Uploads by Contributor~commonswiki

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This special page shows all uploaded files that have not been deleted; for those see the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
15:07, 25 May 2007 Unidentified spider 4.jpg (file) 1.6 MB  
22:41, 24 May 2007 Nierenschalenstapel lade rtw.jpg (file) 170 KB {{Information |Description= {{en|Stack of disposable kidney dishes made of pulp, stored in a drawer.}} {{de|Stapel von Einweg-Nierenschalen aus Zellstoff, verstaut in einer Schublade.}} |Source=self-made |Date= 200
14:43, 18 May 2007 Unidentified spider 3.jpg (file) 78 KB {{Information |Description= Unknown spider. Location: Vienna, Austria |Source= own work |Date= 2007-05-05 |Author= Contributor |Permission= see license |other_versions= on request }} Category:Unknown spiders
14:41, 18 May 2007 Unidentified spider 2.jpg (file) 45 KB == Beschreibung == {{Information |Description= Unknown spider. Location: Vienna, Austria |Source= own work |Date= 2007-05-05 |Author= Contributor |Permission= see license |other_versions= on request }} Category:Unknown spiders
14:39, 18 May 2007 Unidentified spider 1.jpg (file) 44 KB {{Information |Description= Unknown spider. Location: Vienna, Austria |Source= own work |Date= 2007-05-05 |Author= Contributor |Permission= see license |other_versions= on request }} Category:Unknown spiders
18:21, 24 April 2007 Emil klaeger portrait.jpg (file) 600 KB {{Information |Description= {{de|Portrait des Journalisten Emil Kläger}} |Source= {{de|Emil Kläger: ''Durch die Wiener Quartiere des Elends und Verbrechens: ein Wanderbuch aus dem Jenseits.'' K. Mitschke, Wien 1908 (Rückseite des v
23:10, 30 March 2007 Zollamtssteg front ctrb.jpg (file) 2.46 MB {{Information |Description= {{de|Vorderansicht des Zollamtsstegs in Wien. Aufgenommen von Nordwesten aus (Schallautzerstraße) nach einem Regenschauer. Im Hintergrund teilweise zu sehen: Ehemalige Finanzlandesdirektion, V
16:02, 26 March 2007 AUT mail advice of delivery.jpg (file) 2.02 MB {{Information| |Description = {{en|Composite picture showing the front and back of an advice of delivery for registered mail as used by the Austrian Post AG (the federal Austrian postal service).}} {{de|Zus
19:47, 23 March 2007 Palais coburg entrance night edit.jpg (file) 1.67 MB {{Information |Description= {{en|Palais Coburg entrance at night.}} {{de|Eingang des Palais Coburg bei Nacht.}} |Source= own work |Date= 2007-03-16 |Author= Contributor for Wikipedia |Permis
18:52, 22 March 2007 Palais coburg entrance night.jpg (file) 1.91 MB {{Information |Description= {{en|Palais Coburg entrance at night.}} {{de|Eingang des Palais Coburg bei Nacht.}} |Source= own work |Date= 2007-03-16 |Author= Contributor for Wikipedia |Permis
21:37, 21 March 2007 Austrian police car evening ctrb.jpg (file) 355 KB {{Information |Description={{en|A typical Austrian police car (brand: VW Passat) standing by with enabled light bar in Vienna during an police operation in the evening. The blue-red-silver exterior design was officially introduced in 200
00:28, 13 March 2007 Flex (venue) entrance.jpg (file) 1.27 MB {{Information |Description= Entrance of the "Flex" club in Vienna, Austria. |Source=myself |Date=see EXIF |Author=Contributor for Wikipedia |Permission= see license |other_versions= on request }}
19:25, 23 December 2006 District heating plant spittelau ssw.jpg (file) 3.06 MB {{Information| |Description = {{en|South-southwest view of District Heating Plant Spittelau, Vienna. Exterior design by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Afternoon picture at low sun angle.}} ---- {{de|Südsü
19:05, 3 November 2006 Knurling closeup.jpg (file) 665 KB {{Information| |Description = {{en|1=Close-up shot of a diamond-pattern knurling on a cylindric work piece. Knurling method: left/right with tips raised (DIN 82 name: RGE), spiral angle: 30°, pitch
14:50, 18 August 2006 Grahamweckerl.jpg (file) 2.4 MB {{Information |Description={{de|Foto eines in Österreich handelsüblichen länglichen Brötchens aus Grahammehl, genannt ''Grahamweckerl''.}} |Source= selbst fotografiert / self-taken |Date= 2006-08
23:28, 30 July 2006 C12 air ambulance.jpg (file) 266 KB cropped the image on the left (used tool: http://astro.berkeley.edu/~mperrin/software/ljcrop/ - lossless JPEG cropper)
