Spanish Civil War
English: Spanish Civil War was a conflict which Republicans, who were loyal to the democratic, left-leaning and relatively urban Second Spanish Republic lost against the Nationalists, a Falangist, Carlist, Catholic, and largely aristocratic conservative group led by General Francisco Franco.
Español: La Guerra Civil Española fue un conflicto que los republicanos, leales a la Segunda República española, de izquierdas y relativamente urbana, perdieron contra los nacionalistas, un grupo conservador falangista, carlista, católico y mayormente aristocrático dirigido por el general Francisco Franco.
El paso del Ebro
Los Cuatro Generales and Viva La Quince Brigada
Si me quieres escribir
President Manuel Azaña
Prime Minister Juan Negrín
Prime Minister Francisco Largo Caballero
Indalecio Prieto
Catalan President Lluís Companys
General José Miaja
General Vicente Rojo
Generalissimo Francisco Franco
General Emilio Mola
General José Sanjurjo
General Juan Yagüe
General Gonzalo Queipo de Llano
General Manuel Goded
General Manuel Fal Conde
[edit]Main category: Battles of the Spanish Civil War
Siege of the Alcázar of Toledo
Battle of Andalusia
Battle of Aragon
Battle of Brunete
Battle of the Ebro
Battle of Guadalajara
Battle of Guadarrama
Battle of Irun
Battle of Jarama
Bombing of Guernica
Battle of Majorca
Battle of Teruel
Valle de los Caídos
Franco in Reus