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I am Frank Fox.[1] Writer by profession, traveler by passion and photographer by necessity. I decided to make many of my pictures available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license.[2]

Vietnamese coffee as served in Da Lat, Lam Dong Province. The coffee slowly drips through the phin into a glass that contains condensed milk. The glass sits in a bowl with hot water, so the beverage doesn't cool down too fast. Vietnamese coffee is traditionally served with tea aside.

You know, the bad guys steal your photos anyway, while the good guys have to pay for agencies to use stock photos. Let's even it out a little. Besides, when I am writing and I need pictures I am also happy to find free stuff to use. So let's give some back to the community. I had another account before, but shame on me, I lost the login. So we just continue now as we are under the name of ColorfulFoxes.

We are (I am not alone you know) working on several different websites in English and German language, so forgive me if I place links to some, any and all of them, and a couple other sites I use and/or like, social networks for example) in the annotations. This is the profile page after all and what else should I do here except use it for shameless self-promotion?

I am from Austria but I decided to live at the other end of the continent in Vietnam.[3] Why that is the case is a long and partially adventurous tale that shall be told by campfires or on another website.[4]

But like most things in life there is more stuff to work on than you have time on hand, so it may take some time until all of these sites, as well as the sections on Wikimedia are populated as much as I desire. So there is more to come, both interesting and a little less amazing content.

I also write on Wikipedia if there is something I find missing. Mostly of course about Vietnam or Austria, especially when it's about travel. Both in German and English.

One of my great passions in Vietnam is Da Lat. Once discovered by Alexandre Yersin, this beautiful city in the Central Highlands region of Vietnam became the retreat of many French colonial officials afterwards. The Lat people who originally owned the land around Da Lat now are poor and sell firewood or tour guide services. Nonetheless I consider Da Lat, together with Hue and Da Nang as one of the most beautiful regions in Vietnam.

The center of Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province, Vietnam.
  1. Personal website offering writing services.
  2. Creative Commons license!
  3. Travel yourself, why do I have to do everything?
  4. Avanova Atlantis is our site in German language.