000" class="gridline"/> </pattern> <!-- y-axis gridline horizontal, modify "height" --> <pattern id="y-gridline" width="28000" height="2000" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <line x1="0" x2="28000" y1="0" y2="0" class="gridline"/> </pattern> <!-- x-axis mark, modify "height" --> <pattern id="x-axismark-main" x="0" width="3000" height="420" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <line x1="0" y1="-1" x2="0" y2="420" class="axismark-main"/> </pattern> <!-- y-axis mark, modify "width" --> <pattern id="y-axismark-main" y="0" width="420" height="2000" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <line x1="-1" y1="0" x2="420" y2="0" class="axismark-main"/> </pattern> <!-- y-axis2 mark, modify "width" --> <pattern id="y-axis2mark-main" y="0" width="420" height="10" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <line x1="-1" y1="0" x2="420" y2="0" class="axismark-main"/> </pattern> </defs> <!-- Background SVG --> <g transform="scale(1.5, -1)"><defs> <linearGradient id="space-fill" x1="0" x2="1" y1="1" y2="1"> <stop stop-color="rgb(254, 254, 254)" offset="0"/> <stop stop-color="rgb(233, 233, 233)" 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text-anchor="middle"> <text x= "0">0</text> <text x= "3000">2</text> <text x= "6000">4</text> <text x= "9000">6</text> <text x="12000">8</text> <text x="15000">10</text> <text x="18000">12</text> <text x="21000">14</text> <text id="title-x" class="axistext-x" x="10500" y="1474.2" >Earth Radii [1000 km]</text></g> <!-- y axis text, modify each value --> <g id="axistext-y" class="axistext-y" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(-630, 315)"> <text y= "-0">0</text> <text y= "-2000">2</text> <text y= "-4000">4</text> <text y= "-6000">6</text> <text y= "-8000">8</text> <text y="-10000">10</text> <text y="-12000">12</text> <text id="title-y" x="6500" y="-2290.9" transform="rotate(-90)" text-anchor="middle" >Acceleration [m/s<tspan dy="-1ex" font-size="70%">2</tspan><tspan dy="1ex" font-size="70%"> </tspan>]</text></g> <!-- legend --> <g id="legend" class="legendtext" transform="translate(13650, -10270)"> <g id="legend-background" class="axismark-main"> <rect x="0" y="0" fill="white" width="9710.4" height="3830.4"/> </g> <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph1line"> <polyline id="legend-line1" points="420 776.16 1470 776.16" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/> </g></g> <text id="legend-text1" x="1890" y="1075.54">PREM</text> <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph2line"> <polyline id="legend-line2" points="420 1884.96 1470 1884.96" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/> </g></g> <text id="legend-text2" x="1890" y="2184.34">Linear density</text> <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph3line"> <polyline id="legend-line3" points="420 2993.76 1470 2993.76" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/> </g></g> <text id="legend-text3" x="1890" y="3293.14">Constant density</text> </g> <!-- additional text --> <text id="title" class="titletext" text-anchor="middle" x="10500" y="-13910">Gravity Acceleration of Earth</text> <defs> <!--====== graph data with origin values, you can manually copy or attach the values here ======--> <!-- modify displacement "translate" --> <g id="graphs"> <!-- Constant density --> <polyline id="graph3-line" fill="none" points=" 0 0 6371 9816 "/> <!