User:Alexis Jazz/DWDD archief
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The CC license from DWDD videos disappeared around 9-11 January 2019.
Unreviewed videos
[edit]Divided in chunks to avoid double work.
Onwiki review available: no hurry. A screenshot from the same video is available and has a license review. Those other files aren't going anywhere. Click the link to find the file.
Archived: appears to be available on Probably no hurry.
Try Bing cache: HURRY. When Bing refreshes, it's GONE. Go to Bing, little downward arrow, "Cached". If you can't see the license, try ctrl+u (view source) and search for "Commons". If you find nothing, Bing's copy doesn't show the license.
Chunk 1 HURRY
[edit]- File:Wereldwijde ophef om genetische modificatie in China.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:De Taal Van- DE LIKT - DWDD Extra.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Rake woorden van Herman van Veen over de liefde en ouder worden.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found) CC found, LR confirmed on Google Cache View
- File:Trump erkent Jeruzalem als hoofdstad.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found; not in Google cache)
- File:Napraten met Matthijs van Nieuwkerk (seizoen 13).webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found; no CC license in Google cache)
- File:Dominee Gremdaat over de Nashville-verklaring.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:DWDD Kerstmenu.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Rambam over ontgroeningen bij studentenverenigingen.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found; no CC license in Google cache)
- File:Nasleep onthulling Griet Op de Beeck.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Programma Typhoon in Amerika.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found; not in Google cache)
Chunk 2 HURRY
[edit]- File:Eva Jinek is Omroepvrouw van het Jaar!.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:André van Duin over de serie Hendrik Groen.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-1-2019, no CC license found) /COMMENT: CC BY 3.0 found on Google Cache Browser
- File:Marc-Marie over museum De Pont in Tilburg.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Jan Mulder bespreekt de dichtbundel Open Ogen van Remco Campert.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Negende seizoen van De TV Kantine.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Peter R. de Vries over moordzaak Anne Faber.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 4-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Kansen van Nederlandse schaatsers op Olympische Spelen 2018.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:De Taxi Terug- Tim Hofman - DWDD EXTRA.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Steeds meer docenten slachtoffer van geweld door leerlingen.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.0 on Google Cache Page today
- File:Hugo Borst opende de avond.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 3-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
Chunk 3 HURRY
[edit]- File:AIVD Kerstpuzzel- follow-up.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Terugblik gemeenteraadsverkiezingen.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Dolf Jansen over een videoscheidsrechter in de Kamer.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Holleeders advocaat Sander Janssen.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Theatertrailer- Julius Ceasar (Orkater).webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.0 on Google Cache Page
- File:Paulien Cornelisse over Sinterklaasgedichten.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Emile Ratelband eist lagere leeftijd.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Kinderboek 'De Gorgels' - Jochem Myjer.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.0 on Google Cache Page today
- File:Tina- The Musical- Joop van den Ende.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.0 on Google Cache Page today
- File:Jan Mulder over Nouri.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 3-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
Chunk 4 HURRY
[edit]- File:Twan Huys- update -MeToo.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.0 on Google Cache View
- File:Extra-large-jam-jazz-soul-kinderkoor-versie van Deze vuist op deze vuist.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Paulien Cornelisse over The Handmaid's Tale.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.0 on Google Cache Page
- File:Boek ‘Johan Neeskens, Wereldvoetballer’.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Antoinnette Scheulderman over tennis.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.0 on Google Cache Page today
- File:Adriaan van Dis over 'The Times They Are a-Changin'.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:LINDA DE MOL- TAXI TERUG - YUNG DWDD - SAMYA.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Guus Meeuwis en zijn adviesraad over Groots Junior.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.0 on Google Cache Page today
- File:Jan Terlouw- een jaar later.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:DWDD Heimwee- Hier is... Adriaan van Dis - Stephen Fry.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 5 HURRY
[edit]- File:Je Zal Het Maar Hebben met Tim Hofman, Aafke en Shivan.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Dominee Gremdaat - RESPECT.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 3-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Dieuwertje Blok over relschoppers bij intocht Sinterklaas.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:New Cool Collective viert 25-jarig bestaan.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:De Taxi Terug- PAUL WITTEMAN - DWDD Extra.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Nico Dijkshoorn DWDD 2018-03-29.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:OBS Willem Wilmink (gesprek).webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Boek van de Maand maart 2018.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.0 on Google Cache Page
- File:Nico Bons wint prijs met showkoe.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:SYLVANA SIMONS- TAXI TERUG - YUNG DWDD - SAMYA.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
- File:Lilian Marijnissen nieuwe fractievoorzitter SP.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- File:Floortje Dessing terug uit Jemen.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found) CC BY 3.O found on Google Cache View
- File:De Taxi Terug- HARRIE JEKKERS OVER OH OH DEN HAAG - DWDD EXTRA.webm try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 6, less hurry
[edit]- File:AIVD Kerstpuzzel.webm onwiki review available
- File:Professor Thomas Hertog over Stephen Hawking.webm onwiki review available archived
- File:Topper gezocht.webm onwiki review available archived
- File:De Totempaal- deel 1 (Mies Bouwman).webm onwiki review available archived
- File:Speelfilm 'Patser'.webm onwiki review available
- File:TV-Serie 'Door het hart van China' - Ruben Terlou.webm onwiki review available
- File:Speelfilm 'Het leven is vurrukkulluk'.webm onwiki review available
- File:Frans Bauer is 'De Gewone Nederlander'-.webm archived
- File:Simone Kleinsma emotioneel - theatervoorstelling 'Was getekend, Annie M.G. Schmidt'.webm onwiki review available archived
- File:Gouden paralympiërs Bibian Mentel en Jeroen Kampschreur.webm onwiki review available
- File:Nieuw album Daniël Lohues.webm onwiki review available archived
- File:Ronnie Flex en Maan over hun nieuwe nummer (gesprek).webm onwiki review available archived
- File:Wordt 2018 het jaar van de vrouw-.webm onwiki review available archived
- File:Moppen tappen met Ton Kas - 26-3-2018.webm onwiki review available archived
- File:Krabbé zoekt Gauguin.webm onwiki review available archived
- File:Regeerakkoord Rutte III.webm onwiki review available archived
All videos 2017 to early 2019
[edit]Chunk 1
[edit]- Nemr en Tim Hofman over het kinderpardonakkoord try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Tafeldame Sophie Frankenmolen over poep try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Help oud-bokser Rudi Lubbers try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Özcan Akyol wint de Nachtwacht Award! try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- 'EMMA'S AUDITIETAPE' GEREGISSEERD DOOR TIM DOUWSMA | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
Britt Dekker & Anky van Grunsven over de paardensport try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 29-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 29-1-2019, no CC license found)- Nabeschouwing: klassieker Feyenoord - Ajax try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Nieuwe kunstserie Jeroen Krabbé: Krabbé zoekt Chagall try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Humberto Tan bespreekt film Werk ohne Autor try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- TAXI TERUG | STEFANO KEIZERS | SAMYA try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- UTRECHT STEELT ZUID-HOLLAND | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Kjeld Nuis over zijn diskwalificatie op het EK try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Nikkie 'Tutorials' de Jager: "Deel vaker de goede momenten" try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- SAHIL ZOEKT VEILIGSTE PIZZABEZORGER | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Arjen Lubach wilde een 'nieuwe' gitaar kopen try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- DWDD Jongerenpanel - mishandeling Tommy Spijkenisse archived try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
Soul-bonanza - The Legends try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)- Anka Koziel - Dwa serduszka (Twee harten) try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Hoogleraar Vincent Icke vertelde aan tafel over het 'niets' try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- WIE IS DUNCAN DE MOOR?! | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Tim Hofman over CDA toch achter ruimer kinderpardon try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Kees Jansma stopt na dit seizoen als sportpresentator: het eind van een tijdperk try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Humberto Tan over zijn nieuwe voetbaltalkshow VTBL try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- De Bourgondiërs: het ontstaan van de Nederlander - Bart van Loo try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Son Mieux - Send me a postcard | De Robbie van Leeuwen Sessies 2 try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Andere Tijden Sport over scheidsrechter Frans Derks try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
De Verleiders over burgerinitiatief 'Ons Geld' try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)- EMMA GAAT LANGS BIJ SCHAAK-CRUSH | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Nadia Moussaid over de Russische danser Sergei Polunin try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Gaat John de Mol van SBS6 eindelijk een succes maken? try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Waylon - If I Could Only Fly try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Claudia de Breij - The Last Farewell archived try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Europees Kampioen shorttrack Suzanne Schulting over haar succes! try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
- Erik Dijkstra over wereldkampioen dammen Roel Boomstra en zijn moeder try Bing cache try Google cache too new, no CC
NOOIT meer een OCHTENDHUMEUR! | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)André van Duin feliciteert Stichting De Zonnebloem try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)Rudy Bennett's New Motion - Wasted Words try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)Jurre en Angela verrassen kerstkaartschrijver | YUNG DWDD archived try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)Gordon over zijn overstap naar SBS6 try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)RUBEN HEIN: TAXI TERUG | YUNG DWDD - SAMYA try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)Koning van de raï-muziek Cheb Khaled - Aicha try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, no CC license found)#TBT Wende - Heroes (David Bowie) try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, no CC license found)Songs in the Key of Life: Leona Philippo over kinderen krijgen try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, no CC license found)VS kon met hulp uit Nederland 'El Chapo' oppakken try Bing cache try Google cachetoo new, no CC (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019) (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 2
