Uploads by VVVladimir

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19:05, 26 February 2019 Risale-i tarikatname by Gaibi (f1v).jpg (file) 341 KB {{Information |Description= {{en| ''Risāle-i tarīkatnāme'' (folio 1 verso) by Sheikh Mustafa Gaibi, a 17th-century dervish from Ottoman Bosnia. The manuscript is kept at the University Library in Bratislava (426{{space}}TF{{space}}7)}} |Source= http://retrobib.ulib.sk/Basagic/EN/426.htm |Author= Mustafa Gaibi |Date=17th century |Permission={{PD-Art|1=PD-old-100}} |Other versions= }} Category:Mustafa Gaibi Category:Manuscripts from Bosnia and Herzegovina [[Category:University Library i...
19:05, 26 February 2019 Stara Gradiška fortress (1750).png (file) 125 KB {{Information |Description= {{en|A plan of the Stara Gradiška fortress from 1750 (the National Archives of Austria, Kriegsarchiv Wien, Kartensammlung, Inland C{{space}}VII, Nr.{{space}}11)}} |Source={{Citation| author=Josip Kljajić| year=2003| title=Stara Gradiška u 18. stoljeću| journal = Peristil: zbornik radova za povijest umjetnosti| volume=46| publisher = Društvo povjesničara umjetnosti| location = Zagreb| issn=0553-6707| url = https://hrcak.srce.hr/166735| page=78}} |Author={{unknown|au...
19:05, 26 February 2019 Gaibi's turbe at Stara Gradiška.png (file) 908 KB {{Information |Description= {{en|The former turbe (mausoleum) of Sheikh Mustafa Gaibi, a 17th-century dervish from Ottoman Bosnia, located until 1954 at Stara Gradiška}} {{sr|Бивше турбе дервиша Мустафе Гаибије код Старе Градишке}} |Source={{Citation| author=Mita Kostić| year=1934| title=Gaibijino turbe kod Stare Gradiške| trans-title=Gaibi's Turbe at Stara Gradiška| journal = Narodna starina| volume=33| publisher = Josip Matasović| location = Zagreb, Kingdom of Yugoslavia| issn=1849-1510| ur...
14:37, 7 July 2018 Lazar Jovanović, potpis (1842).png (file) 42 KB {{Information |description={{sr|1=Потпис Лазара Јовановића}} {{en|1=Signature of Lazar Jovanović}} |date=1842 |source=File:Epistolija, Lazar Jovanović, 1842 (1v).jpg |author=Lazar Jovanović |permission={{PD-Art|1=PD-old-100}} {{PD-1923}} |other versions= }} Category:Lazar Jovanović (scribe)
15:13, 29 June 2018 Sobornik, Lazar Jovanović, 1841 (12v-13r) b&w.jpg (file) 260 KB {{Information |description={{sr|1=Књига ''Соборник или совјетник мајстора еснафа кујунџискога'' од Лазара Јовановића, писана 1841. у Тешњу, л.{{space}}12б–13а (Библиотека Народног музеја Србије, Рр{{space}}1)}} {{en|1=Manuscript book ''Sobornik ili sovjetnik majstora esnafa kujundžiskoga'' written by Lazar Jovanović in 1841 in Tešanj, folios 12v–13r (Belgrade, Library of the National Museum of Serbia, Rr{{space}}1)}} |date=1841 |source=Milenković, Svetlana; Vasiljev, Ljupka (2002). "Још једна...
15:13, 29 June 2018 Sobornik, Lazar Jovanović, 1841 (1r) b&w.jpg (file) 258 KB {{Information |description={{sr|1=Књига ''Соборник или совјетник мајстора еснафа кујунџискога'' од Лазара Јовановића, писана 1841. у Тешњу, л.{{space}}1а (Библиотека Народног музеја Србије, Рр{{space}}1)}} {{en|1=Manuscript book ''Sobornik ili sovjetnik majstora esnafa kujundžiskoga'' written by Lazar Jovanović in 1841 in Tešanj, folio 1 recto (Belgrade, Library of the National Museum of Serbia, Rr{{space}}1)}} |date=1841 |source=Milenković, Svetlana; Vasiljev, Ljupka (2002). "Још једна рукоп...
