Uploads by Lrt000

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This special page shows all uploaded files that have not been deleted; for those see the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
07:45, 20 May 2020 IfTheWorldWasEnding.jpg (file) 59 KB {{Information |Description=If The World Was Ending's logo, single by JP Saxe feat. Julia Michaels |Source=https://www.jpsaxe.com/ |Date=2020-05-20 |Author=JP Saxe |Permission= |other_versions= }}
09:39, 8 May 2020 SaySoLogo.png (file) 23 KB {{Information |Description=Say So's logo, single by Doja Cat |Source=https://dojacat.com/ |Date=2020-05-08 |Author=Doja Cat |Permission= |other_versions= }}
16:06, 29 March 2020 DuaLipaLogo2020.png (file) 24 KB {{Information |Description=Dua Lipa's logo of 2020 |Source=https://www.dualipa.com/ |Date=2020-03-29 |Author=Dua Lipa |Permission= |other_versions= }}
14:36, 27 March 2020 FutureNostalgiaLogo.jpg (file) 31 KB {{Information |Description=Future Nostalgia's logo |Source=https://www.dualipa.com/ |Date=27 March 2020 |Author=Dua Lipa |Permission= |other_versions= }}
13:12, 21 January 2020 TMC logo1981.png (file) 10 KB {{Information |Description= {{en|1= Telemontecarlo logo used from 1981 to 1985}} {{it|1= Logo di Telemontecarlo utilizzato dal 1981 al 1985}} |Source=https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/La7 |Date=2020-01-21 |Author=Telemontecarlo |Permission= |other_versions= }}
13:02, 21 January 2020 Tmc logo74.png (file) 5 KB {{Information |Description= {{en|1=The first Telemontecarlo logo used from 1974 to 1985}} {{it|1=Il primo logo di Telemontecarlo utilizzato dal 1974 al 1985}} |Source=https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/La7 |Date=2020-01-21 |Author=Telemontecarlo |Permission= |other_versions= }}
15:41, 15 December 2019 ArizonaZervasLogo.jpg (file) 29 KB {{Information |Description=Arizona Zervas's Logo |Source=http://arizonazervas.com/ |Date=15 December 2019 |Author=Arizona Zervas |Permission= |other_versions= }}
18:09, 18 April 2019 19901213 002428 sicilia earthquake shakemap.jpg (file) 623 KB {{Information |description ={{en|1=Map of the intensity of the Sicily earthquake of December 13, 1990}} {{it|1=Mappa dell'intensità del terremoto della Sicilia del 13 dicembre 1990}} |date =2019-04-18 |source =https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usp0004j1w/executive |author =USGS }}
16:57, 18 April 2019 2017 ischia earthquake shakemap.jpg (file) 447 KB {{Information |description ={{en|1=Shake map of the Ischia Mw 4.0 earthquake of 2017-08-21 18:57:51 UTC}} {{it|1=Mappa di scuotimento del terremoto Mw 4.0 che ha colpito l'isola di Ischia il 2017-08-21 18:57:51 UTC}} |date =2019-04-18 |source =https://ingvterremoti.wordpress.com/2017/09/14/il-terremoto-di-casamicciola-del-21-agosto-2017-osservazioni-sul-moto-del-suolo/ |author =Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia }}
11:12, 18 April 2019 19970926 094026 umbria-marche shakemap.jpg (file) 888 KB {{Information |description ={{en|1=Map of the intensity of the Umbria and Marche earthquake of September 26, 1997}} {{it|1=Mappa dell'intensità del terremoto di Umbria e Marche del 26 settembre 1997}} |date =2019-04-18 |source =https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2008/1236/downloads/OF08-1236_508.pdf |author =USGS }}
15:57, 16 February 2019 Rede Globo logo 1975.PNG (file) 43 KB {{Information |description ={{en|1=Rede Globo logo designed by Hans Donner in use from 1975 to 2008}} {{pt|1=Logotipo da Rede Globo desenhado por Hans Donner em uso de 1975 a 2008}} |date =2019-02-16 |source ={{Derived from|Globo TMC logo.svg|display=50}} |author =*Rede Globo logo.png: Rede Globo *derivative work: Lrt000 }} Category:PD shape Category:With trademark