Uploads by Fernandezmv

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
18:01, 9 November 2018 Sermones de los misterios de nuestra santa fe catolica Fernando de Avendaño y González 1648 title page.jpg (file) 440 KB == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Book |Author =Fernando de Avendaño y González |Translator = |Editor = |Illustrator = |Title =Sermones de los misterios de nuestra santa fe catolica, en lengua castellana, y la general del Inca |Subtitle =Impugnanse los errores particulares que los indios han tenido |Series title = |Volume = |Edition = |Publisher = |Printer = |Date =1648 |City =Lima |Language =Span...
15:15, 9 November 2018 O fazendeiro do Brazil José Mariano da Conceição 1798 volume 1 title page.jpg (file) 310 KB == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Book |Author =Velloso, José Mariano da Conceição, 1742-1811 |Translator = |Editor = |Illustrator = |Title =O fazendeiro do Brazil |Subtitle =melhorado na economia rural dos generos já cultivados, e de outros, que se podem introduzir; e nas fabricas, que lhe são proprias, segundo o melhor, que se tem escrito a este assumpto: debaixo dos auspicios e de ordem de Sua Alteza Real o Principe do Brazil nosso senhor |Series title...
19:10, 2 November 2018 Catecismo Testerino 1700s sample page.jpg (file) 1.21 MB == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Book |Author = |Translator = |Editor = |Illustrator = |Title =Catecismo Testerino |Subtitle = |Series title = |Volume = |Edition = |Publisher = |Printer = |Date =circa 1700s |City =Mexico |Language =Nahuatl, Spanish |Description ={{en|1=Page from the manuscript codex ''Catecismo Testerino'' probably written in Mexico in the 18th century. This catechism includ...
02:32, 30 October 2018 Pietro Martire d'Anghiera Map of the Caribbean 1511 JCB.jpg (file) 932 KB {{Map |title =Map of the Caribbean |description =A map of the Caribbean basin, including the islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, with the coast of Florida and Central America. Nautical elements include soundings. |legend = |author =Peter Martyr d'Anghiera |date =1511 |source ={{Institution:John Carter Brown Library}}[https://search.library.brown.edu/catalog/b2221645 JCB 1-SIZE H511.A587o library catalog record] <br />[ht...
19:18, 29 October 2018 Arte de la lengua aymara Diego de Torres Rubio 1616 title page.jpg (file) 2.1 MB == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Book |Author =Diego de Torres Rubio |Translator = |Editor = |Illustrator = |Title =Arte de la lengua aymara |Subtitle = |Series title = |Volume = |Edition = |Publisher = |Printer = |Date =1616 |City =Lima |Language =Aymara, Spanish |Description ={{en|1=Title page of original 1616 edition of ''Arte de la lengua aymara'' by Diego de Torres Rubio}} |Source =Scan...
19:03, 29 October 2018 Arte y vocabulario de la lengua quichua general de los indios de el peru Diego De Torres Rubio 1754 title page.jpg (file) 2.33 MB == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Book |Author =Diego de Torres Rubio |Translator = |Editor = |Illustrator = |Title =Arte, y vocabulario de la lengua quichua general de los indios de el Perú. |Subtitle =Que compuso el padre Diego de Torres Rubio de la Compañia de Jesus. ; Y añadio el P. Juan de Figueredo de la misma Compañia. ; Ahora nuevamente corregido, y aumentado en machos [sic] vocablos, y varias advertencias, notas, y observaciones, para la mejor inteli...
17:23, 24 October 2018 Gramatica y arte nueua de la lengua general de todo el Peru, llamada lengua Quichua Diego Gonzalez Holguin 1607 title page.jpg (file) 2.39 MB == {{int:filedesc}} == {[Book |Author =Diego González Holguín |Translator = |Editor = |Illustrator = |Title =Gramatica y arte nueua de la lengua general de todo el Peru, llamada lengua Quichua, o lengua del Inca |][sic] de Caçeres |Series title = |Volume = |Edition = |Publisher = |Printer =Francisco del Canto |Date =1607 |City =Lima |Language =Spanish,...