17:14, 25 June 2018 Epistolija, Lazar Jovanović, 1842 (1v).jpg (file) 62 KB {{Information |description={{sr|1=Књига ''Епистолија'' од Лазара Јовановића, писана 1842. у Тешњу, л. 1б. (Београд, Народна библиотека Србије, Рс 97}} {{en|1=Manuscript book ''Epistolija'' written by Lazar Jovanović in 1842 in Tešanj, folio 1 verso (Belgrade, National Library of Serbia, Rs{{space}}97). The writer's declaration: "... The book was written and made from the beginning to the end by Lazar Jovanović, the Tešanj teacher, formerly from the city of Sarajevo. This book was donated to t...
17:19, 21 June 2018 Serbian Elementary School, Prijedor (1889).jpg (file) 181 KB {{Information |description={{sr|1=Српска основна школа у Приједору фотографисана 1889. godine}} {{en|1=Serbian Elementary School in Prijedor photographed in 1889}} |date=1889 |source=[http://digitalna.nb.rs/wb/NBS/casopisi_pretrazivi_po_datumu/bosanska_vila/1889/01/b001#page/8/mode/1up ''Bosanska vila'', Sarajevo, vol. 4 no. 1, p. 9, 1889] |author={{unknown|author}} |permission={{PD-Bosnia and Herzegovina}} {{PD-1996|country=BA|reason=Photo published in 1889}} |other versions= }} [[Category:P...
15:27, 7 April 2016 Pravila GRS za BiH.png (file) 2.1 MB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Part of the first page (upper left corner) and the last page of the original manuscript of the Rules of the General Workers' Union (the first trade union to be founded in Bosnia and Herzegovina), with the names of its...
19:19, 18 March 2016 Mladen Stojanović 1.jpg (file) 93 KB {{Information |Description = {{en|1=Doctor Mladen Stojanović}} {{sr|1=Доктор Младен Стојановић}} {{ru|1=Доктор [[w:ru:Стоянович, Младе...
16:05, 3 September 2015 Žorž Skrigin (1943).jpg (file) 27 KB {{Information |Description = {{en|1=Self-portrait of Žorž Skrigin, Yugoslav Partisan, ballet dancer, artistic photographer, later film director}} {{sr|1=Жорж Скригин, аутопортрет}} |Source = '''Original publication'''...
17:04, 16 August 2015 Potpis kralja Stefana Tvrtka I.png (file) 148 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Signature of King Tvrtko I of Bosnia: ☩Stefan Tvrtko, in the Christ God the King of Serbs and Bosnia, etc.}} {{sr|1=Потпис краља Твртка I: ☩Стефан Твртко у Христа Бога к...
19:07, 19 June 2015 Partizanka previja ranjenika.jpg (file) 3.37 MB {{Information |Description = {{en|1=Photograph of a Yugoslav Partisan nurse treating a wounded Partisan (World War II)}} {{sr|1=Партизанска болничарка превија рањеног партизана}} |Source = '''Origi...
19:05, 19 June 2015 Zbor AFŽ-a u Drvaru, 1942.jpg (file) 272 KB {{Information |Description = {{en|1=Rally of the Women's Anti-Fascist Front of Yugoslavia held in Drvar in Semptember 1942}} {{sr|1=Збор АФЖ-а одржан у Дрвару септембра 1942}} |Source = '''Original publication''...
18:43, 16 May 2015 Topal Sherif Osman Pasha.jpg (file) 28 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Topal Sherif Osman Pasha, the Ottoman governor of Bosnia (1861–1869)}} {{sr|1=Топал Шериф Осман Паша}} {{tr|1=Topal Şerif Osman Paşa}} |Source =http://www.obs.ba/index.php/historijat...
18:43, 16 May 2015 Bukvar (Miloš Mandić, 1867) 11.png (file) 881 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Alphabet Book for Serb elementary schools in the Ottoman Vilayet of Bosnia, page 11}} {{sr|1=Буквар за српске основне школе у Вилајету Босна, Отоманско царств...
19:01, 15 May 2015 Bosanski vjestnik nameplate.png (file) 32 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Nameplate of ''Bosnaski vjestnik'' (Serbian Cyrillic: Босански вјестник), the first newspaper to be printed in Bosnia and Herzegovina}} {{sr|1=''Босански вјестник'', прве нов...
18:03, 1 May 2015 Емина, Алекса Шантић.jpg (file) 277 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=The first publication of Aleksa Šantić's popular poem ''Emina'', in the Serbian literary journal ''Kolo''}} {{sr|1=Прво објављивање популарне пјесме ''Емина'' Алексе Ша...