[edit]- LuckyTV - Introductie kandidaten Wie is de Mol 2019 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- EMMA & SAHIL VS DURE TREINKAARTJES try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- Jeroen Dijsselbloem over Brexit: The Uncivil War try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- Jurre Geluk over het nieuwe seizoen van Je Zal Het Maar Hebben try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR not confirmed) search Commons
LuckyTV - Kees van der Staaij zingt 'Blijf Bij Mij, Heer'alas all DW archivedDominee Gremdaat over de Nashville-verklaringalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- DWDD University Presenteert: De Toekomst - Het leven try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 3-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
Dominee Gremdaat - RESPECTalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- TAXI TERUG | KERSTKARAOKE SPECIAL try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- DERKSEN VS. RATELBAND | YUNG DWDD - SAHIL & EMMA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- De zin van het leven - Fokke Obbema try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 3
[edit]- Fidan Ekiz over moslims die worden verketterd door geloofsgenoten try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- "HET GEEFT EEN MOMENT VAN WARM GELUK" | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Nieuw EO-programma: Je geld of mijn leven try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Songs in the Key of Life: Frank Boeijen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- EMMA OVERTUIGT SONGFESTIVALFANS | #EMMAdouzepoints #YUNGDWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Paul Simon X Elton John Medley - Ruben Hein & Jeangu Macrooy try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Edwin Evers wint de André van Duin Comedy Award! try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Nederlands Kamerorkest & Paul de Leeuw - Peter en de Wolf try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Peter en de Wolf Special - Rusland anno 2018 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Herseninfarct-patiënten over boek 'Rinkeldekink' van Martine Bijl try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 4
[edit]- Special Olympics-turner daagt Flying Dutchman Epke Zonderland uit! try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
- SAHIL & DE GELE HESJES | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Biografie 'Keessie' - Kees Verkerk try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Vrolijk Kerstfeest Allemaal - Guus Meeuwis try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Help eenzame ouderen de kerst door | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- The Groovy Sound of Music - de Nederlandse editie try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found)
- Nico Dijkshoorn over Dieuwertje Blok try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Tafelmens Marieke Lucas Rijneveld over David Attenborough try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found)
- Thomas Acda over zijn nieuwe voorstelling 'Motel' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
- SAHIL, BROCCOLI & MANNELIJKHEID | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 5
[edit]- Monument voor Maartje Van Winkel try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
Dominee Gremdaat - #SorryJohanalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Paul Witteman neemt afscheid van het politieke interview en een ode van Racoon try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Astrid Joosten over het kijkcijferrecord van Twee voor Twaalf try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
- JURRE VUURT VRAGENVUUR OP SKATECHICK | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
Paulien Cornelisse over Sinterklaasgedichtenalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Foute Vrienden - Tweede deel voor docu over Amsterdamse penoze? try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
Steeds meer docenten slachtoffer van geweld door leerlingenalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Medley Eric Clapton - DeWolff try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- EMMA HANGT DE BALLEN OP! | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 6
[edit]Wereldwijde ophef om genetische modificatie in Chinaalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveGuus Meeuwis en zijn adviesraad over Groots Junioralready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Erik Dijkstra "De beste docu ooit gemaakt!" - Foute Vrienden try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- YUNG DWDD CRIBS: boekenpanellid Margreet de Haan try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- EMMA SCOORT OUTFIT VOOR SONGFESTIVAL | YUNG try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Tygo Gernandt over 'Tygo in de GHB' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Lil' Kleine "Sommigen geloven in god, ik geloof in mijn vader" try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Paul Simon X Elton John: Ruben Hein - Tiny Dancer try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 3-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Frank Evenblij over 'Evenblij maakt vrienden' met Sting try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
Martin Šimek over IDFA-docu tennisser John McEnroealready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 7
[edit]DWDD Kerstmenualready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Uitreiking van de NS Publieksprijs try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Een ode van Nico Dijkshoorn aan onder anderen Maarten en Eva Biesheuvel try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found)
SYLVANA SIMONS: TAXI TERUG | YUNG DWDD - SAMYAalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Verkiezing 'International van het Jaar' try Bing cache try Google cache WEBM
- De indrukwekkende documentaire 'Buddy' vertelt het verhaal van zes hulphonden try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Geroofde Picasso teruggevonden try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 4-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Dieuwertje Blok over relschoppers bij intocht Sinterklaasalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- WORD JIJ ONZE BURGEMEESTER?! | YUNG DWDD - JURRE try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- DAG SINTERKLAASJE... | YUNG DWDD - SAHIL try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 8
[edit]- Nieuw immuuntherapie-medicijn tegen kanker try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Gesprek Songs in the Key of Life: Stef Bos try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- PETER PANNEKOEK: TAXI TERUG | YUNG DWDD - SAMYA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Taco Dibbits over de extreem hoge veilingopbrengst van een bijzonder schilderij try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 3-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- André van Duin leest voor uit het boek van Martine Bijl archived TOO LATE try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- SAHIL onderzoekt NIEUWE EMOJIS | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Marco Borsato na vijftien jaar terug in De Kuip try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Stripheldenbedenker en Marvel-oprichter Stan Lee overleden try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- MARVEL FAN SAHIL ZOEKT LOTGENOTEN OP | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Kinderboek 'De Gorgels' - Jochem Myjeralready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above
Chunk 9
[edit]- ‘Floortje en de Ambassadeurs’ - Floortje Dessing try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Daniel van Dalen - Johan Cruijf try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- De psychische gevolgen van een schietpartij try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Mini-college over ‘god’ Zlatan Ibrahimović - Joost van Gangelen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- EMMA & WAYLON KRIJGEN SONGFESTIVAL TATTOO | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Nasleep onthulling Griet Op de Beeckalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveEmile Ratelband eist lagere leeftijdalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- FAMKE LOUISE: TAXI TERUG | YUNG DWDD - SAMYA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Peter Pannekoek over zijn nieuwe show 'Later was alles beter' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Vilshult – het verhaal achter de Ikea-foto in Amsterdam try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 10
[edit]LINDA DE MOL: TAXI TERUG | YUNG DWDD - SAMYAalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveRake woorden van Herman van Veen over de liefde en ouder wordenalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Nieuw schaatstalent: de 19-jarige Jutta Leerdam try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Famke Louise, de documentairealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Arts, vader en wereldkampioen: Epke Zonderland try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
- POWERVROUWEN OP BILJETTEN | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- YUNG SLIL - OUD HOLLANDSE PATJAKKER | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
- ANGELA DE JONG: TAXI TERUG | YUNG DWDD - SAMYA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- MARK RUTTE ZOEKT VRIENDEN! | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Thomas Azier - Vertigo | DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 11
[edit]- JURRE VLIEGT DOOR VRAGENVUUR | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- PATTY BRARD: TAXI TERUG | YUNG DWDD - SAMYA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- EMMA VIERT FEEST MET MINISTERS | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
Iris Hond feat. Gavin - Home | DWDDalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- DE NS PUBLIEKSPRIJS NOMINATIES ZIJN... | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
- "THE HOTTEST SPORT OF 2018" | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
- EMMA NAAR HET EUROVISION SONGFESTIVAL! | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- YUNG DWDD CRIBS: boekenpanellid Iris Meijer try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Frenkie de Jong Juicht! | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Sahil Maakt Nedersaksisch Nedersexy | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 12
[edit]Waylon - Paradise by the Dashboard Light | DWDDalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Geen Televizier, maar ‘In Het Vizier’! | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- De Dijk - Amsterdam (cover Jacques Brel) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- "HIER LIGT HET LOSGELD VAN HEINEKEN!" | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Yolanda Hadid: Taxi Terug | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
TURKS FRUIT ANNO 2018! | YUNG DWDDalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Anouk aan tafel bij DWDD over 'Wen d'r maar aan' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- EMMA START CAMPAGNE TEGEN HET DELEN VAN NAAKTFOTOS | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
LuckyTV - DWDD in het Duits | Sander van de Pavertalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- "LET ROBOTS RULE" | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 13
[edit]- Paul de Munnik & Maarten Hogenhuis - Hier Encore (Aznavour) | DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- SAMYA ZINGT AZNAVOUR | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Racoon - Oceaan | DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Alain Clark - Isn't she Lovely (Stevie Wonder) | DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- ZEEHELD SAHIL | YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
SPOILER: CORRY WINNARES EXPEDITIE 2018!? | YUNG DWDDalready onwiki in some form, reviewedBevolkingsgroei leidt tot segregatie? "Nederland is vol"already onwiki in some form, reviewedAndré Hazes - Leefalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Racoon - De Nieuwe Maan | DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-12-2018, no CC license found)
- YUNG DWDD - Einde Glazen Huis try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 14
