User:Con-struct (t)/Test4

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Mark and copy the following text. Paste it into a plain text file. The text file should have an svg extension, for example mychart.svg.

You can check the result here or here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generator: wikimedia.svg.chart, 2013-11-01 -->
<!-- modify viewBox (x,y,dx,dy) for position (x,y) and size (dx,dy) -->
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  viewBox="-9.69, -41.9, 74.49, 51.1"
  width="750" height="510"
  font-family="Helvetica, Arial"

<title>World energy consumption</title>
  This svg graphic is to edit with an text editor.
  Please do not overwrite this file by saving with an image editor.
  all data per day, look in: 'statistical_review_of_world_energy_full_report_2012.xlsx", tab 'Oil Consumption - barrels'
    -> values of tab 'Oil Consumption - tonnes' = tab 'Primary Energy - Cons by fuel'
  Nuclear, hydro, renewable energy in TWh
  Oil, gas, coal are to be calculated into TWh as follows:
  1 toe = 11.63 MWh (
  BP thermal to electrical conversion efficiency: 38%, recalculated by use of:
        'statistical_review_of_world_energy_full_report_2012.xlsx", tab 'Primary Energy - Cons by fuel'
        i.e. nuclear 2011: 2648.7 TWh / 599.3 Mtoe = 4.4194 TWh/Mtoe; 4.4194 MWh/toe / 11.63 MWh/toe = 0.38 = 38%
   -> 1 toe = 4.4194 MWh energy production
   -> 1 Mio toe = 4.4194 TWh energy production
   -> 1000 Mio toe = 4.4 x 1000 TWh energy production

<!-- also a workaround for librsvg: a <rect> must be placed somewhere before text for a good display of text -->
<rect id="imagebackground" x="-9.69" y="-41.9" width="74.49" height="51.1" stroke-width="0.05" stroke="none" fill="white"/>

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<!-- x axis text, modify each value -->
<g id="axistext-x" class="axistext-x-number" transform="translate(0, 4)" text-anchor="middle">
  <text x= "6"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>1970</text>
  <text x="16"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>1980</text>
  <text x="26"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>1990</text>
  <text x="36"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>2000</text>
  <text x="46"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>2010</text>
  <text id="title-x" class="axistext-x" x="25.5" y="4" > <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>Year</text></g>

<!-- y axis text, modify each value -->
<g id="axistext-y" class="axistext-y" text-anchor="end" transform="translate(-1.5, 0.8)">
  <text y= "-0"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>0</text>
  <text y= "-9"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>5</text>
  <text y="-18"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>10</text>
  <text y="-27"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>15</text>
  <text y="-36"> <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>20</text>
  <text id="title-y" x="18" y="-5.6" transform="rotate(-90)" text-anchor="middle" > <tspan dy="-0.89px"/>Energy, 1000 TWh per year</text></g>

<!-- legend -->
<g id="legend" class="legendtext" transform="translate(47.9, -23.8)"> 
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    <rect x="0" y="0" fill="white" stroke="none" width="17.3" height="17.4"/>
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  <text id="legend-text1" x="4.6" y="2.61"> <tspan dy="-0.278px"/>Oil</text>
  <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph2line">
    <polyline id="legend-line2" points="1.02 4.58 3.57 4.58" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/>
  <text id="legend-text2" x="4.6" y="5.3"> <tspan dy="-0.278px"/>Coal</text>
  <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph3line">
    <polyline id="legend-line3" points="1.02 7.27 3.57 7.27" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/>
  <text id="legend-text3" x="4.6" y="8"> <tspan dy="-0.278px"/>Gas</text>
  <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph4line">
    <polyline id="legend-line4" points="1.02 9.96 3.57 9.96" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/>
  <text id="legend-text4" x="4.6" y="10.69"> <tspan dy="-0.278px"/>Hydro</text>
  <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph5line">
    <polyline id="legend-line5" points="1.02 12.66 3.57 12.66" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/>
  <text id="legend-text5" x="4.6" y="13.38"> <tspan dy="-0.278px"/>Nuclear</text>
  <g class="graphgeneral"><g class="graph6line">
    <polyline id="legend-line6" points="1.02 15.35 3.57 15.35" marker-start="none" marker-end="none"/>
  <text id="legend-text6" x="4.6" y="16.08"> <tspan dy="-0.278px"/>Other<tspan x="4.6" dy="2.1">renewable</tspan></text>