15:57, 29 July 2006 Schornstein Kletterpflanze Meidling.jpg (file) 1.24 MB {{Information |Description={{de|Alter Ziegelschornstein einer ehemaligen Fabrik in Wien Meidling, fast vollständig mit einer Kletterpflanze zugewuchert (vermutl. Efeu).}} {{en|Old br
11:30, 21 July 2006 HQL Plan 3C.jpg (file) 381 KB desc. goes here
19:28, 18 July 2006 Wiener hundeklo margaretengürtel.jpg (file) 949 KB {{Information |Description={{en|Public "dog loo" (litter box for dogs) in a dog park in Vienna, Austria. The picture shows: * A triangular sign with a black dog symbol and the label "Wiener Hundeklo" (lit. German for: Viennesse dog loo) * An old tire, lab
17:22, 18 July 2006 OEBB 2070 abgestellt.jpg (file) 1.57 MB {{Information| |Description = {{en|ÖBB shunting engine, class 2070, on a siding at Südbahnhof Wien (Southern Railway Station Vienna)}} |Source = selbst fotografiert / self-taken |Date = original photo taken on 2006-05-20 |Author = [[User:Contributor|Con
14:20, 9 February 2006 Runder Flakturm Augarten.jpg (file) 34 KB {{Information| |Description = Gefechtsturm Augarten. Der runde Flakturm (Gefechtsturm) im Wiener Augarten. Dies ist der mächtigere der beiden Flaktürme im Augarten, er befindet sich direkt im "Parterre", dem vorderen Bereich des Augartens. Dieser Flakt
13:55, 9 February 2006 Münze-Österreich-Gebäude bei Nacht.jpg (file) 1.12 MB {{Information| |Description = '''en''':Main Building of the Münze Österreich AG by night.<br>'''de''':Hauptgebäude der Münze Österreich AG am Heumarkt, bei Nacht. |Source = self taken |Date = created 16. Jan. 2006 |Author = [[User:Contributor|Contrib
17:54, 8 February 2006 Hollow tree detail.jpg (file) 796 KB {{Information| |Description = '''en''': Hollow tree detail shot. This tree was completely hollowed out over the years by insects. One can actually see through the tree by looking into one of the knotholes. Also notice how the remaining tree substance is
17:02, 8 February 2006 Xyz display milling machine.jpg (file) 324 KB {{Information| |Description = Passive XYZ-Display of a traditional milling maschine. (not CNC) |Source = self taken |Date = foto taken on 26. Jan. 2001 |Author = Contributor |Permission = see license |other_versions = none }}
16:40, 8 February 2006 Italian trattoria sign.jpg (file) 271 KB {{Information| |Description = Italian Trattoria sign. This photo was taken somewhere in the toscana, the exact location of the depicted sign is no longer known to the author. |Source = selbst fotografiert / self-taken |Date = photo created in Summer 200
15:11, 8 February 2006 Wilhelm Carl Ritter von Haidinger (edit).jpg (file) 289 KB {{Information| |Description = Wilhelm Karl Ritter von Haidinger, Lithographie Originallithographie im Besitz von de:User:Peter_Geymayer. |Source = |Date = Original Artwork created 1844, Edit of reproduction done on 8. Feb. 2006 |Author = Original
15:22, 29 January 2006 Zu- und Eingang in Augarten.jpg (file) 916 KB {{Information |Description = Zu- und Eingang in Augarten Fotograph of a Reproduction of the following Artwork: Zu- und Eingang in Augarten, von Johann Ziegler, Kupferstich, erschienen 1782, I. Zustand St. W Information on the original author: Johann Z
21:46, 28 January 2006 Gischt schiff.jpg (file) 210 KB == Beschreibung == {{Information| |Description = Spume in the open sea, produced by a ship. Gischt im offenen Meer, hervorgerufen durch ein Schiff. Von oben fotographiert. |Source = selbst fotografiert / self-taken |Date = original photo taken in Summer
18:45, 27 January 2006 Typical English.jpg (file) 73 KB Lossless Transformation done on first version of this file: jpegtran -crop 352x224+0+0 -outfile tmp Typical_English_original.jpg jpegtran -rot 90 -perfect -outfile Typical_English.jpg tmp
18:31, 27 January 2006 Clematis recta1.jpg (file) 75 KB jpegtran -rot 90 -perfect -outfile tmp Clematis_recta1.jpg && mv tmp Clematis_recta1.jpg
18:27, 27 January 2006 Saibashi and ohashi.jpg (file) 306 KB jpegtran -rot 90 -perfect -outfile tmp Saibashi_and_ohashi.jpg && mv tmp Saibashi_and_ohashi.jpg
18:24, 27 January 2006 Oxyria digyna1.jpg (file) 85 KB jpegtran -rot 90 -perfect -outfile tmp Oxyria_digyna1.jpg && mv tmp Oxyria_digyna1.jpg
18:20, 27 January 2006 Halloween Superstore 02.jpg (file) 50 KB jpegtran -rot 270 -perfect -outfile tmp Halloween_Superstore_02.jpg && mv tmp Halloween_Superstore_02.jpg
