User:Andy Dingley/Paris

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Latin Quarter

  • Shakespeare & Co.
  • Musee Cluny
  • Pantheon
  • Saint Sulpice
  • Jardin des Plantes



Seine and Île de la Cité


Start on Île de la Cité metro, then go South of the river, then reverse and walk Northwards












Sacre Coeur

Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre

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One of the most famous churches in Paris, but also worth visiting for the view from the top of the hill.

Funicular – tiny, but it saves a climb up the stairs and it is, after all, a funicular.

Avenue Junot – this gets a plug in Secret Paris as 'best unknown street in Paris'. I don't know it.,2.3444574,313m/data=!3m1!1e3

5 star rating of 5

Sainte Chapelle



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Beautiful church, and especially the stained glass. If you do any church, make it this one.

Best visited early in the morning, in the winter with a low Sun.

5 star rating of 5

Île de la Cité




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Great big famous church with lots of history and an unusual shape (big dome). You will inevitably walk nearby anyway.

2 star rating of 5


Latin quarter



Musee Rodin


Musee Rodin

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west side of the 7th

Musée d'Orsay

Musée d'Orsay in the building of the old Gare d'Orsay station, alongside the Seine

Musée d'Orsay

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One of the big name art galleries, mostly Impressionists and Post-Impressionists. Less crowded than the Louvre, and a more recent collection, less dark varnish and obscure royalty.

4 star rating of 5


Two of the eight Claude Monet Nymphéas on display in the museum

Musée de l'Orangerie

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A small gallery, known mostly for two large oval rooms displaying Monet's Water Lilies. There's a lower floor with a contemporary collection of Impressionists and onwards: Rousseau, Matisse, Picasso.

If you're making a trip all the way to Giverny for Monet, this would seem an essential.

5 star rating of 5




Outside of the Beauborg
Stravinsky Fountain

Musée National d'Art Moderne

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The modern art museum is one of the things inside the Centre Pompidou (locally known as the Beauborg). The building is at least as well known as the collection. The collection is a good one of 20th century painting and sculpture.

Just outside is the Stravinsky Fountain, containing a number of sculptures by Niki de Saint Phalle and Jean Tinguely.

On the whole, and given the location, it's worth seeing the outside of the building and the fountain, but the museum would depend on how keen you are.


Les Halles



Musée de Cluny

La Dame à la licorne tapestry

Musée de Cluny

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The Museum of the Middle Ages. Both a beautiful collection, and an attractive building.

5 star rating of 5


Latin Quarter

Musee Arts et Metiers


Musee des Arts et Metiers

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Somewhere between an older science museum and the Victoria and Albert. A very good museum, if you like mechanisms, automata and things of that ilk.



Rue Saint Sulpice


Rue Saint-Sulpice

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Latin Quarter

Avenue Junot

Avenue Junot

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UNESCO Japanese garden


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Albert Kahn Musee et Jardins

Japanese garden of Albert Kahn

Musée Albert-Kahn

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Boulogne Pont de Saint-Cloud


The temple on the summit of the Île de la Belvédère

Parc des Buttes-Chaumont

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Probably the best park in Paris. Built into an old quarry, so it's not just a manicured flat space.

4 star rating of 5


The Luxembourg Gardens by Albert Edelfelt, 1887

Jardin du Luxembourg

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Probably the best known park in central Paris. Very Parisian, it's rigidly shaped into formal beds between dusty paths. A classic sight and a useful spot for an al fresco lunch, but not the prettiest.

3 star rating of 5



Jardin des Plantes


Jardin des Plantes

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A botanical garden, big enough to look like parkland inside rather than just a garden in Paris. Appeared in The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec which should be enough reason for a visit and a lunch picnic.

Also contains the Natural History Museum (good display of giant skeletons, old and new), the Geological Museum etc.




Place de la Concorde

Place de la Concorde

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A ghastly traffic island, with no human scale. Fit only for imperial parades, and traffic jams. Unmissable, as one of the great "tourist sights" of Paris.

The sights include the Luxor obelisk and two overblown fountains. It sits just North of the Seine and the Pont de la Concorde. East-west it's between the end of the Tuileries Garden and the start of the Champs-Élysées.


eastern end of the Champs-Élysées.



Place des Vosges

Place des Vosges

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The oldest planned square in Paris, at the start of the 17th century, and the heart of Le Marais. Nowadays it's an exemplar of Parisian squares, with expensive shops around a manicured garden. Something to see, briefly.


Marais, 3rd/4th, just North


Place Vendôme and the Colonne Vendôme

Place Vendôme

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Another of the classic formal Parisian squares. Vastly expensive hotels, shops you can't get through the door of. But it's famous and there's a big column in the middle, celebrating Napoleon being Napoleon (at Austerlitz).





Arts et Metier metro station

Arts et Métiers metro station

Arts et Métiers

The steampunk metro station!

Shakespeare & Co bookshop


The famous English language bookshop, and a historical site from the days of Hemingway, Joyce etc. Small park outside. The noticeboard carries adverts for live-aboard boats.

Essential to walk past and tick off as "having been there". Not essential to really visit inside the shop.


Right on the left bank of the Seine, opposite Notre Dame

Canal Saint Martin


A gorgeous place to walk alongside, and still not well known. Although it's apparently the new fashionable place to live.,2.3638277,268a,35y,356.63h/data=!3m1!1e3

Bateau mouche


The tourist river boats. Classic tourist fodder, but they are still a good way to get a first look at Paris, either by day or by night. If the nights are early, it's also something to do in the early evening.

Avoid the dining trips. Overpriced and uninspiring food.

Flea markets


Several of them, mostly around the edges near the Périphérique. The most famous is the marché aux puces, near Porte de Saint-Ouen to the North.