<!-- additional text -->
  <text id="title" class="titletext" text-anchor="middle" x="25.5" y="-38.5"> <tspan dy="-0.116px"/>World energy consumption</text>

<!--====== graph data with origin values, you can manually copy or attach the values here ======-->
<!-- modify displacement "translate" -->
<g id="graphs">
  <!-- Other<tspan x="4.6" dy="2.1">renewable</tspan> -->
  <polyline id="graph6-line" fill="none" points="
    1990  0.126
    1991  0.133
    1992  0.143
    1993  0.148
    1994  0.156
    1995  0.163
    1996  0.17
    1997  0.183
    1998  0.195
    1999  0.212
    2000  0.228
    2001  0.239
    2002  0.269
    2003  0.293
    2004  0.334
    2005  0.374
    2006  0.42
    2007  0.478
    2008  0.545
    2009  0.628
    2010  0.745
    2011  0.908
    2012  1.049
  <!-- Nuclear -->
  <polyline id="graph5-line" fill="none" points="
    1965  0.026
    1966  0.034
    1967  0.042
    1968  0.052
    1969  0.063
    1970  0.077
    1971  0.11
    1972  0.151
    1973  0.203
    1974  0.263
    1975  0.364
    1976  0.433
    1977  0.535
    1978  0.619
    1979  0.64
    1980  0.711
    1981  0.836
    1982  0.917
    1983  1.03
    1984  1.245
    1985  1.482
    1986  1.597
    1987  1.736
    1988  1.893
    1989  1.947
    1990  2.002
    1991  2.097
    1992  2.114
    1993  2.187
    1994  2.228
    1995  2.324
    1996  2.408
    1997  2.391
    1998  2.431
    1999  2.524
    2000  2.582
    2001  2.655
    2002  2.698
    2003  2.644
    2004  2.762
    2005  2.769
    2006  2.807
    2007  2.748
    2008  2.736
    2009  2.714
    2010  2.768
    2011  2.653
    2012  2.477
  <!-- Hydro -->
  <polyline id="graph4-line" fill="none" points="
    1965  0.924
    1966  0.989
    1967  1.012
    1968  1.063
    1969  1.126
    1970  1.176
    1971  1.226
    1972  1.284
    1973  1.296
    1974  1.42
    1975  1.438
    1976  1.441
    1977  1.479
    1978  1.591
    1979  1.666
    1980  1.7
    1981  1.733
    1982  1.802
    1983  1.884
    1984  1.945
    1985  1.981
    1986  2.006
    1987  2.042
    1988  2.095
    1989  2.09
    1990  2.165
    1991  2.212
    1992  2.214
    1993  2.348
    1994  2.362
    1995  2.488
    1996  2.524
    1997  2.568
    1998  2.607
    1999  2.629
    2000  2.662
    2001  2.593
    2002  2.645
    2003  2.639
    2004  2.807
    2005  2.926
    2006  3.041
    2007  3.097
    2008  3.216
    2009  3.26
    2010  3.457
    2011  3.512
    2012  3.673
  <!-- Gas -->
  <polyline id="graph3-line" fill="none" points="
    1965  2.624
    1966  2.856
    1967  3.06
    1968  3.328
    1969  3.654
    1970  3.968
    1971  4.235
    1972  4.447
    1973  4.647
    1974  4.757
    1975  4.734
    1976  5.008
    1977  5.156
    1978  5.359
    1979  5.693
    1980  5.727
    1981  5.783
    1982  5.797
    1983  5.869
    1984  6.36
    1985  6.58
    1986  6.64
    1987  6.974
    1988  7.308
    1989  7.636
    1990  7.814
    1991  7.987
    1992  8.034
    1993  8.192
    1994  8.243
    1995  8.513
    1996  8.91
    1997  8.906
    1998  9.052
    1999  9.255
    2000  9.623
    2001  9.796
    2002 10.062
    2003 10.355
    2004 10.667
    2005 11.046
    2006 11.323
    2007 11.7
    2008 12.011
    2009 11.737
    2010 12.658
    2011 12.879
    2012 13.201
  <!-- Coal -->
  <polyline id="graph2-line" fill="none" points="
    1965  6.316
    1966  6.39
    1967  6.292
    1968  6.385
    1969  6.531
    1970  6.639
    1971  6.6
    1972  6.692
