English subtitles for clip: File:10 Future of Wikipedia.webm
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1 00:00:00,329 --> 00:00:05,639 Thank you for staying with us the entire day. We really appreciate it. We know that Sunday on a 2 00:00:05,669 --> 00:00:11,459 long weekend is not the most perfect time for Wikipedia day, but shows how much you folks care 3 00:00:11,519 --> 00:00:16,739 about learning about Wikipedia and so glad to see so many familiar and new faces. So we 4 00:00:16,739 --> 00:00:22,199 thought we for the final session today, we'd love to have a conversation with Noam Cohen and 5 00:00:22,199 --> 00:00:28,079 some of our panelists that we've had throughout the day. Because we've had a lot of catch up 6 00:00:28,079 --> 00:00:34,649 with folks who've heard a lot of new ideas, AI looms large in our conscience. Now in 2024, I 7 00:00:34,649 --> 00:00:38,909 thought be really interesting to hear some of the reflections of the speakers that we've had 8 00:00:38,909 --> 00:00:44,189 this Wikipedia day, but spoke especially starting with Noam Cohen. And originally we're 9 00:00:44,189 --> 00:00:48,089 going to have Noam in one of the earlier sessions, but we thought no, if you don't know 10 00:00:48,089 --> 00:00:53,879 him has been for many years, kind of like the wiki pedia correspondence, which is not a common 11 00:00:53,879 --> 00:00:58,409 thing to hear of. But he used to come to all of our wiki mania conferences, which is our 12 00:00:58,409 --> 00:01:03,599 international conference and cover wiki mania as part of his job with the New York Times and as a 13 00:01:03,599 --> 00:01:09,299 tech correspondent. So we always appreciated the care and the thoughtfulness that Nome put into 14 00:01:09,599 --> 00:01:14,849 understanding our community, and always seeming to have his finger on the pulse of what was 15 00:01:14,849 --> 00:01:19,109 going on that particular year when we you saw us at Wikimedia. So I thought maybe we could start 16 00:01:19,109 --> 00:01:24,869 with some of nomes reflections on being here today, which I haven't seen know, in many years. 17 00:01:24,869 --> 00:01:30,569 And we used to talk all the time given his coverage of our events. But in 2024 Gnome, what 18 00:01:30,569 --> 00:01:36,119 are some of your your thoughts about seeing this community here in New York and and what you see 19 00:01:36,119 --> 00:01:37,439 as trends in the tech industry? 20 00:01:37,980 --> 00:01:42,360 I mean, thanks for inviting me, I'm really, you know, honored to be here. And, you know, it was 21 00:01:42,360 --> 00:01:49,110 really nice introduction. The thing I would say recording in progress, Wikimedia was in 2006, 22 00:01:49,110 --> 00:01:53,700 that I went to in Boston, and it was like, a revelation, because basically, it was seeing all 23 00:01:53,700 --> 00:01:59,970 the people behind the articles, it's so easy to see Wikipedia as just, you know, a bunch of text 24 00:01:59,970 --> 00:02:04,710 and people writing notes and to actually see the people that did it was like mind blowing to me, 25 00:02:04,710 --> 00:02:09,750 and it kind of made me realize it's a vibrant community. And it has like, you know, it has its 26 00:02:09,990 --> 00:02:14,100 various figures, you know, Jimmy Wales was always a fascinating figure to me like, well, 27 00:02:14,130 --> 00:02:18,570 you know, sometimes they call him benevolent dictator was he loved or feared revered was 28 00:02:18,570 --> 00:02:23,070 always like, it just seemed like a organic community. And I was just talking to Annie, you 29 00:02:23,070 --> 00:02:26,520 know, depths of Wikipedia and how, like, in a lot of ways she feels this role is like a 30 00:02:26,520 --> 00:02:32,970 storyteller for the community. And it's just very organic. Community, Wikipedia is people 31 00:02:33,060 --> 00:02:37,200 that's like the story, I would say, from the start, I always wanted to tell about Wikipedia. 32 00:02:37,410 --> 00:02:44,040 So cut to 2024, we're talking about AI. And, you know, I think of like aI not being about people. 33 00:02:44,040 --> 00:02:47,880 So I kind of think it's missing the story. And I'm maybe I'm gonna go down in history is like, 34 00:02:48,120 --> 00:02:53,250 you know, missing the big story of the world and like not getting it. But what Wikipedia is 35 00:02:53,250 --> 00:02:58,410 giving what is special is that is people it is people making decisions. And like, I know why 36 00:02:58,410 --> 00:03:04,380 people consult the chat bots and chat GBT, it's helpful. It can help you write things quickly. 37 00:03:04,380 --> 00:03:10,230 It definitely can save time on questions. But fundamentally, it isn't a source for truth. And 38 00:03:10,230 --> 00:03:16,980 so I think the story, I think, of Wikipedia in 2024, is that we have a like, I would say, 39 00:03:16,980 --> 00:03:21,780 almost like a new Cold War between people who believe in truth, and people believe in 40 00:03:21,780 --> 00:03:27,960 controlling truth. And I have a story I've been working on about Russia and how in Russia, 41 00:03:27,990 --> 00:03:32,550 right? I wrote sir, for Bloomberg in the summer about how Russia is very, you know, Putin has 42 00:03:32,550 --> 00:03:37,650 always hated Wikipedia for many, many years. And he, you know, recently created the basically 43 00:03:37,680 --> 00:03:43,140 government sponsored a commercial rival, it's a fork illegal fork of Wikipedia. They hired away 44 00:03:43,140 --> 00:03:49,890 the head of Wikimedia, Russia to run it. Lots of funding they're getting, and they've also been, 45 00:03:49,920 --> 00:03:55,620 you know, prosecuting Russian Wikipedia, and they've been fines. And lately, the most recent 46 00:03:55,620 --> 00:03:58,620 thing that happened, which I think is worth, like taking note of is that the person who 47 00:03:58,620 --> 00:04:05,580 replaced the Russian Wikimedia person who went to the commercial operation, somebody Stanislav 48 00:04:06,300 --> 00:04:10,890 Kozlowski, you know, he's a professor who lost his job over this now, he just said he was 49 00:04:10,920 --> 00:04:15,630 fearing that he's gonna become a foreign agent being listed as a foreign