Uploads by Petrberka

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This special page shows all uploaded files that have not been deleted; for those see the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
07:39, 13 May 2009 InhambaneDhaw.jpg (file) 926 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Port with dhaws in Inhambane, Mozambique.}} {{cs|1=Přnístav s plachetniceme dhaw v mozambickém Inhambane.}} |Source=Vlastní dílo (own work) |Author=Petrberka |Date=2009 |Permission= |other_versions
08:49, 9 April 2009 MaputoStation.jpg (file) 956 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Maputo railway station}} {{cs|1=Vlakové nádraží v Maputu}} |Source=own picture |Author=Petr Berka |Date=2009 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}--> Category:Maputo
09:26, 5 February 2009 LadysmithSAR.jpg (file) 922 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Ladysmith, South Aftica, KwaZulu Natal, city center}} {{cs|1=Ladysmith, JAR, KwaZulu Natal, centrum města}} |Source=my own picture |Author=Petr berka (Petrberka) |Date=2009 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUp
07:31, 4 December 2008 AlfHrdlicka.jpg (file) 825 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Monument Against War and Faschism by Alfred Hrdlicka.}} {{cs|1=Pomník Proti válce a fašismu od Alfréda Hrdličky.}} |Source=own picture |Author=Petr berka (Petrberka) |Date=2008 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{
12:51, 2 December 2008 KlosterDurenstein.jpg (file) 843 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Tower of the Dürnstein Abbey.}} {{cs|1=Věž dürnštejnského opatství.}} |Source=my own picture |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Date=2008 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}--> [[Category:Dürns
12:45, 2 December 2008 BurgDurenstein.jpg (file) 911 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Dürnstein Castle in Austria.}} {{cs|1=Hrad Dürenstein v Rakousku.}} |Source=my own picture |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Date=2008 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}--> Category:Dürnstein
08:11, 2 December 2008 BaZs.jpg (file) 846 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Monument in Budapest.}} {{cs|1=Pomník Bajcsy-Zsilinszkého v Budapesti}} |Source=my own picture |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Date=2008 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}--> [[
08:23, 1 December 2008 Divcak.jpg (file) 966 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Dívčí Kámen Castle in Bohemia.}} {{cs|1=Hrad Dívčí Kámen u Holubova v okrese ČK.}} |Source=my own picture |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Date=2008 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}--> [[
08:10, 1 December 2008 HolubovskaSkola.jpg (file) 945 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=School in Holubov, Czech Republic.}} {{cs|1=Škola v Holubově.}} |Source=my own picture |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Date=2008 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}--> Category:Holubov
06:11, 9 July 2008 GAMBRINUSat.jpg (file) 789 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Gambrinus beer brewed in Austria.}} {{cs|1=Rakouský Gambrinus.}} |Source=my own picture |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Date=2008 |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{ImageUpload|full}} Category:Beer
11:05, 4 June 2008 FerenczyMuseum.jpg (file) 833 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Ferenczy Museum in Szentendre }} |Source=own picture |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Date=2008 |Permission=autor |other_versions= }} {{ImageUpload|full}} Category:Szentendre Category:Ferenczy
17:25, 27 May 2008 AnnaAmosMuseum.jpg (file) 918 KB {{Information |Description=Sign on the Imre Amos and Margit Anna Museum in Szentendre |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
17:22, 27 May 2008 AmosAnnaMuseum.jpg (file) 858 KB {{Information |Description=Building of Margit Anna and Imre Amos Museum in Szentendre |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
16:43, 27 May 2008 SzentendreBeograda.jpg (file) 851 KB {{Information |Description=Orthodox Cathedral Beograda in Szentendre |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
16:39, 27 May 2008 SzentendreCross.jpg (file) 821 KB {{Information |Description=Cross on the Main Sq. in Szentendre |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
14:31, 26 May 2008 KmettyMuseum.jpg (file) 945 KB {{Information |Description=The museum of Kmetty János in Szentendre, Hungary. |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
09:15, 26 May 2008 MargitKovacs.jpg (file) 872 KB {{Information |Description= Plate at the entrance into the Margit Kovács Museum in Szentendre |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
22:57, 29 April 2008 StAmadeus.jpg (file) 796 KB {{Information |Description= Statue of saint Amadeus of the Amidei, St. Peters Church in Vienna |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
