This is an open photo contest on Wikimedia Commons for use on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation project sites. It aims to promote images of traditional Albanian cuisine and food. At the end of it, several winners will be announced, and they will be awarded prizes.
The winning photos will be selected by a jury of 3 people. The criteria for selecting photos are as follows:
The way the photo was shot, how it was processed, etc.
Technical quality (sharpness, use of light, perspective, composition, etc.).
Photos must have been taken by you.
Photos must be of traditional Albanian food.
If you need help uploading photos, you can watch this video:
To take part in the competition you must follow the rules below:
Rule 1: You must have a Wiki account.
You must have a Wikipedia account or on another Wikimedia project. If you do not have an account, you can open one here. Make sure your email address is confirmed.
Rule 2: Photographs must be your own work.
Photos that are not your own work (even if you have permission from their creators) will not be accepted.
Rule 3: Photographs must present traditional Albanian foods.
You must upload at least 10 pictures of traditional Albanian foods to Wikimedia Commons.
Rule 4: Photos must be uploaded within the period March 25th - April 25th 2024.
Photos uploaded before or after this date will be excluded from the competition.