(Redirected from Pelophylax)
Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Classis: Amphibia • Subclassis: Lissamphibia • Ordo: Anura • Subordo: Neobatrachia • Familia: Ranidae • Genus: Pelophylax Fitzinger, 1843
Palmirana Ritgen, 1828
Baliopygus Schultze, 1891
Baliopygus Schultze, 1891
Vernacular names [edit wikidata 'Category:Pelophylax' linked to current category]
[edit wikidata 'Pelophylax' main topic of 'Category:Pelophylax'] 

- English: Green Frogs; Water Frogs
- العربية: ضفدع الماء
- مصرى: ضفدع الماء
- български: Зелени жаби
- čeština: skokan
- чӑвашла: Симĕс шапа
- Deutsch: Wasserfrösche
- español: Ranas verdes
- suomi: Vihersammakot
- עברית: צפרדע
- 한국어: 참개구리속
- latviešu: Dīķa vardes
- македонски: водна жаба
- Nederlands: Groene kikkers
- Diné bizaad: Tó wónaanídę́ę́ʼ táyiʼ chʼał
- русский: Зелёные лягушки
- slovenščina: zelena žaba
- Sunda: Bangkong héjo
- svenska: Gröngrodor
- українська: Зелена жаба
- West-Vlams: Groene puut
- 中文: 側褶蛙屬
- 中文(中国大陆): 侧褶蛙属
- 中文(简体): 侧褶蛙属
- 中文(臺灣): 側褶蛙屬

Wikispecies has an entry on:
- P. bedriagae, P. bergeri, P. caralitanus, P. cerigensis, P. chosenicus, P. cretensis, P. demarchii, P. epeiroticus, P. esculentus, P. fukienensis, P. grafi, P. hispanicus, P. hubeiensis, P. kurtmuelleri, P. lateralis, P. lessonae, P. nigromaculatus, P. perezi, P. plancyi, P. porosus, P. ridibundus, P. saharicus, P. shqipericus, P. tenggerensis, P. terentievi
- P. bedriagae, P. bergeri, P. caralitanus, P. cerigensis, P. chosenicus, P. cretensis, P. demarchii, P. epeiroticus, P. fukienensis, P. hubeiensis, P. kurtmuelleri, P. lateralis, P. lessonae, P. nigromaculatus, P. perezi, P. plancyi, P. porosus, P. ridibundus, P. saharicus, P. shqipericus, P. tenggerensis, P. terentievi
- P. bedriagae, P. caralitanus, P. cerigensis, P. chosenicus, P. cretensis, P. cypriensis, P. demarchii, P. epeiroticus, P. fukienensis, P. hubeiensis, P. kurtmuelleri, P. lessonae, P. nigromaculatus, P. perezi, P. plancyi, P. porosus, P. ridibundus, P. saharicus, P. shqipericus, P. tenggerensis, P. terentievi
genus of amphibians | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Taxon author | Leopold Fitzinger, 1843 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Pelophylax is a new genus (or subgenus) that consists of the Eurasian green waterfrogs. Formerly these species were members of the big genus Rana, named by Linnaeus. Considering their DNA and common lifestyles and easy hybridizations they should be placed in their own genus.
This category has the following 32 subcategories, out of 32 total.
- Pelophylax distribution maps (24 F)
- Pelophylax tadpoles (5 F)
- Unidentified Pelophylax (127 F)
- Pelophylax bedriagae (24 F)
- Pelophylax bergeri (13 F)
- Pelophylax caralitanus (1 P, 10 F)
- Pelophylax cerigensis (1 P, 3 F)
- Pelophylax chosenicus (5 F)
- Pelophylax cypriensis (5 F)
- Pelophylax epeiroticus (1 P, 6 F)
- Pelophylax fukienensis (3 F)
- Pelophylax grafi (1 P, 3 F)
- Pelophylax hispanicus (2 F)
- Pelophylax hubeiensis (1 F)
- Pelophylax kurtmuelleri (25 F)
- Pelophylax lateralis (5 F)
- Pelophylax nigromaculatus (1 P, 22 F)
- Pelophylax perezi (1 P, 91 F)
- Pelophylax plancyi (11 F)
- Pelophylax porosus (1 P, 15 F)
- Pelophylax shqipericus (1 P, 2 F)
- Pelophylax tenggerensis (1 F)
- Pelophylax terentievi (1 F)
- Pelophylax pueyoi (19 F)
Media in category "Pelophylax"
The following 72 files are in this category, out of 72 total.
