Uploads by Mcorazao~commonswiki

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
04:05, 12 January 2010 Galveston Bay Area Locator.gif (file) 15 KB Higher-quality image
05:39, 9 November 2009 Galveston bay area.gif (file) 22 KB Revised to show all bayside areas as primary and strictly showing inland areas as secondary.
18:29, 23 April 2008 Codex Armenicus Rescriptus.jpg (file) 293 KB The Codex Armenicus Rescriptus is a parchment originating at the Monastery of St. Catherine at Mt. Sinai. The original text on the parchment was an Armenian version of the Homilies on the Psalter by John Chrisostomos. It was later overwritten with Melkite
16:41, 23 April 2008 Mudil Psalter.jpg (file) 48 KB The Mudil Psalter was discovered in the Coptic cemetery of Al-Mudil in Middle Egypt in 1984. It is the earliest complete psalter in the Coptic language.
16:25, 23 April 2008 Joshua Roll.jpg (file) 187 KB The Joshua Roll is an illuminated manuscript, probably of the 10th century, created in the Byzantine empire, according to many scholars by artists of the Imperial workshops in Constantinople. It is in the Vatican Library. The Roll portrays the Old Testam