-- Linear density --> <polyline id="graph2-line" fill="none" points=" 0 0 127 454 255 898 382 1333 510 1758 637 2165 765 2553 892 2957 1019 3365 1147 3743 1274 4084 1402 4433 1529 4773 1656 5121 1784 5426 1911 5740 2039 6050 2166 6324 2294 6617 2421 6882 2548 7118 2676 7373 2803 7619 2931 7846 3058 8045 3186 8253 3313 8442 3440 8631 3568 8791 3695 8965 3823 9103 3950 9245 4077 9380 4205 9491 4332 9595 4460 9689 4587 9774 4715 9850 4842 9922 4969 9965 5097 10011 5224 10049 5352 10064 5479 10071 5606 10057 5734 10049 5861 10030 5989 9986 6116 9935 6244 9878 6371 9830 "/> </g> <g id="graph1"> <!-- PREM --> <polyline id="graph1-line" stroke-width="98" fill="none" points=" 0 0 200 731 400 1460 600 2186 800 2907 1000 3620 1200 4325 1222 4400 1222 4400 1400 4941 1600 5555 1800 6167 2000 6772 2200 7365 2400 7943 2600 8502 2800 9041 3000 9557 3200 10046 3400 10507 3480 10682 3480 10682 3600 10520 3630 10484 3630 10484 3800 10310 4000 10158 4200 10054 4400 9986 4600 9947 4800 9931 5000 9933 5200 9947 5400 9970 5600 9999 5600 9999 5701 10014 5701 10014 5771 10004 5771 10004 5871 9988 5971 9969 5971 9969 6061 9936 6151 9905 6151 9905 6221 9878 6291 9855 6291 9855 6347 9839 6347 9839 6356 9833 6356 9833 6368 9822 6368 9822 6371 9816 6371 9816 6498 9434 6626 9075 6753 8736 6881 8415 7008 8112 7136 7825 7263 7553 7390 7295 7518 7049 7645 6816 7773 6595 7900 6384 8027 6183 8155 5991 8282 5808 8410 5633 8537 5466 8665 5307 8792 5154 8919 5008 9047 4868 9174 4734 9302 4605 9429 4481 9557 4362 9684 4248 9811 4139 9939 4033 10066 3932 10194 3834 10321 3740 10448 3649 10576 3562 10703 3478 10831 3396 10958 3318 11086 3242 11213 3169 11340 3098 11468 3030 11595 2963 11723 2899 11850 2837 11977 2777 12105 2719 12232 2663 12360 2608 12487 2555 12615 2504 12742 2454 12869 2406 12997 2359 13124 2313 13252 2269 13379 2226 13507 2184 13634 2143 13761 2104 13889 2065 14000 2033 "/> </g> </defs> <g class="graphgeneralstretch" transform="scale(1.5, -1) translate(-0, -0)"> <!-- graph 3 --> <use id="graphuse3p2-line" transform="translate(0, 24.01)" class="graph3lineblank" xlink:href="#graph3-line"/> <use id="graphuse3m2-line" transform="translate(0, -24.01)" class="graph3lineblank" xlink:href="#graph3-line"/> <use id="graphuse3-1-line" transform="translate(0, 0)" class="graph3line" xlink:href="#graph3-line"/> <!-- graph 2 --> <use id="graphuse2p2-line" transform="translate(0, 24.01)" class="graph2lineblank" xlink:href="#graph2-line"/> <use id="graphuse2m2-line" transform="translate(0, -24.01)" class="graph2lineblank" xlink:href="#graph2-line"/> <use id="graphuse2-1-line" transform="translate(0, 0)" class="graph2line" xlink:href="#graph2-line"/> <!-- graph 1 --> <use id="graphuse1p2-line" transform="translate(0, 24.01)" class="graph1lineblank" xlink:href="#graph1-line"/> <use id="graphuse1m2-line" transform="translate(0, -24.01)" class="graph1lineblank" xlink:href="#graph1-line"/> <use id="graphuse1-1-line" transform="translate(0, 0)" class="graph1line" xlink:href="#graph1-line"/> </g> <g transform="scale(1, -1)"> <!-- x axis, modify "x2" and "width" --> <rect id="x-axismark" x="-105" y="-367.5" width="21420" height="367.5" fill="url(#x-axismark-main)"/> <line id="x-axis" x1="0" y1="0" x2="21000" y2="0" class="axisline"/> <!-- y axis, modify "height" --> <rect id="y-axismark" x="-367.5" y="-105" width="367.5" height="13002" fill="url(#y-axismark-main)"/> <line id="y-axis" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="13000" class="axisline"/> </g> <!-- chart text --> <g id="charttext" class="charttext" transform="translate(0, 0)"> <text x="922.5" y="-12200">Inner<tspan x="920" y="-11200">Core</tspan></text> <text x="3525" y="-12200">Outer<tspan x="3526.1" y="-11200">Core</tspan></text> <text x="6600" y="-12200">Lower<tspan x="6600" y="-11200">Mantle</tspan></text> <text x="9300" y="-12200">Upper<tspan x="9300" y="-11200">Mantle</tspan></text> <text x="15277.5" y="-12200">Space</text> </g> </svg>
