Uploads by Unoffensive text of character

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This special page shows all uploaded files that have not been deleted; for those see the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
09:39, 5 July 2007 Quechua in Santiago del Estero.png (file) 33 KB Own work, based on: [http://butler.cc.tut.fi/~fabre/BookInternetVersio/Dic=Quechua.pdf|Alain Fabre 2005, Diccionario etnolingüistico y guía bibliográfica de los pueblos indígenas sudamericanos. QUECHUA, pp. 96ff]
09:47, 22 May 2007 Huasteca.png (file) 12 KB {{Information |Description=approximate extent of Huastec-speaking area in Mexico |Source=self-made |Date=2007 05 22 |Author= User:Unoffensive text of character }}
08:45, 10 November 2006 Otomi.PNG (file) 11 KB Map showing the current distribution of the Otomi language in Mexico.
14:22, 12 October 2006 Nahuatl.JPG (file) 47 KB Nahuatl speaking areas in Mexico. Based on Maps "Mapa de lenguas de México" in [Lenguas de México].
13:39, 11 October 2006 Mayathan in Yucatan.PNG (file) 99 KB Percentage of speakers by municipio. Comparison between youngest and oldest speakers. Source: Myself, based on Mexican census data (2000 Census)