agent, and Wikimedia 50 00:04:15,630 --> 00:04:19,170 Russia's closing down. Basically, it hasn't happened yet. But they're filing the paperwork, 51 00:04:19,320 --> 00:04:23,700 because they really feel like it's jeopardizing anyone who's involved with it. So if you count 52 00:04:23,700 --> 00:04:28,620 like Putin and you count, you know, xi in China, where there isn't, Wikipedia is not allowed to 53 00:04:28,620 --> 00:04:33,480 publish in any language. You know, Modi, in India, there are like lawsuits that are related 54 00:04:33,480 --> 00:04:38,220 to what Wikipedia publishes. You know, you can throw in, you can throw on Trump and the right 55 00:04:38,220 --> 00:04:42,510 wing in America, there is a war on truth. And like, it's kind of I don't want to like, 56 00:04:42,540 --> 00:04:47,730 overstate it, but like, wicked Wikipedia kind of becomes the only kind of rival there are 57 00:04:47,730 --> 00:04:52,200 definitely news organizations that are committed to the truth but their commercial operations 58 00:04:52,200 --> 00:04:58,590 and, you know, this idea of a global community that somehow is like working in the shadows. 59 00:04:58,830 --> 00:05:05,550 That is trying to create a record of what is happening and it is accurate is really, really 60 00:05:05,550 --> 00:05:10,680 important. And I feel like it is reaching like a level that's beyond just sort of utility, but 61 00:05:10,680 --> 00:05:15,150 about like, are we going to be able to democratically tell our story? Or is it really 62 00:05:15,150 --> 00:05:20,940 under threat? So that so I feel like it's so in some ways, I feel like the AI story takes away 63 00:05:20,940 --> 00:05:26,070 from that, because AI is about just harvesting data and making predictions and doing lots of 64 00:05:26,070 --> 00:05:30,720 things that are useful, but really not getting at the nub of like, what is truth on the 65 00:05:30,720 --> 00:05:35,910 Internet? Who gets to tell it? Who's guarding it? How are we going to protect it, these are 66 00:05:35,910 --> 00:05:40,560 like the real big issues there. So that's what I sort of see the takeaway, and what's really at 67 00:05:40,560 --> 00:05:47,370 stake in 2024, and Wikipedia and the movement. So that's why I really like to write about it. 68 00:05:47,370 --> 00:05:52,650 So the things I'm writing about are like about the Russian story. Similarly, I think the other 69 00:05:52,650 --> 00:05:57,960 thing I was telling Andrew, when he listed his four principles, I really feel like the fifth 70 00:05:57,960 --> 00:06:04,830 principle of assume good faith is really, really important. And that's a community based idea. I 71 00:06:04,830 --> 00:06:08,880 remember Jimmy Wales, saying something that I thought was really deep, which he said, you 72 00:06:08,880 --> 00:06:15,330 could be at a steak restaurant, and everyone's given a steak knife. And he's like, Oh, my God, 73 00:06:15,360 --> 00:06:19,500 there are people with knives right next to me what's going on? Everyone should be in a cage, 74 00:06:19,500 --> 00:06:24,060 that way, I'll be safe. Or you can take the duty like no people use steak knives to attack each 75 00:06:24,060 --> 00:06:28,740 other. And that's cool. And so I think that that principle that we're competing works on, I'm 76 00:06:28,740 --> 00:06:34,080 assuming good faith is huge. And it's the other story I've been working on. It's about how, how 77 00:06:34,080 --> 00:06:39,000 Wikipedia English Wikipedia has been writing about the Hamas, you know, the war in Israel, 78 00:06:39,000 --> 00:06:44,610 Israel Gaza war. And the fact that there is a community there that is lot of tension, a lot of 79 00:06:44,610 --> 00:06:51,450 accusations a lot of you know, kind of people even being disciplined, I would say over it, but 80 00:06:51,450 --> 00:06:56,280 fundamentally, is forcing everyone in this conflict. If you support whatever, if you're 81 00:06:56,280 --> 00:07:00,900 more on the Israeli side, you were forced to have to work on an article that's going to talk 82 00:07:00,900 --> 00:07:05,100 about all the things Israel is done violating international law or fill in the blank. 83 00:07:05,310 --> 00:07:09,120 Likewise, you're on the other side, you have to like, deal with the atrocities that happen. It's 84 00:07:09,120 --> 00:07:13,470 like you you cannot tunnel yourself that way. There cannot there's there are two versions of a 85 00:07:13,470 --> 00:07:18,600 story they're not. You know, there was a quote, I saw the Orwell where he said basically, he 86 00:07:18,600 --> 00:07:24,240 really got this illusion in the Spanish Civil War, because he, he felt like the media and was 87 00:07:24,270 --> 00:07:29,460 was contaminated. You could never believe anything from the other side. Like even just 88 00:07:29,460 --> 00:07:33,090 basic facts. And he felt that was like, really dangerous. Even though he was very committed to 89 00:07:33,090 --> 00:07:37,500 the Republican movement. He felt like, we should be able to believe that our side did things 90 00:07:37,500 --> 00:07:43,140 wrong. And like that's, to me again, that's the the the innovation of Wikipedia, like we have a 91 00:07:43,140 --> 00:07:49,500 system in America often that's conflict based and where two sides antagonists like our legal 92 00:07:49,500 --> 00:07:53,970 system works that way. Often, our our political system works away to people make bold, 93 00:07:53,970 --> 00:07:58,320 outrageous claims. Oh, the truth will be in the middle. You know, that's sort of our logic. So 94 00:07:58,320 --> 00:08:03,150 yes, both sides in a lawsuit, you just say extreme things and be ungenerous, and interpret 95 00:08:03,150 --> 00:08:06,630 things the way they want, and then we'll get the truth in the middle. But no, I think a better 96 00:08:06,630 --> 00:08:11,700 system is to have everyone committed to trying to do the best. And like we all check each 97 00:08:11,700 --> 00:08:16,590 other. And we're like, in one project pulling together. So like, I think that's the other very 98 00:08:16,590 --> 00:08:20,370 valuable thing that Wikipedia does. It's like, it has his huge problems with bias. And that 99 