User contributions for Jwnabd
Results for Jwnabd talk block log uploads logs global block log global account filter log
A user with 5,141 edits.
6 October 2021
- 15:1815:18, 6 October 2021 diff hist 0 File:Berlin parliamentary elections diagram (DE).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Berlin parliamentary elections diagram (DE).svg
18 September 2021
- 14:2614:26, 18 September 2021 diff hist +76 File:Coat of arms of Berlin (sample).svg Added [de] caption: Wappen von Berlin
25 November 2016
- 18:5118:51, 25 November 2016 diff hist 0 File:Berlin parliamentary elections diagram (DE).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Berlin parliamentary elections diagram (DE).svg
28 October 2016
- 20:5420:54, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Treptow-Köpenick (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5420:54, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Tempelhof-Schöneberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5320:53, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Steglitz-Zehlendorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5320:53, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Spandau (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5320:53, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Reinickendorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5220:52, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Pankow (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5220:52, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Neukölln (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5220:52, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Mitte (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5120:51, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Marzahn-Hellersdorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5120:51, 28 October 2016 diff hist +3 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Lichtenberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5020:50, 28 October 2016 diff hist +3 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:5020:50, 28 October 2016 diff hist +5 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:3920:39, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the Berlin City Parliament (DE).svg updated current
- 20:3820:38, 28 October 2016 diff hist +157 File:Allocation of seats in the Berlin City Parliament (DE-2015-06-24).svg updated
- 20:3420:34, 28 October 2016 diff hist −1 m File:Allocation of seats in the Berlin City Parliament (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 20:3420:34, 28 October 2016 diff hist +760 N File:Allocation of seats in the Berlin City Parliament (DE-2016-10-27).svg {{Information | Description = {{De| Die Sitzordnung der Abgeordneten im Berliner Parlament.}} | Date = {{Other date|from|2016-10-27}} | Source = * {{Own}} * [ Ab...
- 20:2920:29, 28 October 2016 diff hist −2 m File:Allocation of seats in the Berlin City Parliament (DE-2016-05-11).svg corr
- 20:2920:29, 28 October 2016 diff hist +915 N File:Allocation of seats in the Berlin City Parliament (DE-2016-05-11).svg {{Information | description = {{De| Die Sitzordnung der Abgeordneten im Berliner Parlament.}} | date = {{Other date|-|2016-05-11|2016-10-27}} | source = * {{Own}} * [http://www.abgeordnetenhau...
- 11:0011:00, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5910:59, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5810:58, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Lichtenberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Lichtenberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5810:58, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Marzahn-Hellersdorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Marzahn-Hellersdorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5710:57, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Mitte (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Mitte (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5610:56, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Neukölln (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Neukölln (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5510:55, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Pankow (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Pankow (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5510:55, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Reinickendorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Reinickendorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5410:54, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Spandau (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Spandau (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5310:53, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Steglitz-Zehlendorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Steglitz-Zehlendorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5310:53, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Tempelhof-Schöneberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Tempelhof-Schöneberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 10:5210:52, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Treptow-Köpenick (DE-2016-10-27).svg Jwnabd uploaded a new version of File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Treptow-Köpenick (DE-2016-10-27).svg
- 09:5309:53, 28 October 2016 diff hist +102 N File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Treptow-Köpenick (DE).svg ←Redirected page to File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Treptow-Köpenick (DE-2016-10-27).svg current
- 09:5209:52, 28 October 2016 diff hist +123 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Treptow-Köpenick (DE-2012-04-01).svg updated
- 09:5009:50, 28 October 2016 diff hist −1 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Treptow-Köpenick (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 09:4809:48, 28 October 2016 diff hist +916 N File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Treptow-Köpenick (DE-2016-10-27).svg {{Information | description = {{De| Die Sitzverteilung der Berliner Bezirksverordnetenversammlung vom Bezirk Treptow-Köpenick.}} {{En| Allocation of seats in the borough council of Berlin borough [[:...
- 09:4209:42, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Tempelhof-Schöneberg (DE).svg updated current
- 09:4209:42, 28 October 2016 diff hist +226 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Tempelhof-Schöneberg (DE-2015-02-23).svg updated
- 09:4009:40, 28 October 2016 diff hist +74 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Tempelhof-Schöneberg (DE-2013-08-12).svg updated
- 09:3609:36, 28 October 2016 diff hist −1 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Tempelhof-Schöneberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 09:3609:36, 28 October 2016 diff hist +940 N File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Tempelhof-Schöneberg (DE-2016-10-27).svg {{Information | description = {{de| Die Sitzverteilung der Berliner Bezirksverordnetenversammlung vom Bezirk Tempelhof-Schöneberg.}} {{en| Allocation of seats in the borough council of Berlin bor...
- 09:2409:24, 28 October 2016 diff hist +104 N File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Steglitz-Zehlendorf (DE).svg ←Redirected page to File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Steglitz-Zehlendorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg current
- 09:2309:23, 28 October 2016 diff hist −1 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Steglitz-Zehlendorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 09:2009:20, 28 October 2016 diff hist +928 N File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Steglitz-Zehlendorf (DE-2016-10-27).svg {{Information | description = {{De| Die Sitzverteilung der Berliner Bezirksverordnetenversammlung vom Bezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf.}} {{En| Allocation of seats in the borough council of Berlin borough...
- 09:1709:17, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Spandau (DE).svg updated current
- 09:1509:15, 28 October 2016 diff hist +190 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Spandau (DE-2014-12-16).svg updated
- 09:1309:13, 28 October 2016 diff hist −1 m File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Spandau (DE-2016-10-27).svg corr
- 09:1309:13, 28 October 2016 diff hist +844 N File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Spandau (DE-2016-10-27).svg {{Information | description = {{De| Die Sitzverteilung der Berliner Bezirksverordnetenversammlung vom Bezirk Spandau.}} {{En| Allocation of seats in the borough council of Berlin borough Spandau...
- 09:1009:10, 28 October 2016 diff hist 0 File:Allocation of seats in the borough council of Reinickendorf (DE).svg updated current