<nowiki>Marcă saar; ザール・マルク; Mark sarrois; marco del Sarre; saarska marka; مارك ساري; марка Саара; Saarmark; саарская марка; sarlanda marko; Saar-Mark; Marco della Saar; Saar mark; مارک زار; Marco de ła Saar; сарска марка; moneda del Protectorado del Sarre (1947-1948); devise monétaire; valuta; валюта протектората Саар в 1947-1948 годах; ehemalige Währung des Saarlands; valuutta; currency; valuto de Sarlando; moneta emessa dal governo francese; valuta v francoskem protektoratu Saar po drugi svetovni vojni; Mark sarrois; Saar-Mark; Marco de Sarre; Saarmark; Саар-марка; Марка Саара; Марка Саарской области; Марка</nowiki>
Banknotes in Saar Marks, emitted from 9 June to 20 November 1947, to replace at parity the former mark from the German Reich, which no longer had legal tender in the French protectorate on Saar, in and to avoid a massive capital flight to the rest of occupied Germany. However, the former coins in hundreds of mark (pfennigs) minted by the Reich will still be legally used as hundredth divisions of the Saar mark (no coins in Saar pfennigs were minted). These banknotes were in use for several months, concurently with banknotes and coins in French francs, in preparation for an economical and monetary union of Saar with France, before being completely replaced by the Saar franc, at the rate of twenty Saar francs for one Saar mark. Banknotes in Saar marks and coins in German pfennnigs have stopped being used on 15 January 1948, but will be freely exchangeable in the Saar Protectorate (or at Banque de France for banknotes only) to new banknotes and coins in Saar francs (and Saar centimes) until June 1948.
Front side
Back side
origin and value labeled in French (without the plural mark for the currency name);
includes the serial numbers.
origin and value labeled in German;
legal notices included in two languages:
French: « Le contrefacteur sera puni des peines prévues par la loi. »
German: „Der Nachdruck wird mit den Durch das Gesetz verfügten strafen bestraft.‟
English: “The reprint will be punished by the penalties imposed by law.” (translation)