00:08:20,370 --> 00:08:25,470 makes me really sad. Because this great model is hurt by not having enough inclusivity. And like 100 00:08:25,650 --> 00:08:29,730 the story about Israel, Hamas I'm working on it's about the Egyptian American editor, who 101 00:08:29,730 --> 00:08:33,990 feels definitely outnumbered and how and I was in really great length about how does he deal 102 00:08:33,990 --> 00:08:37,830 with it? How does he deal with stress? What keeps him going? How frustrated is the I mean, 103 00:08:37,830 --> 00:08:42,210 like, I want to tell those stories, too, because it's like, we're competing needs to reflect the 104 00:08:42,210 --> 00:08:46,710 world much better to do this important job. But I feel like the basic parameters are really 105 00:08:46,710 --> 00:08:51,210 useful. So that's why I have optimism about it. But I feel like the stakes are very high. And I 106 00:08:51,210 --> 00:08:52,920 feel that's why I'm glad to be here. 107 00:08:53,759 --> 00:09:00,389 Thank you know that that's that's great insight. Yes, thank you. That's a, I think you notice 108 00:09:00,389 --> 00:09:04,109 something that that STS University mentioned this morning as well, in terms of contamination, 109 00:09:04,139 --> 00:09:08,189 he was worried about India and their media ecosystem. And I think we're all worrying about 110 00:09:08,279 --> 00:09:12,779 how good is the source? How's business sourcing that we have to put into Wikipedia writes 111 00:09:12,779 --> 00:09:16,889 garbage in garbage out, we need to have good reliable sourcing. So this is a great segue 112 00:09:16,889 --> 00:09:23,609 because I asked the panelists up here before they came up, and we put this into the Etherpad. 113 00:09:23,609 --> 00:09:28,049 So I encourage you folks to participate as well. I know it's a bit tough in Etherpad to do this, 114 00:09:28,049 --> 00:09:32,969 but we actually have left some space in there. So I pretty much gave three prompts. The first 115 00:09:32,969 --> 00:09:39,539 prompt is what excites you about the future of wiki pedia or Wikimedia. What concerns you about 116 00:09:39,539 --> 00:09:45,839 the future of Wikipedia Wikimedia, and then fill in the blank in 20 years Wikipedia will be dot 117 00:09:45,839 --> 00:09:50,369 dot dot. Right. Pretty open ended, but I think we got a really interesting range of things. I'd 118 00:09:50,369 --> 00:09:54,629 love to start with Sherry because it hits exactly on what you said about bias and how 119 00:09:54,779 --> 00:10:00,749 contaminated or how good quality are the sources that we have and sharing, maybe you could 120 00:10:00,749 --> 00:10:03,539 explain a little bit what we talked about before. It's something that concerns us a lot, 121 00:10:03,599 --> 00:10:11,129 because you have worked with Afro crowd and trying to make sure that there is a good 122 00:10:11,129 --> 00:10:16,469 representation of history that has been forgotten in many ways. What was the, what 123 00:10:16,469 --> 00:10:22,019 concerns you about the future of Wikipedia in terms of, you know, how AI is being used these 124 00:10:22,019 --> 00:10:28,649 days? And that we are training our AI systems on Reddit on Wikipedia. But if we don't have a good 125 00:10:28,649 --> 00:10:32,819 Wikipedia, what, what good is training it on there? Right? Okay. 126 00:10:34,080 --> 00:10:40,260 So, I was thinking that, when we were talking earlier that Wikipedia is such a central, okay, 127 00:10:40,290 --> 00:10:47,550 for me, Cherie speaking as myself. For me, Wikipedia has always been the central nervous 128 00:10:47,550 --> 00:10:57,990 system of our lexicon, because of the organic way that the material that we ingest, digest, 129 00:10:58,650 --> 00:11:07,890 reproduce, add, and grow. It really mimics the order organic, it mimics an organism that's ever 130 00:11:07,890 --> 00:11:15,750 changing, evolving with the world. Everything humans is flawed. But I think for the world 131 00:11:15,840 --> 00:11:23,640 understanding of itself, they go to Wikipedia, they go to knowledge from people care about 132 00:11:23,640 --> 00:11:28,860 knowledge, even if it's a passing thing, and you're like, you know, I want to share this. So 133 00:11:29,040 --> 00:11:35,370 what we know about the world is what AI knows about the world, in part, in large part, because 134 00:11:35,400 --> 00:11:44,130 a lot of the information that we that that Wikipedia and wiki projects actually produce is 135 00:11:44,130 --> 00:11:50,400 the data that the world is digesting, and now even more so because of AI, it's even more 136 00:11:50,400 --> 00:11:58,620 important than ever before, the way that that algorithms are trained, or that the knowledge 137 00:11:58,620 --> 00:12:03,060 that goes in and is being used, not just obviously, from Wikipedia, but from the entire 138 00:12:03,060 --> 00:12:10,260 Internet, a large chunk of that I do believe is Wikipedia. So at the foundation of that 139 00:12:10,260 --> 00:12:19,980 information, are a lot of people in this room. And in the general, you know, wiki body. So 140 00:12:20,040 --> 00:12:26,550 therefore, the information that's produced from within the community, and the hive mind of the 141 00:12:26,550 --> 00:12:36,780 community, is really at the UN, rising to an apex of importance for going forward for 142 00:12:36,780 --> 00:12:41,640 understanding of history of ourselves of the world, and so forth. So it's even more important 143 00:12:41,640 --> 00:12:48,480 than ever before, that more voices are heard more more perspectives are included. So that 144 00:12:48,480 --> 00:12:55,530 that, that bias, on whatever level it is, because there are different levels of bias, you 145 00:12:55,530 --> 00:13:01,650 know, systemic bias, and you know, there's different kinds of ways that you can look at 146 00:13:01,650 --> 00:13:09,030 bias. But at the same time, we have a very interesting place to that we're at because, 147 00:13:09,180 --> 00:13:16,410 number one, we're here and talking about it, and coming up with ways of approaching it so that 148 00:13:16,410 --> 00:13:22,710 it's even better than before. So the better bit, the information is coming from this huge chunk, 149 00:13:22,950 --> 00:13:33,720 important influential chunk of information for for, you know, AI going forward, the more 150 00:13:33,720 --> 00:13:39,540 important everyone in this room is and what and what this group of this global body is doing. 