Uploads by Eric278

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
02:20, 21 July 2017 KMB88 AVBWU581.jpg (file) 2.76 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=88線用車AVBWU581(配「城市脈搏」塗裝)抵達{{bt|大圍鐵路站}}總站}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2017-07-21 |Permission = |other_versi...
04:28, 29 June 2017 KMB978 HeartBeatOfTheCity AVBWU567.jpg (file) 2.79 MB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=The first KMB buses with "Heartbeat of the City" Livery Volvo B9TL was launched on June 28 2017 with AVBWU567 / UW5239 being scheduled bus of Rt. 978 }} {{zh|1=九巴首批採用「城市脈搏」標準色系的富...
06:32, 8 November 2016 Kmb673 atenu1183.jpg (file) 2.93 MB User created page with UploadWizard
06:32, 8 November 2016 Kmb373 atenu1179.jpg (file) 2.12 MB User created page with UploadWizard
04:31, 2 September 2016 Kmb214 atenu1114.jpg (file) 2.99 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=九巴214線全線採用全新Facelift車身的Enviro 500 MMC 12米(ATENU)行走}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2016-08-30 |Permission = |other_version...
07:31, 14 June 2016 A43p-5501.jpg (file) 3.47 MB User created page with UploadWizard
07:31, 14 June 2016 A43-5507.jpg (file) 2.9 MB User created page with UploadWizard
03:36, 13 May 2016 CTB962B 6350.JPG (file) 4.95 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=Enviro 500 MMC 12.8米 (Facelift MKII車身)已成為962B線主力車款}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2016-05-12 |Permission = |other_versions = }}
17:00, 17 April 2016 NLB-MD01-B2P.JPG (file) 2.57 MB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=New Lantau Bus MAN A95 12m (MD01 / TU9868) with Chinese New Year 2016 (Year of Monkey) Livery}} {{zh|1=嶼巴其中一輛於2015年訂購的猛獅MAN A95 12米低地台雙層空調巴士MD01 / TU9868,被選為201...
03:27, 15 April 2016 NWFB-8P-6090.JPG (file) 2.29 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=新巴於2015年訂購的猛獅MAN A95 12.8米低地台雙層空調巴士樣版車,配置ND323F引擎及馬來西亞順豐Lion's City DD車身,編號為6090 / TZ9333,於2016年4月6日首航8P線並成為固...
02:34, 31 March 2016 CTBE21 6509.JPG (file) 2.06 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=城巴配Facelift MKII車身的Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC 12.8米雙層低地台空調巴士量產版 (6509 / TZ7097) 現於E21線行走 }} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |D...
16:02, 19 December 2015 KMB108 ATENU850.JPG (file) 1.73 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=108線延長至啟業後,全線改派新落地的Facelift MKII車身亞歷山大丹尼士Enviro 500 MMC 12米(ATENU)行走}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date...
04:43, 14 October 2015 KMB270S ATENU326.JPG (file) 1.89 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=270S線改經青沙公路後,總站延長至聯和墟}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2015-10-09 |Permission = |other_versions = }}
02:00, 9 June 2015 Hk-30x 4501.jpg (file) 2.14 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=新巴首輛出牌的富豪B9TL 11.3米(4501/TK3778),屬全球首批富豪B9TL的11.3米版本,現成為30X線的常用車款}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date...
08:29, 25 April 2015 962b 6300.jpg (file) 2.31 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=全球第三輛12.8米長的Enviro500 MMC(6300/SV9154)目前獲安排行走962B及962系列路線}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2015-04-25 |Permission...
14:49, 22 April 2015 A43 6501.jpg (file) 2.09 MB {{Information |Description=龍運首輛客車版Enviro 500 MMC 12米(6501/TG8125)現為A43線用車 |Source= |Date=2015-04-10 |Author=eric278 |Permission= |other_versions= }}
16:18, 7 April 2015 290 atenu456.jpg (file) 3.3 MB {{Information |Description =290 / 290A線其中一輛掛牌車 (ATENU456 / TF7808) 上掛「將荃線」全車身宣傳廣告,該車亦是「將荃線」290線於將軍澳(彩明)開出之首航班次。 |Source =Own work |Author...
