User contributions for Vriescan~commonswiki
Results for Vriescan~commonswiki talk block log uploads logs global block log global account filter log
A user with 74 edits. Account created on 5 January 2009.
29 December 2012
- 13:3013:30, 29 December 2012 diff hist +420 N File:Frits 2012UtrechtGaudeamus.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Composer Frits Weiland}} {{nl|1=Componist frits Weiland}} |Source =barbara brouwer <> |Author =Barbara Brouwer |Date =2012-12-26 |Permission =2012121910008126 |other...
26 June 2012
- 15:1415:14, 26 June 2012 diff hist +346 N File:Germolles, Fireplace detail by Sluter.jpg No edit summary
- 15:1415:14, 26 June 2012 diff hist +361 N File:Germolles, Entry reception room.JPG No edit summary
- 15:0515:05, 26 June 2012 diff hist +439 N File:Germolles, Ducal chapel.JPG {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Germolles, Ducal chapel with entries of choir and oratory}} {{nl|1=Germolles, Hertogelijke kapel met toegangen tot koor en gebedsruimte}} |Source =own |Author =Vriescan |Date ...
7 May 2012
- 09:4809:48, 7 May 2012 diff hist +393 N File:Vézelay, France, Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine. Knopkapiteel in de nartex.jpg No edit summary
1 May 2012
- 12:3012:30, 1 May 2012 diff hist +525 N File:Tournus Saint-Philibert capital 5.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=12th century capital in the Philibert chapel. (Restauration in 19th century.)}} {{nl|1=12e-eeuws kapiteel in de Philibertkapel (Restauratie 19e eeuw.)}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =[[User:Vriescan|Vri...
30 April 2012
- 14:4214:42, 30 April 2012 diff hist +354 N File:Tournus Saint-Philibert capital 3.JPG No edit summary
- 14:4114:41, 30 April 2012 diff hist +329 N File:Tournus Saint-Philibert capital 4.JPG No edit summary
- 14:4114:41, 30 April 2012 diff hist +354 N File:Tournus Saint-Philibert capital 2.JPG No edit summary
- 13:2413:24, 30 April 2012 diff hist +419 N File:Tournus Saint-Philiber capital 1.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Tournus Saint-Philiber capital 1}} {{nl|1=Tournus Saint-Philiber kapiteel 1}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Vriescan |Date =2012-04-21 |Permission = |other_versions = }} ...
6 February 2012
- 09:1309:13, 6 February 2012 diff hist +36 File:Manpad ets.jpg No edit summary
- 09:1209:12, 6 February 2012 diff hist +344 N File:Manpad ets.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Manpad}} {{nl|1=Manpad}} |Source =Han van Hagen |Author =Han van Hagen |Date =november 2011 |Permission ={{OTRSPermission|2012020510002999}} |other_versions = }} Category:Etchings
- 09:0509:05, 6 February 2012 diff hist +470 N File:Cynocephalen2.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Cynocephaly2 Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Vézelay}} {{nl|1=Cynocefaal2 Basiliek Sainte-Marie-Madeleine van Vézelay}} |Source =Han van Hagen |Author =Han van Hagen |Date =2 november 2
- 09:0109:01, 6 February 2012 diff hist +113 File:Cynocephalen.jpg qu
- 08:5208:52, 6 February 2012 diff hist +354 N File:Cynocephalen.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Cynocephaly}} {{nl|1=Cynocefaal}} |Source =Han van Hagen |Author =Han van Hagen |Date =december 2011 |Permission ={{OTRSPermission|2012020510002999}} |other_versions = }} [[Category:Bes
5 February 2012
- 13:4713:47, 5 February 2012 diff hist +332 N File:Panoteanen.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Panotti}} {{nl|1=Panotti}} |Source =Han van Hagen |Author =Han van Hagen |Date =december 2011 |Permission = |other_versions = }} Vézelay, France Category:Romaanse kunst
26 October 2011
- 10:1610:16, 26 October 2011 diff hist +342 N File:Kabelac2.jpeg No edit summary
14 August 2011
- 11:5311:53, 14 August 2011 diff hist +427 N File:Nizon-002.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Calvary in Nizon (Finisterre) France}} {{nl|1=Calvarie in Nizon (Finisterre) Frankrijk}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Vriescan |Date =juni 2011 |Permission ={{subst:OP}} |o