    1973  6.88
    1974  6.871
    1975  7.027
    1976  7.305
    1977  7.548
    1978  7.654
    1979  7.957
    1980  7.974
    1981  8.037
    1982  8.155
    1983  8.374
    1984  8.755
    1985  9.152
    1986  9.289
    1987  9.636
    1988  9.92
    1989  9.99
    1990  9.772
    1991  9.639
    1992  9.54
    1993  9.558
    1994  9.623
    1995  9.875
    1996 10.087
    1997 10.099
    1998  9.964
    1999  9.979
    2000 10.351
    2001 10.392
    2002 10.655
    2003 11.535
    2004 12.353
    2005 12.919
    2006 13.59
    2007 14.141
    2008 14.391
    2009 14.313
    2010 15.309
    2011 16.037
    2012 16.485
<g id="graph1">
  <!-- Oil -->
  <polyline id="graph1-line" stroke-width="0.198" fill="none" points="
    1965  6.701
    1966  7.283
    1967  7.807
    1968  8.476
    1969  9.206
    1970  9.999
    1971 10.546
    1972 11.36
    1973 12.249
    1974 12.072
    1975 11.937
    1976 12.705
    1977 13.131
    1978 13.486
    1979 13.712
    1980 13.176
    1981 12.685
    1982 12.282
    1983 12.18
    1984 12.448
    1985 12.446
    1986 12.827
    1987 13.069
    1988 13.478
    1989 13.721
    1990 13.962
    1991 13.955
    1992 14.178
    1993 14.034
    1994 14.321
    1995 14.529
    1996 14.853
    1997 15.229
    1998 15.339
    1999 15.64
    2000 15.828
    2001 15.951
    2002 16.087
    2003 16.436
    2004 17.082
    2005 17.287
    2006 17.457
    2007 17.721
    2008 17.655
    2009 17.331
    2010 17.846
    2011 18.037
    2012 18.254
<g class="graphgeneralstretch" transform="scale(1, -1.8) translate(-1964, -0)">
  <!-- graph 6 -->
  <use id="graphuse6p2-line" transform="translate(0.078, 0)" class="graph6lineblank" xlink:href="#graph6-line"/>
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  <!-- graph 5 -->
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  <use id="graphuse5m2-line" transform="translate(-0.078, 0)" class="graph5lineblank" xlink:href="#graph5-line"/>
  <use id="graphuse5-1-line" transform="translate(0, 0)" class="graph5line" xlink:href="#graph5-line"/>
  <!-- graph 4 -->
  <use id="graphuse4p2-line" transform="translate(0.078, 0)" class="graph4lineblank" xlink:href="#graph4-line"/>
  <use id="graphuse4m2-line" transform="translate(-0.078, 0)" class="graph4lineblank" xlink:href="#graph4-line"/>
  <use id="graphuse4-1-line" transform="translate(0, 0)" class="graph4line" xlink:href="#graph4-line"/>
  <!-- graph 3 -->
  <use id="graphuse3p2-line" transform="translate(0.078, 0)" class="graph3lineblank" xlink:href="#graph3-line"/>
  <use id="graphuse3m2-line" transform="translate(-0.078, 0)" class="graph3lineblank" xlink:href="#graph3-line"/>
  <use id="graphuse3-1-line" transform="translate(0, 0)" class="graph3line" xlink:href="#graph3-line"/>
  <!-- graph 2 -->
  <use id="graphuse2p2-line" transform="translate(0.078, 0)" class="graph2lineblank" xlink:href="#graph2-line"/>
  <use id="graphuse2m2-line" transform="translate(-0.078, 0)" class="graph2lineblank" xlink:href="#graph2-line"/>
  <use id="graphuse2-1-line" transform="translate(0, 0)" class="graph2line" xlink:href="#graph2-line"/>
  <!-- graph 1 -->
  <use id="graphuse1p2-line" transform="translate(0.078, 0)" class="graph1lineblank" xlink:href="#graph1-line"/>
  <use id="graphuse1m2-line" transform="translate(-0.078, 0)" class="graph1lineblank" xlink:href="#graph1-line"/>
  <use id="graphuse1-1-line" transform="translate(0, 0)" class="graph1line" xlink:href="#graph1-line"/>