07:45, 25 February 2015 Ctbe22a 8508.jpg (file) 2.36 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=城巴於2015年全新引入的亞歷山大丹尼士Enviro 500 MMC 12米(附行李架版本)(8508 / TD8018)行走E22A線}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date...
02:13, 8 December 2014 Ctb 969 8400.jpg (file) 97 KB 新創建於2013年獲政府資助購買3輛配置歐盟六型引擎混合電能及柴油版的Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC 12米雙層低地台空調巴士,其中城巴獲編配2輛,第二輛巴士8400/TB2893於2014年11月16日運抵本港...
07:16, 7 December 2014 Kmb 104 ath3.jpg (file) 2.32 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=由環境保護署資助,九巴第三部配備歐盟第六代環保引擎混合動力雙層巴士Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC 12米「hBus」(ATH3 / TB5034),於2014年12月5日首航過海隧道巴士104...
02:15, 28 November 2014 Nwfb 8 5600.jpg (file) 120 KB  
01:54, 28 November 2014 Hk-8 5600.jpg (file) 238 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Funded by Environmental Protection Department, the only NWFB Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC 12 with Euro VI Engine and Hybrid Power (5600 / TA3523) had launched at Rt. 8 from Nov 22, 2014}} {{zh|1=由環境保護...
02:49, 13 November 2014 619 ath1.jpg (file) 2.28 MB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Funded by Environmental Protection Department, the 2nd "hBus" - Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC 12 with Euro VI Engine and Hybrid Power (ATH1 / TA2344) had run her maiden voyage on Cross Harbour Route 619 at Nov 13...
04:43, 15 October 2014 606 amc1.jpg (file) 2.77 MB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=香港專營巴士中首輛荷蘭VDL DB300雙軸雙層低地台空調巴士(AMC1/SY4050),配MCV D102RLE-HK車身,於2014年10月13日起加入成為606線掛牌車}} |Source ={{own}} |Author...
16:50, 4 October 2014 KMB51 AAU23.JPG (file) 346 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=51線現時唯一可使用的車款為已安裝手動減速器的Enviro200(AAU),圖片為其中一輛AAU23 / PZ4255}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2014-1...
16:36, 17 May 2014 373A ATENU278.JPG (file) 151 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=373A新掛牌車 (ATENU 278 / SR8990) 於2014年5月起行走}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date = |Permission = |other_versions = }}
15:58, 9 March 2014 Kmb118 atenu70.jpg (file) 150 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=新一代Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC低地台雙層空調巴士於2013年9月起引入過海隧巴118線,本相片為其中一部掛牌車ATENU70 / SE6593,為荔枝角廠首部出牌的同款巴士,更貼...
16:30, 1 July 2013 KMB68E ATSE28.JPG (file) 154 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=ATSE28 / RV1709 @ KMB 68E,攝於八鄉路總站外}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2013-06-29 |Permission = |other_versions = }}
10:02, 12 June 2013 CTBA29 8002.JPG (file) 182 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=城巴新一代Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 MMC客車版12米 (8002 / RY5664)服役於A29線}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2013-06-10 |Permission = |other_...
17:59, 13 April 2013 NWFB798 5535.JPG (file) 190 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=798線現已加入Enviro500行走,照片上巴士為5513 / PU9303}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2013-04-11 |Permission = |other_versions = }}
16:10, 28 March 2013 KMB28B AVC27.JPG (file) 197 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=行走九巴28B的單層富豪B7RLE低地台巴士 (AVC27 / PH381),前身為224M掛牌車}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2013-03-28 |Permission = |other_...
12:32, 25 March 2013 CTB19 8174.JPG (file) 190 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=城巴19號線的電子路線牌,路線牌以目的地及「19與8X同路」交替顯示,以表示該線與8X相同路線}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =20...
17:35, 9 February 2013 CTB930 8313.JPG (file) 197 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=城巴配置歐盟五型引擎的Alexander Dennis Enviro 500 12米低地台雙層空調巴士行走930線}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date = |Permission = |ot...
