Deutsch: Die Spatha ist ein zweischneidiges, einhändig geführtes, etwa 0,75- 1 m langes Schwert mit gerader Klinge, das in der Antike und im Frühmittelalter Europas verwendet wurde.
English: The Spatha was a popular European sword design of the Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, measuring between 0.75 and 1 m.
Celtic Swords
[edit]Roman and germanic Spathae until 3rd century
2nd century (Replica)
Reenactment of Roman Cavalry Soldier with Spatha
Reenactment of Roman Cavalry Soldier with Spatha
Langobaric grave goods, including a spatha, dating to circa 50 AD; Putensen, Germany
Spathae of the Migration Period and Early Middle Ages (4th - 7th century)
Allemanic arms (6th to 7th century)
Alamannic gold grip spatha (5th century)
Lombard Ring sword (Replica)
Lombard Ring sword (Replica)
Lombard Ring sword (Replica)
Anglo saxon ring sword
Sword scabbard (Alamannia, 7th century)
Ring sword
Vendel age sword (Sweden)
Frankish arms, migration period
Saxon arms from Germany (6th-7th century)
Anglo saxon spatha (6th century)
Sutton Hoo sword (early 7th century)