20:37, 22 October 2018 Vocabulario de la lengua general de todo el Peru llamada lengua Qquichua, o del Inca Diego Gonzalez Holquin 1608 title page.jpg (file) 2.67 MB {{Book |Author =Diego González Holguín |Translator = |Editor = |Illustrator = |Title =Vocabulario de la lengua general de todo el Peru llamada lengua Qquichua, o del Inca |Subtitle =Corregido y renovado conforme ala propriedad cortesana del Cuzco. Diuidido en dos libros, que son dos vocabularios enteros en que salen a luz de nueuo las cosas q[ue] faltauan al vocabulario. Y la suma de las cosas que se aumentan se vea enla hoja siguiente. Van añadido...
17:17, 22 October 2018 Pablo Jose de Arriaga Extirpacion de la idolatria del Piru 1621.djvu (file) 20.97 MB {{Book |Author ={{Creator:Pablo José Arriaga}} |Translator = |Editor = |Illustrator = |Title =Extirpacion de la idolatria del Piru. : Dirigido al Rey N.S. en su Real Conseio de Indias |Subtitle = |Series title = |Volume = |Edition = |Publisher = |Printer =Geronymo de Contreras |Date =1621 |City =Lima |Language =Spanish, Latin, Quechua |Description ={{en|1=Original 1621 edition of ''E...
19:01, 12 October 2018 Ritual formulario e institucion de curas Juan Pérez Bocanegra 1631 title page.jpg (file) 2.19 MB User created page with UploadWizard
20:15, 11 October 2018 Lexicon o Vocabulario de la lengua general del Peru 1560 first page of vocabulary list.jpg (file) 2.31 MB User created page with UploadWizard
20:05, 11 October 2018 Grammatica, o Arte de la lengua general de los Indios de los reynos del Peru Domingo de Santo Tomás 1560 first page chapter one.jpg (file) 2.12 MB User created page with UploadWizard
16:45, 11 October 2018 Arte y grammatica muy copiosa de la lengua aymara Ludovico Bertonio 1603 title page.jpg (file) 2.24 MB User created page with UploadWizard
16:34, 11 October 2018 Vocabulario de la lengua aymara Ludovico Bertonio 1612 title page.jpg (file) 1.41 MB User created page with UploadWizard
14:24, 5 October 2018 Map of Barbados Thomas Jefferys 1750.jpg (file) 3.48 MB User created page with UploadWizard
18:28, 1 October 2018 Nicolas-Joseph Thiéry de Menonville Traite de la culture du nopal hand colored engraving 1787.jpg (file) 261 KB User created page with UploadWizard
18:11, 1 October 2018 Nicolas-Joseph Thiéry de Menonville Traite de la culture du nopal 1787 title page.jpg (file) 2.16 MB User created page with UploadWizard
16:55, 26 September 2018 Gilii Saggio di storia americana 1780 title page.jpg (file) 1.5 MB User created page with UploadWizard
14:07, 26 September 2018 Theodor Zwinger Methodus Apodemica 1577 title page.jpg (file) 1.79 MB User created page with UploadWizard
10:36, 26 September 2018 Thomas Gage title page 1648.jpg (file) 3.99 MB User created page with UploadWizard
09:09, 26 September 2018 Thomas Page, Nieuwe ende seer naeuwkeurige reyse door de Spaensche West-Indien van Thomas Gage, engraved title page, 1700.jpg (file) 1.61 MB User created page with UploadWizard
21:34, 21 September 2018 Jean-Baptiste Labat.jpg (file) 793 KB Higher resolution image from the John Carter Brown Library.