18:12, 27 January 2006 Chainsaw Sabri.jpg (file) 568 KB jpegtran -rot 90 -perfect -outfile tmp Chainsaw_Sabri.jpg && mv tmp Chainsaw_Sabri.jpg
17:56, 27 January 2006 Gas bottles for portable stove.jpg (file) 889 KB {{Information| |Description = gas bottles for a portable stove at a camping site. Gasflaschen auf einem Campingplatz, angeschlossen an den Gaskocher links im Bild und den Wohnwagen im Hintergrund. |Source = selbst fotografiert / self-taken |Date = orig
17:09, 27 January 2006 Streetlight Y Form by day.jpg (file) 474 KB {{Information| |Description = Streetlight in Y-Form, at a lonely road junction in Italy Straßenlaterne in Y-Form an einer einsamen Kreuzung in Italy. |Source = selbst fotografiert / self-taken |Date = original photo taken Summer 2001 |Author = [[User:
16:07, 27 January 2006 Wienerberg Delugan-Meissl Tower.jpg (file) 576 KB {{Information| |Description = Delugan-Meissl Tower at the Wienerberg in Vienna Delugan-Meissl-Turm am Wienerberg in der Mitte des Bildes. Links davon: vermutl. Vienna Twin Towers Rechts davon: Mischek-Coop-Himmeblau-Turm |Source = selbst fotografiert /
15:29, 27 January 2006 ASBÖ Logo Jacke.jpg (file) 429 KB {{Information| |Description = ''Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Österreich'' Logo auf der Uniformjacke eines Sanitäters. Logo of the ''Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund-Österreich'', an Austrian aid organisation, on the back of an ambulance worker's jacket. |Source =
14:39, 27 January 2006 Gelpen cylindric tip detail.jpg (file) 171 KB {{Information| |Description = Detail shot of the cylindric tip of a common gel pen Makroaufnahme der Spitze eines herkömmlichen Gelschreibers. |Source = selbst fotografiert und selbst grafisch bearbeitet / self-taken + self-edited |Date = original pho
17:21, 23 January 2006 Fiat 500L.jpg (file) 194 KB {{Information| |Description = Fiat 500L oldsmobile Etwas heruntergekommener Fiat 500L Oldtimer. Erkennbar an der Chromstange. |Source = selbst fotografiert / self-taken |Date = Somewhen in 2001 (Italy) |Author = Contributor |Permis
16:49, 23 January 2006 Pedestrian sign night fluorescent.jpg (file) 826 KB == Beschreibung == {{Information| |Description = Pedestrian-area sign painted on the ground. Photo was taken by night. Apparently the paint had some fluorescent indigrients. Fußgängerweg-Zeichen auf Asphalt, bei Nacht fotografiert. Hatte vermutlich ei
15:34, 23 January 2006 Peepshow door burggasse.jpg (file) 88 KB {{Information| |Description = Peepshow door in Vienna, Austria, with the warning: "No teenagers under age of 18 allowed" Beschriftung der Außentür einer Peepshow in der Burggasse, Wien, mit dem Hinweis : "Eintritt für Jugentliche unter 18 Jahren verb
13:44, 22 January 2006 USMCAmbulance.jpg (file) 44 KB Re-Upload of :en:Image:USMCAmbulance.jpg {{PD-USGov-Military}}
22:30, 18 January 2006 InterContinental Hotel Vienna by night.jpg (file) 1.21 MB {{Information| |Description = InterContinental Hotel Building in Vienna by Night |Source = selbst fotografiert / self-taken |Date = original photo taken 16. Jan. 2006 (unedited) |Author = Contributor |Permission = siehe Lizenz / see
15:51, 17 January 2006 Warnschild schnee ma42.jpg (file) 49 KB {{Information| |Description = Schnee-Warnschild der Magistratsabteilung 42, Wien (Gartenamt) Snow warning sign in Vienna, Austria |Source = selbst fotografiert und selbst grafisch bearbeitet / self-taken + self-made |Date = original photo taken 16. Jan
22:02, 16 January 2006 RTW Typ VW LT garage.jpg (file) 264 KB {{Information| |Description = Rettungswagen des Typs Volkswagen LT des Arbeiter-Samariterbundes-Österreich in der Garage Big Austrian ambulance car based on the VW LT series waiting for action in the garage. |Source = selbst fotografiert und selbst gr
18:51, 23 December 2005 Ktw vw t4 cockpit datenfunk.jpg (file) 83 KB {{Information| |Description = Fahrerzelle/Cockpit eines Krankenwagens (KTW) des Arbeiter-Samariterbundes Österreich, Modell VW T4 Transporter mit Detailansicht des Datenfunk-Terminals Cockpit of an austrian Ambulance car which shows the radio terminal
12:29, 18 December 2005 ASB Oesterreich KTW VW T4 Innenraum.jpg (file) 506 KB {{Information| |Description = Innenraum eines Krankenwagens (KTW) des Arbeiter-Samariterbundes Österreich, Modell VW T4 Transporter ohne Hochdach |Source = selbst fotografiert |Date = created 20. Nov. 2004 |Author = ~~~ }}