21:33, 29 April 2008 Orkeny.jpg (file) 845 KB {{Information |Description= Entrance into the Istán Örkeny Theatre in Budapest |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
21:22, 29 April 2008 Kary2.jpg (file) 813 KB {{Information |Description= Karyatid, Pallavicini Palace, Vienna |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
21:20, 29 April 2008 Kary1.jpg (file) 832 KB {{Information |Description= Karyatid, Julius Meinl, Am Graben, Vienna |Source=own picture |Date=2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
12:05, 17 March 2008 Castillo Kost.JPG (file) 816 KB {{Information |Description= Kost Castle in Czechia |Source=my own picture |Date=2006 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
05:21, 9 March 2008 KangaSiyu1.jpg (file) 766 KB {{Information |Description= Woman in kanga from Siyu on the Pate Island in Kenya |Source=my own picture |Date=2005 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
18:04, 2 March 2008 Chodof1.jpg (file) 937 KB {{Information |Description= Kostel sv.Vavřince v Chodově u Karlových Var |Source=my own picture |Date=02.02.2008 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission=by the author |other_versions= }}
11:50, 28 February 2008 CarlsbadWater.jpg (file) 1.16 MB {{Information |Description=Car with the Carlsbad Water |Source= |Date=2004 |Author=Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
07:23, 28 February 2008 SanDiegoCasaDeBalboa.jpg (file) 929 KB {{Information |Description= San Diego, California, Casa de Balboa |Source= my own picture |Date= 2004 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
07:20, 28 February 2008 SanDiegoModern.jpg (file) 1 MB {{Information |Description= San Diego, California, Convention Center |Source= own picture |Date=2004 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
07:14, 28 February 2008 SanDiegoGaslampQ.jpg (file) 895 KB {{Information |Description=San Diego, California, Gaslamp Quarter |Source= own picture |Date= 2004 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
16:45, 27 February 2008 WaltDisneyConcertHall.jpg (file) 884 KB {{Information |Description= Walt Disney Concert Hall by Frank Ghery in Los Angeles |Source= my own picture |Date= 2004 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
16:31, 27 February 2008 CarlsbadCalifornia.jpg (file) 942 KB {{Information |Description= Center of the city Carlsbad in California |Source= my own picture |Date= 2004 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
16:28, 27 February 2008 JohnFrazier.jpg (file) 1.16 MB {{Information |Description= Statue of John Frazier in Carlsbad, California. |Source= my own picture |Date= Dec 2004 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
07:12, 27 February 2008 WelwitchiaMale.JPG (file) 913 KB {{Information |Description= male Welwitchia mirabilis |Source= my own picture |Date= 2007 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
07:09, 27 February 2008 WelwitchiaFemale.JPG (file) 911 KB {{Information |Description=female Welwitchia mirabilis |Source= my own picture |Date= 2007 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
21:37, 23 February 2008 ND SD.jpg (file) 887 KB {{Information |Description= Portal of Notre-Dame in Paris |Source= own Picture |Date= 2005 |Author= Petr Berka (Petrberka) |Permission= by the author (Petr Berka) |other_versions= }}
20:41, 23 February 2008 Raven of Corvinus.jpg (file) 807 KB {{Information |Description=Raven of Matyas Corvinus |Source= own picture |Date= 2005 |Author=Petr Berka(Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
19:53, 23 February 2008 Mill in St.Augustine.jpg (file) 1.2 MB {{Information |Description=Mill in St.Augustine |Source= my own picture |Date= 2004 |Author= Petr Berka(Petrberka) |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
17:11, 23 February 2008 StifterWien.JPG (file) 821 KB {{Information |Description=Adalbert Stifter, Vienna |Source=own picture |Date= 2006 |Author= Jana Zemanova |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
16:59, 23 February 2008 SeilbahnSchoeninger.jpg (file) 921 KB {{Information |Description= Lanovka na Kleť |Source= own picture |Date= 2007 |Author= Jana Zemanová |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
16:29, 23 February 2008 BrandbergTreck.JPG (file) 892 KB {{Information |Description=Treck to the top of the Brandberg Mt. in Namibia |Source=own picture |Date= 02.02.2007 |Author= Petr Berka |Permission= by Petr Berka[[:Image:]] |other_versions= }}
09:22, 23 February 2008 Brandberg1.JPG (file) 892 KB {{Information |Description=White Lady, Brandberg Mounain, Namibia |Source=own picture |Date=2007 |Author=Petr Berka |Permission= by the author |other_versions= }}
08:01, 23 February 2008 Hunor-Magor.jpg (file) 780 KB {{Information |Description=Hunor-Magor |Source=own picture |Date=05.08.2007 |Author=Petr Berka |Permission= by Petr Berka (author) |other_versions= }}
07:48, 23 February 2008 Budai Turul.jpg (file) 833 KB {{Information |Description= Turul |Source= own picture |Date=05.08.2007 |Author=Petr Berka |Permission=public domain, permission by Petr Berka (author) |other_versions= }}