151 00:13:39,900 --> 00:13:47,940 But it also means that there's more impetus and more onus on us to ensure that we don't back 152 00:13:47,940 --> 00:13:54,720 down on improving that information, but we go full force forward ahead, and, and really work 153 00:13:54,720 --> 00:13:56,370 on it even more. So. Right. 154 00:13:56,430 --> 00:13:59,310 Thank you. Yeah, that was something that we haven't really talked about at all. And this 155 00:13:59,310 --> 00:14:03,090 conference is there actually is a Wikimedia movement strategy process that we are 156 00:14:03,090 --> 00:14:07,740 implementing. And one of those goals is knowledge, equity, right? So nothing about us. 157 00:14:07,740 --> 00:14:12,900 Without us. We want to have many folks involved more than we see today. And that Rosie, one 158 00:14:12,900 --> 00:14:16,620 thing you wrote about what excites you is related to this as well, the ability to morph 159 00:14:17,190 --> 00:14:20,550 ourselves into the Galactic and I didn't notice until you put collective future probably 160 00:14:20,550 --> 00:14:25,770 referring to your lightning talk today in terms of your your point there. But tell us a little 161 00:14:25,770 --> 00:14:28,710 bit about what you're thinking about what excites you about Wikipedia? 162 00:14:31,080 --> 00:14:38,850 Right. So there's been a question in the last year that some people have been asking is 163 00:14:38,880 --> 00:14:46,950 Wikipedia, just the Encyclopedia of our generation, and the next generation will have 164 00:14:46,980 --> 00:14:53,040 another encyclopedia just like there was the Encyclopedia Britannica and no one contributes 165 00:14:53,040 --> 00:15:02,820 really to it anymore. And so I think I'm I am the eternal out Optimus and so that may in its 166 00:15:02,850 --> 00:15:12,030 own way, you know, influenced what I'm going to say. But I see Wikipedia as having the potential 167 00:15:12,240 --> 00:15:18,480 for becoming the encyclopedia Galactica, in that, you know, when we move off of this planet 168 00:15:18,510 --> 00:15:25,440 and populate other planets in the in the galaxy that, you know, really will extend ourselves 169 00:15:25,440 --> 00:15:33,420 that far away into the future. I make that point only to say that, I think the only way that this 170 00:15:33,420 --> 00:15:41,970 can happen is if we are willing as a movement to change, if we are not willing to change with the 171 00:15:41,970 --> 00:15:51,000 times if we are not willing to see how AI can can be used in a thoughtful way that works for 172 00:15:51,030 --> 00:15:58,290 us. If we're, if we draw lines in the sand and say, This is the policy and Notability. And we 173 00:15:58,290 --> 00:16:04,410 are not going to change it. And it's been the same policy that was written in two decades ago. 174 00:16:04,560 --> 00:16:11,730 If we are not willing to make changes in so many different ways, then we are going to go the way 175 00:16:11,730 --> 00:16:20,100 of the dinosaur. And we will become obsolete. And so if we become obsolete, how do we attract 176 00:16:20,100 --> 00:16:25,530 new editors? How do we get them? You heard me talk about, you know, seven out of 10 readers 177 00:16:25,560 --> 00:16:33,990 are men, you know that in itself kind of like? Like, really? Yeah, that's really true. So I, 178 00:16:34,020 --> 00:16:39,240 for me, it's about change, being willing to change, being willing to accept ambiguity, and 179 00:16:39,240 --> 00:16:45,360 how we deal with change, like AI, I am not the expert here on that. But I know that we must go, 180 00:16:46,110 --> 00:16:52,260 we must understand it better, and see how to harness it. Because otherwise we will become 181 00:16:52,260 --> 00:17:00,840 Encyclopedia Britannica, and something else will come out from from society and become the new 182 00:17:00,840 --> 00:17:04,170 kind of global encyclopedia. Right? 183 00:17:04,770 --> 00:17:09,240 Thank you. And, Andy, I love your comment, because we're all focusing on the nuts and 184 00:17:09,240 --> 00:17:13,830 bolts, and you bring it back to the people. So I think that's also what Nome appreciate is that 185 00:17:13,830 --> 00:17:17,820 you're kind of our resident ethnographer in many ways of the community. Tell us a little bit 186 00:17:17,820 --> 00:17:19,590 about more about what excites you? 187 00:17:21,600 --> 00:17:26,580 Um, well, I wrote it up there. Every time I come to one of these things, I meet someone, they say 188 00:17:26,580 --> 00:17:32,850 their username, and I'm shocked that they're, like, extremely young. There are people that I 189 00:17:32,850 --> 00:17:37,380 have worked with on Wikipedia who were born after 2010. They're half my age, and I'm not 190 00:17:37,380 --> 00:17:45,750 even that old. I feel so inspired and excited that even today in 2024, there are a lot of 191 00:17:45,780 --> 00:17:50,910 really bright, really like socialized there are all these fears, the kids are not okay. They I 192 00:17:50,910 --> 00:17:55,440 think that many of them are okay. And they're still finding Wikipedia, and they still really 193 00:17:55,440 --> 00:17:58,920 like it. That's what makes me happy. Great. Thank 194 00:17:58,920 --> 00:18:04,560 you. And please, folks keep adding stuff. I love seeing the stuff that you're adding here. Even 195 00:18:04,560 --> 00:18:08,070 if we don't get to read them all. I love having this as a kind of a record of what we're 196 00:18:08,070 --> 00:18:13,320 thinking in 2024. So let's go to some of the concerns. But you also say any that you also 197 00:18:13,320 --> 00:18:17,250 recognize that we're kind of not necessarily assuming good faith and doing the best to 198 00:18:17,250 --> 00:18:18,630 welcome new folks, right? 199 00:18:20,010 --> 00:18:26,820 Oh, yeah, well, I have met people here today, even that have said, I have felt a little bit 200 00:18:26,820 --> 00:18:32,460 bad that some of the articles they submitted to articles for procreation did not get accepted. 