17:24, 8 February 2013 CTB698R 7029.JPG (file) 228 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=城巴配置歐盟五型環保引擎的Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 10.5米雙軸雙層低地台空調巴士量產版(7029 / RC6494)行走698R線}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =[[User:Eric278|Eric27...
03:21, 26 January 2013 CTB171 8305.jpg (file) 189 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=城巴新落地的Enviro 500 (8305 / RU9629) 服役171線,剛離開美孚}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2013-01-23 |Permission = |other_versions = }}
02:56, 26 January 2013 CTB619 8297.jpg (file) 204 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=城巴第二代歐盟五型Enviro 500雙層空調巴士(8208-8320)成為619線主力,本巴士為8297 / RU4497}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2013-01-19 ...
03:38, 21 January 2013 KMB15X AD161.JPG (file) 186 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=九巴15X首航巴士之一:AD161 / GJ3975,於首航日08:30由廣田邨開出,駛經啟田商場外}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2013-01-21 |Permissio...
01:31, 1 December 2012 KMB 286X AV257.JPG (file) 206 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=286X掛牌車AV257(HH8875)於美田邨上客 }} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2012-12-01 |Permission = |other_versions = }}
15:22, 11 June 2012 KMB 270P.JPG (file) 226 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=270P現已改為前往九龍鐵路站}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date = |Permission = |other_versions = }}
04:51, 10 June 2012 270a avbwu265.jpg (file) 141 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=270A掛牌車之一的Wright Eclipse Gemini 2車身及歐盟五型環保引擎的富豪B9TL低地台雙層空調巴士AVBWU265/RJ5671,剛駛入尖沙咀東(麼地道)巴士總站}} |Source ={{own}} ...
16:24, 29 May 2012 MTR K65 140.JPG (file) 184 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=港鐵首部Alexander Dennis Enviro 400雙軸雙層低地台空調巴士(140/RJ7286)於2012年5月27日於本路線首航}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =...
17:09, 25 May 2012 KMB N76 AVC34.JPG (file) 177 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=N76上水頭班車通常採用富豪B7RLE行走}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2012-05-25 |Permission = |other_versions = }}
16:19, 25 May 2012 KMB261 ASU7.JPG (file) 155 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=Scania K310UD 12米低地台雙層空調巴士(ASU7/PC3026)由2012年5月7日起成為261線掛牌車}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date = |Permission = |...
03:37, 24 May 2012 Kmb261p asu7.jpg (file) 142 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=261P常用車-ASU7/PC3026,由261-07字軌抽調}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2012-05-24 |Permission = |other_versions = }}
17:08, 8 April 2012 KNGMB84.JPG (file) 161 KB 豐田石油氣小巴NL6453現於九龍專線小巴84號線服役
16:37, 6 April 2012 LWBA33 8514.JPG (file) 121 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=龍運於2011年引入的配置歐盟五型引擎的Alexander Dennis Enviro 500低地台雙層空調巴士(8514/RB526)現為本路線字軌車}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =[[User:Eric278|Eric27...
16:35, 6 April 2012 LWBA41P 6402.JPG (file) 149 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=龍運於2010年引入的配置歐盟四型引擎的豪華版 Alexander Dennis Enviro 500低地台雙層空調巴士(6402/PE7245)現為本路線字軌車}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =[[User:Eri...
02:46, 2 April 2012 KMB251a avc57.jpg (file) 122 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=九巴新出牌的富豪B7RLE 12米低地台單層空調巴士 (AVC57 / RH3664) 現為251A掛牌車}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2012-04-02 |Permission =...
16:22, 31 March 2012 KMB251M AV178.JPG (file) 119 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=251M總站已於2012年3月31日起遷往上村}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2012-03-31 |Permission = |other_versions = }}
15:38, 31 March 2012 KMB251A AVC59.JPG (file) 124 KB {{Information |Description ={{zh|1=九巴251A派出富豪B7RLE 12米低地台單層空調巴士行走,AVC59/RH4394為其中一部首日航派車}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Eric278 |Date =2012-03-31 |Pe...
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