[edit]{{British-Museum-db|<ref text>|<database number>}}
This provides a simple link named "<ref text>" to the British Museum collection database record based on the a fully unique database number. In preference, <ref text> will normally be either the BM "registration number" or the BM "big number" which may vary in format for each BM department but is shown on the collection database record.
The database number may use the parameter "id=" if desired. If no database number is included then the text is prefixed by a link to the BM database help page.
Note that database numbers should be identical to the "&objectId=" parameter value in the url of the British Museum collection database record for the item. You can check the listing by searching for any object at britishmuseum.org/research.
See also
[edit]- w:User:Fæ/BM refs (essay on using the BM registration number and big number in Wikipedia articles)
- {{British-Museum-object}}