[edit]YUNG DWDD - Prinsjesdagalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Trailer YUNG DWDD try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Napraten met Matthijs van Nieuwkerk (seizoen 13)already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDe Taxi Terug: HARRIE JEKKERS OVER OH OH DEN HAAG | DWDD EXTRAalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveElsbeth Etty, biograaf van Willem Wilminkalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Joost Prinsen over Willem Wilmink try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
Wobke Wilmink, de weduwe van Willem Wilminkalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Tommie uit Sesamstraat - Dood zijn duurt zo lang (Willem Wilmink) try Bing cache try Google cache alas all DW (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, File not uploaded) search Commons
Claudia de Breij - Angst voor Geluk (Willem Wilmink)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Wende - De rebbe leert de kinderen schrijven (Willem Wilmink) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 15
[edit]Deze Vuist Op Deze Vuist (Willem Wilmink)already onwiki in some form, reviewedCompilatie Willem Wilmink-filmpjes in DWDDalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Marieke Deckers-Moll - Spelende Meisjes (Willem Wilmink) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Herman van Veen - Hilversum III (Willem Wilmink) alas, DW. We already have images of Herman, otherwise DW, so skipping try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, File not uploaded) search Commons
Wereldrecord Kjeld Nuis!already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveKrabbé zoekt Gauguinalready onwiki in some form, reviewedProgramma Typhoon in Amerikaalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Amsterdam Funk Orchestra - We Gotta Get Funky try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
Hugo Borst opende de avondalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDe Taxi Terug: Tim Hofman | DWDD EXTRAalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above
Chunk 16
[edit]Boek van de Maand maart 2018already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveNieuw seizoen 'Onze man in Teheran'already onwiki in some form, reviewedVooruitblik festivalseizoen 2018already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Roxeanne Hazes - Raidadadai try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Johnny de Mol vindt dat foute humor moet kunnen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Nico Dijkshoornalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Animatie Boek van de Maand maart try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 4-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Tafel 2: The Times They Are a-Changin'already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveTafel 1: The Times They Are a-Changin'already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Jeangu Macrooy - The Times They Are a-Changin' (Bob Dylan) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 17
[edit]Adriaan van Dis over 'The Times They Are a-Changin'already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveTina: The Musical: Joop van den Endealready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveBoek 'Berichten uit het tussenhuisje' - Henk van Stratenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedUpdate biografie Cruijff: Auke Kokalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveRyanne van Dorst: Nederland is toe aan telehealingalready onwiki in some form, reviewedMoppen tappen met Ton Kas - 26-3-2018already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Editors - Magazine try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
Topper gezochtalready onwiki in some form, reviewedVR-documentaire 'The Last Chair'already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveHolleeders advocaat Sander Janssenalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above
Chunk 18
[edit]De Partizanen: PvdA verliestalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDe Totempaal: deel 1 (Mies Bouwman)already onwiki in some form, reviewedMarc-Marie over museum De Pont in Tilburgalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveMichelle David & The Gospel Sessions - Taking It Back!already onwiki in some form, reviewed- PREVIEW VR-DOCU THE LAST CHAIR: EGBERT alas all DW try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, File not uploaded) search Commons
OBS Willem Wilmink (gesprek)already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Terugblik gemeenteraadsverkiezingenalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Gregory Porter - L-O-V-E try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
- OBS Willem Wilmink - Twee vriendinnen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 19
[edit]Gouden paralympiërs Bibian Mentel en Jeroen Kampschreuralready onwiki in some form, reviewedNieuw album Daniël Lohuesalready onwiki in some form, reviewedProfessor Thomas Hertog over Stephen Hawkingalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Nico Dijkshoorn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-11-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
André van Duin is tafelheer!already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveErik op de brommer: Rozendaalalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Daniël Lohues - Mar ik heur hier try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 4-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Ilse DeLange gaat weer solo!already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveErik op de brommer: Denk in Deventeralready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveTerugblik met Jef Rademakersalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 20
[edit]Facebook opnieuw onder vuur: Alexander Klöppingalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Ilse DeLange - OK try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
Maurice de Hond met zijn laatste peilresultatenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedHet Lagerhuis 2018 - stelling 4: koopwoningen of sociale huur?already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveHet Lagerhuis 2018 - stelling 3: Sleepwetalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveHet Lagerhuis 2018 - stelling 2: windmolensalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveHet Lagerhuis 2018 - stelling 1: voorkeursstemmenalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveJe Zal Het Maar Hebben met Tim Hofman, Aafke en Shivanalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveVictoria Koblenko en Eva Hartog verkiezingen Ruslandalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Proces Holleeder - dag 11 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 21
[edit]- De Partizanen: Ik kende Stephen Hawking try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Nielson - Diamant try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Marc-Marie over zijn nieuwe programma try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Maarten 't Hart over Bach try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen met Eus, Prem en Tom-Jan Meeus try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-11-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Nick & Simon - Naast Jou (Boudewijn de Groot) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Barry Hay - Mag Het Licht Uit (De Dijk) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Romana Vrede over haar stad Rotterdam try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Erik op de brommer: Den Haag try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
Herman Finkers over Willem Wilminkalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 22
[edit]- Victor Mids doet truc in de uitzending try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Vincent Icke over Stephen Hawking try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Glennis Grace - One Moment In Time (Whitney Houston) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- De Taxi Terug: ILSE WARRINGA | DWDD EXTRA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Het succes van De Luizenmoederalready onwiki in some form, reviewedEva Jinek interviewde Hillary Clintonalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Johan - About Time try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Erik op de Brommer: Communist in Winschoten try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Hélène Hendriks is fan van de band Johan try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
50 jaar Neerlands Hoop: Freek de Jongealready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 23
[edit]Wim Pijbes over het nieuwe Landverhuizersmuseumalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Holleeder-proces: Astrid vs. Willem try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Freek de Jonge zingt De Ballenkneller try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Erik op de Brommer: Lutz Jacobi try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
Diederik van Vleuten over zijn boek en Nederlands-Indiëalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Boekenbal met Heleen van Royen en debutanten try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Jett Rebel - Amy (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- De Taxi Terug: ELLIE LUST | DWDD EXTRA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
DWDD Heimwee: Hier is... Adriaan van Dis - Stephen Fryalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- DWDD Heimwee: Hier is... Adriaan van Dis - Ghayath Almadhoun & Anne Vegter try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, CC found, LR not confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 24
[edit]Kjeld Nuis: Koning van de Spelenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- De tentoonstelling 'High Society' in het Rijksmuseum try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-12-2018, CC found, LR not confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Trump dreigt met wereldwijde handelsoorlog try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- The Wild Romance - No Time To Lose archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found) WEBM
- Nico Dijkshoorn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- André op de krukken over Remco Campert en zijn vader try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Erik op de brommer: Senioren Partij Maastricht nummer 1 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Erik op de brommer: Urk try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
Beau Five Days Insidealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Adriaan van Dis keert nog een keer terug met befaamde Hier is try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 25
[edit]Rapport 2017 AIVD: Beatrice de Graafalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Nieuwe cd en tour Guus Meeuwis: Geluk try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Boekenweekgeschenk door Griet Op de Beeck try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Politieke update gemeenteraadsverkiezingenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Erik op de brommer: Nederweert try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Guus Meeuwis - Je staat niet alleen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Halina Reijn bespreekt de Oscars try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Vincent Bijlo over 'Taboe' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Ellie Lust over 'Ellie op patrouille' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR not confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Terugblik gasten op mediamaand februari try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 26
[edit]- Waylon - Outlaw in Em try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
Waylon op Songfestival, liedje 5 - Thanks But No Thanks (gesprek)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Waylon op Songfestival, liedje 5 - Thanks But No Thanks archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found)
- Van 't Hek, Myjer, Meeuwis en Bloemers over nieuw ticketing-systeem try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Boek van de Maand februari 2018 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Humberto gaat - Twan komtalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Animatie: Boek van de Maand februari 2018 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Gerard Joling over de liedjes van Waylon (Eurovisie Songfestival) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Groot Nederlands Songbook: Maan try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Groot Nederlands Songbook: Paskal Jakobsen - Open einde (Rob de Nijs) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 27