201 00:18:32,850 --> 00:18:41,490 And I hope that there is no guilt in that. Even though it's hard to not have guilt. Yeah, when 202 00:18:41,490 --> 00:18:45,630 you meet people in person, and you see the humanity of Wikipedia, it's easy to bounce back 203 00:18:45,630 --> 00:18:51,210 and say, Oh, I see like, I am new to the project. We're all learning all the time. But 204 00:18:51,210 --> 00:18:57,390 when it's just the white screen in front of you, and you see the red rejection, it can be easy to 205 00:18:57,390 --> 00:19:00,960 take things personally. And sometimes we bite the newbies without realizing we're biting the 206 00:19:00,960 --> 00:19:07,230 newbies at all. So we're the people that go out of their way to be really friendly, welcoming 207 00:19:07,230 --> 00:19:12,240 committees, birthday stuff, the things that aren't high priority, I really do think that 208 00:19:12,240 --> 00:19:13,020 stuff matters. 209 00:19:14,190 --> 00:19:18,090 Right? I'm wondering, I mean, Rosie, when you talk about the things change, I do think the 210 00:19:18,120 --> 00:19:22,200 there has been a tilt toward AI exclusion, you know, delete humanism. And I never understood 211 00:19:22,200 --> 00:19:26,520 that. I was like, What's the big arm of having, you know, when you don't want promotion? Or 212 00:19:26,520 --> 00:19:30,360 things that are truly not, you know, but if something's obscure, why what's the harm of 213 00:19:30,360 --> 00:19:33,570 having an article about and as that's kind of what you're getting at? Right? That having these 214 00:19:33,570 --> 00:19:38,250 vague, you know, barriers and having people being so on top of it, I assume that's why, you 215 00:19:38,250 --> 00:19:41,970 know, someone will win a Nobel Prize later, you know, and will not have an article because 216 00:19:42,000 --> 00:19:45,210 someone was, you know, on the watch, and is that the kind of thing we're talking about? 217 00:19:47,640 --> 00:19:52,020 There's, there's a, there's an interesting joke that, you know, my book is called the computer 218 00:19:52,020 --> 00:19:56,970 revolution, but after 1020 years, and I've realized it's a revolution in making a very 219 00:19:56,970 --> 00:20:02,970 conventional encyclopedia, right, we actually have very conservative, we have policies against 220 00:20:02,970 --> 00:20:08,250 too many photos, right? We say, Oh, we're taking really serious now we're top 10 website. We 221 00:20:08,250 --> 00:20:13,080 can't do weird things anymore. Right. So we see that sentiment in our community often, right. 222 00:20:13,920 --> 00:20:14,400 Richard? Yeah, 223 00:20:14,430 --> 00:20:20,880 my concern. My concern, my concern was there Wikipedia wouldn't be fun. I think that you 224 00:20:20,880 --> 00:20:23,610 know, we've we've heard like this from everything says, I mean, things like, you know, 225 00:20:23,640 --> 00:20:28,320 any site, he mentioned, citation citation needed, the the whales and the dolphins the 226 00:20:28,320 --> 00:20:32,130 purposes, that's like one of the few things that are left, I think that's really important that 227 00:20:32,190 --> 00:20:35,970 that gets people involved, that gets younger people involved, it gets all sorts of people 228 00:20:35,970 --> 00:20:42,090 involved. A lot of people, you know, editing pop culture topics, a lot of them start with that 229 00:20:42,090 --> 00:20:45,180 way. At some point, we decided we shouldn't cover pop culture in great detail that we should 230 00:20:45,180 --> 00:20:49,080 put them on some like specialists wiki. And a lot of the the modern pop culture that's on 231 00:20:49,080 --> 00:20:53,010 social media, we don't cover that at all. Because they don't like official standards. The 232 00:20:53,010 --> 00:20:57,450 New York Times doesn't write reviews of social media, you know, type, like comments and things 233 00:20:57,450 --> 00:21:02,640 like that. I think we have to, like, you know, be playful, be experimental. I think that also 234 00:21:03,090 --> 00:21:07,920 involves like using AI, like we should use AI in like a playful way with that we were generating 235 00:21:07,920 --> 00:21:11,460 and doing interesting things with it. We shouldn't you know, we shouldn't use AI in the 236 00:21:11,490 --> 00:21:15,270 sense that it becomes like this boring robotic voice thing, which is, which is gonna come for 237 00:21:15,270 --> 00:21:20,310 most of the Internet. And I hope that we can be like, uh, you know, we've been using bots since 238 00:21:20,310 --> 00:21:23,610 you know, before I was involved in Wikipedia as an alternative media for a long time. And but we 239 00:21:23,610 --> 00:21:29,220 will use them thoughtfully and with like, the human touch. And I hope we can be that way. When 240 00:21:29,220 --> 00:21:34,140 the rest of the Internet becomes this like droning, boring robots, or, or at least not not 241 00:21:34,140 --> 00:21:39,750 not boring is okay. But like not fun robots, you know, it's okay. Yeah, 242 00:21:39,750 --> 00:21:44,220 that's good point. A lot of our fun parts of our community are actually off wiki, right? Because 243 00:21:44,220 --> 00:21:49,020 they've been forced off discord, Facebook, other places. And that's kind of, I don't wanna say 244 00:21:49,020 --> 00:21:53,100 sad, but little bit regretful that that's the case. Yeah, yeah. 245 00:21:53,220 --> 00:21:56,790 And I think that that's, that would, that would be actually killed the Wikipedia community, 246 00:21:57,090 --> 00:22:01,590 there are all sorts of governments and businesses that, you know, maybe don't like the 247 00:22:01,590 --> 00:22:06,240 Wikipedia community or doesn't like the way that it works. I have rival approaches, which, you 248 00:22:06,240 --> 00:22:09,570 know, varying quality. But I think the thing that would ultimately kill the Wikipedia 249 00:22:09,570 --> 00:22:13,890 community, so it's not fun anymore, if it's not fun anymore than people wouldn't contribute. 