<g transform="scale(1, -1)">
  <!-- x axis, modify "x2" and "width" -->
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  <rect id="x-axismark" x="5.7" y="-1.1" width="46" height="1.05" fill="url(#x-axismark-main)"/>
  <line id="x-axis" x1="0" y1="0" x2="51" y2="0" class="axisline"/>

  <!-- y axis, modify "height" -->
  <rect id="y-axismark" x="-1.05" y="-0.3" width="1.05" height="38" fill="url(#y-axismark-main)"/>
  <line id="y-axis" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="36" class="axisline"/>


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iLast: 651 iFirst: 664, iLast: 667 iFirst: 680, iLast: 683 iFirst: 696, iLast: 699 iFirst: 712, iLast: 715 iFirst: 728, iLast: 731 iFirst: 744, iLast: 747 iFirst: nil, iLast: nil ChartValues (): iFirst: 1, iLast: 4 iFirst: 16, iLast: 19 iFirst: 30, iLast: 33 iFirst: 45, iLast: 48 iFirst: 60, iLast: 63 iFirst: 75, iLast: 78 iFirst: 90, iLast: 93 iFirst: 103, iLast: 106 iFirst: 118, iLast: 121 iFirst: 132, iLast: 135 iFirst: 147, iLast: 150 iFirst: 162, iLast: 165 iFirst: 177, iLast: 180 iFirst: 192, iLast: 195 iFirst: 207, iLast: 210 iFirst: 222, iLast: 225 iFirst: 237, iLast: 240 iFirst: 252, iLast: 255 iFirst: 267, iLast: 270 iFirst: 282, iLast: 285 iFirst: 297, iLast: 300 iFirst: 312, iLast: 315 iFirst: 327, iLast: 330 iFirst: 342, iLast: 345 iFirst: 356, iLast: 359 iFirst: 370, iLast: 373 iFirst: 385, iLast: 388 iFirst: 400, iLast: 403 iFirst: 414, iLast: 417 iFirst: 429, iLast: 432 iFirst: 444, iLast: 447 iFirst: 459, iLast: 462 iFirst: 475, iLast: 478 iFirst: 491, iLast: 494 iFirst: 506, iLast: 509 iFirst: 521, iLast: 524 iFirst: 537, iLast: 540 iFirst: 553, iLast: 556 iFirst: 569, iLast: 572 iFirst: 585, iLast: 588 iFirst: 601, iLast: 604 iFirst: 617, iLast: 620 iFirst: 632, iLast: 635 iFirst: 648, iLast: 651 iFirst: 664, iLast: 667 iFirst: 680, iLast: 683 iFirst: 696, iLast: 699 iFirst: 712, iLast: 715 iFirst: nil, iLast: nil ChartValues (): iFirst: 1, iLast: 4 iFirst: 16, iLast: 19 iFirst: 31, iLast: 34 iFirst: 45, iLast: 48 iFirst: 60, iLast: 63 iFirst: 75, iLast: 78 iFirst: 90, iLast: 93 iFirst: 105, iLast: 108 iFirst: 120, iLast: 123 iFirst: 135, iLast: 138 iFirst: 150, iLast: 153 iFirst: 165, iLast: 168 iFirst: 180, iLast: 183 iFirst: 195, iLast: 198 iFirst: 210, iLast: 213 iFirst: 225, iLast: 228 iFirst: 240, iLast: 243 iFirst: 255, iLast: 258 iFirst: 270, iLast: 273 iFirst: 285, iLast: 288 iFirst: 299, iLast: 302 iFirst: 313, iLast: 316 iFirst: 327, iLast: 330 iFirst: 342, iLast: 345 iFirst: 357, iLast: 360 iFirst: 372, iLast: 375 iFirst: 387, iLast: 390 iFirst: 402, iLast: 405 iFirst: 417, iLast: 420 iFirst: 432, iLast: 435 iFirst: 447, iLast: 450 iFirst: 462, iLast: 465 iFirst: 476, iLast: 479 iFirst: 491, iLast: 494 iFirst: 506, iLast: 509 iFirst: 521, iLast: 524 iFirst: 536, iLast: 539 iFirst: 551, iLast: 554 iFirst: 567, iLast: 570 iFirst: 583, iLast: 586 iFirst: 599, iLast: 602 iFirst: 615, iLast: 618 iFirst: 631, iLast: 634 iFirst: 645, iLast: 648 iFirst: 661, iLast: 664 iFirst: 