[edit]- Michel van Egmond over De Kuip try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Directeur AIVD Rob Bertholee over de Sleepwetalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Waylon - That's How She Goes archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Ntjam Rosie – Kon ik maar even bij je zijn (Gordon) [13-11-2017]already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Mies Bouwman was geen fan van de autocue try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Waarom Paul de Leeuw Mies Bouwman dankbaar isalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDWDD maakt een Totempaal voor Mies Bouwmanalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Berend Boudewijn over de erfenis van Mies Bouwman try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-12-2018, CC found, LR not confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Mies Bouwman was tv-icoon in België try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Paul de Leeuw - ‘Ik Heb Je Lief’ try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 28
[edit]- Paul de Leeuw over Mies Bouwman plagen in ‘In de hoofdrol’ try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Jeroen Krabbé over Mies Bouwmanalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Waylon op Songfestival, liedje 3: The World Can Wait archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Marc-Marie over het programma ‘Eén van de acht’ try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
Terugblik Olympische Spelen: Suzanne Schultingalready onwiki in some form, reviewedTerugblik Olympische Spelen: Carlijn Achtereektealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Terugblik Olympische Spelen: Mart Smeets & Erik Dijkstra try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Waylon op Songfestival, liedje 2: Outlaw in Em archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Matthijs vertelt dat Mies Bouwman is overleden try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
Barbara van Beukering over haar boek Kruip nooit achter een geraniumalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 29
[edit]- Olympische Winterspelen dag 15 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- De Taxi Terug: SEF | DWDD Extra try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Waylon - Back Together archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Geert Timmermans en Anneke Blokker over 'De wilde stad' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Bénédicte Ficq over de tabaksindustrie try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Olympische Winterspelen dag 14 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Marts foto #8: Dan Jansen (Olympische Winterspelen)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Hélène en Matthijs over Suzanne Schulting try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Sef - Jungle van beton (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Tim Fransen over nieuwe voorstelling try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 30
[edit]- Dolf Jansen over negatief nieuws Oxfam archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Olympische Winterspelen dag 13already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Nico Dijkshoorn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- André van Duin is het sterkste merk try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Zwart Licht - Schoon Schip try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Cabaretier Johan Goossens: Vlam try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Proces Holleeder - 20-2-2018 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Olympische Winterspelen dag 12 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Romana Vrede bespreekt speech student Emma Gonzalez in Florida try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Samantha Steenwijk - Ik Leef Mijn Eigen Leven try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 31
[edit]Farbod Moghaddam en Kasper van der Laan over Leids Cabaret Festivalalready onwiki in some form, reviewedOlympische Winterspelen dag 11already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Ryanne van Dorst wil een huis in Friesland try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Ellen ten Damme - Milord (Edith Piaf) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Serie over boksschool Boxing '82 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Olympische Winterspelen dag 8 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Chef'Special - Nicotine try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Anouk en Ali B over finale The Voice Of Holland try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Olympische Winterspelen dag 7: 10 km schaatsen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Racoon - Soon try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 32
[edit]- Racoon - You Will Always Stay Around (voor Sven Kramer) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Matthijs over de documentaireserie Boxing 82 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
De Taxi Terug: HARRIE JEKKERS | DWDD EXTRAalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveHarrie Jekkers over nieuwe theatershow na 23 jaaralready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Olympische Winterspelen dag 6 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Thomas Blom en Misha Wessel over overlijden Ruud Lubbers try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Harrie Jekkers - Intensive Carealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Marts foto #3 (Olympische Winterspelen) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Nico Dijkshoorn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Tafeldame Tess Wester over schaatsenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 33
[edit]- Harrie Jekkers - Mijn Moeder I try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Week van het Korte Verhaal: Hemingway try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Olympische Winterspelen dag 5 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Halbe Zijlstra stapt op try Bing cache try Google cache
- Mart's foto #2 (Olympische Winterspelen) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Ernest Hemingway: Kat in de regen (Cat in the Rain) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Paul de Leeuw over het boek Tsjaikovskistraat 40 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 4-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Edison Pop Awards 2018 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Olympische Winterspelen dag 4 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Leugens Halbe Zijlstra over ontmoeting Poetin try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 3-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 34
[edit]- Ronnie Flex is gestopt met blowen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- OS '18 met Willem Alkema #6: Lettele (Carlijn Achtereekte) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Naaz - Loving Love try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Fidan Ekiz bespreekt #mosquemetoo try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Jacqueline Govaert - Lighthearted Years try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Peter R. de Vries en Gerard Spong over hun boek 'Ps dit is vertrouwelijk' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- De Taxi Terug: BRITT DEKKER | DWDD EXTRA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Britt Dekker over try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Huub van der Lubbe over theatershow 'Wat speelt' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Eerste Kamerlid Marleen Barth stapt op try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 35
[edit]Britt Dekkers vader was donoralready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Huub van der Lubbe - Oude Rockers Blijven Rocken try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found)
- OS '18 met Willem Alkema #4: Haule try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-11-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Halina Reijn bespreekt speelfilm The Florida Projectalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Lex Uiting - 'Nao 't Zuuje' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Ilse DeLange over Nashville en Tuckerville try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
Lex Uiting over 'Nao 't Zuuje'already onwiki in some form, reviewedHuib Modderkolk en Ali Niknam over DDoS-aanvallenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- isaac gracie - terrified try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Nico Dijkshoorn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 36
[edit]- Olympische Winterspelen: Sjinkie Knegt komt uit Bantega try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- André van Duin was op Jumping Amsterdam try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Johnny de Mol over Ronald Koeman als nieuwe bondscoach try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Gesprek Willem Wilmink: Stef Bos en Diggy Dex try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Winy Maas: 'The Green Dip' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Ook verslavingszorg doet aangifte tegen tabaksindustriealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Stef Bos en Diggy Dex - Signalen (Tekst Wilmink) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Capisce: Nations League try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Olympische Winterspelen: Aldeboarn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Waylon over Folsom Prison Blues van Johnny Cash try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 37
[edit]- Proces Holleeder try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Nieuw onderzoeksinstituut kanker: ‘Oncode Institute’already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Willem Alkema over de Olympische Winterspelen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Waylon speelt Folsom Prison Blues try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Dieuwertje Blok bespreekt Voetbal Insidealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Cabaretvoorstelling 'Leuker kunnen we het niet maken' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found)
- Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal over #ReleaseTheMemo try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Elfstedentocht: Sybrand van Haersma Buma try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
De Taxi Terug: GEORGE VAN HOUTS | DWDD Extraalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Ruben Hein - February days try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 38
[edit]- Wiebes gas terug try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
VTM-journalist Boudewijn van Spilbeeck wordt Boalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Bénédicte Ficq en René Medema: Aangifte tegen tabaksindustrie try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Tim Knol - A Kid’s Heart try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Nico Dijkshoorn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
Evi over de transformatie van Bo van Spilbeeckalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Flinke Beatrix Quiz - ronde 4 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Flinke Beatrix Quiz ronde 3 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Flinke Beatrix Quiz - ronde 2 archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found) WEBM
- Flinke Beatrix Quiz - ronde 1 archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 39
[edit]Songfestival 2018: Cornald Maas en Gerard Jolingalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Boek van de Maand januari 2018 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Update 'The Ocean Cleanup' - Boyan Slatalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDolf Janssen: alles is de schuld van DDoSalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Donorwet: Patrick Lodiers en Schelte van der West try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Alex Boogers over biografie Muhammad Ali try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Basisschool-leraren over 'De Luizenmoeder' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- De Raad van Toezicht, Sarah-Jane en Steffen Morrison - Ali Shuffle try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Erben Wennemars is fan van orkest Kleintje Pils try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-2-2019, no CC license found)
Oproep Patrick Lodiers: stem voor de donorwetalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 40