16:31, 14 April 2015 Петар Кочић, рукопис Мргуда.jpg (file) 112 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=A page from the original manuscript of the short story ''Mrguda'' by Bosnian Serb writer Petar Kočić}} {{sr|1=Страница оригиналног рукописа приповијетке "Мргуда" Пе...
14:28, 7 March 2015 Marija Bursać 1984 Yugoslavia stamp.jpg (file) 11 KB mf
18:37, 3 March 2015 Ustasha dressed in women's clothes.jpg (file) 149 KB cropped
18:16, 13 January 2015 Partizanke na Dinari (1943).jpg (file) 289 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Group of female Yugoslav Partisans in Mount Dinara (near the border of present-day Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia)}} {{sr|1=Група партизанки на Динари}} |Source =http://znaci.net/damj...
18:16, 13 January 2015 Žetva u Saničkoj dolini (1942).jpg (file) 269 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Members of the 1st Krajina Agricultural Shock Brigade who reaped grain in the valley of the Sanica River, western Bosnia, protected by Yugoslav Partisans (WWII)}} {{sr|1=Чланови Прве крајишке у...
16:43, 25 July 2014 Mojsej Putnik.jpg (file) 120 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Mojsej Putnik, Serbian Orthodox Metropolitan of Karlovci from 1781 to 1790}} {{sr|1=Мојсеј Путник, карловачки митрополит од 1781 до 1790}} |Source =http://www.staresrpske...
16:27, 25 July 2014 Count Francis Balassa.jpg (file) 116 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Engraving of Count Francis Balassa in the German–Serbian dictionary published in Vienna in 1791}} {{sr|1=Гроф Балаша, бакрорез у Аврамовићевом речнику}} |Source =htt...
16:26, 25 July 2014 Avramović Dictionary (part 2, page 1).png (file) 95 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=German–Serbian dictionary published in Vienna in 1791, part 2, page 1}} {{sr|1=Аврамовићев речник, прва страна другог дела}} |Source =http://books.google.com/books?id=...
16:26, 25 July 2014 Avramović Dictionary (title page).png (file) 59 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Title page of the German–Serbian dictionary published in Vienna in 1791}} {{sr|1=Аврамовићев речник, насловна страна}} |Source =http://books.google.com/books?id=ZEVKAAAAcAAJ...
16:21, 4 June 2014 Bolani Dojcin.ogg (file) 1.85 MB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Initial part of the Serbian epic poem "Bolani Dojčin", sung to the accompaniment of the gusle}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =VVVladimir |Date =2014 |Permission = |oth...
19:16, 9 May 2014 Luther's Small Catechism in Cyrillic (1561).png (file) 1.84 MB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Title page of Luther's Small Catechism printed in Cyrillic in Urach, Germany}} |Source =Page 7 in http://stadtarchiv.memmingen.de/fileadmin/flash/Stadtarchiv/Trubar-Catechismus-Kyrillisch/blaetterkatalog/in...
17:26, 29 April 2014 Makarije Hieratikon (1508), 12v.jpg (file) 601 KB {{Information |Description =Folio 12 verso of the Makarije Hieratikon (priest's service book) printed in Church Slavonic in Târgoviște, Wallachia (present-day Romania). Bucharest, Biblioteca Academiei Române, CRV 1 |Source =Page 26 in the...
17:25, 29 April 2014 Goražde Psalter (1521), 11r.jpg (file) 234 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Folio 11 recto of the Goražde Psalter}} {{sr|1=Гораждански псалтир, лист 11 recto}} |Source =http://scc.digital.bkp.nb.rs/document/IN-gorazde-003&p=025 |Author =Teodor Ljubavi...
20:25, 16 April 2014 Goražde Psalter (1521), 124v.png (file) 2.43 MB minor fix
17:43, 8 April 2014 Goražde Psalter, initial Б2.jpg (file) 19 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Goražde Psalter, folio 51 verso, initial letter Б}} {{sr|1=Гораждански псалтир, лист 51 verso, иницијал Б}} |Source =http://scc.digital.bkp.nb...
17:43, 8 April 2014 Goražde Psalter (1521), 137v.jpg (file) 215 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Folio 137 verso of the Goražde Psalter, one of the earliest printed books in the Serbian recension of Church Slavonic}} {{sr|1=Гораждански псалтир, лист 137 verso}} |Source =http://sc...