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init.Size (): 21000, dXMin: 0, dXMax: 14000, dYMin: 0, dYMax: 13000, dStretchX: 150, dStretchY: 100, dDifX: 21000, dDifY: 13000
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svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: 0, dY0: nil, sXY0: x="0" svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: 0, dY0: nil, sXY0: svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: nil, dY0: 0, sXY0: y="0" svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: nil, dY0: 0, sXY0: svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: nil, dY0: 0, sXY0: y="0" svg-axis.svgAxisDefs(): dXGridStartT: 0, dYGridStartT: 0, dXGridStartStretch: 0, dYGridStartStretch: 0 svg-axistext.svgXAxisText(): is not sXAxisValueSVG svg-axistext.svgAxisTexts(): iSign: 1, dMin: 0, dMax: 14000, dPosStart: 0, dPosStepPx: 2000 dValueStart: 0, dValueStep: 2
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dGeneralFontSizePx: 1260, dXAxisNumberFontSize100: 90 dXMin: 0, dXMax: 14000, dXAxisValuePosStart: 0, dXAxisValuePosStep: 2000 dXAxisValueStart: 0, dXAxisValueStep: 2dTransformY: 1512
svg-axistext.svgYAxisText(): is not sYAxisValueSVG svg-axistext.svgAxisTexts(): iSign: -1, dMin: 0, dMax: 13000, dPosStart: 0, dPosStepPx: 2000 dValueStart: 0, dValueStep: 2
iLen1: 8, dStretch100: 100 i: 0, dValue: 0, i: 1, dValue: 2, i: 2, dValue: 4, i: 3, dValue: 6, i: 4, dValue: 8, i: 5, dValue: 10, i: 6, dValue: 12, i: 7, dValue: 14, dFontSizePx: 1260, dChartElementSize: 21000, dChartElementSize * 0.030: 630
svg-axistext.svgYAxis2Text(): is not sYAxis2Text svg-legend.LegendHead (, sLegendType, dChartWidthStretch, dChartHeightStretch, dLegendX, dLegendY, dChartSize, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize) =
LegendHead (, box, 21000, 13000, 65, 79, 21000, nil, 100) LegendBoxDX (dChartSize) = LegendBoxDX (21000) = 1050, YAxis2Width (dChartSize, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize) = YAxis2Width (21000, nil, 100) = 0 dx: 13650, dy: -10270
svg-legend.Legend(): iElements: 3 svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 3p2, dDelta: 24.01, sDirection: y svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 3m2, dDelta: -24.01, sDirection: y svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 3-1, dDelta: 0, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLines(): iID: 3, dLineThickness: 147, dThicknessRelation: 1.5 svg-line.svgGraphUse(): iID: 3, dGraphStretchWidth: 150, dGraphStretchHeight: 100 svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 2p2, dDelta: 24.01, sDirection: y svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 2m2, dDelta: -24.01, sDirection: y svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 2-1, dDelta: 0, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLines(): iID: 2, dLineThickness: 147, dThicknessRelation: 1.5 svg-line.svgGraphUse(): iID: 2, dGraphStretchWidth: 150, dGraphStretchHeight: 100 svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 1p2, dDelta: 24.01, sDirection: y svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 1m2, dDelta: -24.01, sDirection: y svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 1-1, dDelta: 0, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLines(): iID: 1, dLineThickness: 147, dThicknessRelation: 1.5 svg-line.svgGraphUse(): iID: 1, dGraphStretchWidth: 150, dGraphStretchHeight: 100 svg-line.svgGraphs(): dLineWidth: 147, dImageSize: 100