677, iLast: 680 iFirst: 693, iLast: 696 iFirst: 709, iLast: 712 iFirst: nil, iLast: nil ChartValues (): iFirst: 1, iLast: 4 iFirst: 17, iLast: 20 iFirst: 33, iLast: 36 iFirst: 49, iLast: 52 iFirst: 65, iLast: 68 iFirst: 81, iLast: 84 iFirst: 97, iLast: 100 iFirst: 113, iLast: 116 iFirst: 129, iLast: 132 iFirst: 145, iLast: 148 iFirst: 160, iLast: 163 iFirst: 176, iLast: 179 iFirst: 192, iLast: 195 iFirst: 208, iLast: 211 iFirst: 224, iLast: 227 iFirst: 240, iLast: 243 iFirst: 254, iLast: 257 iFirst: 270, iLast: 273 iFirst: 286, iLast: 289 iFirst: 302, iLast: 305 iFirst: 318, iLast: 321 iFirst: 334, iLast: 337 iFirst: 350, iLast: 353 iFirst: 366, iLast: 369 iFirst: 382, iLast: 385 iFirst: 397, iLast: 400 iFirst: 413, iLast: 416 iFirst: 429, iLast: 432 iFirst: 445, iLast: 448 iFirst: 461, iLast: 464 iFirst: 477, iLast: 480 iFirst: 493, iLast: 496 iFirst: 509, iLast: 512 iFirst: 525, iLast: 528 iFirst: 541, iLast: 544 iFirst: 557, iLast: 560 iFirst: 573, iLast: 576 iFirst: 589, iLast: 592 iFirst: 605, iLast: 608 iFirst: 621, iLast: 624 iFirst: 637, iLast: 640 iFirst: 653, iLast: 656 iFirst: 669, iLast: 672 iFirst: 685, iLast: 688 iFirst: 701, iLast: 704 iFirst: 716, iLast: 719 iFirst: 732, iLast: 735 iFirst: 748, iLast: 751 iFirst: nil, iLast: nil ChartValues (): iFirst: 1, iLast: 4 iFirst: 17, iLast: 20 iFirst: 33, iLast: 36 iFirst: 49, iLast: 52 iFirst: 65, iLast: 68 iFirst: 81, iLast: 84 iFirst: 97, iLast: 100 iFirst: 112, iLast: 115 iFirst: 128, iLast: 131 iFirst: 144, iLast: 147 iFirst: 160, iLast: 163 iFirst: 176, iLast: 179 iFirst: 192, iLast: 195 iFirst: 208, iLast: 211 iFirst: 224, iLast: 227 iFirst: 239, iLast: 242 iFirst: 255, iLast: 258 iFirst: 271, iLast: 274 iFirst: 287, iLast: 290 iFirst: 302, iLast: 305 iFirst: 318, iLast: 321 iFirst: 334, iLast: 337 iFirst: 350, iLast: 353 iFirst: 366, iLast: 369 iFirst: 382, iLast: 385 iFirst: 398, iLast: 401 iFirst: 414, iLast: 417 iFirst: 430, iLast: 433 iFirst: 446, iLast: 449 iFirst: 462, iLast: 465 iFirst: 478, iLast: 481 iFirst: 494, iLast: 497 iFirst: 510, iLast: 513 iFirst: 526, iLast: 529 iFirst: 542, iLast: 545 iFirst: 558, iLast: 561 iFirst: 574, iLast: 577 iFirst: 590, iLast: 593 iFirst: 606, iLast: 609 iFirst: 622, iLast: 625 iFirst: 638, iLast: 641 iFirst: 654, iLast: 657 iFirst: 670, iLast: 673 iFirst: 686, iLast: 689 iFirst: 702, iLast: 705 iFirst: 718, iLast: 721 iFirst: 734, iLast: 737 iFirst: 750, iLast: 753 iFirst: nil, iLast: nil ChartValues (): iFirst: 1, iLast: 4 iFirst: 17, iLast: 20 iFirst: 33, iLast: 36 iFirst: 49, iLast: 52 iFirst: 65, iLast: 68 iFirst: 81, iLast: 84 iFirst: 97, iLast: 100 iFirst: 112, iLast: 115 iFirst: 128, iLast: 131 iFirst: 144, iLast: 147 iFirst: 160, iLast: 163 iFirst: 176, iLast: 179 iFirst: 192, iLast: 195 iFirst: 208, iLast: 211 iFirst: 224, iLast: 227 iFirst: 240, iLast: 243 iFirst: 256, iLast: 259 iFirst: 271, iLast: 274 iFirst: 287, iLast: 290 iFirst: 303, iLast: 306 iFirst: 319, iLast: 322 iFirst: 335, iLast: 338 iFirst: 351, iLast: 354 iFirst: nil, iLast: nil