[edit]- Ruben Terlou over serie 'Door het hart van China' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Britt Dekker over 'Barbie' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Eelco Bosch en Huib over AIVD en FBI try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Fragment van de maand januari try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Andre van Duin - Hallo allemaal wat fijn dat je er bent! archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found) WEBM
- Jan Terlouw in de theaters try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Kimberley Bos, eerste Nederlandse skeletonster naar de Spelenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Don Ceder op lijst Forbes try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Jeantine Lunshof over klonen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Linde Schöne - I’d Rather Go Blind (Etta James, Nederlandse versie) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 41
[edit]Tim is terug!already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Frankrijk in de ban van liefdesbrieven (Wilfred de Bruijn) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Wat doen we met 'kalifaatkinderen'? try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Trijntje Oosterhuis - They Can't Take That Away From Me (Ella Fitzgerald) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Nico Dijkshoorn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Jan Mulder over de taal van de NAM try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
Matthijs van Heijningen bespreekt de Oscarnominatiesalready onwiki in some form, reviewedComedian William Boevaalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Het Beste Duet 9: Tino Martin - My Heart Will Go On (Celine Dion) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
NOS-equipe bij de aanstaande Olympische Spelenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 42
[edit]- Paul de Munnik eert Neil Diamond: I Am... I Said try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Romana Vrede: meer begrip voor verstandelijk gehandicapten! try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
E-sportacademie Ruud Gullitalready onwiki in some form, reviewedHet Pronkstuk van Nederlandalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Paul Bocuse overleden try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Heeft Trump een buitenechtelijke affaire?already onwiki in some form, reviewedHélène Hendriks bespreekt de terugkeer van Van Persiealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Amartey - Swing my way (in de uitzending) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
Speelfilm 'Patser'already onwiki in some form, reviewedNegende seizoen van De TV Kantinealready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above
Chunk 43
[edit]Uitgever Mai Spijkers koopt rechten 'Fire and Fury'already onwiki in some form, reviewedAndré van Duin bespreekt ballet van Alexandra Radius & Han Ebbelaaralready onwiki in some form, reviewedDe Partizanen - Get Ferry Richalready onwiki in some form, reviewedNieuwe CD Frank Boeijenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedAIVD Kerstpuzzel: follow-upalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Westerstorm raasde over Nederland try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Frank Boeijen - Op het terras try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-1-2019, no CC license found)
Fresku over de beeldenstormalready onwiki in some form, reviewedChristiaan Triebert over onderzoeksjournalistiekalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Bert Wagendorp over de film I, Tonya try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 44
[edit]Piet Emmer, Karwan Fatah-Black en Taco Dibbits over de 'nieuwe beeldenstorm'already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Nico Dijkshoorn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-1-2019, no CC license found)
Antoinnette Scheulderman over tennisalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveAIVD Kerstpuzzelalready onwiki in some form, reviewedNieuw werk Vincent van Goghalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Ode aan Edwin Hawkins try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Ode aan Dolores O'Riordan try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
Kunststof op NPO radio 1 moet wijken voor het journaal (Dieuwertje Blok)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Gedicht 'Auto’s' (Tom Lanoye) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
TV-Serie De Luizenmoederalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 45
[edit]Speelfilm 'Het leven is vurrukkulluk'already onwiki in some form, reviewedUpdate biografie Cruijff - Auke Kokalready onwiki in some form, reviewedSinterklaasgedicht Géza Weisz voor zijn vader Fransalready onwiki in some form, reviewedJan Mulder bespreekt de dichtbundel Open Ogen van Remco Campertalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDe Taal Van: DE LIKT | DWDD Extraalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveNoodklok voor tropenartsalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDeze Nederlander stond model voor Trumpalready onwiki in some form, reviewedIk Vertrek: Hans en Karinalready onwiki in some form, reviewedAndré van Duin over de serie Hendrik Groenalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDe Partizanen #OPHEFalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 46
[edit]- De Likt - Zelf doen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Nieuwe film 'Bankier van het verzet'already onwiki in some form, reviewedTV-Serie 'Door het hart van China' - Ruben Terloualready onwiki in some form, reviewed- KRUPA & The Genes - ode aan Miles Davis try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
Fidan Ekiz over de uitspraak van Ahmed Aboutalebalready onwiki in some form, reviewedRambam over ontgroeningen bij studentenverenigingenalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDolf Jansen over een videoscheidsrechter in de Kameralready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections abovePeter R. de Vries over moordzaak Anne Faberalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Stef Bos – In mijn hoofd (Raymond van het Groenewoud) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- LAKSHMI – Zeg me dat het niet zo is (Frank Boeijen) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 47
[edit]- Nico Dijkshoorn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
Özcan Akyol over de gemeenteraadsverkiezingenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- De TV Draait Door Politie special try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
Dcoumentaire Gerald Vanenburgalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- 5 jaar Nationale Politie try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- LAKSHMI & Stef Bos - Laat me (Ramses Shaffy) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Almelo - Ilse DeLange (Willem Wilmink) alas DW try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-12-2018, File not uploaded) search Commons
- Man heeft goede voornemens alas DW try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, File not uploaded) search Commons
San Holo - I Still See Your Face (in de uitzending)already onwiki in some form, reviewedOp Speeddate Met: Ryanne van Dorst | DWDD Extraalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 48
[edit]Ryanne van Dorst over haar nieuwe TV-Serie 'Holland!'already onwiki in some form, reviewedWordt 2018 het jaar van de vrouw?already onwiki in some form, reviewedJan Mulder over Nourialready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- André van Duin zingt 'Oude Mensen' van Willem Wilmink try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Eva Jinek is Omroepvrouw van het Jaar!already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDe Taxi Terug: YOUP VAN 'T HEK | DWDD Extraalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDWDD's Perfect Day (videoclip versie)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- DWDD's Perfect Day (uitzending versie) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Paul de Munnik - Goed Jaaralready onwiki in some form, reviewed100 jaar Luxor met Waardenberg en De Jong & Toren Calready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 49
[edit]Pim Ras over zijn boek 'Pim Ras Moments'already onwiki in some form, reviewedTwan Huys: update #MeTooalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveAngelique Houtveen over Glazen Huis 2017already onwiki in some form, reviewedYoup van 't Hek over zijn oudejaarsconferencealready onwiki in some form, reviewedRonnie Flex en Maan over hun nieuwe nummer (gesprek)already onwiki in some form, reviewedVictor Mids over oudejaarsshow Mindf*ck (+ truc met Maan)already onwiki in some form, reviewedNico Bons wint prijs met showkoealready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveLilian Marijnissen nieuwe fractievoorzitter SPalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Ronnie Flex en Maan - Blijf Bij Mij (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Capisce: Blockchain try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 50
[edit]- Kees Prins & Cor Bakker - 'Frekie' (Willem Wilmink) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
De Taxi Terug: PAUL WITTEMAN | DWDD Extraalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveFrans Bauer is 'De Gewone Nederlander'?already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveEde Staal op Spotifyalready onwiki in some form, reviewedKansen van Nederlandse schaatsers op Olympische Spelen 2018already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- Marcel Hensema zingt Ede Staal: Zalstoe aaltied bie mie blieven try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Paul Groot en Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw - Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Ilse DeLange krijgt rol in Nashvillealready onwiki in some form, reviewed2017 weer topjaar voor Dafne Schippersalready onwiki in some form, reviewedTrump erkent Jeruzalem als hoofdstadalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above
Chunk 51
[edit]- Rico en Sticks maken 3FM Serious Request-anthem: Breng het samen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
Deel 2 - 'Stand van het Land' Specialalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDeel 1 - 'Stand van het Land' Specialalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveJoost Swarte over zijn boek: 'New York Boek'already onwiki in some form, reviewedBram van der Vlugt - De Stoute Jongenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedMag Rusland meedoen aan Olympische Winterspelen?already onwiki in some form, reviewedJan Terlouw: een jaar lateralready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveFloortje Dessing terug uit Jemenalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDieuwertje Blok over het boek 'Sinterklaas' van Charlotte Dematonsalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDeel twee serie The Crown: Herman Pleijalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 52
[edit]Het succes van zanger Tino Martinalready onwiki in some form, reviewedJim Jansen over de wetenschappelijke doorbraak van het jaaralready onwiki in some form, reviewedRomana Vrede over de 15-jarige Abdullah die vermist wasalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDe Taxi Terug: DAAN ROOSEGAARDE | DWDD Extraalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Tino Martin - Jij liet mij vallen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
"Ik Regel De Diertjes Voor Freek Vonk" | DWDD Extraalready onwiki in some form, reviewedTV-moment van de maandalready onwiki in some form, reviewedPaulien Cornelisse over The Handmaid's Talealready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveDe Verenigde Staten van Eva: John Rosenowalready onwiki in some form, reviewedJan Slagter over het succes van Omroep Maxalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 53
[edit]- Roxeanne Hazes - Verdovend middel try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 3-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Diplomatieke rel Trump en May om tweets Jayda Fransenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Voorproefje college Freek Vonk Superzintuigen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Gert Jan Segers over het nieuwe album van U2 try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Vreemde Kostgangersalready onwiki in some form, reviewedLeila Prnjavorac over gevolgen van zelfmoord Slobodan Praljakalready onwiki in some form, reviewedGeorgina Verbaan over 'Zwarte Piet is racisme'already onwiki in some form, reviewedHelene Hendriks over cosmetische behandelingenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedVote 'Mighty' Mike van Gerwen!already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Vreemde Kostgangers - Ik Heb Een Hekel Aan De Blues (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 54