250 00:22:14,640 --> 00:22:18,150 And, you know, I mean, obviously, people contribute, because they, they support, they 251 00:22:18,150 --> 00:22:22,380 believe in the ideas, they find the topics interesting. But I think fundamentally, having a 252 00:22:22,380 --> 00:22:26,640 fun and sociable community is a very important part of sustaining this project like this. 253 00:22:27,510 --> 00:22:30,690 Great point. And there's something that that yeah, go ahead. Sure. 254 00:22:31,890 --> 00:22:40,080 Why can't be be fun. I mean, I remember when I when I Okay, so my, one of my first impressions 255 00:22:40,110 --> 00:22:49,110 of wiki community, when Alice brought me on, sorry, Alice back or Africa, brought me on was, 256 00:22:49,140 --> 00:22:58,380 how open it was, the how open it was, and how open minded at least some of the folks that we 257 00:22:58,380 --> 00:23:08,550 connected with were, and I am finding that that is we've become we've become very in some ways, 258 00:23:08,550 --> 00:23:13,500 we've, we've filled the purpose of scaling up for the purpose of, of what you were talking 259 00:23:13,500 --> 00:23:19,560 about the well, we've reached as a, you know, the, this very influential platform, in some 260 00:23:19,560 --> 00:23:28,920 ways, we've lost some of that. It's not wild, wild west nature, but kind of anything could 261 00:23:28,920 --> 00:23:36,990 happen feeling. And, and, and I feel like sometimes we can be a little bit too caught up 262 00:23:36,990 --> 00:23:37,590 in 263 00:23:39,450 --> 00:23:41,760 like being reputable, right? I feel 264 00:23:41,760 --> 00:23:48,600 a little bit and but it's not in a negative way, per se. But, you know, sometimes when you when 265 00:23:48,600 --> 00:23:58,470 you grow up, you know, you lost some of that some of what you had in your younger stages when 266 00:23:58,470 --> 00:24:05,460 you're just figuring out who you were. And I'm wondering if, if we're not losing some of that 267 00:24:05,460 --> 00:24:11,490 along the way too, because sometimes it kind of feels almost like communities come against each 268 00:24:11,490 --> 00:24:17,760 other. And that hurts the information, rather than working together. Even if you don't agree, 269 00:24:18,210 --> 00:24:24,270 you know, sometimes it feels like a zero sum game. And then what happens to the knowledge in 270 00:24:24,270 --> 00:24:34,380 between that, you know, maybe that country could have two names. Just use a trivial example. 271 00:24:34,560 --> 00:24:42,180 Maybe we could have two names, and that's okay. You know, but, or, you know, you know, there are 272 00:24:42,180 --> 00:24:48,300 some, there's some things I feel that we lose, because of our humanity and the desire to be 273 00:24:48,300 --> 00:24:57,030 right, versus the desire to be understood and to or to have information included, that it is also 274 00:24:57,060 --> 00:25:04,620 right for some. So I don't know if that It is very AI discussion topic oriented. But I do feel 275 00:25:04,620 --> 00:25:12,090 it is something that helps the community to grow and thereby helps the information also to 276 00:25:12,090 --> 00:25:19,200 continue to develop, as it attracts more people who want to be a part of the community. In 277 00:25:19,200 --> 00:25:19,830 general, 278 00:25:21,060 --> 00:25:29,520 I want to segue on what you were saying there, Sherry, about communication, and how different 279 00:25:29,520 --> 00:25:39,390 groups can react to each other. And it's because a couple of things here. It was only in the last 280 00:25:39,420 --> 00:25:46,740 day or two that I learned there was a discord channel related to people who were doing some of 281 00:25:46,740 --> 00:25:56,910 the organizing work panelists and such for this conference, and I was like, Okay, well, can 282 00:25:56,910 --> 00:26:03,930 someone send me a link? So they sent me a link, and then I'm in this discord channel now. And so 283 00:26:03,930 --> 00:26:11,670 that's fine. And generally, there are all these telegram channels that we comedians have used 284 00:26:11,700 --> 00:26:18,840 initially for conferences. But now there's just such a plethora, it is for me impossible to keep 285 00:26:18,840 --> 00:26:27,510 up with all of them. So I don't, although I was in a conversation with Andrew, in a Google Chat 286 00:26:27,690 --> 00:26:34,410 regarding something to do with AI. And he said, Oh, it's in that AI chat group. And I'm like, 287 00:26:34,920 --> 00:26:41,910 okay, like which one, and there, he gives me a link. It's an AI chat group in telegram. Great. 288 00:26:41,910 --> 00:26:46,260 Now I'm in that one, too. So now I can follow that conversation. And it makes me think like, 289 00:26:46,440 --> 00:26:52,230 Okay, are you on signal? Because there's stuff happening there? Are you on Discord? There's 290 00:26:52,290 --> 00:26:57,720 stuff happening there? Are you on telegram? Where are you? What are you hearing? What are 291 00:26:57,720 --> 00:27:04,500 you reading? And how about all the people who aren't on any of those? Or are on some of those 292 00:27:04,530 --> 00:27:10,230 are just none of those are a few of those? Like, how are we communicating? And who's outside the 293 00:27:10,230 --> 00:27:17,400 loop? And isn't part of the conversation? And are they left behind? Or are we just chatting 294 00:27:17,400 --> 00:27:23,370 because we want fun, which is part of it. And we want to be connected? Are we chatting so that we 295 00:27:23,370 --> 00:27:31,920 don't have two groups that are at odds with each other? I have no answers. But I do think about 296 00:27:31,920 --> 00:27:37,830 how we communicate and where we communicate and how much we communicate. And the overload at 297 00:27:37,830 --> 00:27:44,400 least that I sometimes feel from communications. So yeah, and 298 00:27:44,400 --> 00:27:48,720 you touched on a pet peeve of Richard and he's, he's interested in trying to create a kind of 299 00:27:48,720 --> 00:27:53,790 communication suite that we can rely on, not just a smattering of WhatsApp Signal, Telegram 300 00:27:53,790 --> 00:27:55,080 and all these other things. Right, Richard? 