 init.Size (): 51, dXMin: 1964, dXMax: 2015, dYMin: 0, dYMax: 20, dStretchX: 100, dStretchY: 180, dDifX: 51, dDifY: 36

svg-viewbox.Left (): 9.69, dGeneralSize: 51, dImageLeftSize: nil, dFontSize100: 100 svg-viewbox.Right (dChartSize, dChartWidthStretch, dImageRight, sLegendType, dLegendWidth, dLegendX, sYAxis2Text, dLegendFontSize100, dYAxis2FontSize) = Right (51, 51, 27, box, 100, 94, nil, 80, 100) = 13.8

   d1: nil, d2: 13.77, dLegendBoxWidth: 17.3, dLegendBoxDX: 2.55, dYAxis2Width: 0

svg-viewbox.Top (dChartSize, dImageTop, sTitle, dFontSize100) = Top (51, nil, sTitle: World energy consumption, 100) = 5.9, d1: 0.08, d2: 0.115 svg-viewbox.svgViewBox (): dLeft: 9.69, dRight: 13.8, dTop: 5.9, dBottom: 9.2, dChartElementSize: 51, dImageLeft: nil, dYAxisFontSize100: 100

   dChartElementSize: 51, dChartWidthStretch: 51, dChartHeightStretch: 36

svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: 6, dY0: nil, sXY0: x="6" svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: 6, dY0: nil, sXY0: x="6" svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: nil, dY0: 0, sXY0: y="0" svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: nil, dY0: 0, sXY0: svg-axis.svgAxisDefMark(): dX0: nil, dY0: 0, sXY0: y="0" svg-axis.svgAxisDefs(): dXGridStartT: 1970, dYGridStartT: 0, dXGridStartStretch: 6, dYGridStartStretch: 0 svg-axistext.svgXAxisText(): is not sXAxisValueSVG svg-axistext.svgAxisTexts(): iSign: 1, dMin: 1964, dMax: 2015, dPosStart: 1970, dPosStepPx: 10 dValueStart: 1970, dValueStep: 10