17:43, 8 April 2014 Goražde Psalter, initial Б1.jpg (file) 8 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Goražde Psalter, folio 60 recto, initial letter Б}} {{sr|1=Гораждански псалтир, лист 60 recto, иницијал Б}} |Source =http://scc.digital.bkp.nb...
17:03, 17 February 2014 Minhenski psaltir2.jpg (file) 42 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=The Munich Serbian Psalter, folio 167 recto, the miniature depicting the Nativity of Mary}} {{sr|1=Минхенски српски псалтир, лист 167 recto, Рођење Богородице}} |Source...
17:25, 19 November 2013 Командант одреда (партизански чин).svg (file) 2 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Insignia of Detachment Commander - a military rank of the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia (Yugoslav Partisans). In use from the beginning of 1942 to May 1943.}} {{sr|1=Ознака чина командан...
15:11, 17 November 2013 Komandant odreda (partizanski čin).png (file) 1 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Insignia of Commander of Detachment - a military rank of the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia (Yugoslav Partisans). In use from early 1942 to May 1943.}} {{sr|1=Ознака чина команданта од...
19:05, 31 October 2013 Naredba - Štab Prvog krajiškog odreda.png (file) 1.62 MB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Document issued by Mladen Stojanović for the appointment of Milorad Mijatović, Petar Vojinović, Velimir Stojnić, and Moni Levi as members of the Headquarters of the 1st Krajina National Liberation Partisan Deta...
18:23, 20 October 2013 Palancist (cropped).jpg (file) 1.44 MB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Village Palanciste, on mountain Kozara, RS, BiH, and peak Maslin Bair (691 m)}} |Source =dertivative of File:Palancista.jpg |Author =User:Banovic |Date =14 May 2007 |Permission ...
17:57, 18 October 2013 Tuzla Stara Gimnazija.jpg (file) 49 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Pre-WWI postcard of Tuzla showing the Gymnasium}} {{sr|1=Тузланска гимназија на разгледници од прије Првог свјетског рата}} |Source =http://volimtuzlu...
17:57, 18 October 2013 Prijedor 1910.jpg (file) 44 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Old postcard of Prijedor}} {{sr|1=Стара разгледница Приједора}} |Source =http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/2487/prijedorvk4.jpg |Author ={{anonymous}} |Date =1910...
12:36, 5 July 2013 Marko Mrnjavčević.png (file) 1.67 MB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=King Marko Mrnjavčević. Part of the fresco ensemble above the south entrance to the church of Marko's Monastery near Skopje, Macedonia.}} {{sr|1=Краљ Марко Мрњавчевић. Фреска на јуж...
16:58, 14 April 2013 Brankovićeve Hronike (stranica).png (file) 228 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=A page from the fifth volume of the manuscript of the ''Slavo-Serbian Chronicles''}} {{sr|1=Једна страница из петог тома рукописа ''Славеносрпских хроника''}} |S...
16:29, 9 April 2013 Topographic map of the Serbian Empire, by User-VVVladimir.png (file) 14.11 MB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Map of the Serbian Empire in 1355. Sources: * File:Dusanova Srbija200.jpg * Mihaljčić, Rade (1975). ''Крај Српског царства [The end of the Serbian Empire]'' (in Serbian). Belgrade: Srpska k...
14:58, 26 March 2013 Signature of Đorđe Branković, 1689.png (file) 26 KB cropped
18:44, 25 March 2013 Count Đorđe Branković, Franz Schilhabel, 1849.jpg (file) 34 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Đorđe Branković, Count of Podgorica (1645–1711), Transylvanian Serb diplomat, writer, and self-proclaimed descendant of the medieval Serbian Branković dynasty.}} {{sr|1=Гроф Ђорђе Бранковић ...
14:42, 19 October 2012 Trosky klastera Precista Krajinska, 11. stol (cropped).jpg (file) 29 KB more cropping
16:59, 4 October 2012 Pohvala knezu Lazaru.jpg (file) 209 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=''Encomium of Prince Lazar'', embroidered with gilded thread on silken shroud that covered the relics of Prince Lazar of Serbia}} |Source =http://www.staresrpskeslike.com/image.php?imageID=2410 |Author ...
12:07, 30 September 2012 Saint Jovan Vladimir (Stemmatographia).jpg (file) 1.32 MB higher resolution
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