- 11:4811:48, 14 August 2011 diff hist +435 N File:Nizon (Finisterre) 2 bis.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Calvary in Nizon (Finisterre), France}} {{nl|1=Calvarie in Nizon (Finisterre), Frankrijk }} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Vriescan |Date =juni 2011 |Permission ={{subst:OP}}
29 May 2011
- 08:4908:49, 29 May 2011 diff hist +446 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Salomé en hoofd Joh. de D. uitsnede.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amiens_Kathedraal_Salomé_en_het hoofd_van Johannes_de_Doper}} {{nl|1=Amiens_Cathedral_Salomé_and the head of_John_the_Baptist}} |Source ={{own}}Jan de Vries |Author =Vriescan |Date
- 08:4108:41, 29 May 2011 diff hist +435 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Beeldengroep Leven St. Jakob 4 bew.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amiens_Cathedral__Sculpture group_Life of_St._Firmin}} {{nl|1=Amiens_Kathedraal__Beeldengroep_Leven_St._Firmin}} |Source ={{own}}Jan de Vries |Author =Vriescan |Date =2004-0
27 May 2011
- 08:2608:26, 27 May 2011 diff hist +204 User talk:Vriescan~commonswiki No edit summary
25 May 2011
- 18:4618:46, 25 May 2011 diff hist +369 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Hoofdportaal Apostelen.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amiens Cathedral Main portal Apostles}} {{nl|1=Amiens_Kathedraal__Hoofdportaal_Apostelen}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Vriescan Jan de Vries |Date =2004-09-11 |Permission
- 18:4018:40, 25 May 2011 diff hist +360 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Hoofdportaal.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amiens_Cathedral__Main Portal}} {{nl|1=Amiens_Kathedraal__Hoofdportaal}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =VriescanJan de Vries |Date =2004-09-11 |Permission =[Ticket#2011051910
- 18:2518:25, 25 May 2011 diff hist +368 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Hoofdportaal Apostelen 2.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amiens Cathedral Main Portal Apostles}} {{nl|1=Amiens_Kathedraal_Hoofdportaal_Apostelen}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Vriescan Jan de Vries |Date = |Permission =[Ticket#20
- 18:1918:19, 25 May 2011 diff hist +371 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Hoofdportaal.JPG {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amie3ns Cathedral Main Portal}} {{nl|1=Amiens_Kathedraal_Hoofdportaal}} |Source ={{own}} Eigen foto |Author =Vriescan Jan de Vries |Date =2004-09-11 |Permission =[Ticket
- 18:1618:16, 25 May 2011 diff hist +388 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Medaillon St. Firmin 2.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amiens_Cathedral__Medaillon_St._Firmin}} {{nl|1=Amiens_Kathedraal__Medaillon_St._Firmin}} |Source ={{own}}Eigen foto |Author =Vriescan Jan de Vries |Date =2004-09-11 |Permis
- 18:1118:11, 25 May 2011 diff hist +373 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Hoofdportaal Medaillon Drinker.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amiens Cathedral Main portal Medaillon Drinker}} {{nl|1=Amiens Kathedraal Hoofdportaal Medaillon Drinker}} |Source ={{own}}Eigen foto |Author =Vriescan Jan de Vries |Date =2
- 17:5917:59, 25 May 2011 diff hist +390 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Portaal Moeder Gods 2 uitsnede.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amiens Cathedral Portal Holy Mother}} {{nl|1=Amiens Kathedraal Portaal van de Moeder Gods}} |Source ={{own}}Eigen foto |Author =Vriescan Jan de Vries |Date =2004-09-11 |Perm
- 17:5317:53, 25 May 2011 diff hist +15 File:Amiens Kathedraal Portaal St. Firmin.jpg No edit summary
- 17:5117:51, 25 May 2011 diff hist +369 N File:Amiens Kathedraal Portaal St. Firmin.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Amiens Cathedral Main Portal}} {{nl|1=Amiens Kathedraal Hoofdportaal}} |Source ={{own}}Eigen foto |Author =Vriescan Jan de Vries |Date =2004-09-11 |Permission =[Ticket#2
21 February 2011