   iLen1: 4, dStretch100: 100
   i: 0, dValue: 1970,     i: 1, dValue: 1980,     i: 2, dValue: 1990,     i: 3, dValue: 2000,     i: 4, dValue: 2010,     i: 5, dValue: 2020, 


   dGeneralFontSizePx: 3.06, dXAxisNumberFontSize100: 100    dXMin: 1964, dXMax: 2015, dXAxisValuePosStart: 1970, dXAxisValuePosStep: 10
   dXAxisValueStart: 1970, dXAxisValueStep: 10dTransformY: 4

svg-axistext.svgYAxisText(): is not sYAxisValueSVG svg-axistext.svgAxisTexts(): iSign: -1, dMin: 0, dMax: 20, dPosStart: 0, dPosStepPx: 5 dValueStart: 0, dValueStep: 5

   iLen1: 5, dStretch100: 180
   i: 0, dValue: 0,     i: 1, dValue: 5,     i: 2, dValue: 10,     i: 3, dValue: 15,     i: 4, dValue: 20,     i: 5, dValue: 25, 
   dFontSizePx: 3.06, dChartElementSize: 51, dChartElementSize * 0.030: 1.53

svg-axistext.svgYAxis2Text(): is not sYAxis2Text svg-legend.LegendHead (, sLegendType, dChartWidthStretch, dChartHeightStretch, dLegendX, dLegendY, dChartSize, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize) =

    LegendHead (, box, 51, 36, 94, 66, 51, nil, 100) 
    LegendBoxDX (dChartSize) = LegendBoxDX (51) = 2.55, YAxis2Width (dChartSize, sYAxis2Text, dYAxisFontSize) = YAxis2Width (51, nil, 100) = 0
    dx: 47.9, dy: -23.8

svg-legend.Legend(): iElements: 6 svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 6p2, dDelta: 0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 6m2, dDelta: -0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 6-1, dDelta: 0, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLines(): iID: 6, dLineThickness: 0.357, dThicknessRelation: 1.8 svg-line.svgGraphUse(): iID: 6, dGraphStretchWidth: 100, dGraphStretchHeight: 180 svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 5p2, dDelta: 0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 5m2, dDelta: -0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 5-1, dDelta: 0, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLines(): iID: 5, dLineThickness: 0.357, dThicknessRelation: 1.8 svg-line.svgGraphUse(): iID: 5, dGraphStretchWidth: 100, dGraphStretchHeight: 180 svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 4p2, dDelta: 0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 4m2, dDelta: -0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 4-1, dDelta: 0, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLines(): iID: 4, dLineThickness: 0.357, dThicknessRelation: 1.8 svg-line.svgGraphUse(): iID: 4, dGraphStretchWidth: 100, dGraphStretchHeight: 180 svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 3p2, dDelta: 0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 3m2, dDelta: -0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 3-1, dDelta: 0, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLines(): iID: 3, dLineThickness: 0.357, dThicknessRelation: 1.8 svg-line.svgGraphUse(): iID: 3, dGraphStretchWidth: 100, dGraphStretchHeight: 180 svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 2p2, dDelta: 0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 2m2, dDelta: -0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 2-1, dDelta: 0, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLines(): iID: 2, dLineThickness: 0.357, dThicknessRelation: 1.8 svg-line.svgGraphUse(): iID: 2, dGraphStretchWidth: 100, dGraphStretchHeight: 180 svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 1p2, dDelta: 0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 1m2, dDelta: -0.078, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLine(): sID: 1-1, dDelta: 0, sDirection: x svg-line.GraphUseLines(): iID: 1, dLineThickness: 0.357, dThicknessRelation: 1.8 svg-line.svgGraphUse(): iID: 1, dGraphStretchWidth: 100, dGraphStretchHeight: 180 svg-line.svgGraphs(): dLineWidth: 0.357, dImageSize: 100