[edit]The standard one-word geographic name Czechia was authorized and recommended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1993) and included in the UNO Gazetteers of Geographical Names (1993) (, therefore we should use it normally where the short form is proper and taken for other states. --Petrus Adamus (talk) 18:44, 17 April 2009 (UTC)
- I am aware of the naming issues more than I’d like. I could point to counterarguments, e.g. the current official UN naming list, but there’s no point repeating all that – just read the Wikipedia articles. Simply said: in English, the word Czechia is just not used, the common name of the Czech Republic in English is… Czech Republic; the fact that someone officially recommended it (or not) is not relevant here. Note that the English Wikipedia uses Czech Republic as the article title, per the naming conventions. (Cf. en:Talk:Czech Republic#Czechia and talk archives.) --Mormegil (talk) 09:58, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
- There is another land to the east of "Česko" called Morava (Moravia, Mähren; about 1/3 of the whole area of Czech republic). And there is Slezsko (the rest of former Silesia - Schlesien taken from the Habsburger monarchie by Prussia in the half of 18. century; with some legal binding up to the beginning of 19. century) above Morava. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 2014-12-13T16:05:49 (UTC)
- Bohemia, Moravia and Czech Silesia are three lands of Czechia. "Česko" is not only Bohemia. --ŠJů (talk) 01:14, 4 September 2015 (UTC)
- There is another land to the east of "Česko" called Morava (Moravia, Mähren; about 1/3 of the whole area of Czech republic). And there is Slezsko (the rest of former Silesia - Schlesien taken from the Habsburger monarchie by Prussia in the half of 18. century; with some legal binding up to the beginning of 19. century) above Morava. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 2014-12-13T16:05:49 (UTC)
"Discrimination" of Hebrew
[edit]There is no any discrimination, colleague. You needlessly use too strong words. Are the rest of languages in pull down menu "discriminated" when they aren't immediately in captions below the images? Moreover, why just this language? Why Ivrit? Is modern Hebrew in any relation to Czechia and Czech setting?? Obviously not.
By the way, the world languages are simply world languages, nothing for discussion. --Iaroslavvs (talk) 11:40, 13 July 2011 (UTC)
- How come there is no discrimination? Czech yes, English yes, Hebrew no? That’s exactly discrimination. “Why just this language?” That’s your opinion only a few selected languages should be displayed. My opinion is that all languages somebody used to write a caption to an image should be kept. In other words, if somebody adds a caption in his/her language, there is no reason to remove it. See COM:LP: “Descriptions at galleries, categories and file description pages can be in any language and should be added in multiple languages.” --Mormegil (talk) 11:42, 14 July 2011 (UTC)
- This is absurd. Captions in tens or even hundreds languages?! Certainly, you have a problem with NPOV approaching to the matter and with logic – listen my explanation once more and properly, sine ira et studio: Czech language YES because it's the only official language of Czechia (I suppose, you as a Czech native know it very well :), English language also YES because it's world language No. 1, intelligible for hundreds of millions readers. But modern Hebrew language NOT due to its absolute unrelation to Czech setting. Simple, comprehensible.
- By the way, how can you dare speaking about any "dicrimination"?! Stop these stupid attacks! Do you know proper definition of this word? Well, if somebody/something has rightful claim to something and such claim is denied or if somebody/something is disadvantaged against the others, then it can be described as discrimination. Otherwise not! I repeat: is Ivrit in any relation to Czechia and/or Czech setting? Is any significant Israeli minority or important impact of modern Hebrew culture here?? The answer is obvious. In similar manner there are "discriminated" other 101 languages contained in pull-down menu... --Iaroslavvs (talk) 22:59, 17 July 2011 (UTC)
- Hebrejština tam může samozřejmě být, stejně jako třeba arménština nebo afrikánština. Wikimedia Commons je vícejazyčný projekt a žádný jazyk není zakázaný. Především je nutné, aby byl příslušný jazyk označen šablonami jako {{Mld}} nebo {{Cs}}. Naprostý nesmysl je vybírat "povolené" jazyky na základě historie. To by pak podle této logiky mohla být švédština, turečtina aj. Tento výběr je naprosto subjektivní a nelogický. V nejlepším případě by měly být popisky ve všech jazycích. Taky pro to tady existuje "Výběr jazyka" (Language select), který je hned pod nadpisem stránky.--Sevela.p 09:59, 18 July 2011 (UTC)
- „Titulky v desítkách či stovkách jazyků?!“ Přesně tak; nevím, čemu to podle vás vadí. A pokud si už konečně aspoň jednou přečtete COM:LP, zjistíte, že na žádný „world language No. 1“ se na Commons nehraje. O definici slova diskriminace se hádat nepotřebuju, jakkoli i zde se mýlíte. Diskriminace vůči ostatním chybějícím jazykům to není, protože v nich dosud nikdo žádný titulek nenapsal. Pokud napíše, bude na stránce ponechán, i kdyby byl v té afrikánštině. --Mormegil (talk) 10:58, 18 July 2011 (UTC)