De-Wasserfrosch.ogg 2.0 s; 19 KB
'Amfibie-Pelophylax-Groene kikker-01.jpg 658 × 426; 218 KB
2016 09 10 Frosch2.jpg 555 × 501; 53 KB
2017.05.06.-07-Kirschgartshaeuser Schlaege Mannheim--Wasserfrosch-unbestimmt.jpg 2,868 × 2,655; 8.09 MB
2017.05.06.-08-Kirschgartshaeuser Schlaege Mannheim--Wasserfrosch-unbestimmt.jpg 3,196 × 3,247; 10.48 MB
2017.05.06.-09-Kirschgartshaeuser Schlaege Mannheim--Wasserfrosch-unbestimmt.jpg 3,022 × 2,194; 6.56 MB
2017.05.06.-10-Kirschgartshaeuser Schlaege Mannheim--Wasserfrosch-unbestimmt.jpg 2,986 × 2,194; 6.47 MB
2017.05.06.-11-Kirschgartshaeuser Schlaege Mannheim--Wasserfrosch-unbestimmt.jpg 2,809 × 2,194; 6.19 MB
Abel teichfrosch1.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 2.82 MB
Abel teichfrosch2.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 3.49 MB
Angelsee Frankfurt Nied Der kleine Wasserfrosch.jpg 3,616 × 2,712; 2.33 MB
Blausteinsee Tierwelt 07.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 217 KB
Blausteinsee Tierwelt 08.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 206 KB
British reptiles and batrachians (Page (58), Fig. 23) BHL4381361.jpg 2,103 × 3,490; 698 KB
Duivenbos 30.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 14.07 MB
Duivenbos 31.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 14.34 MB
Duivenbos 32.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 14.19 MB
Duivenbos 33.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 14.64 MB
Duivenbos 34.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 14.28 MB
Duivenbos 35.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 14.56 MB
Duivenbos 36.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 15.01 MB
Duivenbos 37.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 13.84 MB
Duivenbos 38.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 12.99 MB
Duivenbos 39.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 14.89 MB
Duivenbos 40.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 11.99 MB
Duivenbos 41.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 11.89 MB
Elne - Tropique du papillon 72.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 13.58 MB
Frosch im unteren Odertal.JPG 1,920 × 1,280; 860 KB
Grenouille dans le parc du château de Rambouillet 01.jpg 2,505 × 1,670; 290 KB
Grenouille dans le parc du château de Rambouillet 02.jpg 3,226 × 3,226; 737 KB
Grenouille dans le parc du château de Rambouillet 03.jpg 5,058 × 3,372; 1.34 MB
Grenouille verte (Pelophylax sp) - Baie de Somme.jpg 4,896 × 3,672; 4.43 MB
Grenouille verte dans une mare à characées.jpg 3,984 × 2,656; 1.3 MB
Grenouille Zoo Bourbansais.JPG 4,608 × 3,456; 3.41 MB
Grenouilles vertes répartition eur1.png 1,425 × 1,020; 87 KB
Groene kikker (3836681608).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.68 MB
Groene kikker in waterlelie.jpg 4,542 × 3,027; 7.07 MB
Groene kikkers 10-4-19 - Flickr - Bas van Oorschot.jpg 4,896 × 3,672; 7.44 MB
Groene kikkers.jpg 4,272 × 2,848; 7.19 MB
Grünfrosch Weilbacher Kiesgrube.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.72 MB
IMG 6317^ Pelophylax.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 3.78 MB
In Jardí Botànic de Sóller 35.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 9.88 MB
In Jardí Botànic de Sóller 36.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 8.17 MB
In Jardí Botànic de Sóller 37.jpg 3,504 × 2,336; 1.33 MB
Kikkerliefde.jpg 3,456 × 2,308; 1.03 MB
Kreuzkröte, Spreetal zwischen Neubrück und Fürstenwalde.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.94 MB
NLG-Buchwald Frosch 01.jpg 3,100 × 2,212; 5.58 MB
NLG-Buchwald Frosch 02.jpg 2,248 × 1,548; 3.72 MB
NLG-Buchwald Frosch 03.jpg 1,028 × 924; 873 KB
Oerlinghausen - 2019-07-06 - NSG Steinbruch Barkhauser Berg (DSC 7174).jpg 4,500 × 3,292; 10.49 MB
Oerlinghausen - 2019-07-06 - NSG Steinbruch Barkhauser Berg (DSC 7178).jpg 4,500 × 3,167; 10.02 MB
Oerlinghausen - 2019-07-06 - NSG Steinbruch Barkhauser Berg (DSC 7185).jpg 4,500 × 3,214; 10.4 MB
Pelophylax epeirot.jpg 800 × 529; 360 KB
Pelophylax sp kz01.jpg 3,179 × 2,271; 1.45 MB
Pelophylax sp. quarries near Sloboda.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 990 KB
Pelophylax sp.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 2.81 MB
Pelophylax spec. (Anura sp.), Elst (Gld), the Netherlands.jpg 800 × 600; 447 KB
Pelophylax spec. (Ranidae) - (adult), Elst (Gld), the Netherlands.jpg 1,000 × 750; 214 KB
Pelophylax spec. (Ranidae) - (subadult), Elst (Gld), the Netherlands.jpg 1,000 × 750; 169 KB
Pelophylax, 76437 Rastatt.jpg 1,600 × 1,181; 581 KB
PP Velký troubný (40).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.54 MB
PP Velký troubný (41).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.56 MB
Rana sopra una ninfea.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 4.16 MB
Rana verde - Genere Pelophylax sp. - Parco Nord Milano.jpg 1,094 × 820; 513 KB
Strigea robusta life cycle.webp 1,592 × 554; 213 KB
Swietochlowice Lasek Chropaczowski Pelophylax.jpg 1,357 × 1,017; 879 KB
Teichfrösche beim Sonnenbaden.jpg 2,560 × 1,706; 3.87 MB
Wasserfrosch grün.jpg 2,261 × 1,695; 2.61 MB
Wasserfrosch NSG Lieper Burg.jpg 5,120 × 2,880; 3.95 MB
Żaba wodna, Pelophylax kl. esculentus.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 5.2 MB
Алматы, роща Баума, лягушка в БАК.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 8.17 MB
Алматы, роща Баума, лягушки в БАК.jpg 3,780 × 2,835; 6.79 MB