- 08:4808:48, 21 February 2011 diff hist −3 File:Woman in Purple.jpg No edit summary
28 January 2011
- 11:2411:24, 28 January 2011 diff hist +501 N File:S-Jaume-Llierca.jpg {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Angenelle Thijssen: San Jaume de Llierca, Lyric expressionism}} {{nl|1=Angenelle Thijssen: San Jaume de Llierca, Lyrisch expressionisme}} |Source =Angenelle Thijssen |Author =Angenelle Thijssen |Date
22 December 2010
- 09:5909:59, 22 December 2010 diff hist 0 File:Aloy.jpg uploaded a new version of File:Aloy.jpg: Reverted to version as of 16:19, 14 December 2010
- 09:5809:58, 22 December 2010 diff hist 0 File:Aloy.jpg uploaded a new version of File:Aloy.jpg: Category:etchingsCategory:animals
21 December 2010
- 15:4315:43, 21 December 2010 diff hist 0 File:Aloy.jpg uploaded a new version of File:Aloy.jpg: Aloy
- 15:4015:40, 21 December 2010 diff hist 0 File:Aloy.jpg uploaded a new version of File:Aloy.jpg: Aloy
- 13:5313:53, 21 December 2010 diff hist +36 m User talk:Vriescan~commonswiki No edit summary
- 11:0711:07, 21 December 2010 diff hist +119 User talk:Vriescan~commonswiki No edit summary
- 10:2310:23, 21 December 2010 diff hist −4 m User:Vriescan~commonswiki No edit summary
- 10:1610:16, 21 December 2010 diff hist +108 m User:Vriescan~commonswiki No edit summary
- 09:4209:42, 21 December 2010 diff hist 0 m User:Vriescan~commonswiki No edit summary
20 December 2010
- 18:5018:50, 20 December 2010 diff hist +495 N User:Vriescan~commonswiki ←Created page with '{{user nl}} {{user nl-4}} {{user en-3}} {{user de-3}} {{user fr-3}} {{user es-2}} {{user ru-1}} <br> ---- nl: de Vries is mijn achternaam, Jan mijn voornaam...'
15 December 2010
- 14:0914:09, 15 December 2010 diff hist +296 N File:Irissen.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Irises}} {{nl|1=Irissen}} |Source=Angenelle Thijssen |Author=Angenelle Thijssen |Date=2010-12-15 |Permission=Ticket#2010121510008128 |other_versions= }} Category:Painting in the Neherlands
- 14:0614:06, 15 December 2010 diff hist +322 N File:Zicht over het water.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=View on the water}} {{nl|1=Zicht over het water }} |Source=Angenelle Thijssen |Author=Angenelle Thijssen |Date=2010-12-15 |Permission=Ticket#2010121510008128 |other_versions= }} Category:Painting in the Netherlands
- 14:0014:00, 15 December 2010 diff hist +298 N File:Skyline2.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Skyline}} {{nl|1=Skyline}} |Source=Angenelle Thijssen |Author=Angenelle Thijssen |Date=2010-12-15 |Permission=Ticket#2010121510008128 |other_versions= }} Category:Painting in the Netherlands
- 13:5413:54, 15 December 2010 diff hist +332 N File:3gratiën, c'est la vie(rechts).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=The three graces (right)}} {{nl|1=De drie gratiën (rechts)}} |Source=Angenelle Thijssen |Author=Angenelle Thijssen |Date=2010-12-15 |Permission=Ticket#2010121510008128 |other_versions= }} [[Category:Painting in the Nehe
- 13:5113:51, 15 December 2010 diff hist +334 N File:3gratiën, c'est la vie(midden).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=The three graces (centre)}} {{nl|1=De drie gratiën (midden)}} |Source=Angenelle Thijssen |Author=Angenelle Thijssen |Date=2010-12-15 |Permission=Ticket#2010121510008128 |other_versions= }} [[Category:Painting in the Net
- 13:4813:48, 15 December 2010 diff hist +331 N File:3gratiën, c'est la vie(links).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=The three graces (left)}} {{nl|1=De drie gratiën (links)}} |Source=Angenelle Thijssen |Author=Angenelle Thijssen |Date=2010-12-15 |Permission=Ticket#2010121510008128 |other_versions= }} [[Category:Painting in the Nether
- 13:4013:40, 15 December 2010 diff hist +345 N File:Pensant a le Larderet.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Pensant au Larderet, France}} {{nl|1=Denkend aan le Larderet, Frankrijk}} |Source=Angenelle Thijssen |Author=Angenelle Thijssen |Date=2010-12-15 |Permission=Ticket#2010121510008128 |other_versions= }} [[Category:Painting