[edit]New Cool Collective viert 25-jarig bestaanalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveBBC Sound Of 2018already onwiki in some form, reviewedBoek van de Maand november 2017already onwiki in some form, reviewedEén op vier heeft hersenaandoeningalready onwiki in some form, reviewedAntoinnette Scheulderman over kort schrijvenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- New Cool Collective - La Rana try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Griet Op de Beeck over de periode na haar onthullingalready onwiki in some form, reviewedCabaretier Janneke de Bijlalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Spinvis speelt Kom Terug in de uitzending try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
Adil el Arbi over documentaire 'Spielberg'already onwiki in some form, reviewed
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[edit]Beeldroman 'Familieziek': Adriaan van Dis en Peter van Dongenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedTIME's Person of the Year 2017already onwiki in some form, reviewedJeroen Wollaars over excuses ARD om seksistische beeldenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Alain Clark - Cold in California (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
25 jaar geleden: René Klijn in 'De schreeuw van de Leeuw'already onwiki in some form, reviewedRobbert Dijkgraaf over college Symmetriealready onwiki in some form, reviewedEelco Bosch van Rosenthal over vergelijking Trump en Obamaalready onwiki in some form, reviewedPaul de Leeuw over Thanksgivingalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Paul de Leeuw - Steen (Bram Vermeulen) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Winnaar NS Publieksprijsalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 56
[edit]Nominaties NS Publieksprijsalready onwiki in some form, reviewedLeila Prnjavorac: Mladic veroordeeld tot levenslangalready onwiki in some form, reviewedTom Egbers: Film over Churchillalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Nits - Radio Orange try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
Documentaire ‘Pilotenmasker’ over jonge kinderen met diagnose kankeralready onwiki in some form, reviewedDe Boterhamshowalready onwiki in some form, reviewedVerdwijning Argentijnse duikboot San Juanalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Sue the Night - Morning Paper (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Jacqueline Govaert - Nobody Does It Better (Carly Simon) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Ruben Block & Triggerfinger - Funtime (Iggy Pop) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 57
[edit]- Rikki Borgelt (Rondé) - Dreams (Fleetwood Mac) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, no CC license found)
Toneelstuk 'Network' van Ivo van Hovealready onwiki in some form, reviewedJan Cremer over zijn boek 'Sirenen'already onwiki in some form, reviewedHoe groot is de Russische invloed? - Derk Sauer en Eva Hartogalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Thundercat - Them Changes (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
Op Speeddate Met: FRESKU | DWDD Extraalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Edwin Rutten (Ome Willem) Leest 'Vluchteling' | DWDD Extra try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Edwin Rutten (Ome Willem) Leest 'Geen Ontkomen Aan' | DWDD Extra try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Kindertelevisie Willem Wilmink: Edwin Ruttenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedEdwin Rutten (Ome Willem) - De eenzame patiëntalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 58
[edit]Weg met dat woord! 2017already onwiki in some form, reviewedZaak Henriquez: Korver zegt namens familie vertrouwen rechtsgang opalready onwiki in some form, reviewedRecordbedrag voor schilderij Da Vincialready onwiki in some form, reviewedExtra-large-jam-jazz-soul-kinderkoor-versie van Deze vuist op deze vuistalready onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveFidan Ekiz op de krukken - Joan Báez stopt ermeealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Gedicht Willem Wilmink: Weet je nog? try Bing cache try Google cache alas DW (Bing archival date: 19-12-2018, File not uploaded) search Commons
Daan Roosegaarde over 'Icoon Afsluitdijk'already onwiki in some form, reviewedPrem en Barbara Baarsma over dividendbelastingalready onwiki in some form, reviewedAkwasi op de krukken over Colin Kaepernickalready onwiki in some form, reviewedAnna Drijver legt dividendbelasting uit (The Big Short)already onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 59
[edit]Boek ‘Johan Neeskens, Wereldvoetballer’already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveEdward Enninful maakt all-black editie Pirelli-kalenderalready onwiki in some form, reviewedEchte Da Vinci onder de hameralready onwiki in some form, reviewedJan Mulder op de krukken - Italië gaat niet naar het WKalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Fay Claassen zingt voor Johan Neeskens het nummer 'The Way We Were' (Barbra Streisand) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Jack Poels (Rowwen Hèze) - Ik ben blij dat ik je niet vergeten ben (Joost Nuissl) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
Siegfried Woldhek over zijn boek 'ZieZo'already onwiki in some form, reviewedBibian Mentel over haar boek 'Kut Kanker!'already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Opnieuw beschuldiging #MeToo: Louis C.K. try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-2-2019, no CC license found)
Marc-Marie op de krukken over zijn favoriete zaalalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 60
[edit]- Thomas Acda - Als Ik Nou Eens Rijk Was (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Mama en Papa Hebben Het St. Maarten Snoep Opgegeten | DWDD Extra try Bing cache try Google cache alas DW (Bing archival date: 3-1-2019, File not uploaded) search Commons
Dopingschandaal Ruslandalready onwiki in some form, reviewedWaylon naar Songfestivalalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Stephanie Afrifa interviewt Ai Weiwei try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
Film Ai Weiwei op IDFA - Stephanie Afrifaalready onwiki in some form, reviewedErben Wennemars op de krukken over Sven Kramer en de Elfstedentochtalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Typhoon & Amsterdam Sinfonietta - When I Grow Too Old To Dream (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
Boek 'Ontvoerd' Derk Boltalready onwiki in some form, reviewedÖzcan Akyol op de krukken over de 280 tekens op Twitteralready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 61
[edit]De Amerikaanse verkiezingen: één jaar later (deel 2)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Cory Henry & The Funk Apostles - Trade It All (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
Dieuwertje Blok - Pleidooi voor de collectantalready onwiki in some form, reviewedAlbum 'Koffers': Freek de Jongealready onwiki in some form, reviewedProgramma 'Mag ik je tieten zien?' Tatum Dagelet en Tyanny Concincionalready onwiki in some form, reviewedJob Gosschalk legt werkzaamheden neer wegens seksuele intimidatiealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Freek en de Jongens - Blijf bij je wijf try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Nieuw seizoen 'Volle Zalen': Harrie Jekkers en Cornald Maasalready onwiki in some form, reviewedParadise Papers: Sander Schimmelpenninckalready onwiki in some form, reviewedVan Dale woord van het jaar 2017already onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 62
[edit]The International Symphony Orchestra - In Trutinaalready onwiki in some form, reviewedHelene Hendriks op de krukken over slachtoffers Bataclan nemen tattoo'salready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Harry Jekkers - Ik Hou Van Mij archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found) WEBM
10 jaar De Speldalready onwiki in some form, reviewedBiografie Royston Drenthealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Kevin Spacey van voetstuk gevallen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
Marc-Marie Huijbregts op de krukken - Natte celalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Rob Dekay - Weg Van Jou (helemaal) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
Ernst Jansz 50 jaar in de muziekalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDag 2: debat over regeringsverklaring Rutte IIIalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 63
[edit]Boek Willem Vissers: ‘Samuel. Kroniek van een ongewoon gezin’already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Ernst Jansz speelt 'Ik was een hippie' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Yuri Honing Acoustic Quartet - Goldbrun II (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Douwe Bob en Thijs Boontjes.already onwiki in some form, reviewedBeatrice de Graaf over de status van ISalready onwiki in some form, reviewedBas Heijne over gevallen topacteur Kevin Spaceyalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDag 1: debat over de regeringsverklaring Rutte IIIalready onwiki in some form, reviewedEerbetoon Johnny de Mol aan voetballer Yakubualready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Douwe Bob en Thijs Boontjes - Witte Rozen (Willy Alberti) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
Boek 'Kampioen Wilskracht' over wielrenner Hennie Kuiperalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 64
[edit]Boek van de Maand oktober 2017already onwiki in some form, reviewedArchief Aletta Jacobs op UNESCO-lijstalready onwiki in some form, reviewedErik Dijkstra over trainer Gertjan Verbeekalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- MOOON - Mary You Wanna (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 4-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Geraldine Kemper over programma 'Verkracht of Niet’already onwiki in some form, reviewedSchrijfster Charlotte Mutsaers over haar interview in Volkskrantalready onwiki in some form, reviewedEva Cleven over nieuw theaterstuk Sanne Vogelalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Muziek: Herman Finkers en Wishful Singing (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Dominic J. Marshall Trio - Ella's Feeling try Bing cache try Google cache WEBM
Paul de Leeuw over Jonge Valkenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 65
[edit]Joris Linssen en Mart Ribberink over Hello Goodbyealready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Roxeanne Hazes - Judaskus (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
Kabinet-Rutte III op het bordesalready onwiki in some form, reviewedWat er vooraf gaat aan de Bordesscènealready onwiki in some form, reviewedBitcoin-familie Taihuttualready onwiki in some form, reviewedHeel Holland Bakt: Vertrouwen in de Toekomstalready onwiki in some form, reviewedBLØF met Geike Arnaert - Zoutelande (minuut)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Davina Michelle - What About Us (P!NK) archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Jeangu Macrooy - Jesus To A Child (George Michael) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
Jeangu Macrooy: docu 'Freedom' over George Michaelalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 66
[edit]Jelle Brandt Corstius reageert op zijn verhaal in Trouwalready onwiki in some form, reviewedTheatertrailer: Julius Ceasar (Orkater)already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections aboveJelle Brandt Corstius: nieuw tv-programma 'Robo Sapiens'already onwiki in some form, reviewedGenomineerden NS Publieksprijs 2017already onwiki in some form, reviewedOp de krukken: Akwasi over comedian die met rap spotalready onwiki in some form, reviewedTV-Serie: Het geheime dagboek van Hendrik Groenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDutch Design Weekalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Danny Vera -Snow In April (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
Antoinnette Scheulderman over haar eigen ervaringen met #MeTooalready onwiki in some form, reviewedHanneke Groenteman bespreekt de Burgemeester van Amsterdamalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 67
