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This page is a translated version of a page Template:PermissionTicket/Users and the translation is 80% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Template:PermissionTicket/Users and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Az egy vagy több permission és/vagy photosubmissions sorhoz hozzáférő OTRS-tagok. Az adatok legutóbbi frissítése: 2025. február 2., 12:00 (UTC) (purge this page's cache).

Szerkesztő Szerkesztésszám Admin
-sasha- 2834
AFBorchert 52367 Y
Aafi 8987 Y
Ahonc 106701 Y
Aka 31914 Y
Albertoleoncio 16285
AmandaNP 199
Ameisenigel 710290
Anachronist 520
Andrei Stroe 35327
Andriy.v 4267
AntiCompositeNumber 74997 Y
Ask21 0
Atsme 4878
Avicenno 7977
Base 12335
Bencemac 7892
Bluerasberry 12432
Captain-tucker 34506 Y
Chescargot 5054
Ciell 34551 Y
DCB 57130
DaB. 3793 Y
Daniuu 3155
DarwIn 593064 Y
DejaVu 3746
DerHexer 3181045 Y
Dezedien 10758
Didym 147528 Y
Doc Taxon 22264
Dungodung 26696
Dyolf77 51881 Y
Effeietsanders 15566
Elcobbola 94668 Y
Elli 36936
Ellywa 46286 Y
Elmacenderesi 304
Emha 23251 Y
Emufarmers 415
Ezarate 42786 Y
Fluffernutter 113
Gampe 49587
Ganímedes 22287
Geagea 1064009 Y
Glane23 2058
GorillaWarfare 3359
Grin 3425 Y
Hanay 62883
Hide on Rosé 5330
Htm 68930
Ibrahim.ID 4557
Ijon 5249
Iluvatar 2757
Itti 6700
Ivi104 1016
JJMC89 12661
Janbery 30606
Jcb 261920
Jimmy Xu 1078
Jivee Blau 3882
Jon Harald Søby 10846
Jon Kolbert 96374 Y
Josve05a 432305 Y
Justlettersandnumbers 13127
Kadı 21767 Y
King of Hearts 70720 Y
KrakatoaKatie 133
Krd 195331 Y
Krdbot 576822
Kropotkine 113 361
Kruusamägi 61956
Ks0stm 994
Lechatjaune 522
Lofty abyss 1580 Y
Lomita 22702
Lvova 43780
MGA73 123348 Y
Marcus Cyron 709888 Y
Martin Urbanec 17284
Masti 1973
Matrix 11978 Y
Matthewrb 249
Mbch331 9432
Mdaniels5757 148114 Y
MdsShakil 36009
Mehman 5844
Melos 474
Mido 276
Miljan Simonović 14738
Millbart 304
Moonriddengirl 2143
Mussklprozz 54937
Mys 721tx 22183 Y
NahidSultan 51272 Y
Natuur12 92366 Y
Nemoralis 12143
Ninjastrikers 12296
Nolispanmo 4482
Nsaa 1584
Nthep 2754
OhanaUnited 4047
Ornithorynque liminaire 13182
Platonides 20151 Y
Polimerek 21521
Primefac 461
Ra'ike 38067 Y
Rachmat04 156072
RadiX 1979
Ratekreel 65057 Y
Raymond 421436 Y
Red-tailed hawk 28824 Y
Regasterios 115998 Y
Reinhard Kraasch 55017 Y
Revi C. 52593 Y
Riggwelter 4780
RomaineBot 95584
RonaldB 10293
Ruthven 259016 Y
SCP-2000 9159
Sandra Hanbo 6450
Sannita 10121
Sargoth 1551
Satdeep Gill 14613 Y
Sebastian Wallroth 327786
Seewolf 4110
Sennecaster 1865
Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt 406
Steinsplitter 396986 Y
Stepro 94451
Strainu 19357
Superbass 18515
Superpes15 1838
Superzerocool 14735
Tanbiruzzaman 3396
Tarawneh 15731
TaronjaSatsuma 50138
The Squirrel Conspiracy 65596 Y
TheSandDoctor 23408
Thibaut120094 41918 Y
Turbojet 9580
Utcursch 61672
Varnent 50787
Venzz 9605
Vermont 1635
VernoWhitney 2715
Vituzzu 6342
Vladimir Solovjev 1826
Whym 16857
Wong128hk 427
Ww2censor 81258
XenonX3 21406
Yahya 36227
Yerpo 21168
Zetud 1378
מקף 14551
علاء 22375 Y
فيصل 2396
青子守歌 938
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