The Botanical Magazine, Volume 10
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Title page
"[ 325 ] Justicia Nasuta. Dichotomous Justicia."
"[ 326 ] Mesembryanthemum Viridiflorum. Green-Flowered Fig-Marigold."
"[ 327 ] Chrysanthemum Indicum. Indian Chrysanthemum."
"[ 328 ] Trifolium Incarnatum. Crimson Trefoil."
"[ 329 ] Ononis Natrix. Yellow-Flowered Rest-Harrow."
"[ 330 ] Sida Cristata. Crested Sida."
"[ 331 ] Kalmia Angustifolia. Narrow-Leav'd Kalmia."
"[ 332 ] Oenothera Fruticosa. Shrubby Oenothera."
"[ 333 ] Cerinthe Major. Great Honeywort."
"[ 334 ] Hypericum Monogynum. Chinese St. John's-Wort."
"[ 335 ] Ononis Rotundifolia. Round-Leaved Rest-Harrow."
"[ 336 ] Lotus Hirsutus. Hairy Bird's-Foot-Trefoil."
"[ 337 ] Prunella Grandiflora. Great-Flowered Self-Heal."
"[ 338 ] Allamanda Cathartica. Willow-Leav'd Allamanda."
"[ 339 ] Arum Trilobatum. Tree-Lobed Arum."
"[ 340 ] Polygala Heisteria. Heath-Leaved Milkwort."
"[ 341 ] Scilla Amæna. Byzantine Squill."
"[ 342 ] Erica Persoluta. Blush-Flowered Heath."
"[ 343 ] Antholyza Cunonia. Scarlet-Flowered Antholyza."
"[ 344 ] Aspalathus Pedunculata. Small-Leaved Aspalathus."
"[ 345 ] Polygala Bracteolata. Spear-Leaved Milkwort."
"[ 346 ] Protea Mellifera. Honey-Bearing Protea."
"[ 347 ] Oenothera Rosea. Rose-Coloured Oenothera."
"[ 348 ] Calceolaria Fothergillii. Fothergill's Slipper-Wort."
"[ 349 ] Solanum Laciniatum. Cut-Leav'd Nightshade."
"[ 350 ] Erica Ventricosa. Porcelain Heath."
"[ 351 ] Saxifraga Mutata. Saffron-Colour'd Saxifrage."
"[ 352 ] Oenothera Purpurea. Purple Oenothera."
"[ 353 ] Mahernia Incisa. Cut-Leav'd Mahernia."
"[ 354 ] Mimulus Aurantiacus. Orange Monkey-Flower."
"[ 355 ] Oenothera Pumila. Dwarf Oenothera."
"[ 356 ] Erica Massoni. Masson's Heath."
"[ 357 ] Briza Maxima. Great Quaking Grass."
"[ 358 ] Erica Baccans. Arbutus-Flowered Heath."
"[ 359 ] Convolvulus Althæoides. Silky-Leaved Convolvulus."
"[ 360 ] Hibiscus Speciosus. Superb Hibiscus."
Full text
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