301 00:27:55,290 --> 00:27:59,610 Yeah, I think, you know, I think that Wikimedia movement is, you know, where the, the main 302 00:27:59,610 --> 00:28:04,260 nonprofit technology project to the world, I mean, he started as an encyclopedia thing, but I 303 00:28:04,260 --> 00:28:08,970 think there's a lot of important nonprofit technology needs in the world. And, you know, 304 00:28:09,060 --> 00:28:13,560 the, there's gonna be, you know, like, the Wikipedia started, you know, it was around the 305 00:28:13,560 --> 00:28:17,580 same time as MySpace, there's, you know, now tick tock is latest, there's probably something 306 00:28:17,580 --> 00:28:22,380 that's hotter than Tick, tock snaps, mono Snapchats, might be a little, but there's gonna 307 00:28:22,380 --> 00:28:25,200 be something, there's something else and they're all gonna be like commercial, and they're all 308 00:28:25,200 --> 00:28:29,250 gonna have weird motives, and they're all gonna like, and now they're gonna have more AI stuff 309 00:28:29,250 --> 00:28:34,140 like, you know, trying to appeal to your most extreme nature on any given topic. And I think 310 00:28:34,140 --> 00:28:39,690 that it is, there is maybe a role for nonprofit technology in the social media space. And I kind 311 00:28:39,690 --> 00:28:44,100 of think that Wikimedia could be a part of that. And it's a little bit of a bold thing to do. But 312 00:28:44,250 --> 00:28:50,010 I think that you know, that the world is demanding it, having something some some 313 00:28:50,010 --> 00:28:54,120 reasonable way to talk to each other. That's not mediated by, you know, tech companies or 314 00:28:54,120 --> 00:28:57,720 governments. And maybe we can meet, it can be a part of that, probably just for our own 315 00:28:57,720 --> 00:29:01,500 intercultural purposes to start with, but I think that, you know, there is some need for 316 00:29:01,500 --> 00:29:06,000 that, and maybe some of our culture could provide some of that they're all all these weird 317 00:29:06,330 --> 00:29:10,530 technology, corporations are looking at our like, our moderating moderating systems and 318 00:29:10,530 --> 00:29:14,790 trying to copy it and doing weird things with it. But, you know, our community does have 319 00:29:14,790 --> 00:29:18,750 something to offer, and I hope we can be independent of the tech stuff. And if it's 320 00:29:18,990 --> 00:29:20,430 technology companies, yeah, 321 00:29:20,520 --> 00:29:24,600 that's good point. Final thing we're gonna do, because we're the last thing standing between 322 00:29:24,600 --> 00:29:30,780 you and I think a pretty unusual cake. That is Wikipedia themed. So last thing we're going to 323 00:29:30,780 --> 00:29:33,990 do, and I'll give him some time to think about this, while we marched through other people's 324 00:29:33,990 --> 00:29:40,020 answers, in 20 years, Wikipedia will be dot, dot dot, and it's interesting. A lot of our answers 325 00:29:40,020 --> 00:29:46,080 are based around how human it's going to be, or what roles humans will have. But any What is 326 00:29:46,080 --> 00:29:47,190 your response to this? 327 00:29:48,990 --> 00:29:56,820 I only did one word. Yeah, I just wrote human I am i That's the only reason I like Wikipedia. 328 00:29:56,850 --> 00:30:01,050 Every reason that I like Wikipedia has to do with it being made by real really great people. 329 00:30:01,560 --> 00:30:07,110 One of the first user pages that I stumbled upon that made me feel really empowered, was sammies, 330 00:30:07,110 --> 00:30:10,680 because it just has this very simple line. I don't know if she even really thought very much 331 00:30:10,680 --> 00:30:15,810 when she wrote it. She just says, Welcome to Wikipedia. This site was made by real people 332 00:30:15,810 --> 00:30:22,890 just like you smiley face. And I thought just like me, and, and yeah, I start started editing 333 00:30:22,920 --> 00:30:29,460 a lot more after seeing that, um, AI is great for a lot of things. But if Wikipedia is the 334 00:30:29,460 --> 00:30:34,200 only search result on Google, that's written by humans, which in a lot of cases that already is, 335 00:30:34,740 --> 00:30:36,720 that makes it even more valuable. 336 00:30:38,010 --> 00:30:44,280 viewpoint, and I took that, just like you. And I took the contrarian viewpoint, and as I said, 337 00:30:44,280 --> 00:30:49,260 it's going to be as important as ever, but less human created than ever. I know, tomato is gonna 338 00:30:49,260 --> 00:30:53,730 be thrown at me. But I think it's inevitable. But we got to make sure we turn that into a good 339 00:30:53,730 --> 00:30:58,050 thing. Not a bad thing, right? We're not just a victim of being used for AI. Right? We're in the 340 00:30:58,050 --> 00:31:03,870 conversation, we're actively making things better, right? The Rosie, what did you say here? 341 00:31:03,870 --> 00:31:04,860 The same and different? 342 00:31:07,860 --> 00:31:12,420 Yeah, I mean, that speaks for itself. There'll be different, it'll be different in some ways, 343 00:31:12,420 --> 00:31:16,350 and some things will probably never change. Richard, 344 00:31:16,380 --> 00:31:17,460 how about you? Well, 345 00:31:17,460 --> 00:31:21,300 I guess around, I think we'll be around, I don't think that I don't think that, you know, these 346 00:31:21,300 --> 00:31:25,020 other platforms are going to be around in 20 years, just their, you know, the nature of 347 00:31:25,020 --> 00:31:29,640 commercial things. And I think we're gonna be more Wikipedia than ever, I think we got to be, 348 00:31:29,640 --> 00:31:33,960 you know, playful and experimental, and engage, you know, we've always had this vision of 349 00:31:33,960 --> 00:31:38,580 engaging a larger percentage of the population. And I hope we can actually do that in the next 350 00:31:38,580 --> 00:31:43,470 20 years. Because, you know, Wikipedia is, is, you know, read by a certain amount of people. 