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"Veni, Vidi, Vici.” Julius Caesar

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

“I came, I sawed, I hammered.” Tigger

I make contributions to both the English and German versions.

I mainly do contributions related to Bibra family (and some members), Wolfgang von Waltershausen, Gauss, Fulda, Wurzburg, Brennhausen, Irmelshausen, Ermershausen, Babenberg, House of Henneberg, Bibra Lake, Franconia, Tilman Riemenschneider, Dientzenhofer family of Architects, other Barock architects, castles, King Arthur‎, WWII POW camps, History of the Boy Scouts of America, Scuderi Engine, Peter Vischer and family, German nobility and many other German localities.