[edit]Peter Vandermeersch: Bende van Nijvelalready onwiki in some form, reviewedSlaat de #MeToo discussie door?already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Michael Prins - Blackbird (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Herman van Veen: 'Anne' heeft een andere betekenis gekregenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedAntoinette Hertsenberg over de bacteriofaagalready onwiki in some form, reviewedBlue Planet II: Freek Vonkalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Gedicht Willem Wilmink - Henkie (door Henk Spaan) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Leif de Leeuw Band - Until Better Times (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
- YOUNGR - Out of my System (ADE Showcase) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- starRo - Don't Stop (ADE Showcase) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 68
[edit]Dramatische daling insectenpopulatie, 75% is verdwenenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedArchitect Winy Maas: Barbapapa-huizenalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Témé Tan - Améthys try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Onno Blom, Jochem Myjer en Casper Faassen over Jan Wolkersalready onwiki in some form, reviewedBiografie 'Het Litteken van de Dood'already onwiki in some form, reviewedOnno Blom en Karina Wolkers over het seksleven van Jan Wolkersalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Brief aan Annemarie van Jan Wolkers door Matteo van der Grijn try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Romana Vrede debuteert als tafeldamealready onwiki in some form, reviewedJanine Abbring wint Sonja Barend Award 2017already onwiki in some form, reviewedFollow up schandaal Harvey Weinsteinalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 69
[edit]- Het Beste Duet: Glennis Grace - Man In The Mirror (Michael Jackson) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
Dieuwertje Blok over jazz-trompettist Avishai Cohenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedVijfde voorstelling 'De Verleiders'already onwiki in some form, reviewedBron van zwaartekrachtgolven waargenomenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedEva Jinek geschokt door armoede in de VS.already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Evil Empire Orchestra - Woohoo (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Misbruikzaak filmproducent Harvey Weinstein try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Arjen Lubach wint De Gouden Televizier-Ringalready onwiki in some form, reviewedScheidsrechter Bas Nijhuis over zijn biografiealready onwiki in some form, reviewedNaaz - Up To Something (minuut)already onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 70
[edit]Lichaam Anne Faber gevondenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedKookboek Sergio Hermanalready onwiki in some form, reviewedKamerdebat met informateur Zalmalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Racoon - Almost Made It try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Candy Dulfer - How it's done try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
Alexander Klopping over slimme speakersalready onwiki in some form, reviewedHad Michael P. langer TBS moeten krijgen?already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Rico & Sticks - Sneakers Fris (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Splinter Chabot debuteert als tafelheeralready onwiki in some form, reviewedGesprek nieuwe album Di-rect: Rolling With The Punchesalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 71
[edit]Regeerakkoord Rutte IIIalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Di-rect - With a Little Help try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
Frenk van der Linden 60 jaaralready onwiki in some form, reviewedWillem Vissers over Robbenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedGesprek Like a Rolling Stone - Jett Rebelalready onwiki in some form, reviewedGiel Beelen breekt in bij 3FMalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Jett Rebel speelt Bob Dylan (klik in beschrijving voor link naar fragment) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Oscar and the Wolf - Runaway try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- K. Schippers - Wat je aanraakt try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
Grote betrokkenheid Van der Laanalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 72
[edit]Asscher en Mak over Eberhard van der Laanalready onwiki in some form, reviewedOde aan Eberhard van der Laan: Amsterdam Huilt. Link naar hele fragment in beschrijving.already onwiki in some form, reviewedRegiedebuut Theo Maassenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedBorg/McEnroe - Richard Krajicekalready onwiki in some form, reviewedLerarenstakingalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Kita Menari - Young Lovers (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
'De kleine Messi' een boek over Ajax onder 13already onwiki in some form, reviewedHet succes van 'First Dates'already onwiki in some form, reviewedTeio Meedendorp over film 'Loving Vincent'already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Millionaire - Im Not Who You Think You Are (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 73
[edit]Ozcan Akyol over zijn broer en Willem Wilminkalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Willeke Alberti - Mag ik dan bij jou (Claudia de Breij) | 'Het Groot Nederlands Songbook' archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found) WEBM
- Alain Clark - Stil in mij (Van Dik Hout) | 'Het Groot Nederlands Songbook' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
Nieuwe roman en toneelbewerkingen van Tom Lanoyealready onwiki in some form, reviewedPositie Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert onhoudbaaralready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Solo Ten Oorlog (Tom Lanoye) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Sarah-Jane - 'Water' (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
Twan Huys bespreekt schietpartij Las Vegasalready onwiki in some form, reviewedInnovaties in de schaatssportalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDocu 'De Verdediging': advocatenkantoor Ficq en partnersalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 74
[edit]Wie verraadde Anne Frank?already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Ruthie Foster - Joy Comes Back (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Humberto Tan - Lage kijkcijfers RTL Late Nightalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Frank Evenblij - programma Shirtje ruilen try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Leon de Winter over het succes van de serie Big Little Lies try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Roxeanne Hazes - Schiet Maar Raak (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Amigos de Musica: Stones-editie try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
Kunst kijken met Ko & Kho: Wood en Kusakaalready onwiki in some form, reviewedVerplicht naar de Nachtwacht?already onwiki in some form, NOT reviewed, see other sections above- My Baby - Sunflower Sutra (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 75
[edit]Hugo Borst en Carin Gaemers over ouderenzorgalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDocumentaire juf Kietalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- De Raad Van Toezicht - The Collector try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Gouden Kalf voor Gerard Soetemanalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDe Partizanen: Genderneutraalalready onwiki in some form, reviewedFotograaf Hans Eijkelboom over uniformiteit in de winkelstraatalready onwiki in some form, reviewedPeter Vandermeerch wordt Nederlanderalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Traudes - Back Down (minuut) archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Medische Quizalready onwiki in some form, reviewedVitesse verslagen door AVV Swiftalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 76
[edit]Docu A Family Quartet: familie Wildschutalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Sylvia Hoeks speelt in 'Blade Runner 2049'already onwiki in some form, reviewedPriester Henri Nouwen populair in VSalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDirk Kuijt over documentaire KUYTalready onwiki in some form, reviewedFidan vindt genderneutrale kinderkleding bij HEMA onzinalready onwiki in some form, reviewedMart Smeets over de winst van Tom Dumoulinalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Max Meser - Love (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Tv-programma 'Steenrijk en Straatarm'already onwiki in some form, reviewedPrinsjesdag 2017: Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloemalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 77
[edit]Jan Mulder over Prinsjesdag 2017already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Stef Bos zingt gedicht van Willem Wilmink - Zing try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
Simone Kleinsma emotioneel - theatervoorstelling 'Was getekend, Annie M.G. Schmidt'already onwiki in some form, reviewedVerkiezingen Duitsland: AfDalready onwiki in some form, reviewedWildplaster Geerte Piening toch door rechter beboetalready onwiki in some form, reviewedDe Kleedkamervraag: LINDE SCHÖNE | DWDD EXTRAalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Dominic J. Marshall Trio - Spirit World (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Beverly Hills Cop 4 - de regisseurs!already onwiki in some form, reviewedNederlandstalige jukebox met Trijntjealready onwiki in some form, reviewedHulp aan Sint-Maarten: big-data en cartografiealready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 78
[edit]- Linde Schöne - Aandacht (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Tamino - Cigar (minuut)already onwiki in some form, reviewedBerend Boudewijn 'Ik stond erbij en ik keek ernaar'already onwiki in some form, reviewedRomana Vrede genomineerd voor Theo D'Oralready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Lex Hoefsloot over automerk Lightyear try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
- PEER - Emily (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Theatervoorstelling Hans Sibbel en Jeroen Smitalready onwiki in some form, reviewedWandeling door het Parijs van Wilfred de Bruijnalready onwiki in some form, reviewedOnderwijzeressen over mondige oudersalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Jeangu Macrooy - High On You (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 79
[edit]Oud-wielerarts Peter Janssen klapt uit de schoolalready onwiki in some form, reviewedYannick Hiwat over zijn 7-snarige vioolalready onwiki in some form, reviewedTwan Huys over boek van Hillary Clinton; 'What Happened'already onwiki in some form, reviewedVoorstelling Patrick Laureij op vinylalready onwiki in some form, reviewedSinan Can over Rumialready onwiki in some form, reviewed- In actie voor Sint-Maarten alas DW try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-11-2018, File not uploaded) search Commons
- Triggerfinger - Colossus (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Ilse DeLange & Barry Hay - Radar Love try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
Sint-Maarten, the day after...already onwiki in some form, reviewedErik Dijkstra over documentairereeks Che Guevaraalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 80
[edit]Rundfunk gaat het theater in!already onwiki in some form, reviewedOrkaan Irma raast over Sint Maartenalready onwiki in some form, reviewedAntoinnette Scheulderman over Laura Maaskantalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- TVDD: Vrouw ziet voetbalwestrijd wel erg zonnig in try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Robbert Dijkgraaf: 'Maximaal inzetten op nieuwsgierigheid'already onwiki in some form, reviewedOp Speeddate Met: ROXEANNE HAZES | DWDD EXTRAalready onwiki in some form, reviewed- Zondag met Lubach houdt de wereld voor de gek try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Dick Advocaat in de studio!already onwiki in some form, reviewedTafelheer Fresku over de Rohingya in Myanmaralready onwiki in some form, reviewedMatthijs kondigt backstage seizoen 13 aanalready onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 81
[edit]- Roxeanne Hazes - In Mijn Bloed (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Wende - Als de liefde niet bestond (Toon Hermans)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Trijntje Oosterhuis - Telkens weer (Willeke Alberti) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Paul de Munnik – 5 uur (Ramses Shaffy) archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found) WEBM
Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Janne Schra - Diep in mijn hart (Tante Leen/Jaap Valkhoff)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Frank Boeijen - Als de liefde maar blijft winnen (Daniel Lohues) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Leona Philippo - Kleine Jongen (André Hazes) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Rob Dekay - Testament (Bram Vermeulen) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Jan Dulles - Weet je nog (Herman van Veen) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Huub van de Lubbe – Alleen Maar Dit Moment (Alex Roeka)already onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 82
[edit]- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Ilse DeLange – Marjolijn (Cornelis Vreeswijk) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Ellen ten Damme – Het is over (Conny Stuart) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Nielson – Smoorverliefd (Doe Maar) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Hadewych Minis - Omarm (BLØF) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Bart van der Weide - Ik hou van mij (Harrie Jekkers) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Alex Roeka - De enkeling (Jules de Corte) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 1-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Linde Schöne - Wat een vrouw (De Dijk) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Guus Meeuwis - Voor haar (Frans Halsema) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-1-2019, no CC license found)
Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Maaike Ouboter - Over de muur (Klein Orkest)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Charle Delemarre - Sukkel voor de liefde (The Opposites) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Chunk 83
[edit]- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Blaudzun - Bijt op mijn tong (Spinvis) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Mathilde Santing - Malle Babbe (Rob de Nijs) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-5-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Amber Gomaa - Papa (Stef Bos) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 30-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Henny Vrienten - Ik heb geen zin om op te staan (Het)already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Het Groot Nederlands Songbook: Glennis Grace - Ik voel me zo verdomd alleen (Danny de Munk) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Kris Berry - Hope (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- John Moreland - Old Wounds (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- The Grand East - Kiss The Devil (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Michael Prins - No Surprises (Radiohead) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Ellen ten Damme & The Magpie Orchestra - Non, je ne regrette rien (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 84
[edit]- Zitakula - Frenzy (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Nachtschade - The Fool (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Spinvis - Artis (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Pokey LaFarge - Riot in the Streets (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 4-1-2019, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- Willy Koningsdag Compilatie (2014 - 2016) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Jeangu Macrooy - Step Into The Water (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 15-1-2019, no CC license found)
Live theatertrailer 'Ella!'already onwiki in some form, reviewed- Paul Sinha - Van Jou (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Ntjam Rosie - Never Give Up (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
Jonna Fraser - Leader (minuut)already onwiki in some form, reviewed
Chunk 85
[edit]- PLAYING STEF STUNTPILOOT WITH GRACE HELBIG | DWDD EXTRA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Mister and Mississippi - HAL9000 (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons WEBM
- LAKSHMI - Only For The Wicked (minuut) archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, CC found, LR confirmed) search Commons
- Joep Beving - Hanging D (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 29-12-2018, no CC license found)
- If All the First Ladies were Photoshopped (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Michelle David & The Gospel Sessions - Soldier (minuutje) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Klangstof - We Are Your Receiver (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Joris Posthumus & Tokyo's Bad Boys - One Eyed Felix (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 22-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Sue the Night - Morning Paper (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 31-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Kim Janssen - Dynasty (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 5-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 86
[edit]- Midas - Where Are We Now (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, no CC license found)
- The Dawn Brothers - Milk Truck (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-5-2018, no CC license found)
- Shishani & The Namibian Tales - Aga Hoe (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Sef - Welkom (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Rachèl Louise - Big Girls (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Future Islands - Ran (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Lucas Hamming - Be Good or Be Gone (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- PVV'ER EN ARTIKEL1'ER BOUWEN IKEA KAST | DWDD EXTRA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, no CC license found)
- My Baby - Make A Hundred (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, no CC license found)
- The Homesick - St. Boniface (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-12-2018, no CC license found)
Chunk 87
[edit]- The Elementary Penguins - Wild Fever (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Spoon - Hot Thoughts (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Delv!s - Come My Way (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Amber Gomaa - Valentine Street (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 27-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Thijs Boontjes & Roxeanne Hazes - Ballade van de Moord try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- ChefSpecial - Try Again (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- The Royal Engineers - Hit It & Do It Again (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Quibus - Find You (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)
- DILEMMA CHALLENGE MET RYANNE VAN DORST! | DWDD EXTRA try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Sue the Night - The Big Picture (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-12-2018, no CC license found)
Chunk 88
[edit]- Orange Skyline - Sound & Fury (minuutje) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Paceshifters - Draw A Blank (minuutje) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- 45ACIDBABIES - Just in Rot (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Moss - The Promise (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Live theatertrailer: ‘We hadden liefde, we hadden wapens' - Urban Myth try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, no CC license found)
- TaxiWars - Bridges (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache
- Wende - Vrij me try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-1-2019, no CC license found)
- TenTemPiés ft. Belle Doron - Yo Te Quiero (minuutje) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Tsar B - Escalate (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Matt Winson - Into Pieces (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 89
[edit]- Karsu - Lily (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
- The Mysterons - Sold My Medicine (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 24-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Darlyn - Stepping Stone try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Navarone - Lonely Nights (minuutje) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-12-2018, no CC license found)
- 3JS & ZO! Gospel Choir - I Still Haven’t Found What I Am Looking For (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 7-1-2019, no CC license found)
- MICH - Tumbled (minuutje) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Drive Like Maria - Will we ever (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 2-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Sue the Night - Mind Dear (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 17-1-2019, no CC license found)
- BRUUT! - Baha (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 18-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Hans Hannemann - I Just Can’t Stand Her Trying To Be Free (minuutje) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 90
[edit]- Charl Delemarre - Lichtelijk verlicht (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 14-1-2019, no CC license found)
- SMIB - PINK HAIR SHAWTY archived try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Luwten - Go Honey (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Live theatertrailer 'FIFA Blatter' try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
- ELLA - IDWTGTKY (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Linde Schöne - Ik Loop (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Rob Klerkx & The Secret - Gold (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 21-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Muziek: The Dubbeez - Hangover (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 13-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Maarten Hogenhuis Trio - The Peter-Cat (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Call It Off - Scream Your Heart Out (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-1-2019, no CC license found)
Chunk 91
[edit]- Bounty Island - Avocado Girl (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 9-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Jo Goes Hunting - Winner (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Rolf Sanchez - Vas A Entender (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Silent War - Dance to Forget (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- The Jerry Hormone Ego Trip - Josefien (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Dakota - Icon (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 11-5-2018, no CC license found)
- Lucas Hamming - Are You With Me (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, no CC license found)
- De Staat - Blues is Dead (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Bart Wirtz - Beta Blocker try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 12-1-2019, no CC license found)
- The Kik - Maandag (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 28-12-2018, no CC license found)
Chunk 92
[edit]- Sue the Night - Pity Song (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache
- Michael Kiwanuka - One More Night (live @ DWDD) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 26-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Electric Company - The Hour was Midnight (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 19-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Max Meser - My Lost me (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 6-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Sampha - Too Much (live @ DWDD) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 23-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Rufus Wainwright en Amsterdam Sinfonietta - How Deep is the Ocean (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 8-1-2019, no CC license found)
- GoGo Penguin - Protest (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- GOSTO - Tell me what you are made of (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 10-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Flemming - Change Of Heart (Live @ DWDD) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-12-2018, no CC license found)
- Lotte Walda - Tea, Candles & Wine (Live @ DWDD) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 20-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Gregory Porter - Don't Lose Your Steam (Live @ DWDD) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 16-1-2019, no CC license found)
- Lavinia Meijer - Etude 17 (minuut) try Bing cache try Google cache (Bing archival date: 25-1-2019, no CC license found)