351 00:31:43,470 --> 00:31:47,670 And it's not even like, you know, not enough people are able to consume it, but not enough 352 00:31:47,670 --> 00:31:51,180 people are able to contribute to it, even more importantly, and we suffer in terms of our 353 00:31:51,180 --> 00:31:57,360 knowledge base there. And if we can really engage communities and individuals, and maybe, 354 00:31:57,360 --> 00:32:01,170 you know, things like journalists on like a more meaningful level now that the journalists have 355 00:32:01,170 --> 00:32:06,390 been abandoned by the technology companies, maybe they can find some new allies, and in a 356 00:32:06,390 --> 00:32:10,710 sort of a more nonprofit space, and I hope he can become even more Wikipedia than yesterday, 357 00:32:10,860 --> 00:32:12,510 tomorrow. Next write 358 00:32:12,540 --> 00:32:13,230 about you know. 359 00:32:16,950 --> 00:32:21,750 You know, I guess I think it will certainly I think it'll be human and I guess the thing I 360 00:32:22,080 --> 00:32:27,360 another thought another strain I mentioned earlier, but it relates to this is the idea of 361 00:32:27,390 --> 00:32:32,010 primary sources. Another one here, rules about like secondary sources. And it just, you know, 362 00:32:32,010 --> 00:32:37,680 occurred to me that I like Primary sources are gonna be very important. You know, I recently 363 00:32:37,680 --> 00:32:42,630 learned about a project in French with a Wikimedia called link growth. lingua libre, 364 00:32:42,630 --> 00:32:47,700 which is a was designed to allow people, you know, it was trying to sort of preserve the 365 00:32:47,700 --> 00:32:52,740 French government supporting it, because it's designed to preserve obscure dialects, and it 366 00:32:52,740 --> 00:32:58,950 makes it very, very easy to record a word or phrase, and upload it to the comments like me, 367 00:32:58,950 --> 00:33:03,180 it's so easy as I could do it, I could record some New York isms that I wanted to put up 368 00:33:03,180 --> 00:33:07,500 there. And I just feel like it was an incredible tool because it was so easy to use. And it 369 00:33:07,500 --> 00:33:13,350 preserves people's speech. And it makes it you know, in a copyrighted right permissive license, 370 00:33:13,350 --> 00:33:19,440 it just was a brilliant thing. I can just imagine a million uses for it of other of place 371 00:33:19,470 --> 00:33:24,930 of cultures and communities that are not easily reached, like the point that wouldn't even be 372 00:33:24,930 --> 00:33:29,640 like a researcher. So go there, if you need Internet access, and that's about it, and a 373 00:33:29,640 --> 00:33:34,140 computer, I guess, of some sort, or phone, but then you can really have your story your 374 00:33:34,140 --> 00:33:39,660 pronunciation, uploaded, and I just feel like Wikipedia, I think in the future, will have to 375 00:33:39,660 --> 00:33:45,960 be more amenable to video and audio. And I think it will have to sort of, if it really wants to 376 00:33:45,960 --> 00:33:51,180 be more inclusive, we'll have to, again, bend on this idea that only Secondary sources are what 377 00:33:51,840 --> 00:33:56,610 you can use to write about things or oral histories are just there, there are things that 378 00:33:56,610 --> 00:34:03,180 are worth preserving that are whatever you want to call knowledge that needs to be preserved and 379 00:34:03,180 --> 00:34:07,440 kept and belong on Wikipedia. And there, it will need to change the rules. And they need to be 380 00:34:07,440 --> 00:34:11,520 some innovative technology, which I thought this lingua libre was really very brilliant 381 00:34:11,520 --> 00:34:15,960 technology to me, and will be very simple. So I could just see a Wikipedia that would be much 382 00:34:15,960 --> 00:34:26,460 more like more visual audio, more or less, based on secondary sources. It might it's a hope, I 383 00:34:26,460 --> 00:34:27,360 guess. Right. Right. 384 00:34:27,810 --> 00:34:34,380 All right. Thank you so much for the panel for your responses. Thank you. And then thank you 385 00:34:34,380 --> 00:34:39,120 for your responses here. Look forward to reading them. I'm gonna hand it over to Richard and mark 386 00:34:39,120 --> 00:34:42,810 for the last instructions. We're going to go out and try to take a group photo before the light 387 00:34:42,810 --> 00:34:45,150 goes out. And then the cakes right go ahead. 388 00:34:45,720 --> 00:34:51,300 So yeah, before we take our group photo and get the fabulous protease AI to the cake is is a 389 00:34:51,300 --> 00:34:57,120 combination of AI and human design, which is what we're aiming for. So hopefully we're not 390 00:34:57,150 --> 00:35:02,370 too robotic and, and you know, we're building things So I wanted to welcome everybody to 391 00:35:02,400 --> 00:35:08,130 Wikimedia New York City, you're we're your friendly local wiki neighborhood group, we have, 392 00:35:08,580 --> 00:35:14,400 you're welcome to join, join our events, we nyc.org Check out our events. We have two events 393 00:35:14,400 --> 00:35:18,780 coming up next month. On February 8, we have a hacking night for those who are technically 394 00:35:18,780 --> 00:35:23,790 inclined. So you can go hack and work on things and and play with things and learn things. And 395 00:35:23,790 --> 00:35:28,170 maybe you can just hack a Wikipedia article. That's a valid way to hack and February 21, we 396 00:35:28,170 --> 00:35:34,410 have our wiki Wednesday salon, which is sort of a miniature of this conference, our event or 397 00:35:34,410 --> 00:35:39,300 events are often at a four to four West 54th Street to play school prime produce, it's sort 398 00:35:39,300 --> 00:35:44,100 of an art collective, and other stuff, and you're very welcome to join our mailing list and 399 00:35:44,100 --> 00:35:49,290 join our Discord server. And I hope you can join and participate and if you want ideas of events 400 00:35:49,290 --> 00:35:53,880 and things you want to contribute to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. We're here where 401 00:35:53,910 --> 00:35:56,940 you know, your local volunteers were very interested in engaging with with all the New 402 00:35:56,940 --> 00:36:03,780 York communities and stuff beyond so thanks. Well, the next local Hackathon is February 8, 403 00:36:04,050 --> 00:36:10,740 and and the next and the next wiki Wednesday salon, which is more of a social slash non tech 404 00:36:10,740 --> 00:36:14,670 event is February 21. And they're both on West 54th street and I hope you can join thanks 405 00:36:20,250 --> 00:36:20,550 oh,