19:02, 21 September 2018 Garcilaso de la Vega La Florida Del Ynca title page 1605.jpg (file) 1.94 MB User created page with UploadWizard
18:44, 21 September 2018 Garcilaso de la Vega Commentarios Reales 1609.jpg (file) 2.07 MB User created page with UploadWizard
15:40, 21 September 2018 Diego López de Cogolludo Historia de Yucathan engraved title page 1688.jpg (file) 3.49 MB User created page with UploadWizard
14:15, 21 September 2018 Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma Chocolata Inda title page 1644.jpg (file) 1.06 MB User created page with UploadWizard
17:26, 20 September 2018 Bernardo De Vargas Machuca, Milicia y descripcion de las Indias, Frontispiece, 1599.jpg (file) 533 KB User created page with UploadWizard
16:59, 20 September 2018 Bernardo De Vargas Machuca, Milicia y descripcion de las Indias, Title Page, 1599.jpg (file) 377 KB User created page with UploadWizard
15:31, 20 September 2018 Voyage of Francisco de Orellana Map by António Pereira 1546.jpg (file) 915 KB User created page with UploadWizard
20:22, 7 September 2018 Philip Dawe (attributed), The Bostonians Paying the Excise-man, or Tarring and Feathering (1774) - 02.jpg (file) 2.38 MB Higher resolution image
17:32, 7 September 2018 Map of Hispaniola.JPG (file) 771 KB High resolution, full color image
18:34, 3 September 2018 Alexandre Sabés Pétion Portrait circa 1807-1818 JCB.jpg (file) 5.95 MB User created page with UploadWizard
17:56, 3 September 2018 Toussaint L'Ouverture.jpg (file) 2.67 MB Higher resolution image of the original digitized engraving at the John Carter Brown Library.
18:31, 31 August 2018 Vocabulario en lengua çapoteca Juan de Córdoba 1578 title page.jpg (file) 2.89 MB User created page with UploadWizard
17:24, 31 August 2018 Arte en lengua zapoteca Juan de Córdoba 1578 title page.jpg (file) 2.09 MB User created page with UploadWizard
15:53, 31 August 2018 Nova plantarum, animalium et mineralium Mexicanorum historia 1651 title page.jpg (file) 4.21 MB User created page with UploadWizard
20:03, 30 August 2018 Hernán Cortés Segunda Carta 1524 JCB.jpg (file) 3.08 MB User created page with UploadWizard
14:16, 30 August 2018 Plan de l'île d'Amelia à la côte de la Floride orientale 1779.jpg (file) 10.23 MB User created page with UploadWizard
18:58, 29 August 2018 Nova plantarum, animalium et mineralium Mexicanorum historia Francisco Hernandez 1651 engraved title page.jpg (file) 7.29 MB User created page with UploadWizard
20:03, 25 August 2018 Psalmodia Christiana Bernardino de Sahagún 1583 title page.jpg (file) 2.76 MB User created page with UploadWizard
19:43, 25 August 2018 Florilegio Medicinal Juan de Esteyneffer 1732.pdf (file) 74.11 MB reduced file size
20:44, 24 August 2018 Bernal Diaz del Castillo Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España 1632.jpg (file) 6.95 MB User created page with UploadWizard
12:47, 23 August 2018 Florilegio Medicinal Juan de Esteyneffer 1712 title page.jpg (file) 3.2 MB User created page with UploadWizard
15:37, 10 August 2018 Map of the Entire World WDL2833.png (file) 85.71 MB Reverted to version as of 15:36, 10 August 2018 (UTC)
15:00, 10 August 2018 Dibujo Escudo de Armas de México.jpg (file) 7.96 MB new image source and higher quality image https://jcb.lunaimaging.com/luna/servlet/s/mt8wxe
18:14, 26 July 2018 Hendrick Theyanoguin.jpg (file) 3.99 MB original, higher resolution image from the John Carter Brown Library
18:04, 26 July 2018 Isaac Aboab Fonseca.jpg (file) 4.61 MB original, higher resolution image from the John Carter Brown Library
16:19, 17 July 2018 JCB Orinoco River Survey 1803.jpg (file) 24.65 MB User created page with UploadWizard
15:05, 16 July 2018 JCB Bay Psalm Book title page.jpg (file) 5.63 MB User created page with UploadWizard